Professor Jane Murphy
- 07872048915
- jmurphy at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor and Deputy Dean
- Bournemouth Gateway Building BGB 507b, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
- Keywords:
- Ageing
- Dementia care
- Nutrition
- Quantitative methodology
Jane is Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University (previously Co-Director of the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre).
As Professor of Nutrition, Registered Nutritionist and Dietitian, her primary research interests are committed to key nutrition-related problems associated with ageing including dementia, frailty and malnutrition and led a range of studies working with collaborators in the UK and internationally.
She uses qualitative and quantitative methods and innovative approaches to find robust solutions centred on older people’s lives, intervening early with a particular focus on community working together with stakeholders from both the health and care sectors. She is currently leading NIHR funded projects using digital health coaching for people with frailty in Wessex and improving nutritional care at home for people with dementia working with home care provision.
She has co-produced a number of research-informed training materials for workforce development and support carers... She is keen to disseminate research for impact into practice and the real world through public engagement, working closely with local government, charities and third sector organisations.
She has been Clinical Lead (Nutrition) for the Healthy Ageing Programme for the Wessex Academic Health Science Network and sits on a number of other national advisory boards and external committees. Jane is committed to advancing the professional practice of nutritionists and currently an elected Council member/Trustee and Honorary Treasurer at the Association for Nutrition (AfN).
Her academic career started at University of Southampton where she completed her PhD as a MRC scholar. This laid the foundation for a new area of study to explore dietary interactions with gastrointestinal function in health and disease for her postdoctoral work. In 1997, her research experience was consolidated with the prestigious award of a Wellcome Trust Training Fellowship in Tropical Medicine working at home and overseas. In December 2008, she took up the role of Senior Lecturer in Nutrition at BU, appointed Framework Lead for Health Sciences in 2010, Associate Professor in 2013 and promoted to Professor 2016.
My current research studies/areas of interest include:
1. Improving the delivery of nutritional care in people with dementia living in the community (care homes and people living at home). We have completed a study, funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing to provide new research informed evidence based toolkit for training and education and currently measuring the impact of their dissemination and spread. 2. Nutritional interventions in ageing and effects on neurogeneration. This area of work specifically targets dietary interventions to improve metabolic function and effect on neurodegenerative processes for the prevention and management of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Dementia. 3. Nutrition in older people at risk or having undernutrition and ways to improve identification and management of nutritional care in the community. We currently have funding from the Burdett Trust for Nursing to investigate the barriers and facilitators for implementation of a new procedure for nutrition screening in community care for older people. 4. Way to improve the delivery of research informed nutritional advice in training and practice for health care professionals, specifically for people living with and beyond cancer. This areas of work builds on research funded work with Macmillan Cancer Support to develop a new online resource for health care professionals on nutrition for people who have had a cancer diagnosis and completed treatment.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2023. Erratum to: Measurements of daily energy intake and total energy expenditure in people with dementia in care homes: The use of wearable technology (The journal of nutrition, health & aging, (2017), 21, 8, (927-932), 10.1007/s12603-017-0870-y). Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 27 (8), 690.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2020. Design and evaluation protocol for 'DEALTS 2': A simulation-based dementia education intervention for acute care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 32 (12), 1439-1448.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2019. What factors promote or inhibit implementation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community settings? A prospective process evaluation of the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) project (UK). BMJ Open, 9 (2).
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Could Eggs Help Increase Dietary Protein Intake in Older Adults?–Exploring Reasons for the Consumption and Non-Consumption of Eggs in People over 55 years old. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37 (3-4), 292-309.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Towards a food-based intervention to increase protein intakes in older adults: Challenges to and facilitators of egg consumption. Nutrients, 10 (10).
- Murphy, J., Mayor, A. and Forde, E., 2018. Identifying and treating older patients with malnutrition in primary care: The MUST screening tool. British Journal of General Practice, 68 (672), 344-345.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2017. Measurements of daily energy intake and total energy expenditure in people with dementia in care homes: The use of wearable technology. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 21 (8), 927-932.
- Murphy, J.L., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2017. Nutrition and dementia care: developing an evidence-based model for nutritional care in nursing homes. BMC Geriatrics, 17 (1).
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J., 2016. Identifying and managing malnutrition in the older person. Nursing in Practice, 92.
- Murphy, J., Worswick, L., Pulman, A., Ford, G. and Jeffery, J., 2015. Translating research into practice: Evaluation of an e-learning resource for health care professionals to provide nutrition advice and support for cancer survivors. Nurse Education Today, 35 (1), 271-276.
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J., 2014. Nutrition and dignity in care for people with dementia. Nursing and Residential Care, 16 (9), 501-503.
- Murphy, J. and Girot, E., 2013. Improving cancer survival with lifestyle advice. Nursing Times, 109 (29), 22-23.
- Murphy, J.L. and Girot, E.A., 2013. The importance of nutrition, diet and lifestyle advice for cancer survivors - the role of nursing staff and interprofessional workers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22 (11-12), 1539-1549.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Zero hunger
"End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture"
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Partnership for the Goals
"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"
Journal Articles
- Heward, M., Mitchell, R., Murphy, J. and Board, M., 2025. A Walk Through Dementia: exploring the effects of a virtual reality app about dementia on students' knowledge and attitudes. Nurs Older People.
- Heward, M., Mitchell, R., Murphy, J. and Board, M., 2025. A Walk Through Dementia: exploring the effects of a virtual reality app about dementia on students' knowledge and attitudes. Nursing Older People.
- Abowari-Sapeh, M.E., Ackah, J.A., Murphy, J.L. and Akudjedu, T.N., 2024. Towards an improved dementia care experience in clinical radiography practice: A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 55 (2), 307-319.
- Sait, M.I., Cox, C., Board, M., Thomas, S., Murphy, J. et al., 2024. DIALOR (DIgitAL cOaching for fRailty): Protocol for a single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study of a digital health coaching intervention for older people with frailty in primary care. BMJ Open, 14 (5).
- Christie, R., Cox, C., Board, M., Thomas, S., Murphy, J. et al., 2024. Digital empowerment in long-term condition management: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the experiences and perceptions of home-based digital health coaching interventions. Digital Health, 10.
- Yinusa, G., Murphy, J., Scammell, J., Baron, S. and Ford, G., 2023. Mealtime Companions - An Untapped Resource in the Provision of Food and Nutritional Care to Hospitalised Adult Inpatients: Findings from an Action Research Study. Clinical Nutrition, 57, 831.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2023. Erratum to: Measurements of daily energy intake and total energy expenditure in people with dementia in care homes: The use of wearable technology (The journal of nutrition, health & aging, (2017), 21, 8, (927-932), 10.1007/s12603-017-0870-y). Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 27 (8), 690.
- Tronco Hernandez, Y.A., Julian, A., Weekes, E.C., Murphy, J., Frost, G. and Hickson, M., 2023. Developing a consensus to support health and social care professionals and patients manage nutrition in the context of COVID-19 recovery. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36 (4), 1242-1252.
- Bradley, L., Shanker, S., Murphy, J., Fenge, L.A. and Heward, M., 2023. Effectiveness of digital technologies to engage and support the wellbeing of people with dementia and family carers at home and in care homes: A scoping review. Dementia, 22 (6), 1292-1313.
- Meredith, S.J., Roberts, H., Grocott, M.P.W., Jack, S., Murphy, J., Varkonyi-Sepp, J., Bates, A. and Lim, S.E.R., 2023. Frail2Fit study protocol: a feasibility and acceptability study of a virtual multimodal intervention delivered by volunteers to improve functional outcomes in older adults with frailty after discharge from hospital. BMJ Open, 13 (3).
- Mehra, R., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2023. A Tailored mHealth App for Improving Health and Well-Being Behavioral Transformation in UK Police Workers: Usability Testing via a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10.
- Amenyah, S.D., Waters, D., Tang, W., Fenge, L.A. and Murphy, J.L., 2022. Systematic realist synthesis of health-related and lifestyle interventions designed to decrease overweight, obesity and unemployment in adults. BMC Public Health, 22 (1).
- Murphy, J.L., 2022. Improving nutrition and hydration in older people with dementia in care homes. Nursing Older People, 34 (5).
- Murphy, J., 2022. Do oral nutritional supplements effectively reduce malnutrition or its adverse outcomes in older people with frailty? The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 3 (10), e637-e638.
- Murphy, J.L., 2022. Prevention, identification and management of malnutrition in older people in the community. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 37 (8), 75-81.
- El-Zein, R., Murphy, J., Shanker, S. and Thomas, P.W., 2022. The Effectiveness of Dietary-Induced Ketogenesis on Cognition in Older Adults: A Scoping Review of the Literature. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, 4.
- Heward, M., Spriggs, A., Board, M., El-Zein, R., Murphy, J., Zietara, J., Lorenti, R. and Ashton-Gough, C., 2022. Taking simulation-based dementia education online. Journal of Dementia Care, 30 (2), 13.
- Latif, J., Elizabeth Weekes, C., Julian, A., Frost, G., Murphy, J., Abigail Tronco-Hernandez, Y. and Hickson, M., 2022. Strategies to ensure continuity of nutritional care in patients with COVID-19 infection on discharge from hospital: A rapid review. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 47, 106-116.
- Amenyah, S.D., Murphy, J. and Fenge, L.A., 2021. Evaluation of a health-related intervention to reduce overweight, obesity and increase employment in France and the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods realist evaluation protocol. BMC Public Health, 21 (1).
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2021. Barriers and enablers to implementing ‘DEALTS2’ simulation-based train-the–trainer dementia training programme in hospital settings across England: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1).
- Lawrence, V., Hickson, M., Weekes, C.E., Julian, A., Frost, G. and Murphy, J., 2021. A UK survey of nutritional care pathways for patients with COVID-19 prior to and post-hospital stay. J Hum Nutr Diet, 34 (4), 660-669.
- Swanston, E., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2021. Scoping the need for a tailored mhealth app to improve health and well-being behavioral transformation in the police: Exploring the views of uk police workers via web-based surveys and client meetings. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (8).
- Van Den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. The provision of recipes and single-use herb/spice packets to increase egg and protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition, 24 (8), 2109-2122.
- Murphy, J.L. et al., 2021. The provision of nutritional advice and care for cancer patients: a UK national survey of healthcare professionals. Supportive Care in Cancer, 29 (5), 2435-2442.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Emerson, L. and Murphy, J., 2021. Impact of ‘DEALTS2’ education intervention on trainer dementia knowledge and confidence to utilise innovative training approaches: A national pre-test – post-test survey. Nurse Education Today, 97.
- Yinusa, G., Scammell, J., Murphy, J., Ford, G. and Baron, S., 2021. Multidisciplinary provision of food and nutritional care to hospitalized adult in-patients: A scoping review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 14, 459-491.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2020. Design and evaluation protocol for 'DEALTS 2': A simulation-based dementia education intervention for acute care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 32 (12), 1439-1448.
- Nessel, I., De Rooy, L., Khashu, M., Murphy, J.L. and Dyall, S.C., 2020. Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Lipid Peroxidation Products in Donor Human Milk in the United Kingdom: Results From the LIMIT 2-Centre Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 44 (8), 1501-1509.
- Murphy, J. and Aryal, N., 2020. Improving the provision of nutritional care for people living with dementia in care homes. Nursing Older People, 35 (2).
- Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J., Hind, M., Ellani, B. and Joshi, A., 2020. Exploring Food-Related Barriers and Impact on Preschool-Aged Children in Pokhara, Nepal: A Qualitative Review. Participation, 22 (20), 98-110.
- Collard, S.S. and Murphy, J., 2020. Management of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis in a pediatric population: A scoping review. Journal of Child Health Care, 24 (3), 411-431.
- Yinusa, G., Scammell, J., Murphy, J., Ford, G. and Baron, S., 2020. Multidisciplinary provision of food and nutritional care to hospitalised adult in-patients: A scoping review protocol.
- Murphy, J., Bracher, M., Tkacz, D., Aburrow, A., Allmark, G., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C., 2020. Malnutrition in community-dwelling older people: Lessons learnt using a new procedure. British Journal of Community Nursing, 25 (4), 193-195.
- Jones, D.J., Murphy, J. et al., 2020. Priority setting for adult malnutrition and nutritional screening in healthcare: a James Lind Alliance. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 33 (2), 274-283.
- Murphy, J.L., Aburrow, A., Guestini, A., Brown, R., Parsons, E. and Wallis, K., 2020. Identifying older people at risk of malnutrition and treatment in the community: prevalence and concurrent validation of the Patients Association Nutrition Checklist with ‘MUST’. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 33 (1), 31-37.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Joanne, H., 2019. Identifying and managing malnutrition in older people living in the community: the role of primary care nurses. Nursing in Practice – Invited review, 92.
- Bracher, M., Steward, K., Wallis, K., May, C.R., Aburrow, A. and Murphy, J., 2019. Implementing professional behaviour change in teams under pressure: Results from phase one of a prospective process evaluation (the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) project). BMJ Open, 9 (8).
- Murphy, J., Aburrow, A., Guestin, A., Wallis, K. and Parsons, E., 2019. Concurrent validity of the modified Patients Association Nutrition Checklist (PANC) against the ‘Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool’ (‘MUST’) to identify risk of malnutrition in older people living in the community. ScienceDirect.
- Laiho, K.M., Gavin, J., Murphy, J., Connett, G.J. and Wootton, S.A., 2019. Altered metabolism of 13C-labelled tripalmitin in cystic fibrosis patients compared to controls. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Bilzon, J.L.J., Murphy, J., Allsopp, A.J., Wootton, S.A. and Williams, C., 2019. Influence of carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage feedings during recovery, on subsequent substrate utilisation during exercise. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Zietara, J. and Murphy, J., 2019. Enhanced Education – a simulation-based approach. The Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (5).
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2019. Implementing nutrition screening in the community – Results from phase one of a prospective process evaluation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community care for older people (INSCCOPe - phase one). Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, Volume 29, 262-263.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2019. What factors promote or inhibit implementation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community settings? A prospective process evaluation of the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) project (UK). BMJ Open, 9 (2).
- Murphy, J., 2019. Development and Usability Evaluation of a Nutrition and Lifestyle Guidance Application for People Living with and Beyond Cancer. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. Application Domains. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11585. Springer, Cham., vol 11585.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. A food based approach to increase dietary protein intake in community dwelling older adults: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 28, 269.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2018. Exploring community healthcare staff experiences of current screening and treatment practices for malnutrition – Baseline survey results from the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) process evaluation project. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 28, 261-262.
- Aburrow, A.J., Wallis, K., Hawkins, S., Smith, M., Gentle, L. and Murphy, J., 2018. A new integrated approach using an electronic system across health and social care to improve nutritional care for adults across Dorset. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 28, 255.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Could Eggs Help Increase Dietary Protein Intake in Older Adults?–Exploring Reasons for the Consumption and Non-Consumption of Eggs in People over 55 years old. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37 (3-4), 292-309.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Towards a food-based intervention to increase protein intakes in older adults: Challenges to and facilitators of egg consumption. Nutrients, 10 (10).
- Wiseman, J., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Murphy, J., 2018. Changing Food Culture for Food Wellbeing. International Journal of Home Economics.
- Murphy, J., Mayor, A. and Forde, E., 2018. Identifying and treating older patients with malnutrition in primary care: The MUST screening tool. British Journal of General Practice, 68 (672), 344-345.
- Murphy, J., Mayor, A. and Forde, E., 2018. Primary care 'MUST' do better for malnourished older people. British Journal of General Practice.
- Aburrow, A.J., Parsons, E.L., Jones, R., Wallis, K. and Murphy, J., 2017. Older People's Essential Nutrition (OPEN): An integrated approach for malnutrition screening awareness, identification and care planning. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 22, 131.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2017. Measurements of daily energy intake and total energy expenditure in people with dementia in care homes: The use of wearable technology. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 21 (8), 927-932.
- Murphy, J.L., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2017. Nutrition and dementia care: developing an evidence-based model for nutritional care in nursing homes. BMC Geriatrics, 17 (1).
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J., 2016. Identifying and managing malnutrition in the older person. Nursing in Practice, 92.
- Murphy, J., 2016. Managing malnutrition in older people. Nursing in Practice.
- Van Teijlingen, E., Acharya, J., murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. Assessment of knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards healthy diet among mothers in Kaski, Nepal. Participation, 17 (16), 61-72.
- Acharya, J., Van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. Study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool Aged Children of Kaski District of Nepal. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare, 1 (2), 97-118.
- Murphy, J., Worswick, L., Pulman, A., Ford, G. and Jeffery, J., 2015. Translating research into practice: Evaluation of an e-learning resource for health care professionals to provide nutrition advice and support for cancer survivors. Nurse Education Today, 35 (1), 271-276.
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J., 2014. Nutrition and dignity in care for people with dementia. Nursing and Residential Care, 16 (9), 501-503.
- Acharya, J., Van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2014. A comparative study of nutritional problems in preschool aged children in Nepal. International Journal of Community Nutrition, 0, 135.
- Murphy, J., worswick, L., Ford, G., Pulman, A. and Jeffrey, J., 2013. An e-learning resource for health care professionals to improve provision of nutritional advice and support for cancer survivors. eBU journal.
- Acharya, J., Edwin, T., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2013. A comparative study on nutritional problems in preschool aged children of Kaski district of WDR of Nepal. Open Society Foundation’s Scholar Forum.
- Murphy, J. and Girot, E., 2013. Improving cancer survival with lifestyle advice. Nursing Times, 109 (29), 22-23.
- Murphy, J.L. and Girot, E.A., 2013. The importance of nutrition, diet and lifestyle advice for cancer survivors - the role of nursing staff and interprofessional workers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22 (11-12), 1539-1549.
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J., 2011. The use of e-portfolios to support professional development of student nutritionists – a pilot study. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy JL, 2011. Nutrition Knowledge and Attitudes of Pre-registered and Registered Nurses in relation to Cancer Survivorship. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 70.
- Murphy, J.L., Woodman, S.L., Mitchell, J., Jack, M., Sweet, J., Strickland, K. and Sharp, P., 2008. Abstract: Effectiveness of Structured Group Education for People With Type 1 Diabetes. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 67 (OCE8).
- Mayes, C., Burdge, G.C., Bingham, A., Murphy, J.L., Tubman, T.R.J. and Wootton, S.A., 2006. Variation in [U-13C] Alpha Linolenic Acid Absorption, Beta Oxidation and Conversion to Docosahexaenoic Acid in the Pre-Term Infant Fed a DHA-Enriched Formula. Pediatric Research, 59, 271-275.
- Farrell, S., Milliken, I., Murphy, J.L., Wootton, S.A. and McCallion, W.A., 2005. Nonulcer Dyspepsia and Eradication in Children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 40, 1547-1550.
- Farrell, S., Milliken, I., Doherty, G.M., Murphy, J.L., Wootton, S.A. and McCallion, W.A., 2004. Total Family Unit Helicobacter Pylori Eradication and Pediatric Re-Infection Rates. Helicobacter, 9, 285-288.
- Laiho, K.M., Gavin, J., Murphy, J.L., Connett, G.J. and Wootton, S.A., 2004. Maldigestion and Malabsorption of 13C Labelled Tripalmitin in Gastrostomy-Fed Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Clinical Nutrition, 23, 347-353.
- Kelly, P., Feakins, R., Domizio, P., Murphy, J., Bevins, C., Wilson, J., Mcphail, G., Poulsom, R. and Dhaliwal, W., 2004. Paneth cell granule depletion in the human small intestine under infective and nutritional stress. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 135 (2), 303-309.
- Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L., Carroll, M.P., Connett, G.J., Afolabi, P., Jackson, J.M. and Wootton, S.A., 2003. Abstract: Altered Availability and Mobilization of Vitamin A in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2, 3.
- Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J., West, R., Gregory, K., Wootton, S.A. and Carroll, M.P., 2002. Audit of plasma vitamin A in adults with CF. Journal of cystic fibrosis, 260.
- Murphy, J.L., Badaloo, V.A., Chambers, B., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2002. Maldigestion and Malabsorption of Dietary Lipid During Severe Childhood Malnutrition. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 87, 522-525.
- Bilzon, J., Murphy, J.L., Allsopp, A., Wootton, S.A. and Williams, C., 2002. Influence of Glucose Ingestion by Humans During Recovery From Exercise on Substrate Utilisation During Subsequent Exercise in a Warm Environment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 87, 318-326.
- Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L., West, R., Gregory, K., Wootton, S.A. and Carroll, M.P., 2002. Abstracts: Circulating Plasma Retinol Concentrations and Infection In Patients With Cystic Fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 1, P260.
- Murphy, J.L., Robinson, E.N., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2001. Gastrointestinal Handling and Metabolic Disposal of C-Labelled Tripalmitin During Rehabilitation From Childhood Malnutrition. British Journal Of Nutrition, 85, 705-713.
- Kelly, P., Musuku, J., Kafwembe, E., Libby, G., Zulu, I., Murphy, J.L. and Farthing, M.J.G., 2001. Impaired Bioavailability of Vitamin A in Adults and Children with Persistent Diarrhoea in Zambia. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 15, 973-979.
- Galloway, S.D.R., Wootton, S.A., Murphy, J.L. and Maughan, R.J., 2001. Exogenous Carbohydrate Oxidation from Drinks Ingested During Prolonged Exercise in a Cold Environment in Man. Journal of Applied Physiology, 91, 654-660.
- Murphy, J.L., Badaloo, V.A., Chambers, B., Hounslow, A., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2001. Whole Body Oxidation of Dietary Fatty Acids During Rehabilitation From Severe Childhood Malnutrition. West Indian Medical Journal, 50.
- Craig, J.S., Mitchell, D.J., Tubman, T.R.J., O'Hare, M.M.T., McClure, B.G., Williams, P.D., McCallum, A., Cawood, A., Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 2000. The gastrointestinal Handling and metabolic disposal of 13C-labelled tripalmitin by preterm infants. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Laiho, K. and Wootton, S.A., 1999. Fat malabsorption in cystic fibrosis patients. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 943-944.
- Murphy, J., Jackson, A.A., Bundy, R., Hounslow, A. and Wootton, S.A., 1999. Metabolism of lactose-[13C]ureide and lactose-[15N,15N]ureide in normal adults consuming a diet marginally adequate in protein. Clinical science, 97, 547-555.
- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Stolinski, M., Smith, R.D. and Wootton, S.A., 1999. Effect of fatty acid chain length and saturation on the gastrointestinal handling and metabolic disposal of dietary fatty acids in women. British Journal of Nutrition, 81, 37-43.
- Murphy, J., Laiho, K., Wootton, S. and Verkade, H.J., 1999. Fat malabsorption in cystic fibrosis patients [4] (multiple letters). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70 (5), 943-946.
- Jones, A.E., Pearce, A.R., Stolinkski, M., Hounslow, A., Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 1998. The gastrointestinal handling and postprandial metabolism of [1-13C] stearic acid in healthy women. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Wootton, S.A., Jones, A.E., Stolinski, M., Hounslow, A. and Murphy, J., 1998. Enrichment of chylomicron-triacylglycerol during the postprandial period following oral administration of [1-13C]palmitic acid, [1-13C]stearic acid and [1-13C]oleic acid. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Stolinski, M. and Wootton, S.A., 1998. The effect of age and gender on the metabolic disposal of [1-13C]palmitic acid. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 52, 22-28.
- Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 1998. Nutritional management in cystic fibrosis - an alternative perspective in gastrointestinal function. Disability & Rehabilitation, 20, 226-234.
- Murphy, J., Laiho, K.M., Jones, A.E. and Wootton, S.A., 1998. Metabolic Handling of 13C labelled tripalmitin in healthy controls and patients with cystic fibrosis. Archives of disease in childhood, 79, 44-47.
- Stolinski, M., Humayun, M.A., Jones, A.E., Murphy, J., Wootton, S.A. and Pratley, R., 1997. Detection of orally administered [1-13C]palmitic acid in the triacylglycerol component of chylomicrons by gas chromatography- isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Wootton, S.A., Lodge, N., Marsh, S. and Murphy, J., 1997. Influence of preceding physical activity on the metabolic partitioning of an oral glucose load using naturally enriched [13C]glucose. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Jones, A.E., Smith, R.D., Nurmi, J.A., Hameen-Antilla, P., Murphy, J. and Wooton, S.A., 1997. The gastrointestinal handling and post prandial metabolism of [1-13C]palmitic acid and [1-13C]oleic acids in healthy women. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Laiho, K., Hounslow, A. and Wootton, S.A., 1997. Gastrointestinal handling and metabolic disposal of emulsified [13C]tripalmitin in healthy children, healthy women and patients with cystic fibrosis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Stolinski, M. and Wootton, S.A., 1997. The gastrointestinal handling of [1-13C]palmitic acid in healthy controls and patients with cystic fibrosis. Archives of disease in childhood, 76, 425-427.
- Murphy, J., Stolinski, M., Jones, A.E., Jackson, A.A. and Wootton, S.A., 1997. Stable isotope method for determining the gastrointestinal handling of [1- 13C]palmitic acid. Lipids, 32, 337-340.
- jones, A.E., Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. Postprandial exogenous lipid oxidation in obese and normal weight women. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Laiho, K., Hounslow, A. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. The gastrointestinal handling and metabolic disposal of emulsified 13C-tripalmitin in cystic fibrosis patients. Paediatr Pulmonol.
- Bundy, R., Persaud, C., Murphy, J., Hounslow, A., wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 1996. Metabolism of lactose-ureide labelled with 15N- and 13C- in humans. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Treneer, R.H., Hounslow, A., Zorich, B. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. The gastrointestinal handling of [1-13C]palmitic acid in patients with cystic fibrosis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Jones, A.E., Treneer, R.H., Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. The gastrointestinal handling of [1-13C]palmitic acid in normal, healthy children. The gastrointestinal handling of [1-13C]palmitic acid in normal, healthy children.
- Kathuria, J.S., Murphy, J. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. The metabolic disposal of [1-13C]ethanol in relation to habitual ethanol consumption in healthy men. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Stolinski, M. and Wootton, S.A., 1996. Detection of enriched [1-13C]palmitic acid in human stool samples by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Detection of enriched [1-13C]palmitic acid in human stool samples by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.
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- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Brookes, S. and Wootton, S.A., 1995. The gastrointestinal handling and metabolism of [1-13 C] palmitic acid in healthy women. Lipids, 30, 291-298.
- Costello, A.J., Murphy, J., Wootton, S.A., Rucker, J.T., Kirby, G.A. and Hunter, J.O., 1994. The effect of an elemental diet on stool output in irritable bowel syndrome. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Jones, A.E., Hounslow, A., Brookes, S., Griffiths, M. and Wooton, S.A., 1994. The intra- and inter-individual variability in the gastrointestinal handling of [1-13C] palmitic acid in healthy adults. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
- Murphy, J., Wootton, J.L., Wilson, F. and Phillips, D., 1994. Energy expenditure and substrate metabolism after carbohydrate ingestion in relation to fetal growth in women born in Preston. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
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- Demashkieh, M., Hardy, R., Shah, P., Ellahi, B., Amenyah, S., Osei-Kwasi, H., Fenge, L.-A., Vijayakumaran, R. and Murphy, J.L., 2024. Dietary patterns in ethnic minority groups: data analysis of vegetable intake from 'Understanding Society' (the UK Household Longitudinal Study). PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Amenyah, S.D., Osei-Kwasi, H., Adjei, J., Bradley, L., Fenge, L.-A. and Murphy, J.L., 2024. A photovoice study exploring perceptions of healthy eating, nutrition and healthy ageing in older Black African adults in the United Kingdom. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Heward, M., Murphy, J. and Fenge, L.-A., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes with digital technologies: A mixed methods study. In: Dementia Congress 7-8 November 2023 Birmingham.
- Heward, M., Fenge, L. and Murphy, J., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes using digital technologies: Reflections on involving experts by experience. In: British Society of Gerontology 5-7 July 2023 University of East Anglia.
- Oliveira, N., Amenyah, S.D., Tang, W., Fenge, L. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Self-efficacy of participants in a holistic intervention to reduce unemployment and obesity in France and England. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 82 (OCE3).
- Amenyah, S.D., Fenge, L.-A., Stallard, J., Lerwil, P., McGannan, B., Oliveira, N., Tang, W. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Body composition and motivations for accessing an innovative, digital community health engagement tool in socially deprived areas. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 82 (OCE3).
- Vijayakumaran, R.K., Lawrence, V., Murphy, J., El-Gabry, Y., Mansbridge, P., Woodvine, A. and Haddad, M., 2023. Ageing as a Vegetarian and Vegan in the UK: Challenges and Barriers in Addressing their Dietary Preferences. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 82 (OCE5).
- Amenyah, S.D., Waters, D., Tang, W., Fenge, L.-A. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Intervention strategies and effectiveness of health-related interventions to reduce obesity and unemployment in adults. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 79, 911.
- El Zein, R., Shanker, S. and Murphy, J.L., 2021. Dietary intakes in community-dwelling older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 80 (OCE1).
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2020. Implementation and impact of ‘DEALTS2’ dementia education in acute care. In: 15th United Kindgom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 Virtual.
- Murphy, J., Board, M. and Heward, M., 2020. Symposium: Innovative training approaches to improve care for people with dementia. In: 15th United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 Virtual.
- Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2020. Beliefs, attitudes and knowledge about a healthy diet among rural and urban mothers of Nepal. In: Micronutrient Forum 5 Global Conference 2020: Building New Evidence and Alliances for Improving Nutrition 23-27 March 2020 Bangkok, Thailand.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2020. Food Frequency Questionnaires: Are they appropriate for foods that are consumed irregularly, such as eggs? PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 79 (OCE2), E515.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2020. Evaluating individual differences in a food based approach to increase egg and protein intake in older adults. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 79 (OCE2), E225.
- Murphy, J., Tkacz, D., Bracher, M., Aburrow, A., Allmark, G., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.M., 2019. Implementing nutrition screening in the community – results from phase two of a prospective process evaluation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community care for older people (INSCCOPe - phase two). In: BAPEN Annual Conference 2019 26-27 November 2019 Belfast.
- Board, M., Phipps, L., Mitchell, R. and Murphy, J., 2019. Evaluating the impact of the Virtual Reality app ‘A Walk Through Dementia’ on Year One Health Care Students Clinical Practice. In: The Alzheimer’s Show 7-8 June 2019 Olympia London.
- Aburrow, A., Wallis, K., Steward, K., Cholet, A. and Murphy, J., 2019. Managing malnutrition (as undernutrition) and caring for older people living in the community: The development and publishing of a new workbook and training videos for staff working in community teams (e.g. nursing, integrated and therapy teams). In: BAPEN Annual 2019 26-27 November 2019 Belfast.
- Board, M., Phipps, L., Mitchell, R. and Murphy, J., 2019. The Lived Experience of Dementia A new resource for the health and social care workforce. In: The Way to ‘Outstanding’ Care. Caring UK 11 April 2019-6 November 2018 Bournemouth 11th April; Plymouth 9th July, York 6th November.
- Veale, G., Dogan, H. and Murphy, J., 2019. Development and Usability Evaluation of a Nutrition and Lifestyle Guidance Application for People Living with and Beyond Cancer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11585 LNCS, 337-347.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2018. Implementing nutrition screening in the community – Results from phase one of a prospective process evaluation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community care for older people (INSCCOPe - phase one. In: BAPEN Annual Conference 2018 26-25 November 2018 Harrogate.
- Board, M., phipps, L., mitchell, R. and Murphy, J., 2018. Evaluating the impact of the Virtual Reality app ‘A Walk Through Dementia’ on Year One Health Care Students Clinical Practice. In: UK Dementia Congress 2018 6-8 November 2018 Brighton UK.
- Board, M., mitchell, R., phipps, L. and Murphy, J., 2018. Evaluating the impact of the Virtual Reality app ‘A Walk Through Dementia’ on students learning and practice. In: The 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference 29-31 October 2018 Barcelona.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2018. ‘Walking in someone else’s shoes’: humanising dementia care through simulated learning. In: Humanising Caring, Health and Wellbeing Conference 21-22 June 2018 Bournemouth.
- Murphy, J. and Holmes, J., 2018. Impact of innovative training to improve nutrition and hydration in people living with dementia. Presented at Alzheimer’s Europe Conference. In: Alzheimer’s Europe Conference 29-31 October 2018 Barcelona.
- Murphy, J., Aburrow, A., Guestin, A., Wallis, K. and Parsons, E., 2018. Concurrent validity of the modified Patients Association Nutrition Checklist (PANC) against the ‘Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool’ (‘MUST’) to identify risk of malnutrition in older people living in the community. In: BAPEN conference 20-21 November 2018 Harrogate.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2018. . Investigating professional behaviour change in teams under pressure – results from phase one of a prospective process evaluation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community care for older people (INSCCOPe). In: BSA 50th Anniversary Medical Sociology Annual Conference 14-16 September 2018 Glasgow Caledonian University.
- Board, M., phipps, L., mitchell, R. and Murphy, J., 2018. Evaluating the impact of the Virtual Reality app ‘A Walk Through Dementia’ on student nurses’ practice who are caring for those living with dementia. In: British Society of Gerontology 2018 4-6 July 2018 Manchester.
- Board, M., Murphy, J., mitchell, R. and phipps, L., 2018. Seeing the Person Not the Diagnosis – a Humanised Approach to Dementia Care Education. In: Humanising Care, Health and Wellbeing Conference 2018 21-22 June 2018 Bournemouth University.
- Board, M., Heward, M., Murphy, J., Spriggs, A. and phipps, L., 2018. Getting the message across – seeing the person not the diagnosis in dementia care education. In: NetNep 2018 5-9 May 2018 Banff Canada.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Exposure to recipes in a food-based approach to increase egg and protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: a randomised controlled trial. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE3), E101.
- Jeffery, J., Murphy, J.L., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hickish, T., 2018. Longitudinal study of energy and macronutrient intake during the first year following treatment for early stage breast cancer. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE1), E10.
- Corfe, B.M., Murphy, J., Davey, F.P., Miller, L.J., Lloyd, M.A., Burden, S., Munir, F., Wiseman, T., Barrett, M. and Wootton, S.A., 2017. Nutritional screening, assessment and provision of advice for people living with and beyond cancer – a UK survey of clinicians. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Meeting 5-6 December 2017 Unknown.
- Murphy, J. and Holmes, J., 2017. Implementation & evaluation of innovative training for care staff to support people living with dementia to eat & drink well. In: 12th UK Dementia Congress 7-9 November 2017 Doncaster.
- Aburrow, A.J., Wallis, K., Hawkins, S., Smith, M., Gentle, J.L. and Murphy, J., 2017. A new integrated approach using an electronic system across health and social care to improve nutritional care for adults across Dorset. In: BAPEN Annual Conference 2017 21-22 November 2017 Birmingham.
- Bracher, M., Murphy, J., Steward, K., Wallis, K. and May, C.R., 2017. Exploring community healthcare staff experiences of current screening and treatment practices for malnutrition – Baseline survey results from the Implementing Nutrition Screening in Community Care for Older People (INSCCOPe) process evaluation project. In: BAPEN Annual Conference 21-22 November 2017 Birmingham.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2017. A food based approach to increase dietary protein intake in community dwelling older adults: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. In: BAPEN Annual Conference 2017 21-22 November 2017 Birmingham.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2017. Evaluation of innovative nutrition education and training for care staff supporting people living with dementia. In: Alzheimers Association International Conference 22-27 July 2017 London, UK.
- Heward, M., Murphy, J., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Emerson, L., 2017. Integrating humanisation into practice: a dementia education and learning case study. In: Humanising Caring, Health and Wellbeing Conference 29-30 June 2017 Bournemouth.
- Murphy, J., Heward, M., Board, M. and Spriggs, A., 2017. Integrating humanisation into practice: a dementia education and learning case study Humanising Caring. In: Health and Wellbeing Conference, 29-30 June 2017 Bournemouth,.
- Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., Hind, M. and Murphy, J., 2017. Food belief practices amongst rural and urban mothers in Nepal: A qualitative overview. In: BNAC 15th Nepal Study Days, 12-13 April 2017, 12-13 April 2017 Bournemouth., 1-16 London:
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2017. Increasing dietary protein intake in community dwelling older adults: protocol for a randomised controlled trial and baseline data. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE4), E221.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2016. Exploring the reasons for consuming and not consuming eggs: A focus group study. In: British Feeding and Drinking Group 7-8 April 2016 London, UK.
- Aburrow, A.J., Parsons, E.L., Jones, R., Wallis, K. and Murphy, J., 2016. Older People's Essential Nutrition (OPEN): An integrated approach for malnutrition screening awareness, identification and care planning. In: BAPEN Annual Conference 2016 8-9 November 2016 Brighton.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2016. Nutrition and dementia care: Developing an evidence-based model for delivering person-centred care in nursing homes. In: Alzheimers Europe Conference. Copenhagen. 29th Oct – 1st Nov 2016 29 October-1 November 2016 Copenhagen.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2016. Enhancing person centred nutritional care in nursing homes: the design of an evidence based model. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference 16-20 July 2017 London.
- Acharya, J., van Teijlingen, E., murphy, J. and hind, M., 2016. ‘A Comparative Study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool Aged Children of Kaski district of Nepal’. In: Britain-Nepal Academic Council (BNAC) 14th Annual Nepal Study Days 15 April 2016 liverpool.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2016. The Use of Wearable Technology to Measure Energy Expenditure, Physical Activity and Sleep Patterns in Dementia. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference 18-23 July 2015 Washington DC. Alzheimer's and Dementia.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2016. Understanding the strategies required to meet hydration needs of people living with dementia. In: Alzheimer's Association International Conference 18-23 July 2015 Washington DC. Alzheimer's and Dementia.
- Murphy, J. and Holmes, J., 2016. Measurements of energy intake and expenditure in people with dementia living in care homes: the use of wearable technology. In: International Academy of Nutrition and Aging 18-19 June 2015 Barcelona. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2016. Exploring the Consumption of Eggs in Older Adults: a Questionnaire Study. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E196.
- Murphy, J.L., Holmes, J. and Brooks, C., 2015. Understanding Nutrition and Dementia – Exploring the impact of training to enhance the delivery of nutrition and dignity for people living with dementia in care homes. In: Dementia: Improving quality through collaboration across Wessex event 21 October 2015 Southampton.
- Acharya, J., Van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2015. A Comparative Study on Nutritional Problems in Preschool Aged Children of Nepal. In: “The Micronutrient Forum Global Conference – Bridging Discovery and Delivery 2-6 June 2014 Addis Ababa. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety, 5 (5), 389 SCIENCEDOMAIN international.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2015. Exploring the barriers and facilitators to the consumption of eggs and other protein rich foods using focus groups. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 74 (OCE5), E314.
- Acharya, J., Van Teijlingen, E., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2014. A comparative study on nutritional problems in preschool aged children in Nepal. In: III World Congress of Public Health Nutrition 9-12 November 2014 Spain.
- Murphy, J., Holmes, J. and Brookes, C., 2014. Understanding Nutrition and Dementia - evidence based learning to enhance dignity in dementia care. In: Wessex Academic Health Science Network 14 October 2014 Wessex AHSN, Innovation Centre, Southampton Science Park, 2 Venture Road, Chilworth, Hampshire SO16 7NP.
- Murphy, J., Worswick, L., Pulman, A., Jeffery, J. and Ford, G., 2013. An e-learning resource for healthcare professionals to provide nutrition, diet and lifestyle advice and support for cancer survivors. In: NET2013, 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference 3-5 September 2013 University of Cambridge.
- Roberts, E., Murphy, J. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2013. Stepping on people’s toes: barriers, enablers and opportunities for different ways of working in dysphagia care. In: European Health Management Association Annual Conference 26-28 June 2013 Milano, Italy.
- Gavin, J., Murphy, J.L., Connett, G.J., Carroll, M.P., Cawood, A.L. and Wootton, S.A., 2002. Vitamin A Supplementation in Children with CF: Are We Giving Too Much? In: European CF Meeting 2002 Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L., Carroll, M.P., Connett, G.J., Afolabi, P., Jackson, J.M. and Wootton, S.A., 2002. Altered Availability and Mobilization of Vitamin A in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. In: European CF Meeting 4-7 June 2003 Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Gilmartin, K., Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L., Constable, G., Stroud, M., Jackson, J.M. and Wootton, S.A., 2002. Abstract: Circulating Retinol Concentrations in Patients Given Total Parenteral Nutrition. In: A joint meeting of the Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Group of the Nutrition Society and the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 13-15 November 2001 Harrogate International Centre, England. , 29A Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 61 issue 2a.
- Constable, G., Cawood, A., Murphy, J.L., Crudington, D., Gilmartin, K., Stroud, M. and Wootton, S.A., 2002. Abstract: Plasma Retinol and Retinol Binding Protein Concentrations in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease. In: Joint meeting of the Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Group of the Nutrition Society and the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 13-15 November 2001 Harrogate International Centre, England. , 14A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 61 issue 2a.
- Murphy, J.L., Badaloo, V.A., Chambers, B., Hounslow, A., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2001. Whole Body Oxidation of Dietary Fatty Acids During Rehabilitation From Severe Childhood Malnutrition. In: Caribbean Health Research Council. 46th Annual Council and Scientific Meetings 25-28 April 2001 Jamaica.
- Gilmartin, K., Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L., Constable, G., Stroud, M., Jackson, J.M. and Wootton, S.A., 2001. Circulating Retinol Concentrations in Patients Given Total Parenteral Nutrition. In: BAPEN (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) Meeting November 2001.
- Crudington, D., Constable, G., Cawood, A., Murphy, J.L., Jackson, J.M., Stroud, M. and Wootton, S.A., 2001. Plasma Retinol and Retinol Binding Protein Concentrations in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease. In: BAPEN (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition) Meeting November 2001.
- Mitchell, D.J., Tubman, T.R.J., Mclure, B.G., Genkeer, L., Murphy, J.L. and Wootton, S.A., 2001. Abstract: Serial Studies of the Gastrointestinal Handling of 13C-Labelled Tripalmitin in Pre-Term Infants. In: Scientific Meeting 10-12 July 2001 University of Sheffield, UK. , 31A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60 issue 4a.
- Murphy, J.L., Badaloo, V.A., Cawood, A., Chambers, B., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2001. Abstract: Gastrointestinal Handling of Vitamin A in Severely Malnourished Children at Admission and Following Treatment. In: Scientific Meeting 10-12 July 2001 University of Sheffield, UK. , 173A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60 issue 4b.
- Cawood, A.L., Murphy, J.L. and Wootton, S.A., 2001. Abstract: Post Prandial Concentrations of Retinyl Palmitate Following Ingestion of Oil Soluble and Water Miscible Preparations of Retinyl Palmitate in Healthy Adults. In: Scientific Meeting 10-12 July 2001 University of Sheffield, UK. , 172A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60 issue 4b.
- Murphy, J.L., Badaloo, V.A., Chambers, B., Hounslow, A., Forrester, T.E., Wootton, S.A. and Jackson, A.A., 2001. Abstract: Lipid Digestion and Absorption During Rehabilitation From Severe Childhood Malnutrition. In: Scientific Meeting 10-12 July 2001 University of Sheffield, UK. , 235A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60 issue 4b.
- Ashbolt, K., Snyder, J., Whittle, C., Murphy, J.L. and Wootton, S.A., 2000. Abstract: Efficacy of Using a Food Fortification Approach to Increase the Energy Intake of Long Stay Residential Patients Who are at Risk of Malnutrition. In: Scientific Meeting 27-30 June 2000 University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland. , 156A Cambridge: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 60 issue 4b.
- Holmes, J. and Murphy, J.. The use of e-portfolios to support professional development of student nutritionists – a pilot study. In: Nutrition Society 70th Anniversary Conference on ‘From plough through practice and policy’ 4-6 June 2011 University of Reading.
- Murphy, J.. Nutrition Knowledge and Attitudes of Pre-registered and Registered Nurses in relation to Cancer Survivorship.
- Heward, M., Bradley, L., Yinusa, G., Board, M., Murphy, J. and Wiener, J., 2023. Evaluation of the Four Seasons Health Care Group Training Strategy "Our Approach to Dementia Care". Bournemouth University.
- Yinusa, G., 2022. Food, Nutritional Care and the Influence of Organisational Culture: A Collaborative Action Research Project. Bournemouth University.
- Yinusa, G., 2020. An exploration of factors influencing the meal experiences of community dwelling older people and the impact on levels of engagement in daily occupations. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University.
- El Zein, R., 2020. Dietary intervention study using coconut oil to evaluate effects of ketone metabolism in older adults. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University.
- Smith, S., 2020. An exploration of factors influencing the meal experiences of community dwelling older people and the impact on levels of engagement in daily occupations. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University.
- Fairbairn, P., 2018. The effects of omega-3 fatty acids and exercise on mobility and cognition in the older adult. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University.
- Amenyah, S., Benzimra, A., Devis-Rozental, C., Fenge, L.A. and Murphy, J., 2024. Investigating the impact of inclusive community-based food model on health, wellbeing and social connectedness of older people. In: Nutrition 2024.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2021. Implementation and impact of Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS2) programme. In: Health Education England South West Digital and Workforce Showcase.
- van Teijlingen, E., Acharya, J., Murphy, J. and Hind, M., 2020. Beliefs, Attitudes and Knowledge About a Healthy Diet Amongst the Rural and Urban Mothers of Nepal. In: Micronutrient Forum 5th Global Conference ‘Connected 2020’..
- Murphy, J., 2019. Implementing nutrition screening in the community – results from phase two of a prospective process evaluation of a new procedure for screening and treatment of malnutrition in community care for older people. In: BAPEN conference 2019.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2019. Implementation and evaluation of Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS2) Programme. In: Alzheimer's Society Annual Conference.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2018. Implementation and evaluation of Dementia Education and Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS 2) programme. In: 13th UK Dementia Congress 2018.
PhD Students
- Gladys Yinusa, 2021. Who’s responsible for feeding me? A study investigating organisational culture to improve nutritional care in hospitalised patients, (In progress)
- Raysa El Zein, 2021. Dietary intervention study using coconut oil to evaluate effects of ketone metabolism in older adults, (In progress)
- Sophie Smith, 2021. An exploration of factors influencing the meal experiences of community dwelling older people and the impact on levels of engagement in daily occupations, (In progress)
- Ellis Day. The impact of the current delivery models of care for older patients at Christchurch Day Hospital, (In progress)
- Ohoud Almusiened. Developing a highly-skilled nutrition workforce in Saudi Arabia, (In progress)
- Amanda Costello, 1995. Influence of substrate supply to the colon on bowel habit and the amount and composition of stool output, (Completed)
- Amanda Jones, 1996. The gastrointestinal handling and metabolic disposal of dietary lipid, (Completed)
- Kirsi Laiho, 2000. Digestion, absorption and metabolic disposal of dietary lipid in cystic fibrosis patients and control subjects, (Completed)
- Abbie Cawood, 2004. Vitamin A metabolism in healthy adults and patients with cystic fibrosis, (Completed)
- Clare Farrance, 2016. Tackling the invisible burden of physical inactivity in the elderly., (Completed)
- Elizabeth Roberts, 2016. Barriers And Enablers To New And Different Ways Of Working In Dysphagia Care., (Completed)
- Colleen Deane, 2017. Acute regulation of skeletal muscle remodelling following eccentric and concentric exercise-induced muscle damage: the effects of age and vitamin D., (Completed)
- Emmy van den Heuvel, 2017. Barriers, facilitators and strategies to increasing protein status in older adults through increasing egg intakes, (Completed)
- Jib Acharya, 2018. Study on Nutritional Problems in preschool Aged Children of Geographical area of the Kaski District of Western Development Region of Nepal, (Completed)
- Joanne Holmes, 2018. An exploration of the factors that affect the extensive meal experience for cognitively active elderly living in residential care, (Completed)
- Isabell Nessell, 2020. Investigating the essential fatty acid requirements of preterm infants, (Completed)
- Paul Fairbairn, 2022. The effects of omega-3 fatty acids and exercise on mobility and cognition in the older adult, (Completed)
- Jaana Jeffery. An exploration of the dietary, lifestyle and behavioural factors that influence body weight in women following a diagnosis of an early stage (I-IIIC) breast cancer
Profile of Teaching UG
- Nutritional Requirements Throughout Life
- Research Project (Dissertation)
- Nutrition in Health & Disease
Invited Lectures
19 Sep 2019 more
Invited Speaker – 7th Annual Wessex CRN Research Meeting and Regional British Geriatric Society – 19th September 2019. Implementing a new procedure for screening and treating malnutrition for older people in the community: the INSCCOPe project
- LEMONADE: Community food model for older people (Dunhill Medical Trust, 03 Jul 2023). Awarded
- A novel approach to investigating inequalities in nutrition and healthy ageing for older Black African adults in the UK. (UKRI Food4Years Pump Priming Award, 03 Jan 2023). Awarded
- Feasibility study of an intervention to provide nutritional care for people living with dementia at home (TOMATO: nuTritiOn and deMentia AT hOme) (NIHR, 01 Nov 2022). In Progress
- Implementation of a digital health coaching intervention for older people with frailty in Wessex: DIALOR (DIgitAL cOaching for fRailty) (NIHR, 01 Apr 2022). In Progress
- ASPIRE project (European Commission ERDF Interreg Channel, 01 Jan 2019). In Progress
- Understanding the barriers and facilitators to implement and embed a new procedure for nurses on good nutritional care in older people living in community settings (The Burdett Trust for Nursing, 01 Oct 2016). In Progress
- Optimising Nutritional Health and Wellbeing Through Local Sustainable Food Systems (European Commission, 01 Sep 2015). Awarded
- Delivering Excellence in Nutrition and Dignity in Dementia Care (Burdett Trust for Nursing, 01 Jan 2014). Awarded
- Nutrition education and training for health care professionals (Macmillan Cancer Support, 01 Jan 2011). Awarded
- Nutrition education and training for health care professionals (South West Regional Innovation Fund, 01 Jan 2011). Awarded
- Nutritional intake in hospitalised older patients Collaboration with NIHR BRU Southampton (NIHR BRU Southampton, 01 Jan 2011). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- Association for Nutrition, Re-elected council member (Director and Trustee) (2018-2021)
- Wessex Academic Health Sciences Network, Secondment for Health Ageing Programme (2018-2019)
- NIHR Cancer and Nutrition Infractructure Collaboration, Chair - Professionals Workstream (2017-),
- Wessex Academic Health Sciences Network, FTE secondment as Clinical Lead (2016-2018)
- Association for Nutrition, Committee member – Accreditation Committee (2015-)
- Association for Nutrition, Member of Accreditation Committee (2014-),
- Association for Nutrition, Member of Certification Committee (2014-),
- Association for Nutrition, Elected Council Member and Trustee (2013-),
- Association for Nutrition, Elected council member (Director and Trustee (2013-2015)
- Association for Nutrition, Committee member – Certification Committee (2013-2018)
- Age and Aging, Invited Journal reviewer
- BMC Cancer, Invited Journal reviewer
- Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, Invited Journal reviewer
- Ageing and Society, Invited Journal reviewer
- Nutrition and Cancer, Invited Journal reviewer
- European Journal of Cancer Care, Invited Journal reviewer
- Nutrition and Dietetics, Invited Journal reviewer
- British Journal of Nutrition, Invited Journal reviewer
- Public Health Nutrition, Invited Journal reviewer
- Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, Invited Journal reviewer
- JMIR Research Protocols, Invited Journal reviewer
- Alzheimer’s Society, Invited reviewer for grants eg Tenovus innovation
- Invited reviewer for NIHR eg HTA programme 2017, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship 2018
- Nutrition in Health and Disease Jan 2018, Book review
- Wessex Academic Health Sciences Network ( Nutrition programme), Member of Steering Committee
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- National Care Forum (04 Sep 2019)
- Nutrition Care Wessex Conference 2018: ‘Making Undernutrition in Older People Everyone's Responsibility’
- Ageing, Frailty and Dementia
- Impact event – Understanding nutrition and dementia care. Royal College of Physicians, London
- Wessex- AHSN annual conference, Southampton. ‘Reducing Undernutrition – Spreading the responsibility.’
- Burdett Trust conference - sharing research as part of project funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing
- 2 Education workshops – delivering nutrition and dementia care as part of project funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing
Attended Training
- Established Research supervisor training
- SFHEA in Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2015)
- PhD in Nutrition (University of Southampton, 1991)
- BSc (Hons) in Nutrition and Dietetics (University of Surrey, 1988)
- FHSS ethics review member for undergraduate and post graduate projects ( above minimum risk), Member (2018-),
- HSS Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee, Member (2018-),
- Strategic Investment Committee – Medical Science ( BU 2025 implementation plan), Member (2018-),
- University Research And Professional Practice Committee, Chair (2018-),
- University’s Science, Technology and Health Ethics Research Panel, Member (2017-),
- HSS Post-graduate Committee, Member (2009-),
- Association for Nutrition (RNutr), Registrant (1991-),
- British Dietetic Association (MBDA), Member (1988-),
- Health and Care Professions Council (RD), Registered Dietitian (1988-),
- Higher Education Authority, HEA, Senior Fellow,
- Nutrition Society, Member,
Social Media Links
- Twitter, @JaneLMurphy100
Website Links
- Wessex AHSN Guest Blog and British Geriatrics Society Blog Malnutrition a significant Treat to our health as we age and launch of new tools for malnutrition in older people in the community,
- Nutrition and Dementia Care: a Toolkit for health and care staff – Winner of 2019 CN Award for Nutrition Resource of the Year,
- Malnutrition: A significant threat to our health as we age,
External Media and Press
- One million older Britons are at risk of starving to death: An epidemic of malnutrition is blighting the elderly and official healthy eating advice is partly to blame..., Mail on Sunday, 13 Oct 2019.