Dr Carly Stewart
- 01202 961257
- cstewart at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9466-2870
- Deputy Dean
- Poole House P306, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
I am a Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Science and Technology, working closely with and deputising for the Executive Dean. I oversee the academic portfolio of the faculty and ensure the quality and enhancement of our educational programmes. Additionally, I am the institutional Athena SWAN lead, committed to strategically embedding gender equality and inclusivity across the university. I am a BU board member, Director, and Deputy Chair for BU Community Business.
Before my role in the Faculty of Science and Technology, I was an Associate Professor and Head of two Departments: Sport and Event Management and People and Organisations in the Business School. I joined Bournemouth University in 2016, having previously worked at Cardiff Metropolitan University, and I obtained my PhD from the University of Exeter in 2006.
As an interdisciplinary researcher, I have a track record in various social science areas, including sports and health, women’s health, education, and young people. I am particularly interested in and have expertise in qualitative research methods and, more recently, in coaching and its application to leadership.
- Harper, R.C., Sheppard, S., Miller, E., Stewart, C. and Clark, C.J., 2024. #DryByChristmas: A patient and public involvement study on women's engagement with humorous pelvic floor muscle training digital nudges on social media. Health Expectations, 27 (2).
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Journal Articles
- Stewart, C., Clark, C., Sheppard, S., Armstrong, M. and Harper, R., 2024. The Pelvic ( floor) Reminders (to) Explore Perinatal (women’s) Acceptability (of) Reminders (to) Exercise (PREPARE) study: protocol for a feasibility trial. research square.
- Harper, R.C., Sheppard, S., Miller, E., Stewart, C. and Clark, C.J., 2024. #DryByChristmas: A patient and public involvement study on women's engagement with humorous pelvic floor muscle training digital nudges on social media. Health Expectations, 27 (2).
- Stewart, C. and Barker-Ruchti, N., 2024. Unraveling Gender and Non-Accidental Violence in Women’s Gymnastics Research: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Quest, 76 (2), 169-189.
- Harper, R.C., Sheppard, S., Stewart, C. and Clark, C.J., 2023. Exploring Adherence to Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Women Using Mobile Apps: Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 11, e45947.
- Stewart, C., 2022. A Fine Balance: The Cultural Biography of an Academic Journal and its Scholars. Auto/Biography Review, 3 (1), 1-5.
- Stewart, C., 2020. Stories of swimming and the embodied self in a three-dimensional narrative inquiry of transgender swimming experience. Auto/biography Review, 2019, 103-118.
- Kerr, R., Barker-Ruchti, N., Stewart, C. and Kerr, G., 2020. Introduction. Women's Artistic Gymnastics: Socio-cultural Perspectives, 1-5.
- Kavanagh, E., Adams, A., Lock, D., Stewart, C. and Cleland, J., 2020. Managing abuse in sport: An introduction to the special issue. Sport Management Review, 23 (1), 1-7.
- Kuhlin, F., Barker-Ruchti, N. and Stewart, C., 2020. Long-term impact of the coach-athlete relationship on development, health, and wellbeing: stories from a figure skater. Sports Coaching Review.
- Stewart, C., Woodward, M. and Gough, R., 2020. ‘I’ve drawn, like, someone who was the world’: drawings as embodied gestures of lived yoga experience. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 12 (1), 141-157.
- Barker-Ruchti, N., Stewart, C. et al., 2020. The future of women's artistic gymnastics: Eight actions to protect gymnasts from abuse. SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL, 12 (3), 441-445.
- Sparkes, A.C. and Stewart, C., 2019. Stories as actors causing trouble in lives: a dialogical narrative analysis of a competitive cyclist and the fall from grace of Lance Armstrong. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 11 (4), 460-477.
- Stewart, C., Schiavon, L.M. and Bellotto, M.L., 2017. Knowledge, nutrition and coaching pedagogy: a perspective from female Brazilian Olympic gymnasts. Sport, Education and Society, 22 (4), 511-527.
- Stewart, C. and Pullen, E., 2016. Monadic, material and mirroring: Female bodies in track athletics culture. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51 (6), 658-678.
- Sparkes, A.C. and Stewart, C., 2016. Taking sporting autobiographies seriously as an analytical and pedagogical resource in sport, exercise and health. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 8 (2), 113-130.
- Stewart, C., Smith, B. and Sparkes, A.C., 2011. Sporting autobiographies of illness and the role of metaphor. Sport in Society, 14 (5), 581-597.
- Stewart, C., 2011. Packing a punch for the feminist project? The autobiography of Jane Couch.
- Stewart, C. and Lord, R., 2010. Retelling tales: The (missed?) representation of working class women's stories of leisure. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 9 (2), 63-76.
- Kerr, R., Barker-Ruchti, N., Stewart, C. and Kerr, G., 2020. Women's artistic gymnastics: Socio-cultural perspectives.
- Barker-Ruchti, N., Schubring, A. and Stewart, C., 2020. 5 Gendered violence in women's artistic gymnastics: A sociological analysis. Routledge Handbook of Athlete Welfare. 57-68.
- Barker-Ruchti, N., Schubring, A. and Stewart, C., 2020. Gendered violence in women’s artistic gymnastics: a sociological analysis. In: Lang, M., ed. Routledge Handbook of Athlete Welfare. Routledge.
- Stewart, C. and Carbinatto, M., 2020. Living with stories of gymnastics in higher education. Women's Artistic Gymnastics: Socio-cultural Perspectives. 69-80.
- Lord, R. and Stewart, C., 2020. Trampoline gymnasts' body narratives of the leotard: A seamless fit? Women's Artistic Gymnastics: Socio-cultural Perspectives. 99-115.
- Kerr, R., Barker-Ruchti, N., Stewart, C. and Kerr, G., 2020. Conclusion. Women's Artistic Gymnastics: Socio-cultural Perspectives. 231-234.
- Pope, J., 2020. Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. In: Kerr, R., Barker-Ruchti, N., Stewart, C. and Kerr, G., eds. Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-246.
- Stewart, C., 2017. Utilizing sporting autobiographies for feminist research: The case of cyclist nicole cooke. The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and Sport, Leisure and Physical Education. 293-311.
- Stewart, C., Jones, R.L. and Kingston, K., 2011. Negotiating Expectations in Football's Complex Social Culture. In: Gilbourne, D. and Anderson, M.B., eds. Critical Essays in Applied Sport Psychology. Human Kinetics.
- Stewart, C., Lord, R. and Wiltshite, G., 2010. Ease of Movement and Freedom of Corporeal Expression? Femininity, the body and leotards in Trampoline Gymnastics. Leisure Identities and Authenticity: LSA Publication No 110. Leisure Studies Association.
- Harper, R., Sheppard, S., Stewart, C. and Clark, C., 2023. Exploring adherence to pelvic floor muscle training in women using mobile apps: a systematic review. In: the CSP Annual Conference 2023 26 October 2023 Cardiff.
Internet Publications
- Harper, R., Sheppard, S., Stewart, C. and Clark, C., 2023. Pelvic (floor) Reminders (to) Explore Perinatal (women's) Acceptability (of) Reminders (to) Exercise (PREPARE) study. Available from: https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN32494719?q=pelvic%20floor%20reminders&filters=&sort=&offset=1&totalResults=5&page=1&pageSize=10.
- Stewart, C., Anwuzia, E. and Rajaprakasam, P., 2022. Struggling at School but Starting a Business? At-Risk NEET Young People, Entrepreneurship and Social Change. British Sociological Association. Available from: https://es.britsoc.co.uk/struggling-at-school-but-starting-a-business-at-risk-neet-young-people-entrepreneurship-and-social-change/.
- Mendis, D., Cox, K. and Stewart, C., 2021. Social media has helped gen Z athletes find their ‘authentic voice’. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/social-media-has-helped-gen-z-athletes-find-their-authentic-voice-165926.
- Stewart, C. and Chappell, A., 2021. The Past, Present, and Future of The British Sociological Association’s Auto/Biography Study Group. The Sociological Observer: Sociological Association of Ireland. Available from: https://www.sociology.ie/uploads/4/2/5/2/42525367/sociological_observer_3_1_.pdf.
- Stewart, C., 2020. Editing Auto/Biography Review: A Matter of the Heart. Everyday Society: British Sociological Association. Available from: https://es.britsoc.co.uk/editing-auto-biography-review-a-matter-of-the-heart/.
- Stewart, C. and caudwell, J., 2017. Vicious cycle: the ‘troublemakers’ tackling sexism in elite sport. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/vicious-cycle-the-troublemakers-tackling-sexism-in-elite-sport-75687?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitterbutton.
- Stewart, C. and Caudwell, J., 2017. Vicious cycle: the ‘troublemakers’ tackling sexism in elite sport. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/vicious-cycle-the-troublemakers-tackling-sexism-in-elite-sport-75687.
PhD Students
- Gary Evans, (In progress)
- Rosie Harper, (In progress)
- Rhiannon Lord, (Completed)
- Mara Mata. Cultural competency in sport coaching: An interactionist aprpoach
- Samar Shahid. Teachers' perceptions of mental health and movement and how they impact upon a whole-school primary education mental health and movement intervention
- Clinical PhD Studentship: Nudging Post-Partum Adherence to Exercise (National Institute of Health and Medical Research with NHS ARC Wessex, 26 Apr 2021). In Progress
- Safe Swim: Supporting Physical Activity and Wellbeing for Transgender People (British Academy, 01 Dec 2020). Completed
- SPEED-You-UP: Students and NEET young people, Professionals and Educators work on Employability and Entrepreneurial skills in the battle against school Dropout and Youth UnemPloyment. (European Commission Intereg 2Seas, 02 Nov 2020). Completed
- PhD Studentship Stormbreak: Children's Mental Health and Movement (Osteotech Head Coach, 03 Sep 2018). In Progress
External Responsibilities
- Bournemouth University Community Business, Board Director (2022-)
- Women in Sport High Performance Pathway (WISH), Leadership Mentor (2022-)
- British Sociological Association, Auto/biography Study Group Co-convener (2019-), https://www.britsoc.co.uk/groups/study-groups/autobiography-study-group/
- Auto/biography Review, Editor (2019-)
Conference Presentations
- Work, Employment and Society, Community and the socio-spatial context in a social entrepreneurship programme for NEET young people in deprived coastal regions in the UK and Europe, 13 Sep 2023, Glasgow, UK
- The 14th annual conference of the Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport, Theorising gender and violence in women’s artistic gymnastics: A critical interpretative synthesis, 16 Nov 2022, Nord University, Bodo, Norway
- Professional Certificate in Executive Coaching (Henley Business School, 2021)
- PGCE in Teaching in Higher Education (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, 2011)
- PhD in Sport and Health Science (University of Exeter, 2007)
- BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science (University of Exeter, 2001)
- Association for Coaching, Member (2021-),
- British Sociological Association, Member,
- The Henley Centre for Coaching, Member,