Megan Jadzinski

Megan Jadzinski

  • Senior University Practice Learning Adviser
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BG114, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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As a University Practice Learning Adviser at Bournemouth University, I am responsible for the quality assurance of placement areas and supporting both students and assessors in the practice setting, whilst working in close collaboration with education teams in local organisations and trusts. In 2012, I qualified as a paramedic and continue to work for a local trust, which allows me to combine both education and clinical practice.

I hold a Masters in Education in Practice as well as a Masters in Critical Care. My research areas of interest include critical care, practice education and regulatory standards. I am currently a PhD student looking at the process for managing concerns relating to healthcare student's fitness to practice.

Journal Articles


External Responsibilities

  • Edge Hill University, External examiner (2023-)

Conference Presentations

  • Exploring effective practice education, Fitness to Practice processes in Higher Education Institutions - A Systematic Review, 18 Dec 2023, Bournemouth University
  • Learning and Teaching Conference, The Staff Enhancement of the Authentic Learning Experience (“SEAL”) approach in Postgraduate Online Education – An example from Maternal Critical Care, 14 Jun 2022, University of Edinburgh (Online)
  • Royal College of Nursing, Final year students - The Practice Supervisor Journey, 26 Apr 2022, Online
  • BU Annual Postgraduate Research Conference, How are Fitness to Practise (FTP) processes applied in the Higher Education Institutions (HEI), in relation to Health and Care Profession Council (HCPC) or Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) healthca, 01 Dec 2021, Online
  • NET 2018, An innovation in mental health practice education for Pre-registration Paramedic students, 04 Sep 2018, Cambridge
  • NET 2018, University Practice Learning Advisor: The unique role that links the university with practice and supports both students and mentors, 04 Sep 2018, Cambridge


  • Shortlisted/finalist (Student Nursing Times Award (Partnership of the year), 2022)


  • Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow (2018-),
  • Health and Care Professions Council, Member,