Adam Parker

Adam Parker

  • parkera at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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I completed my PhD at Bournemouth University under the supervision of Tim Slattery and Julie Kirkby.

I am now working as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Oxford.

Journal Articles

  • Parker, A.J. and Slattery, T.J., 2025. Frequency and Predictability Effects for Line-Final Words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 51 (1), 92-112.
  • Man, H., Parker, A.J. and Taylor, J.S.H., 2024. Flexible letter-position coding in Chinese-English L2 bilinguals: Evidence from eye movements. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77 (12), 2497-2515.
  • Parker, A.J., Hontaru, M.-E., Lin, R., Ollerenshaw, S. and Bonandrini, R., 2024. Opposite perceptual biases in analogous auditory and visual tasks are unique to consonant-vowel strings and are unlikely a consequence of repetition. Laterality, 29 (3), 283-312.
  • Parker, A.J., Taylor, J.S.H. and Rodd, J.M., 2024. Readers Use Recent Experiences With Word Meanings to Support the Processing of Lexical Ambiguity: Evidence From Eye Movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition.
  • Pownall, M., Parker, A.J. et al., 2023. Evaluating the Pedagogical Effectiveness of Study Preregistration in the Undergraduate Dissertation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 6 (4).
  • Grant, J.H., Parker, A.J., Hodgson, J.C., Hudson, J.M. and Bishop, D.V.M., 2023. Testing the relationship between lateralization on sequence-based motor tasks and language laterality using an online battery. Laterality, 28 (1), 1-31.
  • Parker, A.J., Räsänen, M. and Slattery, T.J., 2023. What is the optimal position of low-frequency words across line boundaries? An eye movement investigation. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37 (1), 161-173.
  • COLA consortium et al., 2022. Inconsistent language lateralisation - Testing the dissociable language laterality hypothesis using behaviour and lateralised cerebral blood flow. Cortex, 154, 105-134.
  • Mills, R., Woodhead, Z.V.J. and Parker, A.J., 2022. Orthographic Neighborhood Effects During Lateralized Lexical Decision Are Abolished With Bilateral Presentation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48 (5), 481-496.
  • Parsons, S., Parker, A.J. et al., 2022. A community-sourced glossary of open scholarship terms. Nature Human Behaviour, 6 (3), 312-318.
  • Bishop, D.V.M., Thompson, J. and Parker, A.J., 2022. Can we shift belief in the 'Law of Small Numbers'? R Soc Open Sci, 9 (3), 211028.
  • Parker, A.J. and Slattery, T.J., 2021. Spelling ability influences early letter encoding during reading: Evidence from return-sweep eye movements. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74 (1), 135-149.
  • Parker, A.J., Woodhead, Z.V.J., Thompson, P.A. and Bishop, D.V.M., 2021. Assessing the reliability of an online behavioural laterality battery: A pre-registered study. Laterality, 26 (4), 359-397.
  • Parker, A.J., Kirkby, J.A. and Slattery, T.J., 2020. Undersweep fixations during reading in adults and children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 192.
  • Tan Li Ning, N., Bishop, D.V.M. and Parker, A.J., 2020. Effects of blocked versus interleaved presentation on children’s vocabulary learning: A pilot study.
  • Parker, A.J., Egan, C., Grant, J., Harte, S.C., Hudson, B.T. and Woodhead, Z.V.J., 2020. The role of orthographic neighbourhood effects in lateralized lexical decision: A replication study and meta-analysis.
  • Parker, A.J., Woodhead, Z.V.J., Thompson, P.A. and Bishop, D.V.M., 2020. Assessing the reliability of an online behavioural laterality battery: A pre-registered study.
  • Slattery, T.J. and Parker, A.J., 2019. Return sweeps in reading: Processing implications of undersweep-fixations. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26 (6), 1948-1957.
  • Parker, A.J., Nikolova, M., Slattery, T.J., Liversedge, S.P. and Kirkby, J.A., 2019. Binocular coordination and return-sweep saccades among skilled adult readers. Journal of Vision, 19 (6), 1-19.
  • Parker, A.J., Slattery, T.J. and Kirkby, J.A., 2019. Return-sweep saccades during reading in adults and children. Vision Research, 155, 35-43.
  • Parker, A.J. and Slattery, T.J., 2019. Word Frequency, Predictability, and Return-Sweep Saccades: Towards the Modeling of Eye Movements During Paragraph Reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45 (12), 1614-1633.
  • Parker, A.J., Kirkby, J.A. and Slattery, T.J., 2017. Predictability effects during reading in the absence of parafoveal preview. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29 (8), 902-911.



  • Man, H., Parker, A.J. and Taylor, J., 2023. Flexible Letter-Position Coding in Chinese-English L2 Bilinguals: Evidence from Eye Movements.
  • Parker, A.J. and Slattery, T., 2023. Frequency and Predictability Effects for Line Final Words.
  • Parker, A.J., Hontaru, M.-E., Lin, R., Ollerenshaw, S. and Bonandrini, R., 2023. Opposite perceptual biases in analogous auditory and visual tasks are unique to consonant-vowel strings and are unlikely a consequence of repetition.
  • Parker, A.J., Taylor, J. and Rodd, J., 2023. Readers use recent experiences with word meanings to support the processing of lexical ambiguity: Evidence from eye movements.
  • Klein, V. and Parker, A.J., 2022. Resounding failure to replicate improved reading in dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers when using yellow backgrounds: Evidence from self-paced reading.
  • Mills, R., Woodhead, Z.V.J. and Parker, A.J., 2021. Orthographic neighbourhood effects during lateralised lexical decision are abolished with bilateral presentation.