Jaron Murphy

Dr Jaron Murphy

  • Principal Academic in Communication, Journalism and Literature
  • 4th Floor, Weymouth House, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Dr Jaron Murphy is a national award-winning journalist with extensive international experience across print and digital news, mostly in senior editorial, production, and management roles. Among several academic qualifications with distinction, Dr Murphy holds a DPhil in Literature from the University of Oxford.

In the UK in 2018, he appeared on the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) list of most respected journalists following research by Cardiff University which asked journalists working in the UK and Ireland “which living journalist they felt most embodies the values of journalism that they respect and adhere to”.

Since 2023, Dr Murphy has served as the BA (Hons) Communication and Media Programme Leader at Bournemouth University. In higher and further education in the UK, he has previously led delivery of two BA (Hons) Journalism courses and the newsroom-based delivery of an NCTJ Diploma in Journalism course. He has also previously supported the running of NCTJ National Diploma and NQJ exams...
