"How Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole are preparing for the world stage and how we can all benefit". more
"Humanising the Interview Process”; an Evaluation of Service User/Carers Contribution to Value Based Recruitment in a Pre-registration Adult Nursing Programme. more
"Humanity, respect and dignity are the foundations of practice". more
"I don't really like the pub [...]": Reflections on young people and pre-loading alcohol more
"I say tomato, you say tomato". Is Autoethnography Auto\Biography by any other name? more
"I say tomato, you say tomato". Is Autoethnography Auto\Biography by any other name? more
"I wanna be a SHIT-head!" Accepted and radical pedagogy more
"I was in a red forest and she was leading me home": Representation of the maze and labyrinth in Jeanette Winterson's The Passion. more
"Identifying the hospitalised patient in crisis"-A consensus conference on the afferent limb of Rapid Response Systems more
"Identity Theft in The Talented Mr. Ripley: A post-panel discussion." more
"If we use the strength of diversity among researchers we can only improve the quality and impact of our research": Issues of equality, diversity, inclusion, and transparency in the process of applying for research funding more
"In Town Tonight: 70th Anniversary" in The Archive Hour: In Town Last Night more
"Information" and Communication in the Scope of Business Administration Studies : Bridging from Socio-Information to Interdisciplinary Fields more
"Is it realistic?" the portrayal of pregnancy and childbirth in the media more
"Is this a book?" DC Vertigo and the redefinition of comics in the 1990s more
"It gave me relief...it gave me confidence" - the online health information seeking experiences of adults with chronic health conditions. more
"It's getting people more engaged with things": Responses to solutions-oriented news in the context of COVID-19 more
"It's such a vicious cycle": Narrative accounts of the sportsperson with epilepsy more
"I've got to say, by the way, it's been downloaded six million times": Ken Robinson's TED talk and the discursive construction of 'creativity'. more
"Kind of Mine, Kind of Not": Digital Possessions and Affordance Misalignment more
"Land Mollusca": In Iron Age and Romano-British Settlements Along the Bowden Reservoir Pipeline, South East Somerset by Caron Newman, Elaine Morris, David Bonner more