Dr Andrew Bissell
- 01202 965930
- abissell@bournemouth.ac.uk
- Deputy Head of Department in Communication and Journalism
- Weymouth House W421, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Dr Andrew Bissell joined Bournemouth University as a Lecturer in Journalism in September 2013 having spent 30 years as a newspaper and online journalist. During his journalism career, Andy was employed as a news reporter and feature writer before undertaking editorships. Andrew is a social science graduate of the University of Birmingham where he studied Economic and Social History. He is the author of two social history books that record memories of London’s East End and Southampton during the 1920s, 1930s and Blitz years. Andrew is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and became a Doctor of Education in 2018.
Dr Bissell's research interests include holistic approaches to education, vocational teaching, the student experience of 'becoming' a professional and philosophically-informed education practice.