Professor Jan Wiener
- 01202 961822
- jwiener at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor and Head Of Psychology
- Poole House P113, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Psychology
I am a Professor in the Psychology Department at Bournemouth University. Prior to coming to Bournemouth in 2009, I held principle investigator and post doc positions at the Cognitive Science Centre at Freiburg University (Germany), a CNRS in Paris (France), a Max Planck Institute in Tübingen (Germany) and the Cognitive Neuroscience Department in Tübingen (Germany). I received my Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience in 2004 from the University of Tübingen (Germany)
My research focuses on navigation and wayfinding, fundamental behavioural problems that involve multiple cognitive components and complex information processing. In order to address these issues I use an inter-disciplinary approach combining different methods such as behavioural navigation experiments, virtual reality techniques, eye-tracking, and cognitive modelling.
- Coutrot, A., Lazar, A.S., Richards, M., Manley, E., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2022. Reported sleep duration reveals segmentation of the adult life-course into three phases. Nature Communications, 13 (1).
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2022. Entropy of city street networks linked to future spatial navigation ability. Nature, 604 (7904), 104-110.
- Hilton, C., Johnson, A., Slattery, T.J., Miellet, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2021. The impact of cognitive aging on route learning rate and the acquisition of landmark knowledge. Cognition, 207.
- Wiener, J.M., Carroll, D., Moeller, S., Bibi, I., Ivanova, D., Allen, P. and Wolbers, T., 2020. A novel virtual-reality-based route-learning test suite: Assessing the effects of cognitive aging on navigation. Behavior Research Methods, 52 (2), 630-640.
- Grzeschik, R., Conroy-Dalton, R., Innes, A., Shanker, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2019. The contribution of visual attention and declining verbal memory abilities to age-related route learning deficits. Cognition, 187, 50-61.
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2018. Global Determinants of Navigation Ability. Current Biology, 28 (17), 2861-2866.e4.
- Lester, A.W., Moffat, S.D., Wiener, J.M., Barnes, C.A. and Wolbers, T., 2017. The Aging Navigational System. Neuron, 95 (5), 1019-1035.
Journal Articles
- Griesbauer, E.M., Fernandez Velasco, P., Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M., Morley, J.G., McNamee, D., Manley, E. and Spiers, H.J., 2025. London taxi drivers exploit neighbourhood boundaries for hierarchical route planning. Cognition, 256.
- Wiener, J.M., Bassett, C., Bentall, S. and Black, C., 2025. Interplay of wayfinding strategies in route repetition and route retracing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 78 (1), 1-8.
- Goodroe, S., Velasco, P.F., Gahnstrom, C.J., Wiener, J., Coutrot, A., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2025. Predicting real-world navigation performance from a virtual navigation task in older adults. PLoS ONE, 20 (1 January).
- Green, M., Segen, V., Korstjens, A., Meso, A.I., Thomas, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2025. Foraging with your eyes: a novel task to study cognitive strategies involved in (visual) foraging behaviour. Cognitive Processing.
- Nicholls, V.I., Wiener, J., Meso, A.I. and Miellet, S., 2024. The impact of perceptual complexity on road crossing decisions in younger and older adults. Scientific Reports, 14 (1).
- Bird, E., Wiener, J., Huang, C.Y. and Attard-Johnson, J., 2024. The efficacy of the Self-Administered Interview: A systematic review. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 21 (3).
- Bird, E., Wiener, J. and Attard-Johnson, J., 2024. The efficacy of the Self-Administered Interview in minimising the misinformation effect. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38 (1).
- Alcock, M., Wiener, J.M. and Hardman, D., 2024. Searching in an unfamiliar environment: a phenomenologically informed experiment. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
- Walkowiak, S., Coutrot, A., Hegarty, M., Velasco, P.F., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Hölscher, C., Hornberger, M., Spiers, H.J. and Manley, E., 2023. Cultural determinants of the gap between self-estimated navigation ability and wayfinding performance: evidence from 46 countries. Scientific Reports, 13 (1).
- Hilton, C. and Wiener, J., 2023. Route sequence knowledge supports the formation of cognitive maps. Hippocampus, 33 (11), 1161-1170.
- Fernandez-Velasco, P., Coutrot, A., Oloye, H., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Holscher, C., Manley, E., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2023. No link between handedness and spatial navigation: Evidence from over 400 000 participants in 41 countries. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290 (2008).
- Yesiltepe, D., Fernández Velasco, P., Coutrot, A., Ozbil Torun, A., Wiener, J.M., Holscher, C., Hornberger, M., Conroy Dalton, R. and Spiers, H.J., 2023. Entropy and a sub-group of geometric measures of paths predict the navigability of an environment. Cognition, 236.
- Heward, M., Hicks, B., Hedges, B., Gaden, R. and Wiener, J.M., 2023. Experiences of age-related declining navigation abilities and impact on use of outdoor environments: a qualitative study of young-old adults with self-reported memory difficulties. Ageing and Society.
- Laczo, J., Laczo, M., Martinkovic, L., Lerch, O., Vyhnalek, M., Hort, J. and Wiener, J., 2023. Spatial navigation deficits are associated with a specific pattern of brain atrophy in normal and pathological ageing. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 30, 81.
- Coutrot, A., Lazar, A.S., Richards, M., Manley, E., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2022. Reported sleep duration reveals segmentation of the adult life-course into three phases. Nature Communications, 13 (1).
- Heward, M., Adams, A., Hicks, B. and Wiener, J., 2022. 'We go for a homely feel ... not the clinical dementia side': Care home managers' experiences of supporting residents with dementia to orientate and navigate care environments. Ageing and Society, 42 (7), 1659-1685.
- Laczó, M., Martinkovic, L., Lerch, O., Wiener, J.M., Kalinova, J., Matuskova, V., Nedelska, Z., Vyhnalek, M., Hort, J. and Laczó, J., 2022. Different Profiles of Spatial Navigation Deficits In Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarker-Positive Versus Biomarker-Negative Older Adults With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14.
- Nicholls, V.I., Wiener, J.M., Meso, A.I. and Miellet, S., 2022. The Relative Contribution of Executive Functions and Aging on Attentional Control During Road Crossing. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Segen, V., Colombo, G., Avraamides, M., Slattery, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2022. The role of memory and perspective shifts in systematic biases during object location estimation. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 84 (4), 1208-1219.
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2022. Entropy of city street networks linked to future spatial navigation ability. Nature, 604 (7904), 104-110.
- Segen, V., Avraamides, M.N., Slattery, T.J. and Wiener, J.M., 2022. Age-related changes in visual encoding strategy preferences during a spatial memory task. Psychological Research, 86 (2), 404-420.
- O’Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2022. (Dis)orientation and Design Preferences Within an Unfamiliar Care Environment: A Content Analysis of Older Adults’ Qualitative Reports After Route Learning. Environment and Behavior, 54 (1), 116-142.
- Griesbauer, E.M., Manley, E., Wiener, J.M. and Spiers, H.J., 2022. London taxi drivers: A review of neurocognitive studies and an exploration of how they build their cognitive map of London. Hippocampus, 32 (1), 3-20.
- Hilton, C., Wiener, J. and Johnson, A., 2021. Serial memory for landmarks encountered during route navigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74 (12), 2137-2153.
- Wiener, J.M. and Pazzaglia, F., 2021. Ageing- and dementia-friendly design: theory and evidence from cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and environmental psychology can contribute to design guidelines that minimise spatial disorientation. Cognitive Processing, 22 (4), 715-730.
- Laczó, M., Wiener, J.M., Kalinova, J., Matuskova, V., Vyhnalek, M., Hort, J. and Laczó, J., 2021. Spatial navigation and visuospatial strategies in typical and atypical aging. Brain Sciences, 11 (11).
- Grzeschik, R., Hilton, C., Dalton, R.C., Konovalova, I., Cotterill, E., Innes, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2021. From repeating routes to planning novel routes: the impact of landmarks and ageing on route integration and cognitive mapping. Psychological Research, 85 (6), 2164-2176.
- Segen, V., Colombo, G., Avraamides, M., Slattery, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2021. Perspective taking and systematic biases in object location memory. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 83 (5), 2033-2051.
- Segen, V., Avraamides, M.N., Slattery, T.J. and Wiener, J.M., 2021. Age-related differences in visual encoding and response strategies contribute to spatial memory deficits. Memory and Cognition, 49 (2), 249-264.
- Hilton, C., Johnson, A., Slattery, T.J., Miellet, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2021. The impact of cognitive aging on route learning rate and the acquisition of landmark knowledge. Cognition, 207.
- Hilton, C., Muffato, V., Slattery, T.J., Miellet, S. and Wiener, J., 2020. Differences in Encoding Strategy as a Potential Explanation for Age-Related Decline in Place Recognition Ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
- Hilton, C., Miellet, S., Slattery, T.J. and Wiener, J., 2020. Are age-related deficits in route learning related to control of visual attention? Psychological Research, 84 (6), 1473-1484.
- Wiener, J.M., Carroll, D., Moeller, S., Bibi, I., Ivanova, D., Allen, P. and Wolbers, T., 2020. A novel virtual-reality-based route-learning test suite: Assessing the effects of cognitive aging on navigation. Behavior Research Methods, 52 (2), 630-640.
- Allen, P.J., Wiener, J.M., Gatzidis, C., Stringer, C.B. and Stewart, J.R., 2019. Investigating the Effect of the Environment on Prey Detection Ability in Humans. Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
- Muffato, V., Hilton, C., Meneghetti, C., De Beni, R. and Wiener, J.M., 2019. Evidence for age-related deficits in object-location binding during place recognition. Hippocampus, 29 (10), 971-979.
- Grzeschik, R., Conroy-Dalton, R., Innes, A., Shanker, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2019. The contribution of visual attention and declining verbal memory abilities to age-related route learning deficits. Cognition, 187, 50-61.
- Coutrot, A., Schmidt, S., Coutrot, L., Pittman, J., Hong, L., Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Dalton, R.C., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2019. Virtual navigation tested on a mobile app is predictive of real-world wayfinding navigation performance. PLoS ONE, 14 (3).
- Brown, P. et al., 2019. Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search. Database, 2019, 1-67.
- Lokka, I.E., Çöltekin, A., Wiener, J., Fabrikant, S.I. and Röcke, C., 2018. Virtual environments as memory training devices in navigational tasks for older adults. Scientific Reports, 8 (1).
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2018. Global Determinants of Navigation Ability. Current Biology, 28 (17), 2861-2866.e4.
- O'Malley, M., Innes, A., Muir, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2018. 'All the corridors are the same': A qualitative study of the orientation experiences and design preferences of UK older adults living in a communal retirement development. Ageing and Society, 38 (9), 1791-1816.
- Ring, M., Gaigg, S.B., de Condappa, O., Wiener, J.M. and Bowler, D.M., 2018. Spatial navigation from same and different directions: The role of executive functions, memory and attention in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 11 (5), 798-810.
- O’Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2018. How do we get there? Effects of cognitive aging on route memory. Memory and Cognition, 46 (2), 274-284.
- The impact of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene on trauma and spatial processing. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 6 (12).
- Lester, A.W., Moffat, S.D., Wiener, J.M., Barnes, C.A. and Wolbers, T., 2017. The Aging Navigational System. Neuron, 95 (5), 1019-1035.
- Hartmeyer, S., Grzeschik, R., Wolbers, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2017. The effects of attentional engagement on route learning performance in a virtual environment: An aging study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9 (JUL).
- O’Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2017. Decreasing spatial disorientation in care-home settings: How psychology can guide the development of dementia friendly design guidelines. Dementia, 16 (3), 315-328.
- Miller, J.K., McDougall, S., Thomas, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2017. Impairment in active navigation from trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 140, 114-123.
- Lisofsky, N., Wiener, J., de Condappa, O., Gallinat, J., Lindenberger, U. and Kühn, S., 2016. Differences in navigation performance and postpartal striatal volume associated with pregnancy in humans. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 134 (Part B), 400-407.
- Grison, E., Gyselinck, V., Burkhardt, J.M. and Wiener, J.M., 2016. Route planning with transportation network maps: an eye-tracking study. Psychological Research, 1-15.
- de Condappa, O. and Wiener, J.M., 2016. Human place and response learning: navigation strategy selection, pupil size and gaze behavior. Psychological Research, 80 (1), 82-93.
- de Condappa, O. and Wiener, J.M., 2016. Human place and response learning: navigation strategy selection, pupil size and gaze behavior. Psychological Research, 80 (1), 82-93.
- Strickrodt, M., O'Malley, M. and Wiener, J.M., 2015. This place looks familiar-how navigators distinguish places with ambiguous landmark objects when learning novel routes. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (DEC).
- Miller, J.K. and Wiener, J.M., 2014. PTSD recovery, spatial processing, and the val66met polymorphism. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 (1 FEB).
- Wolbers, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2014. Challenges for identifying the neural mechanisms that support spatial navigation: the impact of spatial scale. Front Hum Neurosci, 8, 571.
- Wiener, J.M., de Condappa, O., Harris, M.A. and Wolbers, T., 2013. Maladaptive bias for extrahippocampal navigation strategies in aging humans. J Neurosci, 33 (14), 6012-6017.
- Hills, T.T., Kalff, C. and Wiener, J.M., 2013. Adaptive Lévy Processes and Area-Restricted Search in Human Foraging. PLoS ONE, 8 (4).
- Wiener, J., de Condappa, O., Harris, M.A. and Wolbers, T., 2013. Maladaptive bias for extrahippocampal navigation strategies in aging humans. The Journal of Neuroscience.
- Harris, M.A., Wiener, J.M. and Wolbers, T., 2012. Aging specifically impairs switching to an allocentric navigational strategy. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4 (OCT).
- Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Büchner, S. and Konieczny, L., 2012. Gaze behaviour during space perception and spatial decision making. Psychological Research, 76 (6), 713-729.
- Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Büchner, S. and Konieczny, L., 2012. Gaze behaviour during space perception and spatial decision making. Psychological Research, 76 (6), 713-729.
- Wiener, J.M., Kmecova, H. and de Condappa, O., 2012. Route repetition and route retracing: Effects of cognitive aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4 (MAY).
- Wiener, J.M., Tenbrink, T. and Holscher, C., 2012. Would you follow your own route description? COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 13, S13.
- Harris, M.A., Wiener, J. and Wolbers, T., 2012. Aging specifically impairs switching to an allocentric navigational strategy. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 4 (29).
- Wiener, J., Kmecova, H. and de Condappa, O., 2012. Route repetition and route retracing: effects of cognitive aging. Aging Neuroscience, 4, 7.
- Wiener, J., Shettleworth, S., Bingman, V.P., Cheng, K., Healy, S., Jacobs, L.F., Jeffery, K.J., Mallot, H.A., Menzel, R. and Newcombe, N.S., 2011. Animal navigation: A synthesis. , 51-76.
- Wiener, J.M., Berthoz, A. and Wolbers, T., 2011. Dissociable cognitive mechanisms underlying human path integration. Experimental Brain Research, 208 (1), 61-71.
- Hölscher, C., Tenbrink, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2011. Would you follow your own route description? Cognitive strategies in urban route planning. Cognition, 121 (2), 228-247.
- Meilinger, T., Berthoz, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2011. The Integration of Spatial Information across Different Viewpoints. Memory & Cognition, 39, 1042-1054.
- Tenbrink, T., Wiener, J., Claramunt, C., Avraamides, M., Malaka, R. and Mallot, H.A., 2010. Spatial behavior and linguistic representation: Collaborative interdisciplinary specialized workshop. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 1 (2010), 115-120.
- Tenbrink, T., Claramunt, C., Wiener, J.M., Avraamidis, M., Malaka, R. and Mallot, H.A., 2010. Spatial behaviour and linguistic representation: Collaborative interdisciplinary specialized workshop. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 115-120.
- Wiener, J.M., Büchner, S.J. and Hölscher, C., 2009. Taxonomy of human wayfinding tasks: A knowledge-based approach. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 9 (2), 152-165.
- Wiener, J.M., Ehbauer, N.N. and Mallot, H.A., 2009. Planning paths to multiple targets: Memory involvement and planning heuristics in spatial problem solving. Psychological Research, 73 (5), 644-658.
- Ragni, M., Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Brösamle, M., Büchner, S.J., Kalff, C., Kuhnmünch, G. and Strube, G., 2009. Human Spatial Cognition: Cognitive Science Joins AI and Robotics. Künstliche Intell., 23, 46-49.
- Franz, G. and Wiener, J.M., 2008. From space syntax to space semantics: A behaviorally and perceptually oriented methodology for the efficient description of the geometry and topology of environments. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 35 (4), 574-592.
- Wiener, J.M., Lafon, M. and Berthoz, A., 2008. Path planning under spatial uncertainty. Memory and Cognition, 36 (3), 495-504.
- Wiener, J.M. and Tenbrink, T., 2008. Traveling Salesman Problem: The Human Case. KI: Themenheft KI und Kognition, 1, 18-22.
- Wiener, J.M., Ehbauer, N.N. and Mallot, H.A., 2008. Planning paths to multiple targets: memory involvement and planning heuristics in spatial problem solving. Psychological Research, 1-15.
- Wiener, J.M., Franz, G., Rossmanith, N., Reichelt, A., Mallot, H.A. and Bülthoff, H.H., 2007. Isovist analysis captures properties of space relevant for locomotion and experience. Perception, 36 (7), 1066-1083.
- Wolbers, T., Wiener, J.M., Mallot, H.A. and Büchel, C., 2007. Differential recruitment of the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and the human motion complex during path integration in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (35), 9408-9416.
- Brembs, B. and Wiener, J., 2006. Context and occasion setting in Drosophila visual learning. Learning and Memory, 13 (5), 618-628.
- Wiener, J.M. and Mallot, H.A., 2006. Path complexity does not impair visual path integration. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 6 (4), 333-346.
- Wiener, J.M., Schnee, A. and Mallot, H.A., 2004. Use and interaction of navigation strategies in regionalized environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24 (4), 475-493.
- Wiener, J.M. and Mallot, H.A., 2003. 'Fine-to-coarse' route planning and navigation in regionalized environments. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 3 (4), 331-358.
- Tenbrink, T., Wiener, J.M. and Claramunt, C., 2013. Representing Space in Cognition. Oxford University Press.
- Wiener, J.M., 2004. Places and Regions in Perception, Route Planning, and Spatial Memory. Online publication service TOBIAS-lib.
- Wiener, J.M. and Meilinger, T., 2018. Spatial Biases in Navigation and Wayfinding. Spatial Biases in Perception and Cognition. 324-335.
- Emo, B., Hölscher, C., Wiener, J.M. and Dalton, R.C., 2012. Wayfinding and spatial configuration:evidence from street corners. Proceedings of the 8th Space Syntax Symposion. Space Syntax.
- Buechner, S.J., Wiener, J. and Hölscher, C., 2012. Methodological triangulation to assess sign placement. 185-188.
- Wiener, J.M., Shettleworth, S., Bingman, V.P., Cheng, K., Healy, S., Jacobs, L.F., Jeffery, K., Mallot, H.A., Menzel, R. and Newcombe, N.S., 2011. Animal navigation - a synthesis. In: Menzel, R. and Fischer, J., eds. Animal Thinking: Contemporary Issues in Comparative Cognition. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 52-76.
- Kallf, C., Hills, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2010. Human foraging behavior: A virtual reality investigation on area restricted search in humans. CogSci 2010: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
- Terziman, L., Lécuyer, A., Hillaire, S. and Wiener, J.M., 2009. Can camera motions improve the perception of traveled distance in virtual environments? 131-134.
- Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Büchner, S. and Konieczny, L., 2009. How the Geometry of Space controls Visual Attention during Spatial Decision Making. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society, 2286-2291.
- Büchner, S.J., Hölscher, C. and Wiener, J.M., 2009. Search Strategies and their Success in a Virtual Maze. Proceedings of the 31tst Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society, 1066-1071.
- Gerstmayr, L., Mallot, H.A. and Wiener, J.M., 2008. A minimalistic model of visually guided obstacle avoidance and path selection behavior. 87-103.
- Hurlebaus, R., Basten, K., Mallot, H.A. and Wiener, J.M., 2008. Route learning strategies in a virtual cluttered environment. 104-120.
- Wiener, J.M., Tenbrink, T., Henschel, J. and Hölscher, C., 2008. Situated and Prospective Path Planning: Route Choice in an Urban Environment. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society, 851-856.
- Wiener, J.M., Meilinger, T. and Berthoz, A., 2008. The Integration of Spatial Information across Different Perspectives. CogSci 2008: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society, 2031-2036.
- Riecke, B.E. and Wiener, J.M., 2007. Can people not tell left from right in VR? Point-to-origin studies revealed qualitative errors in visual path integration. 3-10.
- Tenbrink, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2007. Wayfinding strategies in behavior and language: A symmetric and interdisciplinary approach to cognitive processes. 401-420.
- Riecke, B.E. and Wiener, J.M., 2006. Point-to-origin experiments in VR revealed novel qualitative errors in visual path integration. 156.
- Wiener, J.M., Ehbauer, N.N. and Mallot, H.A., 2006. Path planning and optimization in the traveling salesman problem: Nearest neighbor vs. region-based strategies. Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar 05491"Spatial Cognition: Specialization and Integration". Dagstuhl Seminar.
- Wiener, J.M. and Franz, G., 2005. Isovists as a means to predict spatial experience and behavior. 42-57.
- Franz, G., Mallot, H.A. and Wiener, J.M., 2005. Graph-based models of space in architecture and cognitive science- a comparative analysis. Architecture, Engineering and Construction of Build Environment. Windsor, Ontario, Canada: International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, 30-38.
- Franz, G. and Wiener, J.M., 2005. Exploring isovist-based correlates of spatial behavior and experience. 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, Proceedings Volume II. Space Syntax, 503-517.
- Laczo, M., Kalinova, J., Vyhnalek, M., Hort, J., Wiener, J. and Laczo, J., 2022. Visuospatial Navigation Strategies in Typical and Atypical Aging. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 29, 146.
- Laczo, J., Laczo, M., Kalinova, J., Vyhnalek, M., Hort, J. and Wiener, J., 2022. Spatial navigation distinguishes Alzheimer's disease and non Alzheimer's pathologic change and relates to CSF biomarkers. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 29, 376.
- Heward, M., Adams, A., Hicks, B. and Wiener, J., 2020. Manager’s experiences of supporting residents to navigate care homes. In: 15th United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 virtual.
- Parizkova, M., Wiener, J., Kalinova, J., Vyhnalek, M., Matoska, V., Kaplan, V., Hort, J. and Laczo, J., 2019. Virtual navigation assessment and APOE genotype in early Alzheimer's disease. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 26, 198.
- Segen, V., Avraamides, M., Slattery, T. and Wiener, J., 2019. Age-related differences in the use of distal landmarks during object-location encoding. I-PERCEPTION, 10, 17.
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2019. Testing the Navigation Skills of 3.7 Million Participants With a Video Game. PERCEPTION, 48, 6.
- Muffato, V., Meneghetti, C. and Wiener, J., 2018. Spatial representations: New perspectives for studying age-related differences. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 19, S23-S24.
- Muffato, V., Hilton, C., De Beni, R. and Wiener, J., 2018. Age-related differences in the ability to recognize swapped positions of objects. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 19, S24.
- Hilton, C., Johnson, A. and Wiener, J., 2018. Aging and route learning: What is the role of sequence knowledge? COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 19, S25.
- Grzeschik, R., Dalton, R.C., Innes, A. and Wiener, J., 2018. Effects of cognitive ageing on finding and selecting reliable landmarks. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 19, S32.
- Wiener, 2016. The effects of typical and atypical ageing on orientation and navigation behaviour. In: iNAV 2016 26 June-1 July 2016 Bad Gastein, Austria.
- Ramsey, C., Gatzidis, C., Miellet, S. and Wiener, J., 2016. Visual search during navigation in complex virtual environments: an eyetracking study. PERCEPTION, 45, 6-7.
- O'Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J., 2015. Reducing spatial disorientation for older adults with memory difficulties: Towards dementia-friendly architecture. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 16, S40.
- O'Malley, M., Innes, A. and Wiener, J., 2015. Do you still know how to get there? Effects of cognitive ageing on route memory. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 16, S34.
- van der Ham, I., Wiener, J. and Meilinger, T., 2015. Individual differences in wayfinding. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 16, S34.
- Kmecova, H., Araci, D., Moya, P. and Wiener, J., 2013. How do we read YAH maps? An Eye-Tracking. In: 1st International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research 2 September 2013 Scarborough.
- Ragni, M. and Wiener, J.M., 2012. Constraints, Inferences, and the Shortest Path: Which paths do we prefer? In: Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 1-4 August 2012 Sapporo, Japan. Sapporo, Japan: Cognitive Science Society.
- Harris, M.A., Wiener, J.M. and Wolbers, T., 2012. Older people exhibit a specific deficit in navigational strategy switching. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 13, S42.
- Meilinger, T., Berthoz, A. and Wiener, J.M., 2011. The integration of spatial information across different viewpoints. Memory and Cognition, 39 (6), 1042-1054.
- Wiener, J.M., de Condappa, O. and Hölscher, C., 2011. Do you have to look where you go? Gaze behaviour during spatial decision making. In: CogSci 2011: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 20-23 July 2011 Boston, MA, USA. Cognitive Science Society.
- Tenbrink, T. and Wiener, J., 2009. The verbalization of multiple strategies in a variant of the traveling salesperson problem. Cognitive Processing, 10 (2), 143-161.
- Wiener, J., Konieczny, L., Hoelscher, C. and Buechner, S., 2009. How the geometry of space controls visual attention during wayfinding. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, 10, S137.
- Riecke, B.E. and Wiener, J.M., 2006. Point-to-origin experiments in VR revealed novel qualitative errors in visual path integration. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Research Posters, SIGGRAPH 2006.
- Wiener, J.M. and Franz, G., 2004. Isovists as a Means to Predict Spatial Experience and Behavior. Spatial Cognition, 3343, 42-57 Springer.
- Heward, M., Bradley, L., Yinusa, G., Board, M., Murphy, J. and Wiener, J., 2023. Evaluation of the Four Seasons Health Care Group Training Strategy "Our Approach to Dementia Care". Bournemouth University.
- Wiener, J.M. and Mallot, H.A., 2004. Navigation Strategies in Regionalized Environments. Technical Report. Max Planck Institute. Available from:
- Wiener, J.M. and Mallot, H.A., 2003. Navigating Regionalized Environments.Technical Report. Max Planck Institute. Available from:
- Ramsey, C., Gatzidis, C., Miellet, S. and wiener, J., 2016. Visual search during navigation in complex virtual environments: an eyetracking study. In: ECVP2016: 39th European Conference on Visual Perception.
- O'Malley, M., Innes, Muir, S. and Wiener, J., 2016. The Orientation Experiences and Design Preferences of Residents Living in a Retirement Development. In: Alzheimer’s Disease International.
- O'Malley, Innes and Wiener, 2016. How do we get there? The effects of cognitive ageing on map reading abilities. In: iNAV 2016.
- Grzeschik, Conroy Dalton, R., Innes and Wiener, J.A.N., 2016. Effects of Aging on Landmark Recognition. In: iNAV 2016.
- Griesbauer, E.-M., Fernandez Velasco, P., Coutrot, A., Wiener, J., Morley, J., McNamee, D., Manley, E. and Spiers, H., 2024. London taxi drivers exploit neighbourhood boundaries for hierarchical route planning.
- Fernandez-Velasco, P., Coutrot, A., Oloye, H., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Hoelscher, C., Manley, E., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2023. Handedness and its association with education and spatial navigation assessed in over 400,000 participants across 41 countries.
- Walkowiak, S., Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M., Hornberger, M., Manley, E. and Spiers, H.J., 2023. From overconfidence to task dropout in a spatial navigation test: evidence for the Dunning-Kruger effect across 46 countries.
- Walkowiak, S., Coutrot, A., Hegarty, M., Velasco, P.F., Wiener, J.M., Dalton, R.C., Hölscher, C., Hornberger, M., Spiers, H.J. and Manley, E., 2022. Cultural determinants of the gap between self-estimated navigation ability and wayfinding performance: evidence from 46 countries.
- Segen, V., Colombo, G., Avraamides, M., Slattery, T. and Wiener, J., 2021. The role of memory and perspective shifts in systematic biases during object location estimation.
- Griesbauer, E.-M., Manley, E., Wiener, J. and Spiers, H., 2021. Learning ‘The Knowledge’: How London Taxi Drivers Build Their Cognitive Map of London.
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2020. Entropy of city street networks linked to future spatial navigation ability.
- Coutrot, A., Schmidt, S., Coutrot, L., Pittman, J., Hong, L., Wiener, J.M., Hölscher, C., Dalton, R.C., Hornberger, M. and Spiers, H.J., 2018. Virtual navigation tested on a mobile app is predictive of real-world wayfinding navigation performance.
- Coutrot, A., Wiener, J.M. et al., 2017. Global determinants of navigation ability.
- Segen, V., Avraamides, M.N., Slattery, T. and Wiener, J.M., 2023. Biases in object location estimation: The role of rotations and translation. Published.
PhD Students
- Olivier de Condappa. Visual Attention and Wayfinding
- Chris Ramsey. Eye-tracking in Virtual Environments
- Christopher Hilton
- Jessica Miller. PTSD & Wayfinding
- Mary O'Malley. Dementia & Wayfinding
- Peter Allen
- Vladislava Segen. Ageing, Visual Cognition and Place Recognition
Profile of Teaching PG
- Programme Leader of "MSc in Lifespan Neuropsychology"
Profile of Teaching UG
- ViSC - Visual and Spatial Cognition, year 3
- Dementia-friendly architecture: Reducing Spatial Disorientation in Dementia Care Homes (ESRC, 01 Oct 2015). Awarded
- Cues for Decision- Making & Wayfinding in Intelligent Buildings (Cisco Systems, 01 Jan 2010). In Progress
- Wayfinding Strategies in Behaviour and Language (Volkswagen Foundation, 01 Jan 2007). Completed
- The cognitive architecture underlying human wayfinding (DFG (German Research Council), 01 Jan 2006). Completed
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Bournemouth University Active Vision Workshop (June 2016) (19 Jul 2016-20 Jul 2016)
- Dr rer. nat in Cognitive Neuroscience (Tübingen University / Germany, 2004)
- Dipl. Biol in Biology (Würzburg University / Germany, 2000)
- Experimental Psychology Society, Member,