Saf Efstathiou
- 01202 965805
- sefstathiou@bournemouth.ac.uk
- Principal Academic
- Weymouth House W246, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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- Efstathiou, S. and Callus, P., 2010. Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology. In: Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology June 2010 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
- Esthathiou, S. and Callus, P., 2009. Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education. In: Animation as a tool in Primary School Education March-April 2009 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
- Callus, P. and Esthathiou, S., 2008. Using Animation as a learning tool in Primary Education. In: Using Animation as a learning tool in Primary Education 2008 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
- Efstathiou, S., 2008. Softimage Certified Instructor. Avid/Autodesk.
- Efstathiou, S., Harper, S. and Vince, J., 2010. Animation Curriculum Development for 'TwoFour54' and Turner Time Warner. Abu Dhabi: Twofour54. Available from: http://tadreeb.twofour54.com/en/section/cartoon-network.
- Efstathiou, S., 2010. The creation and ongoing development of a collaborative work environment within the Media School, which allows students and staff to provide resources and feedback pertinent to the media project undertaken.. Available from: http://nccart.bournemouth.ac.uk/.