Emilie Hardouin

Dr Emilie Hardouin

  • Interim Head of Department for Life & Environmental Sciences
  • Christchurch House C106, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Dr. Emilie Hardouin joined Bournemouth University in May 2012 and is now an associate lecturer in conservation genetics. Her research focuses on the distribution and mechanisms of rapid adaptation of invasive species. She completed her PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology (MPI), Germany (2007-2011) after an MSc in Genetic from the University Paris 7, France.

During her PhD and Post-Doctoral fellowship (02/2011 - 05/2012) at the MPI, she was under the supervision of Prof. Dietahrd Tautz one of the world leaders in the field of evolutionary genetics and closely worked with internationally well-known evolutionary biologists. Her interest was in the mechanisms and the identification of genes involved in adaptive processes using different techniques such as microsatellite genome-wide screening (Hardouin 2011 PhD thesis) and complete

mitochondrial genome sequencing (Hardouin et al. 2013). She studied the colonization history and dynamic of the house mouse from the Kerguelen Archipelago (Hardouin et al...



My research focuses on the distribution and mechanisms of rapid adaptation of invasive species. The aim is to understand the invasive potential of species using phylogeography, to identify how genetic processes and plasticity drive invasion patterns and to understand rapid adaptation to a new habitat.

1- Population genetics of a global invasion:

The research aim is to use the invasive fish topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (TMG) as a model species to identify how genetic processes and plasticity drive invasion patterns at global scales. Native to China and introduced to Europe in the 1960s, TMG have invaded more than 30 countries, causing concern over competitive interactions and novel disease introduction. By adding fine-scale genetic data to previous work on species' ecology and morphology, the research will derive a much finer understanding of their invasion process. This project has two different components: (1) investigate TMG phylogeography across their native (Asia) and invasive (Europe) ranges through their genetic diversity, structure and distribution; and (2) quantify the roles of plasticity and selection in the TMG invasion process through combining genetic, biogeographic and morphological approaches to enable the building of predictive models of invasion.

2- On the tracks of the Phoenician’s through genomic phylogeographic studies of Mediterranean mice.

Coming from the Near East, the western house mouse first spread to the Mediterranean and then around much of the world using human mediated transport...



Journal Articles


  • Renaud, S., Ledevin, R., Delepine, C., Pisanu, B., Quillfedt, P. and Hardouin, E.A., 2019. Diet Shift in Sub-Antarctic Mice: Morpho-Functional Response of the Jaw System. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, 280, S68.
  • Hardouin E.A., 2014. Mice invasion of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Archipelago. In: 14th Rodens et Spatium, 28 July-2 September 2014 Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Hardouin E.A. and Bonhomme F., 2014. What have we learned from microsatellites, what could be learned from NGS in the highly structured M. musculus species complex? In: Tautz, ed. Workshop on wild mice 22-25 May 2014 Ploen, Germany.


PhD Students

  • Nigel Haywood, 2018. Genetic and environmental factors in the conservation of the Falkland fritillary, Yramea cytheris cytheris
  • Oxala Garcia Rodriguez, 2018. Human Biogeography: Comparative Phylogeography of Modern Humans and other Organisms
  • Adrian Blake. Genetic pedigrees and individual trait variability: ecological and evolutionary consequences for wild fish populations

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Conservation Genetics

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Evolution and Conservation Wildlife


  • ECO-CODING: Creating a centre for DNA Meta-barcoding Ecology at BU (HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Fund), 31 Jul 2016). Awarded
  • Deciphering cryptic biodiversity and Eve’s origin. (Fusion Fund, Bournemouth University, 01 Apr 2014). Awarded
  • Networking and sampling trip: Inferring human influence using house mouse as a proxy on Cyprus. (Fusion Fund, Bournemouth University, 01 Aug 2013). Awarded
  • Monitoring Allis and Twait Shad (Natural Resources Wales, 15 May 2013). In Progress
  • Ecology and systematics of new microbial consortia in oxygen-depleted aquatic habitats (Fusion Fund, Bournemouth University, 15 Apr 2013). Awarded
  • Multi-disciplinary approaches to understand biological invasions (FSBI, 01 Mar 2013). Awarded


  • PhD in Evolutionary Biology (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany, 2011)


  • BES, Member,