Alimohammad Shahri

Alimohammad Shahri

  • ashahri at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Alimohammad has joined the faculty of Science and Technology in January 2014 as a full time PhD student. He received his MSc in Ethical Hacking and Computer Security at the University of Abertay Dundee with the dissertation titled “Web Traffic Analysis over L2TP/IPSec Encrypted Tunnels” in September 2013. He has worked on projects in Digital Forensics, Face Recognition, Computer Security, and Data Mining in addition to his final project.

His PhD research is titled "Social Adaptation: Mining the Crowd Feedback for Planning Software Evolution" and his supervisory team consists of Dr. Raian Ali, Professor Keith Phalp, and Associate Professor Jacqui Taylor.

Journal Articles


  • Hosseini, M., Groen, E.C., Shahri, A. and Ali, R., 2017. CRAFT: A crowd-annotated feedback technique. Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, REW 2017, 170-175.
  • Algashami, A., Shahri, A., McAlaney, J., Taylor, J., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2017. Strategies and design principles to minimize negative side-effects of digital motivation on teamwork. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10171 LNCS, 267-278.
  • Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Almaliki, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2016. Engineering software-based motivation: A persona-based approach. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2016-August.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Crowdsourcing transparency requirements through structured feedback and social adaptation. Proceedings - International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2016-August.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Foundations for transparency requirements engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9619, 225-231.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. A modelling language for transparency requirements in business information systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9694, 239-254.
  • Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2016. Exploring and conceptualising software-based motivation within enterprise. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 267, 241-256.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Towards engineering transparency as a requirement in socio-technical systems. 2015 IEEE 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2015 - Proceedings, 268-273.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Transparency as a Requirement. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) - Demo and Posters Track 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
  • Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Motivation as a Supplementary Requirement. In: The 21st International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015) - Demo and Posters Track 23-26 March 2015 Essen, Germany..
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2015. Recommendations on Adapting Crowdsourcing to Problem Types. In: The IEEE Ninth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’15) 13-15 May 2015 Athens, Greece.
  • Hosseini, M., Shahri, A., Phalp, K., Taylor, J., Ali, R. and Dalpiaz, F., 2015. Configuring Crowdsourcing for Requirements Elicitation. In: The IEEE Ninth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’15) 13-15 May 2015 Athens, Greece.
  • Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Phalp, K., Taylor, J. and Ali, R., 2014. Towards a Code of Ethics for Gamification at Enterprise. In: The 7th IFIP WG 8.1 working conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modelling (PoEM 2014) 12-13 November 2014 Manchester, UK..
  • Snijders, R., Dalpiaz, F., Hosseini, M., Shahri, A. and Ali, R., 2014. Crowd-Centric Requirements Engineering. In: The 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud 2014), Co-located with UCC 2014. 8 December 2014 London, UK..
  • Shahri, A., Hosseini, M., Ali, R. and Dalpiaz, F., 2014. Gamification for Volunteer Cloud Computing. In: The 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud 2014), Co-located with UCC 2014. 8 December 2014 London, UK.


Profile of Teaching UG

  • Computers and Networks Laboratory


  • Crowdsourcing and Gamification for Software Engineering (BU Graduate School Santander Scholarship, 01 Feb 2014). Awarded
  • Social Adaptation: When Software Gives Users a Voice (EC FP7, Marie Curie CIG, 16 Oct 2013). Awarded


  • MSc in Ethical Hacking and Computer Security (2013)
  • BSc (Hons) in Computer Technology Software Engineering (2011)