Professor Michael Silk
- Professor of Sport, Culture and Society
- Dorset House D147, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Michael Silk is a Professor in the Bournemouth University Business School. His intellectual contribution is interdisciplinary and focuses on the various relationships between sport & physical activity (physical culture), mediated spectacles, inequality and urban spaces. He provides thought leadership for, and impact upon, organisations in the media, sport, heritage sectors and on governments, policy makers and charities. He has received funding from the British Council, the ESRC, the AHRC, the British Academy, Sport England, Women Win, and the Jiangsu Provincial Government (PRC). His current research focusses on urban renewal, social inequalities and disability. He is currently an investigator on the AHRC funded project: Gendered re-presentations of disability: Equality, empowerment and marginalisation in Paralympic media (AH/T006684/1). Past projects as PI include: "Sex work in the context of sports mega events: Examining the impacts of Rio 2016" (ES/N018656/1) collaborating with colleagues in Kent, Toronto & UFRDJ (Brazil) and an AHRC funded project (AH/P003842/1) focussing on the representation and cultural legacy of the Paralympics with colleagues at Loughborough, Bath, Nottingham and Western Ontario... He was a Co-Investigator on the AHRC funded "Romantic Scotland" grant (AH/P009808/1).
He was previously a Reader at the University of Bath and Associate Professor at the University of Maryland. He received his degrees from Southampton, Alberta (Canada) and Otago (NZ). As former Managing Editor of Leisure Studies, an Editorial Board member of a number of journals, and as Editor of the The Routledge Handbook of Physical Culture (2017), he has provided thought leadership across academic disciplines. Has has published over 125 academic articles, has appeared on BBC Radio 5Live, BBC Scotland, Sky News, CBC (Canada), TVNZ (NZ) and has written invited articles for The Guardian, Forbes, The Independent, the Financial Times, The Conversation and El Pais (Madrid, ESP).
Professor Silk welcomes potential PhD students aligned to his research expertise.
moreExpertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Sustainable cities and communities
"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"
Journal Articles
- Paralympic cripvertising: On the gendered self-representations of Paralympic athletes on social media 263 Emma Pullen and Michael Silk. New Media and Society, 27 (1), 263-280.
- De Lisio, A., Silk, M. and Hubbard, P., 2024. Contested Terrains: Mega-Event Securities and Everyday Practices of Governance. Social Sciences, 13 (7).
- Manley, A., Silk, M., Wang, Y.W., Chung, C., Bailey, R. and Craig, P., 2024. Navigating creative partnerships and cross-cultural collaboration: a case study between China and the UK. Cultural Trends.
- Manley, A., Silk, M., Chung, C., Wang, Y.W. and Bailey, R., 2023. Chinese Perceptions of Overseas Cultural Heritage: Emotive Existential Authenticity, Exoticism and Experiential Tourism. Leisure Sciences, 45 (3), 240-261.
- Chung, C., Manley, A., Wang, Y.W., Silk, M. and Bailey, R., 2023. Cross-cultural collaboration and cultural production within China’s public museums: examining the challenges and practices guiding administration. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29 (3), 328-344.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2022. Paralympic Broadcasting and Social Change: An Integrated Mixed Method Approach to Understanding the Paralympic Audience in the UK. Television and New Media, 23 (4), 368-388.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D., Silk, M., Howe, P.D. and Silva, C.F., 2021. Extraordinary normalcy, ableist rehabilitation, and sporting ablenationalism: The cultural (re)production of paralympic disability narratives. Sociology of Sport Journal, 38 (3), 209-217.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2020. (Re-)presenting the Paralympics: Affective Nationalism and the “Able-Disabled”. Communication and Sport, 8 (6), 715-737.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2020. Watching disability: UK audience perceptions of the Paralympics, equality and social change. European Journal of Communication, 35 (5), 469-483.
- Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2020. Disability, Masculinity, Militarism: The Paralympics and the Cultural (Re-)production of the Para-athlete-soldier. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 13 (4), 444-461.
- Jackson, D., Trevisan, F., Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2020. Towards a Social Justice Disposition in Communication and Sport Scholarship. Communication and Sport, 8 (4-5), 435-451.
- Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2020. Gender, technology and the ablenational Paralympic body politic. Cultural Studies, 34 (3), 466-488.
- Manley, A. and Silk, M., 2019. Remembering the City: Changing Conceptions of Community in Urban China. City and Community, 18 (4), 1240-1266.
- De Lisio, A., Hubbard, P. and Silk, M., 2019. Economies of (Alleged) Deviance: Sex Work and the Sport Mega-Event. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16 (2), 179-189.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D., Silk, M. and Scullion, R., 2019. Re-presenting the Paralympics: (contested) philosophies, production practices and the hypervisibility of disability. Media, Culture and Society, 41 (4), 465-481.
- De Martini Ugolotti, N. and Silk, M., 2018. Parkour, counter-conducts and the government of difference in post-industrial Turin. City, 22 (5-6), 763-781.
- Scullion, R., Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2018. Producing the Paralympics: (contested) philosophies, production practices and the cultural politics of the hyper-visibility of disability. Media, Culture and Society.
- Andrews, D.L. and Silk, M.L., 2018. Sport and Neoliberalism: An Affective-Ideological Articulation. Journal of Popular Culture, 51 (2), 511-533.
- Waldman, D., Silk, M. and Andrews, D.L., 2017. Cloning colonialism: Residential development, transnational aspiration, and the complexities of postcolonial India. Geoforum, 82, 180-188.
- Silk, M., Caudwell, J. and Gibson, H., 2017. Views on leisure studies: pasts, presents & future possibilities? Leisure Studies, 36 (2), 153-162.
- Silk, M., Millington, B., Rich, E. and Bush, A., 2016. (Re-)thinking digital leisure. Leisure Studies, 35 (6), 712-723.
- Silk, M., 2015. ‘Isles of Wonder’: performing the mythopoeia of utopic multi-ethnic Britain. Media, Culture and Society, 37 (1), 68-84.
- Silk, M., Francombe-Webb, J., Rich, E. and Merchant, S., 2015. On the transgressive possibilities of physical pedagogic practices. Qualitative Inquiry.
- Francombe-Webb, J. and Silk, M., 2015. Young girls embodied experiences of femininity and social class. Sociology.
- Silk, M., Francombe, J. and Andrews, D.L., 2014. Slowing the social sciences of sport: on the possibilities of physical culture. Sport in Society, 17 (10), 1266-1289.
- Silk, M., Francombe-Webb, J. and Andrews, D.L., 2014. The corporate constitution of national culture: the mythopoeia of 1966. Continuum.
- Silk, M., 2014. The London 2012 Olympics: The cultural politics of urban regeneration. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 1 (2), 273-293.
- Manley, A. and Silk, M., 2014. Liquid London: Sporting spectacle, britishness and ban-optic surveillance. Surveillance and Society, 11 (4), 360-376.
- Silk, M., Francombe, J. and Andrews, D.L., 2014. Slowing the social sciences of sport: on the possibilities of physical culture. Sport in Society.
- Andrews, D.L., Batts, C. and Silk, M., 2014. Sport, glocalization and the new Indian middle class. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 17 (3), 259-276.
- Andrews, D.L., Silk, M., Francombe, J. and Bush, A., 2013. McKinesiology. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 35 (5), 335-356.
- Bush, A., Silk, M., Porter, J. and Howe, P.D., 2013. Disability [sport] and discourse: Stories within the Paralympic legacy. Reflective Practice, 14 (5), 632-647.
- Bush, A.J. and Silk, M.L., 2012. Politics, power & the podium: Coaching for Paralympic performance. Reflective Practice, 13 (3), 471-482.
- Silk, M. and Manley, A., 2012. Globalization, urbanization & sporting spectacle in Pacific Asia: Places, peoples & pastness. Sociology of Sport Journal, 29 (4), 455-484.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2011. (Re)Presenting Baltimore: Place, Policy, Politics, and Cultural Pedagogy. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 33 (5), 433-464.
- Silk, M., 2011. Towards a sociological analysis of london 2012. Sociology, 45 (5), 733-748.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2011. Toward a physical cultural studies. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28 (1), 4-35.
- Andrews, D.L. and Silk, M.L., 2011. Physical cultural studies: Engendering a productive dialogue. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28 (1), 1-3.
- Silk, M. and Francombe, J., 2011. The Biggest Loser: the Discursive Constitution of Fatness. Interactions: studies in communication and culture, 1 (3), 369-389.
- Bush, A. and Silk, M., 2010. Towards an evolving critical consciousness in coaching research: The physical pedagogic bricolage. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5 (4), 551-565.
- Andrews, D.L. and Silk, M.L., 2010. Basketball's ghettocentric logic. American Behavioral Scientist, 53 (11), 1626-1644.
- Amis, J. and Silk, M.L., 2010. Transnational organization and symbolic production: Creating and managing a global brand. Consumption Markets and Culture, 13 (2), 159-179.
- Silk, M., 2010. Postcards from pigtown. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 10 (2), 143-156.
- Silk, M.L., Bush, A. and Andrews, D.L., 2010. Contingent intellectual amateurism, or, the problem with evidence-based research. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 34 (1), 105-128.
- Bush, A. and Silk, M., 2010. Towards an evolving critical consciousness in coaching research: The physical pedagogic bricolage. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5 (4), 551-565.
- Falcous, M. and Silk, M., 2010. Olympic bidding, multicultural nationalism, terror, and the epistemological violence of making Britain proud. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 10 (2), 167-186.
- Silk, M.L., 2008. Mow my lawn. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 8 (4), 477-478.
- Amis, J.M. and Silk, M.L., 2008. The philosophy and politics of quality in qualitative organizational research. Organizational Research Methods, 11 (3), 456-480.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2008. Managing Memphis: Governance and regulation in sterile spaces of play. Social Identities, 14 (3), 395-414.
- Silk, M., Schultz, J. and Bracey, B., 2008. From mice to men: Miracle, mythology and the 'Magic Kingdom'. Sport in Society, 11 (2-3), 279-297.
- King-White, R., Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2008. Revisiting the networked production of the 2003 Little League World Series: Narrative of American Innocence. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 4 (3), 183-202.
- Silk, M.L., 2007. Come downtown & play. Leisure Studies, 26 (3), 253-277.
- Falcous, M. and Silk, M., 2006. Global regimes, local agendas: Sport, resistance and the mediation of dissent. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 41 (3-4), 317-338.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2006. The fittest city in America. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 30 (3), 315-327.
- Zhang, T. and Silk, M.L., 2006. Recentering Beijing: Sport, space, and subjectivities. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23 (4), 438-459.
- Silk, M. and Amis, J., 2005. Sport tourism, cityscapes and cultural politics. Sport in Society, 8 (2), 280-301.
- Silk, M. and Falcous, M., 2005. One day in september/a week in february: Mobilizing American (sporting) nationalisms. Sociology of Sport Journal, 22 (4), 447-471.
- Friedman, M.T. and Silk, M.L., 2005. Expressing Fenway: Managing and marketing heritage within the global sports marketplace. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 1 (1-2), 37-55.
- Amis, J. and Silk, M., 2005. Rupture: Promoting critical and innovative approaches to the study of sport management. Journal of Sport Management, 19 (4), 355-366.
- Silk, M. and Amis, J., 2005. Bursting the tourist bubble: Sport and the spectacularisation of urban space. Sport in Society, 8 (2), 280-301.
- Falcous, M. and Silk, M., 2005. Manufacturing consent: Mediated sporting spectacle and cultural politics of the war on terror. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 1 (1), 59-65.
- Friedman, M.T., Andrews, D.L. and Silk, M.L., 2004. Sport and the façade of redevelopment in the postindustrial city. Sociology of Sport Journal, 21 (2), 119-139.
- Silk, M., 2004. A tale of two cities: The social production of sterile sporting space. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 28 (4), 349-378.
- Silk, M., 2002. 'Bangsa Malaysia': Global sport, the city and the mediated refurbishment of local identities. Media, Culture and Society, 24 (6).
- Silk, M., 2001. Together we're one? The "place" of the nation in media representations of the 1998 Kuala Lumpur commonwealth games. Sociology of Sport Journal, 18 (3), 277-301.
- Silk, M.L. and Amis, J., 2000. Institutional pressures and the production of televised sport. Journal of Sport Management, 14 (4), 267-292.
- Silk, M., 1999. Local/global flows and altered production practices: Narrative constructions at the 1995 Canada cup of soccer. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 34 (2), 113-123.
- Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Thorpe, H., 2017. The Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M., 2013. The cultural politics of post-9/11 American sport: Power, pedagogy and the popular.
- Bush, A., Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Lauder, H., 2013. Sports Coaching Research: Context, Consequences, and Consciousness.
- Andrews, D.L. and Silk, M.L., 2012. Sport and neoliberalism: Politics, consumption, and culture.
- Silk, M. and Markula, P., 2011. Qualitative Research for Physical Culture. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Silk, M. and Mason, D., 2005. Qualitative Methods for Sports Studies. Oxfrord: Berg.
- Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2005. Sport and Corporate Nationalisms. Oxford: Berg.
- Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2025. Valuing Disability: Economies of Visibility, Paralympic Cripvertising and the Disabled Body Politic. Sport, Advertising and Global Promotional Culture: Identities, Commodities, Spaces and Spectacles. 177-194.
- Silk, M., Pullen, E. and Jackson, D., 2021. Communication, sport, disability, and the (able)national. In: Butterworth, M., ed. Communication and Sport. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Silk, M., 2021. Invoking the Other: Allegory in Theory, from Demetrius to de Man. Allegory Studies: Contemporary Perspectives. 41-65.
- Silk, M., 2017. Sporting spectacle, 9/11 and the reconstitution of the American nation. Sport and National Identities: Globalization and Conflict. 192-208.
- Silk, M.L. and Mayoh, J., 2017. Praxis. Routledge Handbook of Physical Cultural Studies. 61-70.
- De Lisio, A., Brêtas, T., Silk, M. and Hubbard, P., 2017. Shadow Host Economies: Sex Work and the Sport Mega-Event. Mega-Event Footprints: Past, Present and Future. Engenho.
- Silk, M., 2017. The phallus and the pariah: The cultural politics of the post-9/11 sporting body. Sport and Militarism: Contemporary Global Perspectives. 211-228.
- Silk, M., Francombe-Webb, J. and Andrews, D., 2015. Slowing the Social Sciences of Sport. In: Carlsson, B., ed. The Social Sciences of Sport: A Critical Analysis. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M. and Morgan, H., 2015. The Broadcasters Perspective. In: Parent, M., ed. The Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management. London: Routledge.
- Caudwell, J., 2015. Sexualities and sport.
- Silk, M., 2015. Spectacles. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Amis, J. and Silk, M., 2015. The Philosophy & Politics of Quality in Organisational Research. In: Bell, E. and Willmott, H., eds. Qualitative Research in Business and Management. London: Sage.
- Amis, J. and Silk, M.L., 2014. Transnational organization and symbolic production: Creating and managing a global brand. Brands: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 119-144.
- Silk, M., 2014. Neoliberalism and sports mega-events. Leveraging Legacies from Sports Mega-Events: Concepts and Cases. 50-60.
- Silk, M., 2014. Sport mega-events and neoliberalism. Leveraging Legacies from Sport-Mega Events. Palgrave-MacMilllan.
- Bush, A. and Silk, M., 2014. Politics, Power and the Podium: Coaching for Paralympic Performance. In: Lee, S., Dixon, M. and Ghaye, T., eds. Coaching for Performance: Realising the Olympic Dream. Routledge.
- Silk, M.L., 2013. Cities and the cultural politics of sterile sporting space. A Companion to Sport. 270-286.
- Silk, M., 2013. The Cultural Politics of Sterile Sporting Space. In: Andrews, D., ed. The Blackwell Companion to Sport. Blackwell.
- Silk, M., 2013. Postcards from Pigtown. Autoethnography. Sage.
- Rick, O., Andrews, D. and Silk, M., 2013. Liquid Beckham. Sports Heroes, Media & Celebrity Culture. New York: Peter Lang.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2012. Sport and the neoliberal conjuncture: Complicating the consensus. Sport and Neoliberalism: Politics, Consumption, and Culture. 1-19.
- Francombe, J.M. and Silk, M.L., 2012. Pedagogies of fat: The social currency of slenderness. Sport and Neoliberalism: Politics, Consumption, and Culture. 225-241.
- Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2012. The governance of the neoliberal sporting city. Sport and Neoliberalism: Politics, Consumption, and Culture. 127-142.
- Silk, M., 2012. Sport & Globalisation. Sports Around the World: History, Culture, Practice. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
- Silk, M., 2012. Media Sport. Sports Around the World: History, Culture, Practice. ABC-Clio.
- White, R., Silk, M.L. and Andrews, D.L., 2012. The little league world series: Spectacle of youthful innocence or spectre of the new right? Youth Culture and Sport: Identity, Power, and Politics. 13-34.
- Silk, M., 2012. Globalization and Sport. Sports around the World: History, Culture, and Practice, Volume 1: General Topics, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Volume 2: British Isles and Europe, Volume 3: Latin America and North America, Volume 4: Olympic Medalists and Winners and Champions of Major World Sporting Events. V1-8-V1-15.
- Silk, M., 2011. 'All these years of hurt': Culture, Pedagogy and 1966 as a Site of National Myth. Turning Points in Sport History. Palgrave-MacMilllan.
- Andrews, D., Mower, R. and Silk, M., 2011. Ghettocentricism and the Essentialized Black Male Athlete. In: Leonard, D., ed. Commodified and Criminalized: New Racism and African Americans in Contemporary Sports.. New York: Roman & Littlefield.
- Silk, M., 2010. Sporting Spectacle and the Post 9/11 Patriarchal Body Politic. The Day that Changed Everything: The Impact of 9/11 on the Media, Arts and Entertainment. New York: Palgrave-MacMilllan.
- Andrews, D., Schultz, J. and Silk, M., 2010. The Olympics and Terrorism. The Politics of the Olympics. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2010. Beyond a Boundary: Sport, Transnational Advertising and the Reimagining of National Culture. In: Karen, D., ed. The Sport & Society Reader. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M., 2010. Sport Stadia. Encyclopaedia of Urban Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Amis, J. and Silk, M., 2009. Rupture: Promoting Critical and Innovative Approaches to the Study of Sport Management. In: Nauright, J., ed. The New Sport Management Reader. FIT.
- Friedman, M. and Silk, M., 2009. Expressing Fenway: Managing and Marketing Heritage within the Global Sports Marketplace. In: Nauright, J., ed. The New Sport Management Reader. FIT.
- Amis, J., Silk, M. and Mower, R., 2009. (Michael) Power, Gendered Subjectivities and Filmic Representation: Brand Strategy and Guinness' Critical Assignment in Africa. In: Wenner, L. and Jackson, S.J., eds. Sport, Beer & Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life. New York: Peter Lang.
- White, R., Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2008. The 2003 LLWS: Spectacle of Youthful Innocence or Spectre of the New Right? In: Giardina, M. and Donnelly, M., eds. Youth Culture & Sport: Identity, Power & Politics. London: Routledge.
- Andrews, D., Silk, M. and Pitter, R., 2008. Sport and the Polarized American City. Sport in Society. London: Sage.
- Andrews, D.L., Silk, M. and Fitter, R., 2008. Physical culture and the polarised American metropolis. Sport and Society: A Student Introduction, Second Edition. 284-304.
- Andrews, D. and Silk, M., 2007. Basketball, politique et culture de rue. In: Archambaud, F., Artiaga, L. and Bosc, G., eds. Double jeu: Histoire du basketball entre France et Ameriques. Paris: France: Vuibert.
- Jackson, S., Scherer, J. and Silk, M., 2007. Globalisation and Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In: Collins, C. and Jackson, S., eds. Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand Society. Melbourne: Thomson-Nelson.
- Silk, M. and Amis, J., 2006. Bursting the Tourist Bubble: Sport and the Spectacularization of Urban Space. In: Gibson, H., ed. Sport Tourism: Paradigms and Theories. London: Frank Cass.
- Silk, M., Bracey, B. and Falcous, M., 2006. Performing America's Past: Cold War Fantasies in a Perpetual State of War. In: Wagg, S. and Andrews, D., eds. The New Cold War. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Cole, C.L., 2005. Corporate Nationalism(s): The Spatial Dimensions of Sporting Capital. In: Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Cole, C.L., eds. Corporate Nationalisms: Sport, Cultural Identity & Transnational Marketing. Oxford: Berg.
- Slack, T., Silk, M. and Hong, F., 2005. Cultural Contradictions / Contradicting Cultures: Transnational Corporatism and the Penetration of the Chinese Market. In: Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Cole, C.L., eds. Corporate Nationalism(s): Sport, Cultural Identity and Transnational Marketing. Oxford: Berg.
- Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2005. The Spatial Logics of Global Sponsorship: Corporate Capital, Cola Wars and Cricket. In: Amis, J. and Cornwell, B., eds. Global Sport Sponsorship: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Oxford: Berg.
- Silk, M., Mason, D. and Andrews, D., 2005. Encountering the Field: Qualitative Methods for Sports Studies. In: Silk, M., Mason, D. and Andrews, D., eds. Qualitative Methods for Sports Studies. Oxford: Berg.
- Silk, M., 2005. Sporting Ethnography: Philosophy, Methodology & Reflection. In: Silk, M., Mason, D. and Andrews, D., eds. Qualitative Methods for Sports Studies. Oxford: Berg.
- Silk, M. and Chumley, E., 2004. Memphis United: Diasporic Identities, S(t)imulated Spaces and Consumption Economies. Manchester United: Sporting Diaspora and Simulated Consumption. London: Routledge.
- Andrews, D. and Silk, M., 2004. Global Gaming: Cultural Toyotism, Transnational Corporatism and Sport. In: Jackson, S.J. and Andrews, D., eds. Sport, Culture & Advertising: Identities, Commodities and the Politics of Representation. London: Routledge.
- Silk, M., 2003. Televised Sport Production: Economic Boundaries of Action in a Global Media Age. The Commercialization of Sport. London: Frank Cass.
- Silk, M., Slack, T. and Amis, J., 2003. Bread, Butter & Gravy: An Institutional Approach to Televised Sport Production. A Reader in Sport, Culture and the Media. Open University Press.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2020. Paralympic broadcasting and social change: An integrated mixed-method approach to understanding the Paralympic Audience in the UK. In: IAMCR Annual Conference 21-23 July 2020 Tampere, Finland.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2020. Beyond the shadow of the supercrip: A new framework for understanding the gendered cultural (re)production of Paralympic media narratives. In: Sport, Media and Gender 2020 Annual Conference 15 January 2020 University of Northumbria, London campus..
- Jackson, D., Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2019. “(Re-)presenting the Paralympics: Sports journalism, marginal bodies and the 'able-disabled'. In: Future of Journalism Conference 12-13 September 2019 Cardiff.
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D. and Silk, M., 2019. “(Re-)presenting the Paralympics: Affective Nationalism and the 'able-disabled'. In: International Communication Association annual conference 24-28 May 2019 Washington DC.
- Munteanu, D., Silk, M. and Hubbard, P., 2018. Silk, M., Hubbard, P., & Munteanu, D. G. (2018). ‘Re-framing Rio: The Re appropriation of Utopic National Fantasies’. Brazilian Studies Association Conference (BRASA), 14th International Conference, 25-28 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In: Silk, M., Hubbard, P., & Munteanu, D. G. (2018). ‘Re-framing Rio: The Re appropriation of Utopic National Fantasies’. Brazilian Studies Association Conference (BRASA), 14th International Conference, 25-28 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 25-28 July 2018 Silk, M., Hubbard, P., & Munteanu, D. G. (2018). ‘Re-framing Rio: The Re appropriation of Utopic National Fantasies’. Brazilian Studies Association Conference (BRASA), 14th International Conference, 25-28 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil..
- Pullen, E., Jackson, D., Silk, M. and Scullion, R., 2018. Giving disability the ‘Hollywood treatment’: Channel 4 and the broadcasting of the Paralympic Games. In: International Communications Association 22 May-24 June 2018 Prauge.
- De Martini Ugolotti, N. and Silk, M., 2017. Post-Migrant youth, parkour and the (contested) containment of difference in urban spaces of leisure. In: Leisure Studies Association 4-6 July 2017 Leeds.
- De Lisio, A., Silk, M., Hubbard, P. and Bretas, T., 2017. Sex Work in the Context of 2016 Olympic Host Communities. In: London, Rio, Tokyo Olympic Symposium 8-10 June 2017 Goldsmiths, University of London.
- Silk, M., Andrews, D. and Waldman, D., 2017. Transnational Gentrification, the new Indian Middle-Class and the Socio/Spatial Creation of Cloned Cricket Communities. In: Leisure Studies Association 7-10 July 2015 Bournemouth.
- Silk, M. and Andrews, D., 2014. The Bank, the Bike & the Mayor: Cycling, (the) Capital & Civility. In: Royal Geogrpahic Society Annual Conference 27-30 August 2014 University College London.
- Silk, M., Jackson, D., Nicholson, R.,, K. et al., 2019. Re-presenting para-sport bodies: Disability and the cultural legacy of the Paralympic Games. Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Manley, A. and Silk, M., 2017. China Visitor Report: Perceptions and Experiences of Bristol. Bath: University of Bath.
- Silk, M. and Manley, A., 2014. Suzhou Tourism Policy Report. Jiangsu Provincial Government.
Scholarly Editions
- Jackson, D., Trevisan, F., Pullen, E. and Silk, M., 2020. Sport Communication and Social Justice.
PhD Students
- Bethany Cleeve
- Devra Waldman (University of British Columbia, Canada). Men, Materials and Money: A multi-sited global ethnography of sport of sport focussed residential developments in India
- Haydn Morgan. Enhancing social inclusion, educational attainment and employability through Sport for Change: a realist evaluation
- Gendered re-presentations of disability: Equality, empowerment and marginalisation in Paralympic media (AH/T006684/1). (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 01 Jul 2020). Awarded
- Re-presenting para-sport bodies: Disability & the cultural legacy of the Paralympics (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 01 Feb 2017). Awarded
- Producing/Consuming ‘Romantic Scotland’: Exhibitions, Heritage, Nation & the Chinese Marke (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 01 Oct 2016). Awarded
- Sex work in the context of sports mega events: Examining the impacts of Rio 2016 (Economic and Social Research Council, 01 Sep 2016). Awarded
- British Council: Sport & Social Transformation in Brazil (British Council, 01 Mar 2015). Awarded
- BRIC Visitors to British Museums (British Council, 01 Feb 2015). Awarded
- Suzhou Heritage & Leisure Management (Jiangsu Provincial Government (PRC), 01 Jun 2013). Awarded
- Three: 30 Club: Enhancing Student Participation (Sport England, 01 May 2011). Awarded
- Using Sport to Address Gender Based Violence (Women Win, 01 Dec 2010). Awarded
- The Symbolic Orchestration of Spectacularized Tourist Space (British Academy, 01 May 2009). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- Leisure Studies Journal, Guest Editor (2015-2016)
- Communication & Sport, Editorial Board Member (2012-)
- Qualitative Research in Sport & Exercise, Editorial Board Member (2011-)
- Leisure Studies, Editorial Board Member (2010-)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, Grant Reviewer (2010-)
- Journal of Sport & Tourism, Editorial Board Member (2006-)
- Journal of Sport & Social Issues, Editorial Board Member (2004-)
Internal Responsibilities
- Deputy Dean (Research & Professional Practice), Faculty of Management
- Director, Sport & Physical Activity Research Centre (SPARC)
- Head of Research & Professional Practice, Department for Sport & Physical Activity
Conference Presentations
- IPC VISTA, Re-presenting parasport bodies: Disability and the cultural legacy of the Paralympics, 04 Sep 2019, Amstedam
- Arts, Materiality and Representation Conference, Producing/Consuming 'Romantic Scotland' at Nanjing Museum: the Role of State Museums, 01 Jun 2018, British Museum
- Arts, Materiality and Representation Conference, Utilising Large Sites and Historic Buildings for Tourism Promotion: (Re)Presenting Narratives of Nation Through the Arts, 01 Jun 2018, British Museum
- Different Bodies: Self-Representation, Disability and the Media, Representing para-bodies: The mediation between production and consumption in Paralympic broadcasting, 23 Jun 2017, University of Westminster
- Fudan University Urban Development Institute, Producing and Consuming Narratives of Nation: Using Exhibitions and Events as Tools for Placemaking, 14 Jun 2017, Shanghai
- International Workshop on Heritage Protection and Inbound Tourism, (Digital) City Branding, the Sensual and Overseas Visitor Perceptions, 25 Apr 2017, Master of Nets Garden, Suzhou, China
- PhD in Sociology of Sport (University of Otago, 2000)
- MA in Physical Education & Recreation (University of Alberta, 1996)
- BA (Hons) in Sport Studies (Southampton University (Chichester), 1994)
- University of Bath Leadership in Teaching & Learning Award (University of Bath, 2013)
- Doris W. Sands Excellence in Teaching Award (University of Maryland, 2007)
- Best Paper Award; Sociology of Sport Journal (North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, 2002)
- Leisure Studies Association, Member (2015-),
Social Media Links
- Twitter, @michael_silk