Professor Tiantian Zhang
- 01202 965721
- tzhang at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor and Deputy Dean Research and Professional Practice
- Poole House P307, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Biodiversity
- Environmental technology
- Fisheries
Following her PhD research in Cryobiology, Professor Tiantian Zhang worked as research fellows before she was made Reader and Professor. She was appointed Director of Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences at University of Bedfordshire in 2008 before joining Bournemouth University in 2012 as the Head of the Graduate School. She was also a member of the Executive Committee of the UK Council for Graduate Education. She is now the Deputy Dean of Research and Professional Practice in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Professor Tiantian Zhang is a leading figure internationally in research on cryopreservation of gametes and embryos of fish species and her research interests have been in the areas of cryopreservation of reproductive cells and the effect of cryopreservation on genome integrity and cellular metabolism with applications in biomedicine, conservation and aquaculture. Her research activity has led to over 150 publications and over 100 presentations at international conferences and workshops... Professor Tiantian Zhang has obtained substantial funding from funding bodies such as the UK Research Councils, Wellcome Trust and EU. She has supervised over 30 PhDs and other research degree students and has been an editor or referee of over ten scientific journals including the leading journals in the field of cryobiology such as Cryobiology and CryoLetters. She is a currently a member of the Board of Governors of the Society for Cryobiology and was the elected Chairman of the Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB) from 2005 to 2008 following serving as General Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Member of SLTB for 10 years. She received an award from Society of Cryobiology for her service in 2016.
My current research interests and activities are in the areas of the cryopreservation of reproductive cells, tissues and embryos of aquatic species and studies on the effect of cryopreservation on genome and cellular metabolism of reproductive cells including stem cells. Although successful cryopreservation of sperm has been achieved with many mammalian species including humans, the successful cryopreservation of fish oocytes and embryos remained elusive. Successful cryopreservation of fish oocytes and embryos will have important applications in conservation of biodiversity, aquaculture and genomic studies, and research in this area remains an intellectual challenge. My research has contributed significantly to an understanding of the problems associated with fish oocyte and embryo cryopreservation, and will undoubtedly assist successful protocol design in the future. My earlier research also included studies on the effect of temperature on cytotoxicity in prokaryotic cells and ecotoxicological studies using fish cell lines and other biological materials.
Journal Articles
- Rodrigues de Freitas, T., Zhang, T. et al., 2023. Hydrogel encapsulation as a handling and vitrification tool for zebrafish ovarian tissue. Theriogenology, 198, 153-163.
- Gallo, J.M., Rodrigues, R.B., Fornari, D.C., Povh, J.A., Ribeiro, R.P., Zhang, T., de Freitas, T.R., dos Santos Teixeira, N. and Streit, D.P., 2022. Does semen quality of Colossoma macropomum change the productivity of larvae during the reproductive period? Aquaculture, 558.
- Sana, S., Hardouin, E.A., Paley, R., Zhang, T. and Andreou, D., 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of a parasite at the animal-fungal boundary. Parasites and Vectors, 13 (1).
- Marques, L.S., Fossati, A.A.N., Rodrigues, R.B., Da Rosa, H.T., Izaguirry, A.P., Ramalho, J.B., Moreira, J.C.F., Santos, F.W., Zhang, T. and Streit, D.P., 2019. Slow freezing versus vitrification for the cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue. Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
- Anil, S., Rawson, D. and Zhang, T., 2018. Development of molecular markers for zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicle growth assessment following in-vitro culture in cryopreservation studies. Cryobiology, 83, 75-83.
- Sana, S., Williams, C., Hardouin, E.A., Blake, A., Davison, P., Pegg, J., Paley, R., Zhang, T. and Andreou, D., 2018. Phylogenetic and environmental DNA insights into emerging aquatic parasites: implications for risk management. International Journal for Parasitology, 48 (6), 473-481.
- Silva, L.A., Marques, L.S., Zhang, T., Rodrigues, R.B., Eloy, L.R. and Streit, D.P., 2018. Production of live larvae following in vitro maturation of zebrafish oocytes. Theriogenology, 105, 115-119.
- Zhang, T., 2017. Importance of cryobanking in aquatic species conservation and aquaculture. Cryobiology.
- Sana, S., Hardouin, E.A., Gozlan, R.E., Ercan, D., Tarkan, A.S., Zhang, T. and Andreou, D., 2017. Origin and invasion of the emerging infectious pathogen Sphaerothecum destruens. Emerging microbes & infections, 6 (8), e76.
- Martínez-Páramo, S., Zhang, T. et al., 2017. Cryobanking of aquatic species. Aquaculture, 472, 156-177.
- Anil, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2016. In-vitro culture protocol development for early stage zebrafish ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 73 (3), 433.
- Marques, L.S., Bos-Mikich, A., Godoy, L.C., Silva, L.A., Maschio, D., Zhang, T. and Streit, D.P., 2015. Viability of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles after vitrification in a metal container. Cryobiology, 71 (3), 367-373.
- Desai, K., Spikings, E. and Zhang, T., 2015. Use of methanol as cryoprotectant and its effect on sox genes and proteins in chilled zebrafish embryos. Cryobiology, 71 (1), 1-11.
- Chantzaropoulos, A., Nathanailides, C., Kokokiris, L., Barbouti, A. and Zhang, T., 2015. A brief exposure to low pH prior to refrigerated storage reduces the motility and viability of goldfish sperm (Carassius auratus, Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31 (S1), 89-93.
- Desai, K., Spikings, E. and Zhang, T., 2015. Short-term chilled storage of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos in cryoprotectant as an alternative to cryopreservation. Zebrafish, 12 (1), 111-120.
- Ahmed, R., Spikings, E., Zhou, S., Thompsett, A. and Zhang, T., 2014. Pre-hybridisation: An efficient way of suppressing endogenous biotin-binding activity inherent to biotin-streptavidin detection system. Journal of Immunological Methods, 406, 143-147.
- Godoy, L.C., Streit, D.P., Zampolla, T., Bos-Mikich, A. and Zhang, T., 2013. A study on the vitrification of stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 67 (3), 347-354.
- Anil, S., Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T. and Zhang, T., 2013. Development of cryopreservation protocol for zebrafish ovarian fragments using controlled slow cooling. Cryobiology, 67 (3), 433.
- Ahmed, R., Spikings, E., Thompsett, A., Zhou, S., Zhang, T. and Zhang, T., 2013. Investigation of the effects of different cryopreservation parameters on the genome of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology. Cryobiology, 67 (3), 433-434.
- Salavati, M., Ghafari, F., Zhang, T. and Fouladi-Nashta, A.A., 2013. Influence of caffeine pretreatment on biphasic invitro maturation of dog oocytes. Theriogenology, 80 (7), 784-792.
- Godoy, L., Zampolla, T., Streit Jr, D., Bos-Mikich, A. and Zhang, T., 2012. Vitrification of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 65 (3), 344.
- Anil, S., Zampolla, T. and Zhang, T., 2012. Development of molecular markers for stage I and stage II zebrafish ovarian follicles after in vitro culture. Cryobiology, 65 (3), 360.
- Salavati, M., Ghafari, F., Zhang, T. and Fouladi-Nashta, A.A., 2012. Effects of oxygen concentration on in vitro maturation of canine oocytes in a chemically defined serum-free medium. Reproduction, 144 (5), 547-556.
- Wang, L., Zhang, T.T. et al., 2012. First live offspring born in superovulated sika deer (Cervus nippon) after embryo vitrification. Theriogenology, 78 (7), 1627-1632.
- Zampolla, T., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2012. The use of fetal bovine serum for cryopreservation of stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryo Letters, 33 (6), 435-442.
- Spikings, E., Zampolla, T., Rawson, D., Wang, Y. and Zhang, T., 2012. Effect of methanol on mitochondrial organization in zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Theriogenology, 77 (1), 28-38.
- Nathanailides, C., Chanzaropoulos, T., Barbouti, A., Perdikaris, C. and Zhang, T., 2011. DNA fragmentation, linear velocity and fertilising ability of reactivated cry op reserved goldfish sperm using different cryoprotectants. Biotechnology, 10 (6), 514-520.
- Zhang, T., 2011. Cryopreservation of fish gametes and its application in aquaculture and conservation. Cryobiology, 63 (3), 314.
- Anil, T., Zampolla, T. and Zhang, T., 2011. Development of in vitro culture method for zebrafish ovarian tissute fragments. Cryobiology, 63 (3), 311.
- Desai, K., Spikings, E. and Zhang, T., 2011. Studies on the role of hsp47 and hsp90 in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos under chilled conditions. Cryobiology, 63 (3), 334.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Rawson, D. and Zhang, T., 2011. Cytoskeleton proteins F-actin and tubulin distribution and interaction with mitochondria in the granulosa cells surrounding stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. Theriogenology, 76 (6), 1110-1119.
- Desai, K., Spikings, E. and Zhang, T., 2011. Effect of chilling on sox2, sox3 and sox19a gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 63 (2), 96-103.
- Lin, C., Zhang, T., Kuo, F.W. and Tsai, S., 2011. Gorgonian coral (Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis) oocyte chilling sensitivity in the context of adenosine triphosphate response (ATP). Cryo-Letters, 32 (2), 141-147.
- Zhang, T., 2011. Cryopreservation of fish gamates and it’s applications in aquaculture and conservation. Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 3, S30.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Srirangarajah, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2011. Impact of cryoprotectants and cryopreservation on metabolic activity and cytoskeleton proteins of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian fragments. Cryo Letters, 32 (6), 525-536.
- Anil, S., Ghafari, F., Zampolla, T., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2011. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments. Cryo Letters, 32 (1), 40-50.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2010. Investigation of methanol impact on mitochondrial transport and cytoskeleton proteins in stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 61 (3), 385.
- Desai, K., Spikings, E., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Studies on impact of chilling on sox gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 61 (3), 389.
- Anil, S., Ghafari, F., Zampolla, T., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments. Cryobiology, 61 (3), 384.
- Spikings, E., Vishnolia, K., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Effect of methanol and chilling on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryobiology, 61 (3), 391.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Development of in vitro culture method for early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles for use in cryopreservation studies. Theriogenology, 74 (2), 290-303.
- Rawson, D., Zhang, T. and Zampolla, T., 2010. Cryo-banking of cells and tissues from freshwater and marine fish in the UK waters. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 7 (4), 185.
- Guan, M., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes by vitrification. Cryo Letters, 31 (3), 230-238.
- Ghafari, F., Spikings, E., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2009. Effect of cryoprotectant treatment and chilling on oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio) early ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 59 (3), 415.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Effect of methanol and DMSO exposure on mitochondrial activity and distribution in stage III ovarian follicles of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cryobiology, 59 (3), 413.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Effect of methanol and Me2SO exposure on mitochondrial activity and distribution in stage III ovarian follicles of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cryobiology, 59 (2), 188-194.
- Lin, C., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Effect of chilling and cryopreservation on expression of Pax genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and blastomeres. Cryobiology, 59 (1), 42-47.
- Zampolla, T., Zhang, T., Holt, W.V. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Distributional arrangement of mitochondria in the granulosa cells surrounding stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. Theriogenology, 72 (1), 111-119.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2009. Studies on chilling sensitivity of early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryobiology, 58 (3), 279-286.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2009. Development of cryopreservation protocols for early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles using controlled slow cooling. Theriogenology, 71 (8), 1226-1233.
- Lin, C., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2009. Housekeeping genes for cryopreservation studies on zebrafish embryos and blastomeres. Theriogenology, 71 (7), 1147-1155.
- Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2009. Effect of methanol on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. Cryoletters, 31 (2), 173-174.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D. and Zhang, T., 2009. Development of cryopreservation protocols for early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles using controlled slow cooling. Cryoletters, 30 (2), 162-163.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2009. Effect of cryoprotectants exposure on mitochondrial activity and mtDNA copy number. Cryoletters, 30 (2), 160.
- Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2009. The effect of chilling on replication of mitochondrial DNA in zebrafish embryos. Cryoletters, 30 (2), 159.
- Lin, C., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2009. Evaluation of potential housekeeping genes for use in expression profiling the effects of chilling and freezing in zebrafish embryos and blastomeres. Cryoletters, 30 (2), 157.
- Lin, C., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) blastomeres by controlled slow cooling. Cryo Letters, 30 (2), 132-141.
- Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2009. Cryopreservation progress, challenges and applications in aquatic species. Cryoletters, 30 (1), 78.
- Ding, Y., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. Mediated amperometric whole-cell biosensors for rapid in situ screening of heavy metal contaminated soil. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation, 209-215.
- Chanzaropoulos, T., Nathanailides, C. and Zhang, T., 2008. Computer assisted speam motility analysis (CASA) of goldfish after cryopreservation. Proceedings of 4th International Congress on Aquaculture, Fisheries Technology and Environmental Management.
- Babin, P.J., André, M., Forgue, J., Knoll-Gellida, A., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Development of oocyte viability molecular signature (OVMS) assays for zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocyte cryopreservation studies. Cybium, 32 (2 SUPPL.), 217.
- Wang, R.Y., Guan, M., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Ultrasound enhanced methanol penetration of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos measured by permittivity changes using impedance spectroscopy. Eur Biophys J, 37 (6), 1039-1044.
- Guan, M., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes using improved controlled slow cooling protocols. Cryobiology, 56 (3), 204-208.
- Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M., Tosti, L. and Carnevali, O., 2008. Cathepsin activities and membrane integrity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes after freezing to -196 degrees C using controlled slow cooling. Cryobiology, 56 (2), 138-143.
- Guan, M., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Development of a new method for isolating zebrafish oocytes (Danio rerio) from ovary tissue masses. Theriogenology, 69 (3), 269-275.
- Zampolla, T., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. Evaluation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicle viability by simultaneous staining with fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide. Cryo Letters, 29 (6), 463-475.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. Cryo Letters, 29 (6), 477-483.
- Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. The Frozen Ark project. CRYOLETTERS, 29 (1), 78.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity of early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. CRYOLETTERS, 29 (1), 84-85.
- Lin, C.S., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. Cryopreservation and gene expression in zebrafish blastomeres. CryoLetters, 29 (1), 85.
- Babin, P.J., Andre, M., Forgue, J., Knoll-Gellida, A., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Development of oocyte viability molecular signature (OVMS) assays for zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocyte cryopreservation studies. Cybium, 32 (2), 217.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2007. Studies on chilling sensitivity of early stage zebrafish (Danion rerio) oocytes. Cryobiology, 55, 364-365.
- Lin, C.S., Zhang, T., Elgar, G. and Rawson, D.M., 2007. Initial studies on cryopreservation and gene expression in isolated blastomeres of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cryobiology, 55, 365.
- Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2007. Cryo-conservation in fish: the potentials and challenges. Cryobiology, 55, 354.
- Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2007. The Frozen Ark: Cryo-banking of genetic and cellular material of endangered species. Cryobiology, 55, 355.
- Guan, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2006. Successful enzymatic separation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes using hyaluronidase. Cryobiology, 53, 418.
- Guan, T., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2006. Effects of improved controlled slow cooling protocols on the survival of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. Cryobiology, 53, 377-378.
- Zhang, T., Wang, R.Y., Bao, Q.-Y. and Rawson, D.M., 2006. Development of a new rapid measurement technique for fish embryo membrane permeability studies using impedance spectroscopy. Theriogenology, 66 (4), 982-988.
- Wex, H., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2006. Use of biosensor and impedance spectroscopy assays to investigate the influence of temperature on E. coli sensitivity to 3,5-dichlorophenol. Electrochimica Acta, 51 (24), 5157-5162.
- Wang, R.Y., Zhang, T., Bao, Q. and Rawson, D.M., 2006. Study on fish embryo responses to the treatment of cryoprotective chemicals using impedance spectroscopy. Eur Biophys J, 35 (3), 224-230.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2006. Zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) using microinjection. Cryo Letters, 27 (5), 319-328.
- Zhang, T., Plachinta, M., Kopeika, J., Rawson, D.M., Cionna, C., Tosti, L. and Carnevali, O., 2005. Membrane integrity and cathepsin activities of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes after freezing to -196C using controlled slow cooling. Cryobiology, 51, 385-386.
- Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T., Wex, H. and Bhatia, R., 2005. Cell based biosensors for environmental monitoring: challenges in exploiting cell bioassays in disposable sensor configurations. Cryobiology, 51, 384-385.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. Preliminary study on modification of yolk sec of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) using micro-injection. Cryobiology, 51, 405-406.
- Plachinta, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. Studies on the effect of certain supplements in cryoprotective medium on zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes quality after controlled slow cooling. Cryobiology, 51, 405.
- Adams, S.L., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. The effect of external medium composition on membrane water permeability of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Theriogenology, 64 (7), 1591-1602.
- Zhang, T., Wex, H., Rawson, D.M. and Thompson, R.S., 2005. Rapid ecotoxicological testing using transformed BF-2 cells incorporating a luminescent reporter gene. Toxicol In Vitro, 19 (6), 797-803.
- 118. Lubzens, E., Zhang, T. et al., 2005. Cryopreservation of fish oocytes: Achievements and prospects. Proceddings of Larvi' 05- Fish &Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, 296-297.
- Zhang, T., Isayeva, A., Adams, S.L. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. Studies on membrane permeability of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes in the presence of different cryoprotectants. Cryobiology, 50 (3), 285-293.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Elgar, G., 2005. Effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial DNA of zebrafish (Danio rerio) blastomere cells. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 570 (1), 49-61.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Cryoinjury to the genome. Any consequences? Cryobiology, 49, 322.
- Zhang, T., Bao, Q.-Y., Wang, Y. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Development of a new rapid measurement technique for fish embryo membrane permeability studies using impedance spectroscopy. Cryobiology, 49, 318.
- Plachinta, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Preliminary studies on cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) vitellogenic oocytes using controlled slow cooling. Cryobiology, 49, 347.
- Isayeva, A., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Studies on membrane permeability of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes in the presence of different cryoprotectants. Cryobiology, 49, 346-347.
- Adams, S.L., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. The effect of external medium composition on membrane water permeability of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 49, 347-348.
- Daniel, M., Sharpe, A., Driver, J., Knight, A.W., Keenan, P.O., Walmsley, M.M., Robinson, A., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D., 2004. Results of a technology demonstration project to compare rapid aquatic toxicity screening tests in the analysis of industrial effluents. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 6 (11), 855-865.
- Isayeva, A., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Studies on chilling sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. Cryobiology, 49 (2), 114-122.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Holt, W.V., 2004. Effect of DNA repair inhibitor (3-aminobenzamide) on genetic stability of loach (Misgurnus fossilis) embryos derived from cryopreserved sperm. Theriogenology, 61 (9), 1661-1673.
- Zhang, T., Robinson, A. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Biosensor applications in toxicity determination of chemical industrial effluents. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 137 (3), 117.
- Plachinta, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity to zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. Cryo Letters, 25 (6), 415-424.
- Zhang, T., Plachinta, M., Isayeva, A. and Rawson, D.M., 2003. Studies on zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes sensitivity to chilling and cryoprotectant toxicity. Cryobiology, 47, 269-270.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Elgar, G., 2003. Effect of cryopreservation on mitochondrial DNA of zebrafish (Danio rerio) blastomere cells. Cryobiology, 47, 259.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2003. Studies on the toxicity of dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene glycol, methanol and glycerol to loach (Misgurnus fossilis) sperm and the effect on subsequent embryo development. Cryo-Letters, 24 (6), 365-374.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Holt, W.V., 2003. Effect of DNA repair inhibitor (3-Aminobenzamide) on genetic stability of loach (Misgurnus fossilis) embryos derived from cryopreserved sperm. Theriogenology, 59 (7), 1545-1556.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Holt, W.V., 2003. Effect of DNA repair inhibitor (3-Aminobenzamide) on genetic stability of loach (Misgurnus fossilis) embryos derived from cryopreserved sperm. Theriogenology, 59 (7), 1545-1556.
- Zhang, T., Liu, X.-H. and Rawson, D.M., 2003. Effects of methanol and developmental arrest on chilling injury in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Theriogenology, 59 (7), 1545-1556.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Holt, W.V., 2003. Detrimental effects of cryopreservation of loach (Misgurnus fossilis) sperm on subsequent embryo development are reversed by incubating fertilised eggs in caffeine. Cryobiology, 46 (1), 43-52.
- Kopeika, J., Kopeika, E., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Holt, W.V., 2002. Detrimental effect of loach (Misgurnus fossilis) sperm cryopreservation on subsequent embryo development are reversed by incubating fertilised eggs in caffeine. Cryobiology, 46 (1), 43-52.
- Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2002. Studies on cryopreservation of luc gene transfected bluegill sunfish fibroblast cell line. Cryo Letters, 23 (3), 191-196.
- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T., Kopeika, E., Holt, W.V. and Rawson, D.M., 2001. Indirect evidence of genetic effect of cryopreservation on the sperm of loach (Missgurnus fossilis). Cryobiology, 43 (4), 388.
- Liu, X.H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2001. Differential scanning calorimetry studies of intraembryonic freezing and cryoprotectant penetration in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. J Exp Zool, 290 (3), 299-310.
- Liu, X.H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2001. Effect of cooling rate and partial removal of yolk on the chilling injury in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Theriogenology, 55 (8), 1719-1731.
- Zhang, T., Bentley, A. and Rawson, D.M., 2001. Cryopreservation of luc gene transfected bluegill sunfish fibroblast cell line. CryoLetters, 22 (2), 81-82.
- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2000. Differential scanning calorimetry study on the characterisation of intraembryonic freezing and cryoprotectant penetration in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 41 (4), 355-356.
- Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T., Kalicharan, D. and Jongebloed, W.L., 2000. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy studies of the chorion, plasma membrane and syncytial layers of the gastrula-stage embryo of the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio: A consideration of the structural and functional relationships with respect to cryoprotectant penetration. Aquaculture Research, 31 (3), 325-336.
- Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T., Kalicharan, D. and Jongebloed, W.L., 2000. FE-SEM and TEM studies of the chorion, plasma membrane and syncytial layers of the gastrula stage embryo of the zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio): a consideration of the structural and functional relationship with respect to cryoprotectant penetration. Aquaculture Research, 31 (3), 325-336.
- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1999. Effects of cooling rates and anoxia on the chilling sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 39 (4), 318-319.
- Liu, X.H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1999. The effect of partial removal of yolk on the chilling sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Cryobiology, 39 (3), 236-242.
- Liu, X.H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1998. Feasibility of vitrification of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos using methanol. Cryo-Letters, 19 (5), 309-318.
- Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1998. Permeability of dechorionated one-cell and six-somite stage zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryos to water and methanol. Cryobiology, 37 (1), 13-21.
- Stokroos, D., Kalicharan, D., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 1998. Non coating and CRYO-FE-SEM of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryo blastodermal cells and syncytial layer. Proceedings of Dutch Society for Microscopy’98, Rynsbury.
- Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Jongebloed, W.L., 1998. Further studies on zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryo membranes: permeability and ultra-structure. CryoLetters, 3, 65.
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- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2010. Investigation of methanol impact on mitochondrial transport and cytoskeleton proteins in stage III zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. In: Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. 1-5 July 2010 Bristol, UK.
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- Desai, K., Spikings, E., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Studies on impact of chilling on sox gene expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. In: Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. 1-4 July 2010 Bristol, UK.
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- Spikings, E., Vishnolia, K., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2010. Effect of methanol and chilling on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. In: Cryo2010 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. 1-4 July 2010 Bristol, UK.
- Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T. and Zampolla, T., 2010. Cryo-Banking of Cells and Tissues from Freshwater and Marine Fish in the UK Waters. In: Diversity in Biobanking: Embracing Differences, Harnessing Commonalities. Annual Meeting of International Society of Biological and Envarionmental Repositories. 1-5 May 2010 Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- Spikings, E., Zampolla, T., Wang, Y., Rawson, D.W. and Zhang, T., 2010. Methanol disrupts mitochondrial organisation in zebrafish ovarian follicles. In: Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissues and Organs. 1-5 April 2010 Valencia, Spain.
- Zhang, T., Zampolla, T., Srirangarajah, S., Ramesh, S. and Rawson, D.M., 2010. Effect of cryoprotectants exposure and cryopreservation on zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissues. In: Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissues and Organs. 1 April 2010-4 December 2016 Valencia, Spain.
- Spikings, E., Zampolla, T., Wang, Y., Rawson, D.W. and Zhang, T., 2010. Effect of cryoprotectant and chilling on oxidative stress in stage I zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles. In: Controversies in Cryopreservation of Stem Cells, Reproductive Cells, Tissues and Organs. 1-4 April 2010 Valencia, Spain.
- Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2009. Effect of methanol on expression of mitochondrial DNA replication factors and mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Scientific Meeting 1-4 September 2009 Hannover, Germany.
- Ghafari, F., Spikings, E., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2009. Effect of cryoprotectant treatment and chilling on oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio) early ovarian follicles. In: Cryo2009 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. 1-5 July 2009 Sappora, Japan.
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- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2008. Development of cryopreservation protocols for early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian follicles using controlled slow cooling. In: Society for Low Temerature Biology Scientific Meeting 1-5 September 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Zampolla, T., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. Effect of cryoprotectants exposure on mitochondrial activity and mtDNA copy number. In: Society for Low Temerature Biology Scientific Meeting 1-5 September 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. The Effect of Chilling on Replication of Mitochondrial DNA in Zebrafish Embryos. In: Society for Low Temerature Biology Scientific Meeting 1-5 September 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Lin, C., Spikings, E., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. Evaluation of potential housekeeping genes for use in expression profiling the effects of chilling and freezing in zebrafish embryos and blastomeres. In: Society for Low Temerature Biology Scientific Meeting 1-5 September 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark.
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- Spikings, E., Lin, C.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2008. The effect of chilling on mitochondrial DNA replication in zebrafish embryos. In: 8th International Meeting on Zebrafish Development & Genetics. 1-5 June 2008 Madison, USA.
- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2007. Studies on cryoprotectant toxicity of early stage zebrafish (Danio rerio). In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1-5 September 2007 Derby, UK.
- Lin, C.-S., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2007. Cryopreservation and gene expression in zebrafish blastomeres. In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Annual Scientific Meeting. 1-5 September 2007 Derby.
- Zhang, T., 2007. Cryo-conservation in fish: the potentials and challenges. In: The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology 29 July-1 August 2007 Lake Louise, Canada.
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- Tsai, S., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2007. Studies on chilling sensitivity of early stage zebrafish (Danion rerio) oocytes. In: The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Crybiology 29 July-1 August 2007 Lake Louise, Canada.
- Lin, C.-S., Zhang, T., Elgar, G. and Rawson, D.M., 2007. Initial studies on cryopreservation and gene expression in isolated blastomeres of zebrafish (Danio rerio). In: The 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Crybiology 29 July-1 August 2007 Lake Louise, Canada.
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- Babin, P.J., Andre, M., Forgue, J., Knoll-Gellida, A., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2007. Development of oocyte viability molecular signature (OVMS) assays for zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocyte cryopreservation studies. In: 8th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish (ISRPF 2007) 1-5 June 2007 St Malo, France.
- Lubzens, E., Rosenfeld, H., Meiri, I., Olsson, P.E., Cerd, J., Babin, P.J., Admon, A., Carnevali, O., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2007. A multidisciplinary approach for investigating the prospects for cryopreservation of fish oocytes. In: IMBC 2007 8th international marine biotechnology conference 1-5 March 2007 Eliat, Isreal.
- Zampolla, T., Rawson, D.M. and Zhang, T., 2006. Development of new viability assessments methods for zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes. In: Cryo2006 1-5 July 2006 Hamburg, Germany.
- Guan, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2006. Successful enzymatic separation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes using hyaluronidase. In: Cryo2006 1-5 July 2006 Hamburg, Germany.
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- Li, Y.-Z., Zhang, T., Wang, R.Y. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. Effect of ultrasound treatment on survival of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes and embryos. In: 41st Annual SLTB meeting 1-5 September 2005 York, UK.
- Lubzens, E., Zhang, T. et al., 2005. Cryopreservation of fish oocytes: obstacles and achievements. In: 4th Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium 1-5 September 2005 Belgium.
- Zhang, T., Plachinta, M., Kopeika, J., Rawson, D.M., Cionna, C., Tosti, L. and Carnevali, O., 2005. Membrane integrity and cathepsin activities of zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes after freezing to -196C using controlled slow cooling. In: Annual Conference of the Society for Cryobiology (Cryo2005) 1-5 July 2005 Minneapolis USA.
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- Kopeika, J., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2005. Preliminary study on modification of yolk sec of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) using micro-injection. In: Annual Conference of the Society for Cryobiology (Cryo2005) 1-3 July 2005 Minneeapolis, USA.
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- Forgue, J., Knoll-Gellida, A., Andre, M., Zhang, T., Rawson, D.M. and Babin, P.J., 2005. Transcriptome analysis of zebrafish oocyte and development of an optimized cryopreservation procedure. In: Annual INRA Scientific Meeting 1-3 March 2005 Tours, France.
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- Zhang, T., Bao, Q.-Y., Wang, R.Y. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Development of a new rapid measurement technique for fish embryo membrane permeability studies using impedance spectroscopy. In: World Congress of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine (CRYO'2004) 1-3 July 2004 Beijing, China.
- Plachinta, M., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Preliminary studies on cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) vitellogenic oocytes using controlled slow cooling. In: World Congress of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine (CRYO'2004) 1-3 July 2004 Beijing, China.
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- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 2000. Differential scanning calorimetry studies of intraembryonic freezing and cryoprotectant penetration in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. In: CRYO 2000, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology 1-2 August 2000 Boston, USA.
- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1999. Effects of cooling rates and anoxia on the chilling sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. In: World Congress of Cryobiology (CRYO’99) 1-2 July 1999 Marseilles, France.
- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1998. Effect of partial removal of yolk on the survival and chilling sensitivity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Symposium. 1-2 September 1998 Bristol, UK.
- Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1997. Further studies on zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryo membranes: permeability and ultra-structure. In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Symposium: Cryopreservation and the Conservation of Biodiversity. 1-2 September 1997 London, UK.
- Liu, X.-H., Zhang, T. and Rawson, D.M., 1997. A preliminary study on vitrification of intact zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryos using methanol. In: CRYO 97, 34th Annual Conference of the Society for Cryobiology 1-2 June 1997 Barcelona, Spain.
- Rawson, D.M., Zhang, T. and Jongebloed, W., 1996. Structure-permeability relationships of the chorion and vitelline membranes of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryos. In: Society for Low Temperature Biology Symposium. 1-2 September 1996 Dundee, UK.
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- Zhang, T., Isayeva, A., Plachinta, M. and Rawson, D.M., 2004. Studies on zebrafish (Danio rerio) oocytes membrane permeability to water and cryoprotectants and their cryopreservation using controlled slow cooling. EU FPV CRYOCYTE.
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- Development of cryopreservation protocols for gametes and embryos of migratory Brazilian fish (Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support & Evaluation of Graduate Education, Brazil, 01 Sep 2013). Awarded
- Cryopreservation of oocytes of endangered species by vitrification (Science and Technology Council of HE, Ministry of Education, Brazil, 01 Jan 2011). Awarded
- PhD Studentship (HEFCE ORSAS, 01 Sep 2009). Awarded
- DNA Damage, Repair & Cryopreservation (HEFCE Research Informed Teaching Grant, 01 Sep 2008). Awarded
- Cryopreservation of fish sperm (Greek Ministry of Education, 01 Sep 2005). Awarded
- Investigation of new approaches to the cryopreservation of fish embryos (The Wellcome Trust Functional Genomics Development Initiative (GR06988MA), 01 Sep 2003). Awarded
- Towards the development of technologies for cryopreservation of fish gametes (European Commission, Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, 01 Sep 2002). Awarded
- Cryopreservation of fish eggs and embryos (HEFCE, 01 Sep 1996). Awarded
- Bioassays for ecotoxicological testing, based on transformed fish cell lines (DTI/LINK Cell Engineering Programme, 01 Sep 1992). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- Society of Cryobiology, Member of Board of Governors (2013-)
- Chinese Life Science Society UK, Vice President (2011-)
- China Agriculture University, Visiting Professor (2008-)
- BBSRC, USA, Grant Referee (2007-)
- Society for Low Temperature Biology, Chairman
- Cyro Letters, Associate Editor
- Journal of Aquaculture R&D, Board Member
- PhD in Cryobiology (University of Bedfordshire, 1994)
- MPhil in Environmental Biology (Middlesex University, 1990)
- BSc (Hons) in Environmental Biology (Liaoning University (China), 1982)