Michael Sunderland

Michael Sunderland

  • 01202 965394
  • msunderland at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Faculty Lead for Internationalisation
  • WH
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I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Communication and Journalism. I am also the Faculty Lead for Internationalisation in BU's Faculty of Media and Communication. In my faculty role, I provide leadership in areas such as international student and staff mobility, international partnerships, international student recruitment, and international business development. Prior to this, I was the Programme Leader of BU's MA Multimedia Journalism course for three years.

My research is primarily concerned with humanitarian journalism and media advocacy. I have presented at a range of international conferences including European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). I am currently a co-investigator on the AHRC-funded "Developing capacity for youth disability advocacy through networking in East Africa" project.

I was previously a producer at Sky News and later a freelance video journalist covering East and Central Africa...


Journal Articles



  • Sunderland, M., 2023. Aid & the news agenda: examining the forces shaping NGO-produced humanitarian news. In: IAMCR 2023 9-13 July 2023 Lyon.
  • Sunderland, M., 2022. Exploring the key forces controlling media coverage of humanitarian crises in East, West and Central Africa. In: 2022 ECREA Conference 19-22 October 2022 Aarhus, Denmark.



Profile of Teaching PG

  • Digital Journalism
  • Multimedia Reporting Skills
  • Documentary Journalism
  • Journalism in Global Contexts

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Video Journalism
  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Major Multimedia Projects
  • Converged Journalism
  • Dissertations


  • Developing Capacity for Youth Disability Advocacy through Networking in East Africa (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 01 Feb 2023). Awarded
  • AFTERCAB (Global Challenges Research Fund, 01 Jan 2020). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • Love the Oceans, Global Advisory Board Member (2024-)
  • Youth Disability Advocacy and Research, Co-founder (2023-)
  • Nottingham Trent University, External Examiner (2022-)
  • Avaaz Campaigns UK, Director (2021-)

Social Media Links