Search Results

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Visiting Fellow Bruce Eagles
PersonArchaeological field investigator, Salisbury Office, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England), 1964-1988: fieldwork in Gloucestershire and Wessex; 1988-1991, Head of Archaeological Archives; 1991-1996, Head of the National Archaeological Record; 1997 to present, Visiting Research Fellow, Bournemouth University.

Visiting Fellow Stuart Davies
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Stuart Davies at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Sheila Broadman
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Sheila Broadman at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow David Morris
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow David Morris at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow David Gilbertson
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow David Gilbertson at Bournemouth University

Visitng Fellow Mike Allen
PersonView the academic profile of Visitng Fellow Mike Allen at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Clare Randall
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Clare Randall at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Peter Howard
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Peter Howard at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Simon Newman
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Simon Newman at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Lilian Ladle
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Lilian Ladle at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Vivek Gulati
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Vivek Gulati at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Jop Antonis
PersonView the academic profile of Visiting Fellow Jop Antonis at Bournemouth University

Visiting Fellow Sam Heaton
PersonOrthopaedic Surgeon with a specialist interest in Hip and knee arthroplasty and revision arthroplsty. A higher level training in Trauma surgery also.

Dr Jan Lewis
PersonDr Jan Lewis is a Visiting Fellow attached to the Department of Humanities and Law, Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University. Her research examines the role of professional archaeologists as expert contributors to BBC radio, focusing on the period between the BBC's inception in 1922, up to the mid-1960s.

Alex Breen
PersonI am a visiting associate of Bournemouth University undertaking research into the mechanical aggravation of musculoskeletal conditions such as Spine Biomechanics, Back pain.

Dr William Haydock
PersonI have written widely on issues of alcohol and drug policy, having completed a PhD at Bournemouth University that looked at ideas of gender and class in people's understandings of drinking in the night-time economy.

Dr Sheila Brooks
PersonView the academic profile of Dr Sheila Brooks, Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University

Dr Todun Joseph
PersonView the academic profile of Dr Todun Joseph, Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University

Lawrence Shaw
PersonView the academic profile of Lawrence Shaw, Visiting Research Fellow at Bournemouth University

Dr Kate Murphy
PersonFrom 2012 - 2020 I was a member of academic staff at Bournemouth University. I initially joined as a Senior Lecturer in Radio Production and went on to develop and run the new BA History degree, becoming Principal Academic in 2017.

Kieran Gallagher
PersonVisiting Fellow to the Orthopaedic Research Institute, Bournemouth University and Clinical Hip Surgery Fellow, Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

Dr Philip Long
PersonDr Philip Long joined Bournemouth University in June 2012 as Associate Dean and Head of the Tourism Academic Group. His previous academic posts were at Leeds Metropolitan and Sheffield Hallam Universities.

Minesh Khashu
PersonClinical leader reimagining healthcare with a focus on system wide transformation, continuous Quality Improvement and Patient Centred Care. Research interests: Neonatal nutrition, NEC, Oxidant load in neonatal period, Late preterms, Healthcare Improvement and Safety, Healthcare Leadership

Dr Liz Falconer
PersonLiz is an Emerita Professor in Technology Enhanced Learning at The University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE) and a Visiting Fellow at BU in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.

Dr Bryce Dyer
PersonDr. Bryce Dyer is Associate Professor of Sports Technology at Bournemouth University and a Visiting Academic in Medical Technology at the University of Southampton.
