Shanti Farrington

Dr Shanti Farrington

  • Principal Academic in Psychology
  • Poole House P328, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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My research interest and focus has always been to translate findings from cognitive research into clinical/counselling application.

From a clinical perspective I am interested in understanding the trauma-informed psychotherapeutic approaches in clients with PTSD and complex trauma. The research questions vary from how neurologically healthy individuals cope with unwanted or traumatic memories to how that changes after a traumatic brain injury or stroke. Especially, when their usual method of dealing with unwanted memories is impaired, how do they cope? How does one integrate cognitive and counselling principles into neuro-rehabilitation.

From a cognitive perspective my research is focused on mechanisms of cognitive control, understanding the role of forgetting (including aspects of motivated forgetting or supression induced forgetting, incidental forgetting, the role of forgetting when individuals may experience severe trauma etc.) and how forgetting is affected by individual differences in emotional regulation, attention and ability to inhibit)...
