Professor Sara White
- 01202 967280
- swhite at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor and Deputy Dean
- Bournemouth Gateway Building BG507a, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
- Keywords:
- Humanisation
I am the Deputy Dean (Education and Professional Practice) - the Faculty of Health and Social Science (FHSS). I qualified as a Nurse in 1986 and obtained my first Sisters post in Intensive Care and Coronary Care in 1989 in St Mary Hospital London. In 1998 I moved into academia. I have held many leadership and management positions in BU including Principal Academic, Nursing Framework Leader and Associate Dean Student Experience. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have a passion for the future generation of nurses and inter / multi-disciplinary working. I also vehemently believe in fairness, transparency and quality provision and seek to reflect these both with student and peers. My publications and research reflect my passions of nursing caring values, humanizing nursing care, compassion in caring and contra-power harassment.
Journal Articles
- Jadzinski, M. and White, S., 2024. Exploring academics’ views of fitness to practise in higher education. Nursing Times.
- Jadzinski, M., White, S., Way, S. and Mylod, D., 2023. How are fitness to practise processes applied in UK higher education institutions? − A systematic review. Nurse Education in Practice, 71.
- Christensen, M., Craft, J. and White, S., 2021. “I've had horrible things said about me”: An inductive content analysis of nursing academic experiences of contra-power harassment from undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 54.
- White, S., Tait, D. and Scammell, J., 2021. Nursing students’ evolving professional values: Capturing their journey through co-operative inquiry. Nurse Education in Practice, 54.
- White, S. and Christensen, M., 2020. Incivility from Undergraduate Nursing Students in the United Kingdom. Integrative Journal of Nursing and Medicine, 1 (1), 2-7.
- Christensen, M., Craft, J. and White, S., 2020. Nurse academics' experience of contra-power harassment from under-graduate nursing students in Australia. Nurse Education Today, 84.
- Rosser, E.A., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I. and Hemingway, A., 2019. Caring values in undergraduate nurse students: A qualitative longtitudinal study. Nurse Education Today, 77, 65-70.
- Christensen, M., White, S., Dobbs, S., Craft, J. and Palmer, C., 2019. Contra-power harassment of nursing academics. Nurse Education Today, 74, 94-96.
- White, S., Stainer, L., Cooper, K. and Waight, S., 2018. The personal tutor as a role model for students: Humanising nursing care. British Journal of Nursing, 27 (1), 52-55.
- Scammell, J., Tait, D., White, S. and Tait, M., 2017. Challenging nurse student selection policy: Using a lifeworld approach to explore the link between care experience and student values. Nursing Open, 4 (4), 218-229.
- Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Donaldson, I., Jack, E., Hemingway, A. and Harding, A., 2015. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal qualitative study phase 1. Nurse Education in Practice.
- White, S., 2013. . Retaining Non Standard Students in Health and Social Care. Higher Education Academy 2nd Ed Compendium of Effective Practice..
- White, S.J., 2013. Student nurses harassing academics. Nurse Education Today, 33 (1), 41-45.
- White, S., 2012. Student life-When the going gets tough. Nurs Stand, 26 (38), 64.
- White, S., 2012. "Dignity is integral to nursing, not something you learn to 'deliver'". Nurs Times, 108 (11), 7.
- White, S., 2012. When the going gets tough. Nursing Standard, 26 (38), 64.
- White, S.J., 2011. Student nurses harassing academics. Nurse Education Today.
- White, S., 2009. Lecturers who are abused and harassed by students. Nurs Stand, 23 (47), 33.
- White, S., 2008. Bullying Upwards. Nursing Standard, 22 (20), 62-63.
- Knight, A., Benbow, W., Jordan, G. and White, S., 2019. A Handbook for Student Nurses: introducing key issues relevant for practice. Lantern Publishing.
- Tait, D. and White, S.J., 2018. Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach.
- Tait, D. and White, S., 2018. Humanised care and clinical decision making in critical care. Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach. London: SAGE Publications Limited, 5-34.
- Tait, D. and White, S., 2018. What triggers critical illness? Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach. London: SAGE Publications Limited, 35-68.
- Tait, D. and White, S., 2018. Acute kidney injury- case study Brian. Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach. London: SAGE Publications Limited, 135-160.
- Tait, D. and Gagan, M., 2018. legal and ethical issues in critical care- case study Mrs B. In: White, S., ed. Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach. London: SAGE Publications Limited, 223-242.
- Tait, D. and White, S., 2018. The impact of critical illness on recovery and rehabilitation. Critical Care Nursing: the Humanised Approach. London: SAGE Publications Limited, 243-258.
- White, S. and Lowe, F., 2018. Chapter 3: Ann & David: Respiratory Failure. White, S & Tait, D. (2018). Critical Care Nursing - The Humanised Approach. Sage.
- White, S. and Lowe, F., 2018. Chapter 5: Michael: Cardiac Failure. White, S & Tait, D. (2018). Critical Care Nursing - The Humanised Approach.. Sage.
- White, S. and Lowe, F., 2018. Chapter 7: Rebecca: Gastrointestinal Disorder. Critical Care Nursing - The Humanised Approach. Sage.
- White, S. and Lowe, F., 2018. Chapter 8: Conner: Endocrine disorder. Critical Care Nursing - The Humanised Approach.. Sage.
- White, S. and Lowe, F., 2018. Chapter 9: Richard and Steven: Neurological damage. Critical Care Nursing - The Humanised Approach. Sage.
- White, S., Phillips, J. and Stainer, L., 2013. Retaining Non Standard Students in Health and Social Care. In: Clark, R., Andrews, J., Thomas, L. and Aggarwal, R., eds. Compendium of effective practice in higher education: Volume 2. Aston University, Birmingham, and the Higher Education Academy, York,, 105-108.
- Scammell, J., Tait, D. and White, S., 2019. Nurse students have the ‘right’ values but how do they retain them? Exploring the impact of a curriculum based on a humanising philosophy on student values from pre-registration programme commencement through to completion. In: STTI 4th European Region Conference 3-6 June 2018 Cambridge UK.
- Stainer, L., Cooper, K., White, S. and Waight, S., 2018. Academic Advisor (personal tutor) role modelling a humanising approach: how & why? In: Humanising Care Conference 21-22 June 2018 Bournemouth University.
- Stainer, L., Waight, S., White, S. and Cooper, K., 2018. The role of the personal tutor in Student Nurses personal and professional development in becoming a caring and compassionate nurse. In: Sigma 4th European Region Conference 5 June 2018 Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge.
- Scammell, J., Tait, D. and White, S., 2018. Nursing students’ values from selection to qualification: a longitudinal study of how students describe their values when exposed to a curriculum based on a humanising philosophy. In: NETNEP 2018 6-9 May 2018 Banff, Canada.
- White, S., stainer, L., Cooper, K. and Waight, S., 2018. Academic Advising For Success: The Role of the Academic Adviser on a pre-registration nursing programme. In: UK Advising and Tutorial conference 2017 5-6 April 2017 Leeds Trinity University.
- Scammell, J., Donaldson, I., White, S., Tait, D., Ryden, J., Brown, P. and Stainer, L., 2017. Role of class size on student learning and staff satisfaction: a mixed method study. In: NET2017: Networking for Education in Healthcare 5-6 September 2017 Churchill College, Cambridge.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Rosser, E., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., White, S., Heaslip, V., Hemingway, A. and Donaldson, I., 2016. Learning about the complexity of humanised care: findings from a longitudinal study of nurse students’ perceptions. In: 27th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 6-8 September 2016 Cambridge, England.
- Scammell, J., Tait, D. and White, S., 2016. Using a lifeworld approach to explore nurse student values: a longitudinal study. In: 3rd European Conference of STTI Nursing Scholarship Society 5-8 June 2016 Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Scammell, J., Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. Nurturing caring values in pre-registration nurse education: a qualitative longitudinal study. In: STTI Honours Nursing Society Biennium Conference 8-12 November 2015 Las Vegas, USA.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Hemingway, A., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. Caring Values of Nursing Students: the impact of education. In: Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International 7-11 November 2015 Las Vagas.
- Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Hemingway, A., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2015. The Effect of Education on the Caring Values of Nursing Students. In: 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 8-10 September 2015 Cambridge.
- White, S., White, S.J., Tait, D. and Scammell, J., 2014. Qualitative Analysis of the Value Base of Student Nurses. In: SRHE Annual Confernce 10 December-12 November 2014 Newport, Wales.
- Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I., Heaslip, V., Jack, E., Phillips, J., Scammell, J. and White, S., 2013. Do students enter nursing programmes with a caring disposition? An exploration of the qualities and values held by students entering pre-registration nursing in one English University. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education 3-5 September 2013 Cambridge, UK. 3.9.13.
- Phillips, J., Cooper, K., Rosser, E., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S., Donaldson, I., Hemingway, A., Jack, E. and Harding, A., 2013. To explore the impact of a humanising curriculum on new nursing recruits' personal beliefs about the core values of nursing. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education 3-5 September 2013 Cambridge, UK.
- Rosser, E.A., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Jack, E., Cooper, K., Phillips, J., Scammell, J., Heaslip, V., White, S. and Donaldson, I., 2013. An exploration of the perceptions of caring held by students entering nursing programmes. In: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 2-5 September 2013 Cambridge.
- Rosser, E., Hemingway, A., Harding, A., Cooper, K., Donaldson, I., Heaslip, V., Jack, E., Phillips, J., Scammell, J. and White, S., 2013. Putting patients at the heart of nursing care: an exploratory study of student values entering pre-registration nursing in one UK University. In: Inaugural Phi Mu Chapter conference 20-21 June 2013 Bournemouth UK. 20.6.13.
PhD Students
- Megan Jadzinski. Exploring the views of academic faculty members, on the Fitness to Practice process, from pre-registration to post-registration, (In progress)
- Carolyn Richardson, 2020. African-Caribbean Women’s Stories of Migration, Motherhood and Their Cultural Practices
- Julie Northam, 2020. How do markers of class and gender influence decision making when recruiting and promoting academics in English universities
- Sue Sutton, 2026. What is the maximum opportunity for urgent and emergency treatments outside of a hospital environment to avoid conveyance by ambulance to the emergency department (ED); and what would be required to support it?
- Debbee Houghton. Using midwives perspectives to unravel medicine management in contemporary practice
- Karen Cooper. Experiences of Practice assessment
Profile of Teaching UG
- Practice Portfolio
- Care of Cleints with Acute and Chronic conditions
- Managing Complex Conditions
- Reviewing the Literature to Inform Professional Practice
- Education Provider Simulated Learning Environments (Health Education England, 01 Feb 2022). Awarded
- Newly Qualified Practitioners Recovery Programme (Health Care Education England, 24 Mar 2021). Awarded
- The Value base of Student Nurses entering Nurse Education. Stage 2. (Bournemouth university, 09 Feb 2015). Awarded
- Pain Management e-learning Resource Project (Bournemouth University, 01 Aug 2014). Awarded
- Complementary Qualitative study to the ‘Velcade at Home trail’ (Bournemouth Hospital, 30 Apr 2009). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- CAVA - AECC, External Moderator (2017-2018)
- CAVA - Bournemouth& Poole College, External Moderator (2017-2018)
- Hertfordshire University, Exteranl Examiner for BSc (Hons) and MA Nursing (-2018)
Internal Responsibilities
- Acting Deputy Dean Education and Professional Practice, FHSS
Conference Presentations
- Humanising Care, Health and Wellbeing, Critical Care Nursing - a humanised approach, 21 Jun 2018, Bournemouth
- Humanising Care, Health and Wellbeing, Academic Advisor (personal tutor) role modelling a humanising approach: How & Why?, 21 Jun 2018, Bournemouth University
- Sigma 4th Biennial European Conference June 2018, Nurse Students have the 'right' values but how do they retain them? Exploring the impact of a curriculum based on a humanising philosophy on student values from pre-registration programme commencement, 04 Jun 2018, Anglia Ruskin University. Cambridge. UK
- STTI 4th biennial European Conference June 2018, The role of the personal tutor in student nurses personal and professional development to become a caring and compassionate nurse, 04 Jun 2018, Anglia Ruskin University. Cambridge, UK
- 3rd STTI European Conference, Using a Life-world Approach to Explore Nurse Students’ Values, 01 Jun 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International, Caring Values of Nursing Students: the impact of education, 01 Nov 2015, Gothenberg
- 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, The Effect of Education on the Caring Values of Nursing Students, 01 Sep 2015, Cambridge
- 2nd Biennial Conference of the Phi Mu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, The impact of education on values-based care: the student perspective, 01 Jun 2015, Leeds
- Society into Research for Higher Education Annual Research Conference 2014., Exploring the Value Base of students entering Nursing, 01 Dec 2014, Wales
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society 2nd European Conference, Evolving perceptions of caring during the first year of a nurse education programme: Interim findings from a longitudinal study, 01 Jun 2014, Cambridge
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society 2nd European Conference, Exploring the value-base of students entering nursing., 01 Jun 2014, Gothenburg
- International Nurses Day., Celebrating Nursing in Challenging Times, 01 May 2014, BU
- BU Service Excellence, PDU Tracking Non Standard Undergraduate Students, 01 Dec 2013, BU
- 22nd International Networking for Education in Healthcare Conference. NET, Caring Project, 01 Sep 2013, Cambridge
- Inaugural Phi Mu Chapter conference, Putting patients at the heart of nursing care: an exploratory study of student values entering pre-registration nursing in one UK University, 01 Jun 2013, BU
- Salisbury District NHS Foundation Trust Senior Nurse Forum., BU Undergraduate Nurse Education, 01 May 2013, SDH
- Preceptorship programme for Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Foundation Trust, Effective working relationships, 01 Oct 2012, RBH
- PG Cert Research Supervision in Research Supervision (Bournemouth University, 2010)
- Doctor of Education in Education (Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 2009)
- MA Professional Development (PCE) in Education (Bournemouth University, 2001)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching in HE - Registered Nurse teacher (Bournemouth University, 1999)
- Diploma In Health Service Management in Health Service Management (1995)
- BSC (Hons) in Nursing Studies (Bournemouth University, 1994)
- Registered General Nurse in Nursing (UKCC, 1986)
- UKAT, Member (2017-2018),
- Nursing and Midwifery Council, Member (1983-),
- Royal College of Nursing, Member (1983-),
- Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow,