Josie Pegg
- jpegg at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Journal Articles
- Attermeyer, K., Pegg, J. et al., 2021. Carbon dioxide fluxes increase from day to night across European streams. Communications Earth and Environment, 2 (1).
- Nagler, M., Pegg, J. et al., 2021. Abundance and biogeography of methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms across European streams. Journal of Biogeography, 48 (4), 947-960.
- Boets, P., Britton, R.J., Pegg, J. et al., 2019. Intra- and intercontinental variation in the functional responses of a high impact alien invasive fish. Biological Invasions, 21 (5), 1751-1762.
- Bravo, A.G., Pegg, J. et al., 2018. The interplay between total mercury, methylmercury and dissolved organic matter in fluvial systems: A latitudinal study across Europe. Water Research, 144, 172-182.
- Sana, S., Williams, C., Hardouin, E.A., Blake, A., Davison, P., Pegg, J., Paley, R., Zhang, T. and Andreou, D., 2018. Phylogenetic and environmental DNA insights into emerging aquatic parasites: implications for risk management. International Journal for Parasitology, 48 (6), 473-481.
- Herbert, R.J.H., Collins, K., Mallinson, J., Hall, A.E., Pegg, J., Ross, K., Clarke, L. and Clements, T., 2017. Epibenthic and mobile species colonisation of a geotextile artificial surf reef on the south coast of England. PLoS ONE, 12 (9).
- Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Consistent patterns of trophic niche specialization in host populations infected with a non-native copepod parasite. Parasitology, 144 (7), 945-953.
- Laverty, C., Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. et al., 2017. Assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species based on their functional responses and abundances. Biological Invasions, 19 (5), 1653-1665.
- Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Guo, Z., Ronni Edmonds-Brown, V., Pegg, J., Vilizzi, L. and Davison, P.I., 2017. Trophic consequences of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus for native pond fishes. Biological Invasions, 19 (1), 25-41.
- Médoc, V., Firmat, C., Sheath, D.J., Pegg, J., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Parasites and Biological Invasions: Predicting Ecological Alterations at Levels From Individual Hosts to Whole Networks. , 1-54.
- Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Head morphology and piscivory of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, predict their probability of infection by the invasive parasitic nematode Anguillicoloides crassus. Freshwater Biology, 60 (10), 1977-1987.
- PEGG, J., ANDREOU, D., WILLIAMS, C.F. and BRITTON, J.R., 2015. Temporal changes in growth, condition and trophic niche in juvenile Cyprinus carpio infected with a non-native parasite. Parasitology.
- Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Head morphology and piscivory of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, predict their probability of infection by the invasive parasitic nematode Anguillicoloides crassus. Freshwater Biology.
- Pegg, J. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Fisheries studies should consider the effects of fish parasites. Integr Environ Assess Manag, 10 (3), 477-478.
- Jackson, M.C., Allen, R., Pegg, J. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Do trophic subsidies affect the outcome of introductions of a non-native freshwater fish? Freshwater Biology, 58 (10), 2144-2153.
- Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Pegg, J., 2013. Spatial variation in the somatic growth rates of European barbel Barbus barbus: A UK perspective. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22 (1), 21-29.
- Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Baker, D. and Williams, C.F., 2012. Do lower feeding rates result in reduced growth of a cyprinid fish infected with the Asian tapeworm? Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 21 (2), 172-175.
- Pegg, J., Williams, C., Cucherousset, J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. What are the consequences of infection by the introduced parasite Philometroides sanguineus for threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius populations in England? Ecology Of Freshwater Fish.
- Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. and Williams, C.F., 2011. Pathological and ecological host consequences of infection by an introduced fish parasite. PLoS One, 6.
- Pegg, J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Effects of inter- and intra-specific competition on the growth rates of juvenile European barbel Barbus barbus used in the stock enhancement of UK fisheries. Fisheries Research, 112, 8-12.
- Britton, J.R. and Pegg, J., 2011. Ecology of European barbel Barbus barbus: implications for river, fishery and conservation management. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 19, 321-330.
- Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. and Gozlan, R.E., 2011. Quantifying imperfect detection in an invasive pest fish and the implications for conservation management. Biological Conservation, 144, 2177-2181.
- Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Sedgwick, R. and Page, R., 2007. Investigating the Catch Returns and Growth Rate of Wels Catfish, Silurus Glanis, Using Mark-Recapture. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14, 263-268.
- Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Shepherd, J.S. and Toms, S., 2006. Revealing the Prey Items of the Otter Lutra Lutra in South West England Using Stomach Contents Analysis. Folia Zoologica, 55, 167-174.
- Pegg, J., Britton, J.R. and Andreou, D., 2014. Non-native invasive fish parasites in UK fisheries: perspectives on ecology and management. In: Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research 3-5 January 2014 Yellowknife, Canada.
- Pegg, J., 2015. Ecological consequences of non-native parasites for native UK fishes. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Science and Technology.
- PhD in Fish Ecology (Bournemouth University, 2015)
- MSc in Environmental Science and Law (Nottingham University, 2003)
- BSc (hons) in Marine Biology (University of Hull, 2001)