Daniel Carter
- dcarter at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Journal Articles
- Manley, H., Pitman, D.E.R.E.K., Wilkes, E., Brown, A., Randall, C. and Carter, D., 2020. POOLE HARBOUR: CURRENT UNDERSTANDING OF THE LATER PREHISTORIC TO MEDIEVAL ARCHAEOLOGY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 141, 71-97.
- Carter, D. and Cheetham, P., 2016. The Great Dorset Throw Down: The Infra-Site Landscape of a Verwood Country Pottery. In: Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics 16 December 2016 London, UK. Conference programme and extended abstracts pdf.
- Carter, D., 2023. The Origins and Development of the Verwood-Type Pottery Industry. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Science and Technology.