Dr Anna Hillingdon
- 01202 966305
- ahillingdon at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3996-4125
- Associate Professor
- Executive Business Centre EB401, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
Anna submitted her second PhD in Conflict Economics at SOAS University of London, having previously completed her first PhD in management. Her work involves building mathematical models to assess the collateral damages of sanctions as a foreign policy tool. At BU She teaches quantitative subjects (Risk Management, Derivatives, Statistics, Mathematics, Financial Econometrics, and Econometrics). Previously she has led a project for the UNWTO on crisis management, worked as a researcher for NATO on hybrid threats, as a consultant with the World Bank in Washington on reducing fragility and strengthening resilience post-conflict, and presented oral evidence to the Parliamentary Committee on hybrid threats. Anna has given numerous interviews for various media outlets worldwide and has been program leader for the MSc finance framework.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Peace, justice and strong institutions
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"
Journal Articles
- Morakabati, Y., 2020. A question of confidence. Is tourism as vulnerable to civil unrest as we think? A comparative analysis of the impact of Arab Spring on total reserves and tourism receipts. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22 (2), 252-265.
- Morakabati, Y., Page, S.J. and Fletcher, J., 2017. Emergency Management and Tourism Stakeholder Responses to Crises: A Global Survey. Journal of Travel Research, 56 (3), 299-316.
- Morakabati, Y. and Beavis, J., 2017. Do Terrorist Attacks Leave an Identifiable ‘Fingerprint’ on International Tourist Arrival Data? International Journal of Tourism Research, 19 (2), 179-190.
- Morakabati, Y. and Kapuściński, G., 2016. Personality, Risk Perception, Benefit Sought and Terrorism Effect. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (5), 506-514.
- Morakabati, Y., Beavis, J. and Fletcher, J., 2014. To cite this article: Yeganeh Morakabati, John Beavis & John Fletcher (2014) Planning for a Qatar Without Oil: Tourism and Economic Diversification, a Battle of Perceptions, Tourism Planning & Development, 11:4, 415-434, DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2014.884978 Planning for a Qatar without Oil: Tourism and Economic Diversification, a battle of perceptions. Tourism Planning & Development., 11 (4), 415-434.
- Morakabati, Y., 2013. Tourism in the middle east: Conflicts, crises and economic diversification, some critical issues. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15 (4), 375-387.
- Morakabati,, Y., Fletcher, J. and Prideaux, B., 2012. Tourism development in a difficult environment: a study of consumer attitudes, travel risk perceptions and the termination of demand. Tourism Economics, 18 (5), 953-969.
- Morakabati, Y., 2010. Deterrents of tourism development in Iran. International Journal of Tourism Research.
- Fletcher, J. and Morakabati, Y., 2008. Tourism Activity, Terrorism and Political Instability within the Commonwealth: The cases of Fiji and Kenya. International Journal of Tourism Research, 10, 537-556.
- Webster, A., Fletcher, J., Hardwick, P. and Morakabati, Y., 2007. Tourism and Empirical Applications of International Trade Theory: A Multi-Country Analysis. Tourism Economics, 13, 657-674.
- Fox, D., Gouthro, M., Morakabati, Y. and Brackstone, J., 2014. Doing Events Research: From Theory to Practice. Routledge.
- Fletcher, J. and Morakabati, Y., 2014. The United Kingdom, in Encyclopaedia of Tourism. Encyclopaedia of Tourism. Sage.
- Petford, N., Fletcher, J. and Morakabati, Y., 2010. On the economics and social typology of volcano tourism with special reference to Montserrat, West Indies. Volcano and Geothermal Tourism: Sustainable Geo-Resources for Leisure and Recreation. 85-93.
- Morakabati, Y., Petford, N., Fletcher, J. and Morakabati, Y., 2010. On the economics and social typology of volcano tourism with special reference to Montserrat, West Indies. Volcano and geothermal tourism. London: Earthscan.
- Hillingdon, A.Y., 2024. Social welfare theorem and the wider impact of sanctions: Are the winners and losers of sanctions only those expected? In: SESTEF 2024 Conference 11-13 December 2024 University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
- Hillingdon, A., 2020. The UK and Iran. Foreign Affairs Committee - UK Parliament: Foreign Affairs Committee - UK Parliament.
- Hillingdon, A., 2019. K Response to Hybrid Threats inquiry. Defence Committee - UK Parliament inquiry webpage: Defence Committee - UK Parliament. Available from: http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/defence-committee/uk-response-to-hybrid-threats/written/98401.html.
Profile of Teaching PG
- Risk Management, Financial Econometrics , Derivatives
Profile of Teaching UG
- Mathematics for economists
- Reducing fragility and strengthening resilience post conflict (World Bank, 01 Sep 2018). Completed
- Hybrid threats (North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 01 Jul 2017). Completed
- State of play the impact of geopolitical events on international tourism (Travel Zoo, 01 Jan 2017). Completed
- Challenging extremism (EdVenture Partners+ USA publuc partners, 01 Jan 2016). Completed
- The economic impact of Gibraltar on the Campo de Gibraltar (Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, 01 Jan 2015). Completed
- Challenging extremism (2015) (EdVenture Partners + public partners, 01 Jan 2015). Completed
- The Impact of wind farms on tourism in the UK (EDF Energy, 01 Jan 2014). Completed
- The Impact of the Boscombe Artificial Surf Reef. (Crown Estate, 01 Jan 2014). Completed
- Morakabati, Y., Gordon, R., and Fletcher, J., (2014) The integration of the travel and tourism industry into national emergency plans, UN WTO (UNWTO, 01 Jan 2012). Completed
- The economic impact of Gibraltar on the Campo de Gibraltar (Chamber of Commerce, Gibraltar, 01 Jan 2009). Completed
- The economic Impact of Bournemouth University on the Regional Economy. (Bournemouth University, 01 Jan 2009). Completed
- Commonwealth Tourism Centre (online database and analysis) with A Fyall and J Fletcher completed (Commonwealth Tourism Centre, 01 Jan 2007). Completed
External Responsibilities
- SWISS UMEF- Kabul, Afghanistan, Adjunct Professor (2015-)
- PhD in Modelling Sanctions (SOAS, 2023)
- MSc in Finance(Quantitative Finance) (2019)
- PhD in Tourism, travel risk and travel risk perceptions (Bournemouth University, 2007)
- MSc in Tourism Management and Marketing (Bournemouth University, 2004)
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy,
Website Links
External Media and Press
- Risk to tourists in terrorism hotspots on national radio., LBC live radio, 12 Jul 2015. http://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=67c9a726-0d90-4879-9cd3-19c6dd192bfe
- Tourism and terrorism in Tunisa, BBC TV News at 10, 11 Jul 2015. http://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=7fa172d0-5772-49c5-b94c-8f0b01b2df94
- Tourism, Risk and Recovery in Tunisia, BBC Radio 5 Live, 11 Jul 2015. http://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=5a230020-65cb-4546-9acb-34eeee317953
- Can Tunisia’s tourist industry survive the terror attack?, Yorkshier Post, 01 Jul 2015. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/features/can-tunisia-s-tourist-industry-survive-the-terror-attack-1-7337134
- How terrorist attacks affect tourism, bbc, 29 Jun 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33310217
- ‘Summer of Discontent’ Has Transformed Britain’s Travel Habits, CNBC. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/29/pr-newswire-asummer-of-discontenta-has-transformed-britainas-travel-habits.html
- Calais migrant crisis and Tunisia terror attacks putting Britons off travelling abroad, Daily Express. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/608849/britons-travel-terror-Tunisia-attacks-refugee-camp-Calais
- Terror attacks on tourism hit poor countries the hardest, Financial Times. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/870bd692-977b-11e5-9228-87e603d47bdc.html#axzz3wwi3PXGT
- Can Middle East tourism ever recover?, Thegaurdian. http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2015/nov/24/can-middle-east-tourism-ever-recover-terrorist-attacks-egypt-tunisia
- Britons abroad: Have you been put off going abroad?, SKY news. http://mms.tveyes.com/playerlette.aspx?StationID=530&StartDateTime=09/30/2015+08:20:33&Duration=306&ShowAllControls=true&MaxWidth=320&PartnerID=1535&ShowScrubber=true&refchecked=1
- Muslim countries avoided by three quarters of British holidaymakers, according to survey –, Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/muslim-countries-avoided-by-three-quarters-of-british-holidaymakers-according-to-survey-a6681041.html
- Three in four British holidaymakers 'now avoiding Muslim countries, the Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/11912275/Three-in-four-British-holidaymakers-now-avoiding-Muslim-countries.html
- Come home without your luggage: Fury as 20,000 stranded Britons are told they can fly home from Sharm... but only with the bare essentials, Daily mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3306177/Come-home-without-luggage-Fury-20-000-stranded-Britons-told-fly-home-Sharm-bare-essentials.html
- French Tourism Expected to See Short-Term Downturn From Terror Attacks, CNBC. http://www.nbcnews.com/business/travel/french-tourism-expected-see-short-term-downturn-terror-attacks-n464956
- More Flights Cancelled As Fear Sets In Over Downed Russian Plane, NewsWeek. http://europe.newsweek.com/more-flights-cancelled-fear-sets-over-downed-russian-plane-336058
- The effects of the recent terrorist attacks on Egyptian tourism, the economy and on other countries in and around the Mena region., BBC NEWS. http://mms.tveyes.com/playerlette.aspx?StationID=800&StartDateTime=01/09/2016+19:15:41&Duration=305&ShowAllControls=true&MaxWidth=320&PartnerID=1535&ShowScrubber=true&refchecked=1
- Арабы заменят россиян и англичан на курортах Хургады и Шарм-эль-Шейха, nv. http://nv.ua/publications/terakt-v-rossijskom-samolete-nad-sinaem-nanes-moshchnyj-udar-po-turizmu-i-ekonomike-egipta-83838.html
- http://politiken.dk/rejser/nyheder/ECE2977596/turismeforsker-terrorangreb-i-paris-kan-vaere-glemt-inden-laenge/, politiken. turismeforsker:%20Terrorangreb%20i%20Paris%20kan%20v%C3%A6re%20glemt%20inden%20l%C3%A6nge
- Gobierno egipcio lanza un plan para salvar a la golpeada industria turística, Economia y Negocios. http://www.economiaynegocios.cl/noticias/noticias.asp?id=200345
- ISIS nutjobs threaten Brit holidaymakers' great Xmas getaway, Daily Star. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/479406/isis-winter-sun-christmas-getaway-prices-soaring
- The potential impact of the terror attack in Barcelona on the tourist industry, BBC 5 live. http://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=c19cb5d1-9c52-4838-98ed-dc722ae1d7f9
- Would terrorism 'blue flags' for hotels and airports save lives?, Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/news/security-terrorism-kite-marks-blue-flag-safety/
- Study finds security tops tourist concerns in holiday choice, Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-tourism-security-report-idUSKBN16F00B