Christopher Miles

Dr Christopher Miles

  • Principal Academic in Marketing Communications
  • Weymouth House W420, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Peace, justice and strong institutions

"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"

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Journal Articles

  • Grigore, G., Molesworth, M., Miles, C. and Glozer, S., 2021. (Un)resolving digital technology paradoxes through the rhetoric of balance. ORGANIZATION, 28 (1), 186-207.
  • Surowiec, P. and Miles, C., 2021. The populist style and public diplomacy: kayfabe as performative agonism in Trump's Twitter posts. PUBLIC RELATIONS INQUIRY, 10 (1), 5-30.
  • Miles, C., 2020. Intermediaries and Personas: A radical rhetorical reading of marketing work. Journal of Persona Studies, 6 (1), 72-82.
  • Brown, S., Hackley, C., Hunt, S.D., Marsh, C., O Shaughnessy, N., Phillips, B.J., Tonks, D., Miles, C. and Nilsson, T., 2018. Marketing (as) Rhetoric: paradigms, provocations, and perspectives. Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (15-16), 1336-1378.
  • Miles, C. and Nilsson, T., 2018. Marketing (as) rhetoric: an introduction. JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 34 (15-16), 1259-1271.
  • Miles, C., 2015. Ericksonian therapy as a grounding for a theory of persuasive marketing dialogue. MARKETING THEORY, 15 (1), 95-111.
  • Miles, C., 2014. Rhetoric and the foundation of the Service-Dominant Logic. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 27 (5), 744-755.
  • Miles, C., 2014. The rhetoric of managed contagion Metaphor and agency in the discourse of viral marketing. MARKETING THEORY, 14 (1), 3-18.
  • Ibrahim, Y. and Miles, C., 2013. Customised Communication and the Mouse Click Generation: Between Empowerment and Vulnerability. Knowledge Management: An International Journal, 12 (4), 1-11.
  • Miles, C. and Ibrahim, Y., 2013. Deconstructing the meerkat: fabular anthropomorphism, popular culture, and the market. Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (15/16), 1862-1880.
  • Miles, C., 2013. Persuasion, marketing communication, and the metaphor of magic. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 47 (11-12), 2002-2019.
  • Miles, C., 2009. Response: A Quick Game of Rho-Sham-Bo with the Four Horsemen of the Apophasis. RHETORIC SOCIETY QUARTERLY, 39 (4), 387-392.
  • Miles, C., 2008. Occult Retraction: Cornelius Agrippa and the Paradox of Magical Language. RHETORIC SOCIETY QUARTERLY, 38 (4), 433-456.
  • Miles, C., 2007. A cybernetic communication model for advertising. Marketing Theory, 7 (4), 307-334.
  • Miles, C., 2007. Modern occult rhetoric: Mass media and the drama of secrecy in the twentieth century. POMEGRANATE, 9 (2), 192-194.
  • Miles, C., 2007. The occult mind: Magic in theory and practice. POMEGRANATE, 9 (2), 198-199.
  • Miles, C., 2006. The Excluded Environment: Preliminary remarks towards a systems theory of literature. Cybernetics and Human Knowing: a journal of second order cybernetics, autopoiesis and cyber-semiotics, 13 (1), 19-33.
  • Miles, C., 2006. Journey into the Neither-Neither: Austin Osman Spare and the Construction of a Shamanic Identity. The Pomegranate: the international journal of Pagan studies, 8 (1), 54-83.
  • Miles, C., 2004. The prospect and schizogenesis: A Batesonian perspective on the implications of the double-bind in advertising messages. Marketing Theory, 4 (4), 267-286.



  • Miles, C., 2023. The Rhetorical Evolution of S-D Logic. The Marketing of Service-Dominant Logic A Rhetorical Approach. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 127-168.
  • Miles, C., 2023. Visual rhetoric and the analysis of persuasive political communication. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A., eds. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Edward Elgar, 2-13.
  • Miles, C., 2020. The Manufacturing of Uncertainty in Public Diplomacy: A Rhetorical Approach. In: Surowiec, P. and Manor, I., eds. Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty. Springer Nature, 145-170.
  • Miles, C., 2019. Rhetorical Methods and Metaphor in Viral Propaganda. In: Baines, P., O'Shaughnessy, N. and Snow, N., eds. The SAGE Handbook of Propaganda. London: Sage.
  • Miles, C., 2018. Service-Dominant Logic: The Evolution of a Universal Marketing Rhetoric. In: Tadajewski, M., Higgins, M., Denegri-Knott, J. and Varman, R., eds. The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing. London: Routledge, 241-258.
  • Miles, C., 2017. The Rhetoric of Co-Creation. In: Siegert, G., von Rimscha, M.B. and Grubenmann, S., eds. Commercial communication in the digital age: information or disinformation?. Berlin: de Gruyter, 209-226.
  • Miles, C., 2016. Control and the Rhetoric of Interactivity in Contemporary Advertising Theory and Practice. In: Hamilton, J., Bodle, R. and Korin, E., eds. Explorations in Critical Studies of Advertising. London: Routledge.
  • Miles, C., 2010. From Gene to Meme: the rhetoric of thought contagion in Koji Suzuki's 'Ringu' cycle. In: Lacefield, K., ed. The Scary Screen: Media Anxiety in 'The Ring'. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 63-78.

Internet Publications


  • Miles, C., 2008. Review of Lehmann et al.’s 'The Concept of the Network Society:Post-Ontological Reflections' (Frederiksberg: SamfundslitteraturPress, 2007). Global Fusion Consortium. Published.
  • Miles, C., 2007. Review of Joshua Gunn’s Modern Occult Rhetoric: Mass Media and the Drama of Secrecy in the Twentieth Century (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2005). Equinox Publishing. Published.
  • Miles, C., 2007. Review of Christopher I. Lehrich’s The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007). Equinox Publishing. Published.

PhD Students

  • Rutherford. The Self as Auteur: An interpretative phenomenological investigation of Self-reflective photography, (In progress)
  • Gulnara Karimova, 2010. The Application of Bakhtinian Concepts to Interactive Advertising, (Completed)
  • Muhammad Riaz, 2022. Role-related Tensions in The Lived Experiences of Managers with a Marketing Function (MMFs) in Islamic Banks in the UK: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, (Completed)
  • Gulnara Karimova, 2010. The Application of Bakhtinian Concepts to Interactive Advertising
  • Rutherford. The ‘unanticipable’ act of photography -- PhD by practice
  • Daniel Hills. Individual emotional state as a trigger for online advertising placement
  • Muhammad Riaz. The Negotiation of the Marketing Function by Marketing Managers in UK Islamic Banks: a phenomenological investigation

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Creative Direction
  • Marketing and PR for Writers

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Decoding Advertisements
  • Academic Dissertation Or Consultancy Dissertation (CMC) (070419)
  • Creative Direction & Copywriting
  • Contemporary Debates in Marketing Communication
  • Content Creation

Invited Lectures

  • `Rhetorical Analysis for Exploring Consumer..., Online, 03 Feb 2023 more

External Responsibilities

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • European Management Review, Anonymous peer review, 02 Jul 2018
  • Journal of Marketing Management (10711988), Anonymous peer review, 02 Nov 2015
  • European Journal of Marketing, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2014
  • Marketing Theory: an international review, Anonymous peer review, 15 Dec 2004

Conference Presentations

  • Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication, Online Diplomatic Participation on YouTube: An Exploratory Study of Users, 25 May 2023, Toronto, Canada
  • The Language of Fake News, Rhetorical Strategies of Resistance to Fake News: An Analysis of Beau of the Fifth Column’s YouTube Channel., 16 May 2023, Senate House, University of London
  • Complexity, hybridity, liminality: Challenges of researching contemporary promotional cultures, Too ‘public’ for public diplomacy? U.S. hyper-presidency, Kayfabe, and digitalised populism in international relations, 21 Feb 2020, London School of Economics and Political Science, London WC2A 2AE
  • 8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business: Corporate responsibility, Sustainability & Markets, (Un)Resolving the Dark Side of Digital Technologies Through the Rhetoric of Balance, 24 Oct 2019, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
  • International Persona Studies Conference, Intermediaries and Personae: A radical rhetorical reading of marketing work, 25 Jun 2019, Newcastle University
  • Wabi-sabi (侘寂): Imperfection, incompleteness and impermanence in organizational life, A Crack in the Sales Meeting: A Sophist(ic) Approach to Managerial Work, 17 Aug 2018, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan
  • "Rhetorics of Unity and Division" The Sixth 'Rhetoric in Society' Conference of the Rhetoric Society of Europe, Practitioners of Difference: Marketing as Rhetoric, 03 Jul 2017, University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K.
  • 1st International Symposium on Marketing (as) Rhetoric, Sophism and the Middle Position of the Marketer, 14 Jun 2017, Bournemouth University


  • Fellow (HEA, 2012)
