Dr Rachel Moseley
- Principal Academic In Psychology
- Poole House P328, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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My research centres on autism and the difficulties that autistic people often face in adulthood. I principally focus on suicidality, self-injury and mental health in autistic adults, including the comorbidity between autism and certain conditions, like eating disorders. I also study issues around late-diagnosis, the burden of camouflaging and stigma, ageing, and lifespan transition points like menopause. My career began in cognitive neuroscience, and I previously used neurometabolic (MRI, DTI) and electrophysiological (EEG, MEG) methods to investigate language, emotion and social processes in autistic and non-autistic people.
I am passionate about increasing acceptance of neurodivergent minds through public engagement, and improving life for autistic people through my consultancy work and engagement with policy-makers. Please feel free to reach out to me with related enquiries.
Interested PhD students are also welcome to reach out to me - even if I do not have funding available at the time, I would love to hear from you.
Journal Articles
- Vuillier, L., Greville-Harris, M. and Moseley, R.L., 2025. The risk of believing that emotions are bad and uncontrollable: association with orthorexia nervosa. Eating and Weight Disorders, 30 (1).
- Moseley, R.L., Hedley, D., Gamble-Turner, J.M., Uljarević, M., Bury, S.M., Shields, G.S., Trollor, J.N., Stokes, M.A. and Slavich, G.M., 2024. Lifetime stressor exposure is related to suicidality in autistic adults: A multinational study. Autism, 13623613241299872.
- Vuillier, L., Greville-Harris, M., Talbot, C.V., May, L. and Moseley, R.L., 2024. Early evaluation of a DBT-informed online intervention for people with eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 12 (1).
- Wright, P., Moseley, R., Tomasulo, D., Srinivasan, H., Wilson, J., Woods, S. and Rashid, T., 2024. Integrating Positive Psychology and Autism: A Roundtable. Autism in Adulthood, 6 (4), 389-400.
- Matthews, R., Jenkins, C., Janse van Rensburg, M., Brady, M., Moseley, R. and Gamble-Turner, J., 2024. Stepping Into Who I Fully Am: A Creative Exploration of Autistic Menopause. International Journal of Disability and Social Justice.
- Jenkins, C., Moseley, R., Matthews, R., Janse van Rensburg, M., Gamble-Turner, J. and Brady, M., 2024. “Struggling for Years”: An International Survey on Autistic Experiences of Menopause. Neurodiversity.
- Eysenck, A.H., Sewell, S., Wakeford, S.A., Richards, S., Taylor, J. and Moseley, R.L., 2024. Practice-focused reflections on adaptive behaviour assessment in autism specialist education. British Journal of Special Education, 51 (3), 284-295.
- Moseley, R., Shalev, I., Gregory, N. and Uzefovsky, F., 2024. Empathic disequilibrium as a predictor of non-suicidal self-injury in autistic and non-autistic people. Autism in Adulthood.
- Brady, M.J., Jenkins, C.A., Gamble-Turner, J.M., Moseley, R.L., Janse van Rensburg, M. and Matthews, R.J., 2024. “A perfect storm”: Autistic experiences of menopause and midlife. Autism, 28 (6), 1405-1418.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2024. Potential Mechanisms Underlying Suicidality in Autistic People with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Testing Hypotheses from the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Autism in Adulthood, 6 (1), 9-24.
- Portch, E., Moseley, R.L., Wignall, L., Turner-Cobb, J.M., Taylor, Z. and Gondelle, M., 2024. ‘Welcome to my world’: a thematic analysis of the lived experiences of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis during the UK COVID-19 lockdown. Psychology and Health, 39 (12), 1727-1744.
- de Visser, R.O., Mosely, R., Gamble-Turner, J., Hull, L., Sedgewick, F., Featherstone, C., Quint OBE, C., Freeman, E. and Karavidas, M., 2024. Unmet need for autism-aware care for gynaecological, menstrual and sexual wellbeing. Autism.
- Moseley, R.L., Hedley, D., Gamble-Turner, J.M., Uljarević, M., Bury, S.M., Shields, G.S., Trollor, J.N., Stokes, M.A. and Slavich, G.M., 2024. Lifetime stressor exposure is related to suicidality in autistic adults: A multinational study. Autism.
- Moseley, R.L., Atkinson, C., Surman, R., Greville-Harris, M., May, L. and Vuillier, L., 2023. Sex-specific mechanisms for eating disorder risk in men and women with autistic traits: the role of alexithymia. Journal of Eating Disorders, 11 (1).
- Sinclair, J.M.A., Moseley, R. et al., 2023. Identifying the most important research, policy and practice questions for substance use, problematic alcohol use and behavioural addictions in autism (SABA-A): A priority setting partnership. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 124.
- Wignall, L., Moseley, R. and McCormack, M., 2023. Autistic Traits of People Who Engage in Pup Play: Occurrence, Characteristics and Social Connections. Journal of Sex Research.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2022. The relevance of the interpersonal theory of suicide for predicting past-year and lifetime suicidality in autistic adults. Molecular Autism, 13 (1).
- Greville-harris, M., Talbot, C.V., Moseley, R.L. and Vuillier, L., 2022. Conceptualisations of health in orthorexia nervosa: a mixed-methods study. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27 (8), 3135-3143.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2022. Non-suicidal self-injury and its relation to suicide through acquired capability: investigating this causal mechanism in a mainly late-diagnosed autistic sample. Molecular Autism, 13 (1).
- Vuillier, L., Joseph, J., Greville-Harris, M., May, L., Somerville, M.P., Harrison, A. and Moseley, R.L., 2022. What about males? Exploring sex differences in the relationship between emotion difficulties and eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10 (1).
- Moseley, R.L., Liu, C.H., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Baron-Cohen, S. and Sui, J., 2022. Levels of Self-representation and Their Sociocognitive Correlates in Late-Diagnosed Autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52 (7), 3246-3259.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2022. Correction to: The relevance of the interpersonal theory of suicide for predicting past-year and lifetime suicidality in autistic adults (Molecular Autism, (2022), 13, 1, (14), 10.1186/s13229-022-00495-5). Molecular Autism, 13 (1).
- Vuillier, L., May, L., Greville-Harris, M., Surman, R. and Moseley, R.L., 2021. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with eating disorders: the role of emotion regulation and exploration of online treatment experiences. Journal of Eating Disorders, 9 (1).
- Moseley, R.L., Druce, T. and Turner-Cobb, J.M., 2021. Autism research is ‘all about the blokes and the kids’: Autistic women breaking the silence on menopause. British Journal of Health Psychology, 26 (3), 709-726.
- Hills, P.J., Arabacı, G., Fagg, J., Canter, L., Thompson, C. and Moseley, R., 2021. Low-frequency rTMS to the parietal lobe increases eye-movement carryover and decreases hazard rating. Neuropsychologia, 158.
- Moseley, R.L., Turner-Cobb, J.M., Spahr, C.M., Shields, G.S. and Slavich, G.M., 2021. Lifetime and Perceived Stress,Social Support,Loneliness,and Health in Autistic Adults. Health Psychology, 40 (8), 556-568.
- Vuillier, L., Carter, Z., Teixeira, A.R. and Moseley, R.L., 2020. Alexithymia may explain the relationship between autistic traits and eating disorder psychopathology. Molecular Autism, 11 (1).
- Moseley, R.L., Druce, T. and Turner-Cobb, J.M., 2020. ‘When my autism broke’: A qualitative study spotlighting autistic voices on menopause. Autism, 24 (6), 1423-1437.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2020. Links between self-injury and suicidality in autism. Molecular Autism, 11 (1).
- Grisoni, L., Moseley, R.L., Motlagh, S., Kandia, D., Sener, N., Pulvermüller, F., Roepke, S. and Mohr, B., 2019. Prediction and Mismatch Negativity Responses Reflect Impairments in Action Semantic Processing in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13.
- Hillus, J., Moseley, R., Roepke, S. and Mohr, B., 2019. Action Semantic Deficits and Impaired Motor Skills in Autistic Adults Without Intellectual Impairment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13.
- Moseley, R. and Sui, J., 2019. The loneliness of me: The assumption of social disinterest and its worrying consequences in autism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42.
- Moseley, R.L., Gregory, N.J., Smith, P., Allison, C. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2019. A 'choice', an 'addiction', a way 'out of the lost': Exploring self-injury in autistic people without intellectual disability. Molecular Autism, 10 (1).
- Moseley, R.L., Hitchiner, R. and Kirkby, J.A., 2018. Self-reported sex differences in high-functioning adults with autism: A meta-analysis. Molecular Autism, 9 (1).
- Moseley, R.L. and Pulvermüller, F., 2018. What can autism teach us about the role of sensorimotor systems in higher cognition? New clues from studies on language, action semantics, and abstract emotional concept processing. Cortex, 100, 149-190.
- Ypma, R.J.F. et al., 2016. Default Mode Hypoconnectivity Underlies a Sex-Related Autism Spectrum. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 1 (4), 364-371.
- Moseley, R.L., Correia, M.M., Baron-Cohen, S., Shtyrov, Y., Pulvermüller, F. and Mohr, B., 2016. Reduced volume of the arcuate fasciculus in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10 (MAY2016).
- Moseley, R.L., Ypma, R.J.F., Holt, R.J., Floris, D., Chura, L.R., Spencer, M.D., Baron-Cohen, S., Suckling, J., Bullmore, E. and Rubinov, M., 2015. Whole-brain functional hypoconnectivity as an endophenotype of autism in adolescents. NeuroImage: Clinical, 9, 140-152.
- Moseley, R.L., Shtyrov, Y., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S. and Pulvermüller, F., 2015. Lost for emotion words: What motor and limbic brain activity reveals about autism and semantic theory. NeuroImage, 104, 413-422.
- Moseley, R.L., Pulvermüller, F., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S. and Shtyrov, Y., 2014. Brain routes for reading in adults with and without autism: EMEG evidence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44 (1), 137-153.
- Pulvermüller, F., Moseley, R.L., Egorova, N., Shebani, Z. and Boulenger, V., 2014. Motor cognition-motor semantics: Action perception theory of cognition and communication. Neuropsychologia, 55 (1), 71-84.
- Moseley, R.L. and Pulvermüller, F., 2014. Nouns, verbs, objects, actions, and abstractions: Local fMRI activity indexes semantics, not lexical categories. Brain and Language, 132, 28-42.
- Moseley, R.L., Pulvermuller, F. and Shtyrov, Y., 2013. Sensorimotor semantics on the spot: Brain activity dissociates between conceptual categories within 150 ms. Scientific Reports, 3.
- Moseley, R., Mohr, B., Lombardo, M.V., Baron-Cohen, S., Hauk, O. and Pulvermuller, F., 2013. Brain and behavioral correlates of action semantic deficits in autism. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (725), 1-10.
- Moseley, R., Carota, F., Hauk, O., Mohr, B. and Pulvermüller, F., 2012. A role for the motor system in binding abstract emotional meaning. Cerebral Cortex, 22 (7), 1634-1647.
- Carota, F., Moseley, R. and Pulvermüller, F., 2012. Body-part-specific representations of semantic noun categories. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (6), 1492-1509.
- Moseley, R., 2018. The limbic system. In: Braaten, E.B., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 964-966.
- Moseley, R., 2018. The Extreme Male Brain theory of autism. In: Braaten, E.B., ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 979.
- Moseley, R., Kiefer, M. and Pulvermüller, F., 2015. Grounding and embodiment of concepts and meaning: A neurobiological perspective. Perceptual and Emotional Embodiment: Foundations of Embodied Cognition. 93-114.
- Turner-Cobb, J. and Moseley, R., 2021. Feeling like a ‘perimenopausal stress ball’: menopause and midlife stress in people with autism. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Health Psychology (DHP) annual conference 29-30 June 2021 Online.
- Moseley, R., Liu, C.H., Gregory, N. and Sui, J., 2019. Self-representation in autism; are autistic people self-focused, and why does it matter? In: Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society 10-12 July 2019 Bournemouth, UK.
- Turner-Cobb, J.M., Sinimeri, D., Moseley, R. and Gamble, T.R., 2019. Visualization of social support alters mood: clinical implications of a conceptual mapping tool. In: The American Psychosomatic Society (APS) 77th Annual Scientific Meeting 6-9 March 2019 Vancouver, Canada.
- Hedley, D., Moseley, R. et al., 2022. Recommendations from the 2021 Australasian Society for Autism Research “Health, Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention in Autism” Conference and Roundtable. La Trobe University. Available from: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1345246/ASfAR-Conference-and-Roundtable-Final-Report.pdf.
- Hedley, D., Moseley, R. et al., 2022. Recommendations from the 2021 Australasian Society for Autism Research “Health, Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention in Autism” Conference and Roundtable: Policy Brief. La Trobe University. Available from: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1345247/ASfAR-Conference-and-Roundtable-Policy-Brief.pdf.
Internet Publications
- Moseley, R., 2024. The Buckland Autism Review champions changing attitudes - but does it go far enough?. BU Policy Blog. Available from: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/news/2024-02-29/blog-buckland-autism-review-champions-changing-attitudes-does-it-go-far-enough.
- Moseley, R., 2024. Researcher Rachel Moseley explains the development of our suicide prevention survey. Autism Centre of Excellence, Cambridge. Available from: https://www.autismcentreofexcellence.org/researcher-rachel-moseley-explains-the-development-of-our-suicide-prevention-survey/.
- Moseley, R., 2023. Like many women, I didn’t know I was autistic until adulthood – how late diagnosis can hurt mental health and self image. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/like-many-women-i-didnt-know-i-was-autistic-until-adulthood-how-late-diagnosis-can-hurt-mental-health-and-self-image-212561.
- Gee, M. and Moseley, R., 2023. Which of us is human? Our experience being part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. BU Research Blog. Available from: https://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/2023/02/02/which-of-us-is-human-our-experience-of-the-esrc-festival-of-social-science/.
- Carter, S., 2022. BU Policy Influence weekly digest. Bournemouth University. Available from: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/about/regional-engagement/public-affairs-policy-impact/setting-record-straight-around-autism-radicalisation.
- Moseley, R. and Turner-Cobb, J., 2022. Menopause and autism. Henpicked. Available from: https://henpicked.net/menopause-hub/menopause-and-autism/.
- Moseley, R., Holland, T. and Evans, S., 2022. Neurodiversity: the untapped asset?. The Manufacturer. Available from: https://www.themanufacturer.com/articles/neurodiversity-the-untapped-asset/.
- Moseley, R., Holland, T. and Evans, S., 2022. Neurodiversity: the untapped asset?. The Manufacturer. Available from: https://www.themanufacturer.com/magazine/the-manufacturer-july-august-2022/.
- Moseley, R. and Turner-Cobb, J., 2022. Autism and menopause: Q&A with Rachel Moseley and Julie Turner-Cobb. Spectrum News. Available from: https://www.spectrumnews.org/opinion/autism-and-menopause-qa-with-rachel-moseley-and-julie-turner-cobb/.
- Moseley, R. and Sarah, C., 2021. Strategy to improve the lives of autistic people is a welcome addition, says leading researcher. Dods Parlimentary Companion. Available from: https://login.dodsinformation.com/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.dodsinformation.com%2Fj_spring_cas_security_check.
- Moseley, R., 2021. No evidence links autism with terrorism, but ill-judged statements and headlines will lead to stigma. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/no-evidence-links-autism-with-terrorism-but-ill-judged-statements-and-headlines-will-lead-to-stigma-164133.
- Moseley, R. and Vuillier, L., 2020. Link between autism and eating disorders may be due to an inability to identify emotions – new research. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/link-between-autism-and-eating-disorders-may-be-due-to-an-inability-to-identify-emotions-new-research-143022.
- Kirkby, J. and Moseley, R., 2020. How to support children with special educational needs as they return to school. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/how-to-support-children-with-special-educational-needs-as-they-return-to-school-139422.
- Moseley, R., 2019. Understanding Gender Differences in Autism. Bournemouth Research Chronicle. Available from: https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/research-chronicle/research-chronicle-2019/understanding-gender-differences-autism.
- Moseley, R., 2019. Orangutans in the social jungle and the cost of hiding in plain sight.. Pint of Science. Available from: https://pintofscience.co.uk/blog/orangutans-in-the-social-jungle/.
- Moseley, R., Greenburg, C. and Rosa, S., 2019. Autism and Self-Injury: Talking With Dr. Rachel Moseley at INSAR 2019. Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. Available from: http://www.thinkingautismguide.com/2019/10/autism-and-self-injury-talking-with-dr.html.
- Moseley, R. and Kirkby, J., 2018. Autism screening tool may not detect the condition in some women. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/autism-screening-tool-may-not-detect-the-condition-in-some-women-96488.
- Moseley, R., 2017. Ten Things I Wish People Knew About Autism. Soapbox Science. Available from: http://soapboxscience.org/ten-things-wish-people-knew-autism-meet-rachel-moseley/.
- Moseley, R., 2016. Autism is nothing to be A-shamed about: reflections on the muddled messages from the media. Soapbox Science. Available from: http://soapboxscience.org/?p=3330.
- Moseley, R., 2016. Figuring out the human brain and how being on the autism spectrum affects it. Womanthology. Available from: http://www.womanthology.co.uk/figuring-out-the-human-brain-and-how-being-on-the-autism-spectrum-affects-it-dr-rachel-moseley-lecturer-in-psychology-at-bournemouth/.
- Mercedes, L.. Late autism diagnosis: it’s a relief, but who’s behind the mask?. Psyche. Available from: https://psyche.co/ideas/late-autism-diagnosis-its-a-relief-but-whos-behind-the-mask.
- Garlick, D. and Kim, E.. Neurodiversity and menopause: What employers need to know. Henpicked. Available from: https://menopauseintheworkplace.co.uk/equality/neurodiversity-and-menopause-what-employers-need-to-know/.
- Gamble-Turner, J. and Manghan, K.-A.. Autism and menopause. Autistica. Available from: https://www.autistica.org.uk/what-is-autism/autism-and-menopause.
- Moseley, R. and Matthews, R.. Supporting autistic people through menopause. Choice Support. Available from: https://www.choicesupport.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/supported-loving/supported-loving-toolkit/menopause-autism.
- Moseley, R., Shalev, I., Gregory, N. and Uzefovsky, F., 2024. Empathic Disequilibrium as a Predictor of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Autistic and Nonautistic People.
- Rynkiewicz, A., Hadjikhani, N., Moseley, R., Turner-Cobb, J., Ossolińska, A. and Lucka, I., 2023. Treatment of menopausal vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and sensory issues: A case-based approach in a 53-year-old Caucasian autistic woman. In: International Society for Autism Research.
- Moseley, R., Gregory, N., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2023. Non-suicidal self-injury and its relation to suicide in autistic people: a test of acquired capability for suicide as a causal mechanism. In: International Society for Autism Research.
- Moseley, R., Gregory, N., Smith, P., Allison, C., Cassidy, S. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2023. Mechanisms underlying suicidality in autistic people with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): testing hypotheses from the interpersonal theory of suicide. In: International Society for Autism Research.
- Moseley, R., Druce, T. and Turner-Cobb, J., 2020. “I thought I was going mad”: We need to talk about menopause in autism. In: International Society of Autism Research 2020 Virtual Meeting.
- Vuillier, L., Carter, Z., Texeira, A. and Moseley, R., 2019. Alexithymia: the missing link between autism and eating disorders? In: ISRE.
- Moseley, R., Liu, C., Gregory, N. and Sui, J., 2019. Self-representation in autism: are autistic people self-focused, and why does it matter? In: Experimental Psychology Society.
- Carter, Z., Teixeira, A.R., Moseley, R. and Vuillier, L., 2019. Alexithymia: A Mediator Between Autistic Traits and Eating Disordered Behaviours? In: Emotions in Eating Disorders: What We Know and What We’re Doing About It.
- Moseley, R., Gregory, N., Smith, P., Allison, C. and Baron-Cohen, S., 2019. Self-Injury in Autism: Predictors, Perceptions, and Links to Suicidality. In: International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting.
- Moseley, R. and Turner-Cobb, J., 2022. Breaking the taboos: why we need to talk about autism and menopause. The National Autistic Society. Published.
- Murray, E., Chase, S., Gregory, N., Moseley, R. and Bate, S., 2021. Using Gaze Behaviour to Differentiate Between Developmental Prosopagnosia and Autism Spectrum Condition.. N/A. Unpublished.
Profile of Teaching PG
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology
Profile of Teaching UG
- Experimental Methods and Statistical Analysis 2a
- Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs
- Clinical and Developmental Psychology
Invited Lectures
talk for Female Autism Network, Netherlands, 15/03, The Netherlands, 15 Mar 2025 more
Autism and menopause talk for Female Autism Network of the Netherlands, 15/03/2025 -
Menopause talk, National Autism Congress, 14/03/25, The Netherlands, 14 Mar 2025 more
National Autism Congress 2025 in the Netherlands, 14/03/2025 -
The Autism Show, London, ExCeL London, 15 Jun 2024 more
'Suicide and mental illness in autistic teens and adults' at The Autism Show, https://autismshow.co.uk/ -
Health and wellbeing for autistic people, Online, 26 Apr 2024 more
Talk on physical and mental health in autistic people, Physical Health Practice Network Launch event. Audience clinical health psychologists, Sussex Partnership NHS Trust. -
Sessions on suicide, self-injury, psychopathology, Vancouver, Canada, 04 Apr 2024 more
Autism Community Training Canada: Mental Health, Suicide and Autism Focus on Research Conference -
Bridging the Silos: Autistic Menopause Study, Online, 15 Feb 2024 more
Autism Society Alberta Family Resource Centre: talk about autistic menopause -
Autism and menopause, Online, 08 Feb 2024 more
Research Exchange Group on Autism, Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, Memorial University. -
Autism and menopause, Online, 11 Jan 2024 more
Women's College Hospital, Toronto, Grand Rounds in Psychiatry -
Suicide in autistic people, Online webinar, 19 Dec 2023 more
Autism Champion Network, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust -
Physical and mental health in autistic people, Lewes, UK, 14 Dec 2023 more
Talk as part of Reflect and Review Day, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust -
Menopause and autism, Online webinar, 09 Nov 2023 more
Practice Exchange talk for clinicians and allied health professionals working for Wales Integrated Autism Services -
Keynote at Israeli conference on autistic suicide, Tel Aviv, Israel, 28 Jun 2023 more
Keynote speech at "Saving Lives: Suicide Prevention in Autistic People", a 2-day conference and workshop in Tel Aviv. -
Barts Academic Afternoon: invited speaker, Barts Hospital, London, 07 Jun 2023 more
"Suicide prevention for autistic people": Invited talk for Barts Academic Afternoons, for psychiatrists and clinical staff in East and North East London Foundation Trusts -
Webinar for Sunshine Support (autistic menopause), Online, 28 Mar 2023 more
"Understanding differences and supporting autistic people in menopause": webinar commissioned by Sunshine Support, a social work organisation. -
Autism Learns conference keynote talk, Online, 24 Mar 2023 more
"Autism in girls, women, and people with ovaries: why can getting a diagnosis be difficult?" - keynote talk for Autism Learns conference on autistic girls and women -
Twynham Learning Governance Conference, Christchurch, 28 Jan 2023 more
Twynham Learning Governance Conference -
Online, 11 Jan 2023 more
Talk for Ben Gurion University, Israel: "Suicidality in autistic people: what we know, what we don't know, and what we need to find out" -
Scottish Women's Autism Network (SWAN): Webinar on, Online, 27 Oct 2022 more
Scottish Women's Autism Network (SWAN): Webinar on autism and menopause -
18 May 2022 more
Invited talk for City Mental Health Alliance (CMH). Webinar for Mental Health First Aiders. -
07 Apr 2022 more
"Orangutans in the social jungle: autism in girls and women" - invited lecture to students of the Clinical Associate in Psychology (CAP) Apprenticeship, Kent University -
26 Mar 2022 more
"Icebergs, boggarts and penguins: late-diagnosis and mental health in autism". Talks given to local stakeholder group (the Umbrella Group). -
Talk for Centre 404, London, Int. Woman's Day, Online, 08 Mar 2022 more
"Icebergs, boggarts and penguins: female experiences of autism". Talk given to Centre 404 on International Women's Day -
22 Nov 2021 more
"The brain science of autism": Online webinar for Bournemouth Natural Science Society. -
22 Apr 2021 more
Invited lecture for Zendesk for staff training and development: autism awareness and understanding -
26 Feb 2021 more
Talk on autism, missed diagnosis, unusual presentations and mental health comorbidities - Clinical Psychology course, Kent University. -
11 Feb 2021 more
Online talk about autism and mental ilness delivered to National and Specialist OCD, BDD and Related Disorders Clinic, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. -
02 Dec 2020 more
Online talk as part of "Neurodevelopmental Disorders: What Every Psychiatrist Needs to Know" - part of Barts Academic Afternoon, East London NHS Foundation Trust -
Depression, suicide and self-injury in autism: whe, London, 05 Dec 2019 more
Autism Today 2019, conference for doctors, psychiatrists, healthcare professionals in London, December 2019. -
“Missed or misdiagnosed? Autism spectrum disorders, Cambridge, 01 Jun 2017 more
Talk given to clinical psychologists in Cambridge -
Learning Spaces in Mind and Brain, Bournemouth International College, 19 Oct 2016 more
Bournemouth International College Best Practice Day
External Responsibilities
- Autism in Adulthood, Deputy Editor (2023-), https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/autism-in-adulthood/646
- Autism in Adulthood journal, Deputy Editor (2023-)
- ESRC, Grant reviewer (2022)
- University of Huddersfield, External examiner for MRES student (2018)
- University of Aberdeen, PhD viva external examiner (-2023)
- University of Lancaster, PhD viva external examiner (-2023)
Internal Responsibilities
- Independent academic reviewer, PhD viva examination
- Independent reviewer, Probationary review of PhD candidate
- Unit Leader, Clinical and Cognitive Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology
- Unit Leader, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Department of Psychology
- Placement coordinator (MSc), Psychology
- Programme Leader, Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, Psychology
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- Autism in Adulthood, Anonymous peer review, 16 Mar 2023
- BMJ Open, Anonymous peer review, 12 Feb 2023
- Women's Health, Anonymous peer review, 10 Oct 2022
- Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 28 Jun 2022
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jun 2022
- Autism: the international journal of research and practice, Anonymous peer review, 23 May 2022
- Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 15 Apr 2022
- JCPP Advances, Anonymous peer review, 13 Mar 2022
- Reinvention: a Journal of Undergraduate Research, Anonymous peer review, 19 Dec 2021
- Autism: the international journal of research and practice, 10 Oct 2021
- Autism: the international journal of research and practice, 02 Jul 2021
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, Anonymous peer review, 09 Dec 2020
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anonymous peer review, 07 Dec 2020
- Autism: the international journal of research and practice, Anonymous peer review, 03 Aug 2020
- Brain and Cognition, Anonymous peer review, 30 Nov 2016
- Frontiers in Psychology, Anonymous peer review, 11 Jan 2016
- Cambridge University Press, Anonymous peer review, 11 Jan 2016
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- The Science of Autism & Women: Unseen and Unheard (13 May 2024)
- Midlife Matters webinar: Neurodiversity and the menopause (02 May 2024)
- Henpicked webinar for the general public: Neurodiversity and menopause (12 Mar 2024-12 Feb 2024)
- Henpicked 'Menopause at the workplace' webinar for members (07 Feb 2024)
- ESRC Festival of Social Science: "What do we mean by belonging? The relevance of belonging, and not belonging, in outcomes for autistic people" (14 Nov 2023)
- ESRC Festival of Social Science: Long-COVID: Myths, misconceptions and lived experiences (11 Nov 2023)
- Autistica expert webinar: Menopause (10 Oct 2023)
- Autistica Expert Webinar: Thinking differently about autistic suicide (12 Sep 2023)
- Podcast for Middletown Centre for Autism (01 Sep 2023)
- ESRC Festival: Which one of us is human? (22 Oct 2022)
- Podcast: 'Autistic perimenopause' on 'Life - an Inside Job' (01 Sep 2022)
- Cafe Scientifique: "Autism - from 'acceptance' to celebration" (05 Jul 2022)
- ESRC Festival of Learning event, "The Science of Suicide" (13 Nov 2021)
- Medfem Presents: Biases in Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Conditions with Dr Rachel Moseley (31 Oct 2020)
- A different type of brain: shining a light on the autism spectrum (13 Aug 2019)
- "Neurodiversity is the spice of life" (20 Jun 2018)
- Pint of Science Talk: "Just wired differently: exploring autism spectrum conditions" (14 May 2018)
- Talk: "Exploring self-injury in autism" (16 Apr 2018)
- Brain awareness week (09 Mar 2018)
- To raise awareness and understanding in the public about autism, the brain, and the psychological research we do at BU. (31 Aug 2017)
- Soapbox Science, 2017 (29 Jul 2017)
- To raise awareness and understanding of autism spectrum conditions (10 Jul 2017)
- Festival of Learning, 2017: Your Brilliant Brain (08 Jul 2017)
- Soapbox Science (16 Jul 2016)
- Psychology 101 (13 Jul 2016)
- Autism Matters Podcast
- Podcast on autism and menopause: https://www.buzzsprout.com/174748/6341044?fbclid=IwAR2Gyx0Pr1lNTwVgh7Il7anwl7yLzwLP2Nris7pSFDoN8j9w2R8TznyQYq8
- Dr Kathy Weston's Get a Grip! Parenting podcast.
Conference Presentations
- 20th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB20)., Development of an Autism Suicide Prevention Resource Hub: Implementation Science as a Bridge Between Lived Experience and Clinical Practice, 28 Aug 2024, Rome
- The 8th Suicide & Self-Harm Early and Mid-Career Researchers’ Forum, The Essex psychological autopsy study, 17 Jun 2024, Glasgow
- INSAR Pre-conference Workshop on Mental Wellbeing, Self-harm and Suicidality in Autism, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Sex differences in interpersonal life stressor contributions to autistic suicidality., 14 May 2024, Melbourne, Australia
- American Psychosomatic Society, Sex differences in interpersonal life stressor contributions to autistic suicidality., 20 Mar 2024, Brighton, UK
- Let's Talk About Autism and More, Neurodivergent experiences of menopause, 09 Nov 2023, Gdańsk, Poland
- International Summit on Suicide Research, Autistic Suicidality through the Lens of theory: Do Hypotheses from the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide apply?, 15 Oct 2023, Barcelona, Spain
- Autscape, Let’s talk about menopause: what people with ovaries should know, 31 Jul 2023, Derbyshire
- European Congress of Psychology, Autistic traits in a sample of people who engage in pup play, 05 Jul 2023, Brighton, UK
- Saving Lives: Suicide Prevention in Autistic People, A UK lifelong perspective on autistic suicidality: what we know, what we don't know, and what we're trying to do about it, 27 Jun 2023, Tel Aviv, Israel
- International Society for Autism Research, Mechanisms underlying suicidality in autistic people with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): testing hypotheses from the interpersonal theory of suicide, 03 May 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
- International Society for Autism Research, Non-suicidal self-injury and its relation to suicide in autistic people: a test of acquired capability for suicide as a causal mechanism, 03 May 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
- It Takes All Kinds of Minds, "Let's talk about autistic menopause: building bridges between disciplines to raise awareness of a critical life stage", 13 Mar 2023, Edinburgh
- Autistica Research Festival, Lifetime stress and its associations with physical and mental health in autistic adults, 11 Jul 2022, Online only
- Autistica Research Festival, Exploring pathways to suicide ideation and attempts in autistic adults, 11 Jul 2022, Online only
- International Society for Autism Research, "Exploring the relevance of the interpersonal theory of suicide for autistic adults", 11 May 2022, Austin, Texas
- German Society for Cognitive Linguistics, Sensorimotor 'grounding' of emotion words: lessons from the autism spectrum, 01 Apr 2022, Online
- Australasian Society for Autism Research (AsFAR) “Mental Wellbeing and Suicide Prevention in Autism” Conference, Pathways to suicide in autistic adults., 09 Dec 2021, Virtual
- Experimental Psychology Society, Self-representation and its links to loneliness in autism, 10 Jul 2019, Bournemouth University
- Autistica Autism Research Conference, Exploring self-injury in autistic people, 06 Sep 2018, City University of London
- International Meeting for Autism Research, Sex differences in autistic adults: a meta-analysis, 09 May 2018, Rotterdam
- Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Neurophysiological correlates of action word and sound processing in autism spectrum conditions and neurotypical controls: A mismatch negativity (MMN) study, 17 Aug 2016, University College London
Consultancy Activities
- Speaker for Policy Connect and the All-Party Parliamentary Health Group event, 'Autism and suicide prevention'., https://www.policyconnect.org.uk/events/autism-and-suicide-prevention. Policy Connect
- Webinar on autistic girls and women for Sunshine Support, Webinar. Sunshine Support
- Webinar for Sunshine Support: Ageing and menopause in autistic people, Webinar. Sunshine Support
- Talk on autistic suicidality for the National Centre for Suicide Prevention, Online conference talk. National Centre for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide and autism webinar for Sunshine Support, Webinar. Sunshine Support
- Self-injury in autistic people webinar for Sunshine Support, Webinar. Sunshine Support
- Physical and mental health in autistic people, Talk and discussion session for Physical Health Practice Network; Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Eating disorders and autism: webinar for Sunshine Support, Webinar for Sunshine Support: families, supporters, professionals working with autistic people.. Sunshine Support
- National Autism Trainer Programme (NATP) Specialist Trainer Day on Suicide and Autism, A whole day of delivering training on autism, mental health, self-harm and suicidality. National Autism Trainer Programme commissioned by NHS England, Dr Sarah Cassidy, Dr Mirabel Pelton, Mr Jon Adams, 09 Feb 2024
- Podcast: Middletown Centre for Autism, Podcast. Middletown Centre for Autism. Middletown Centre was established in 2007 by The Department of Education and Skills Ireland and the Department of Education Northern Ireland.
- Autism, Employment and Technology: roundtable for Buckland Review of autism and employment, Roundtable for academic experts and stakeholders, contributing to Buckland review of autism and employment.. UK Government: all parliamentary group for autism
- Advanced Autism training course, Online delivery of training on autistic mental health and ageing. Vivacity Social Work
- Training videos for GPs and frontline healthcare staff, Training videos for GPs and frontline healthcare staff. Topics: ageing, menopause, suicidality and mental ill-health.. NHS England
- Talk for staff at Harbour School, Dorset, around mental health of autistic young people and ways to improve wellbeing., Talk for staff at Harbour School, Dorset, around mental health of autistic young people and ways to improve wellbeing.. Harbour School, Delta Trust
- Autism Advisors panel (National Autistic Society), Advisory work for the National Autistic Society: review information to be disseminated for accuracy, reliability, and evidence base.. National Autistic Society
- NICE guideline on Menopause: diagnosis and management, Contributed as a key stakeholder to comments on final scope and equality impact assessment for this NICE guideline. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Professor Julie Turner-Cobb
- Autistica information page on self-harm, Advisor and reviewing. Autistica
- Grant application reviewer, Reviewing ERC grant application. Ben Gurion University, Israel
- NHS England: Autistic adults in mental health services, Consulted on draft guidance document “Meeting the needs of autistic adults in mental health services” for integrated care systems. NHS England
Attended Training
- Building Resilience, 01 Jun 2018
- Understanding Boundaries, 25 May 2018
- Research Communication Day, 23 May 2018
- Bid Writing Retreat - British Academy Small Grants, 14 Mar 2018
- Supporting Students Health and Wellbeing, 09 Mar 2018
- Handling Loss Issues in Students, 01 Jan 2018
- Mental Health First Aid, 01 Sep 2017
- Doctoral Supervision Development, 01 Jan 2017
- Preparing Impact Case Studies, 01 Jan 2017
- Innovate: Teaching Large Groups, 01 Jan 2017
- PG Certificate in Education, 18 Sep 2016
- Shortlisted (1 of 8) for Masters Teacher of the Year award (FindAUniversity.com, 2022)
Website Links
- Website mention of our research as a positive example., https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/autism-11-ways-we-can-cultivate-positive-change?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0FCH_STTDH_Am4stywdPJHv8dBYVYS4f4ve94RrN_t1OVpGM3d0nukXXs_aem_Q9oIMmWUb_Oi-7m33T0Srw
- Information based on our pioneering work on autistic menopause, https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/physical-health/menopause
- Autistic people face additional menopause challenges, https://www.bps.org.uk/research-digest/autistic-people-face-additional-menopause-challenges
- Assisted with information on this page, https://www.autistica.org.uk/what-is-autism/anxiety-and-autism-hub/self-harm-and-autism
- https://www.autismcentreofexcellence.org/open-letter-to-government/
External Media and Press
- Scientists say they've pinpointed amount of screen time in kids that increases autism risk, Daily Mail, 04 Nov 2024. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14039331/Scientists-screen-time-kids-increases-autism-risk.html
- Autism in women: Signs and diagnosis, Telegraph, 24 Sep 2024. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/wellbeing/mental-health/autism-in-women/
- Scientists have not discovered that ‘autism can be reversed’, Full Fact, 04 Sep 2024. https://fullfact.org/health/autism-reversal/
- High-functioning autism: Symptoms, diagnosis and support, Telegraph, 23 Aug 2024. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/wellbeing/mental-health/high-functioning-autism/
- Fact Check: Study does not show autism can be ‘reversed’, experts say, Reuters, 12 Aug 2024. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/study-does-not-show-autism-can-be-reversed-experts-say-2024-08-12/#:~:text=Fact%20Check-,Fact%20Check%3A%20Study%20does%20not%20show%20autism,be%20%27reversed%27%2C%20experts%20say&text=A%20U.S.%20study%20does%20not,the%20results%20a%20%E2%80%9Cmiracle%E2%80%9D
- EXCLUSIVE: Can diet soda REALLY raise autism risk? Scientists slam 'irresponsible' study that linked consuming aspartame during pregnancy to higher rates of condition in children, Daily Mail, 25 Sep 2023. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12558191/University-Texas-pregnant-women-diet-sodas-autism.html
- Breaking the taboos: why we need to talk about menopause and autism, Your Autism magazine, National Autistic Society, 21 Nov 2022. https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/membership/yourautism
- Autism screening tool may not detect the condition in some women, The Conversation, 23 May 2018. https://theconversation.com/autism-screening-tool-may-not-detect-the-condition-in-some-women-96488
- The Supporters: Experts talk about autism, Fixers, 21 Mar 2018. http://www.fixers.org.uk/feel-happy-fix/feel-happy-on-the-spectrum/the-supporters.php
- Aspergers and Me: Fixers video, ITV, 14 Mar 2018. http://www.fixers.org.uk/index.php?module_instance_id=11312&core_alternate_io_handler=view_fixer_news_video&data_ref_id=16859&news_data_ref_id=16858&video_no=1
- Girls with autism show anomalies in 'daydreaming' network, Spectrum News, 18 Aug 2016. https://spectrumnews.org/news/girls-autism-show-anomalies-daydreaming-network/