Dr Salvatore Scifo
- sscifo at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4818-7954
- Associate Dean Student Experience
- Weymouth House W133, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Scifo, S. and MONCLÚS, B., 2024. Radio and sound ecosystems in the platform age. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 22 (2), 141.
- Scifo, S., 2024. Lobbying for community radio in Britain. Radio Journal, 22 (1), 113-127.
- Baoill, A. and Scifo, S., 2022. Fragility and Empowerment: Community Television in the Digital Era. International Journal of Communication, 16, 566-584.
- Bonini, T., Monclús, B. and Scifo, S., 2020. Radio as a social media. Radio Journal, 18 (1), 5-12.
- Baoill, A. and Scifo, S., 2020. Constraints and imperatives: Modelling sustainable futures for community media. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 5 (1), 3-8.
- Óbaoill, A. and Scifo, S., 2019. Sustainable community media: The challenge of upholding the public trust. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 4 (4), 1-3.
- Scifo, S., 2017. Editorial. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 8 (2&3), 213-214.
- Scifo, S., 2016. Editorial. Interactions: studies in communication and culture, 7 (2), 119-121.
- Scifo, S., 2016. Funding the ‘third way’ of radio broadcasting in Britain. 3CMedia/ Journal of Community, Citizen's and Third Sector Media and Communication, 8.
- Scifo, S., 2016. Editorial. Interactions: studies in communication and culture, 7 (1), 3-5.
- Scifo, S., 2015. Technology, Empowerment and Community Radio. Revista Mídia e Cotidiano, 7 (7), 84-111.
- Scifo, S. and Salman, Y., 2015. Citizens’ involvement in emergency preparedness and response: a comparative analysis of media strategies and online presence in Turkey, Italy and Germany. Interactions: studies in communication and culture, 6 (2), 179-198.
- Scifo, S., 2015. Editorial. Interactions: studies in communication and culture, 6 (1), 3-7.
- Scifo, S., 2013. Radio in Africa: Publics, cultures, communities. ECQUID NOVI-AFRICAN JOURNALISM STUDIES, 34 (3), 168-171.
- Scifo, S., 2010. Conference report: Community media at ECREA's ECC08. Telematics and Informatics, 27 (2), 196-199.
- Carpentier, N. and Scifo, S., 2010. Introduction: Community media's long march. Telematics and Informatics, 27 (2), 115-118.
- Jiménez, N.R. and Scifo, S., 2010. Community media in the context of European media policies. Telematics and Informatics, 27 (2), 131-140.
- Scifo, S., 2009. Developing Critical Citizenship: proposals for a postgraduate module on Community Media. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 5 (2), 145-152.
- Scifo, S., 2008. Editorial. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 5 (1), 1-4.
- Wei, M., Scifo, S. and Xu, Y., 2022. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND RADIO BROADCASTING: Opportunities and challenges in the Chinese context. The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies. 448-458.
- Nguyen, A. and Scifo, S., 2018. Mapping the citizen news landscape: blurring boundaries, promises, perils and beyond. In: Vos, T.P., ed. Handbooks of Communication Science: Journalism. De Gruyter.
- Nguyen, A. and Scifo, S., 2018. Mapping the citizen news landscape: Blurring boundaries, promises, perils, and beyond. Journalism. 373-390.
- Watson, H., Wadhwa, K., Baruh, L. and Scifo, S., 2016. Social Networking in Times of Crisis. In: Kurylo, A. and Dumova, T., eds. Social Networking. Redefining Communication in the Digital Age. London: Rowman&Littlefield and Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 111-129.
- Scifo, S., Baruh, L. and Watson, H., 2015. Misuse of Information Technologies and Reliability of Information in New Media. In: Khosrow-Pour, M., ed. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hersey, PA (USA): IGI Global, 4152-4161.
- Scifo, S., 2014. Community radio and participation: Listeners as productive publics. Radio Audiences and Participation in the Age of Network Society. 212-230.
- Scifo, S., 2014. Communication rights as a networking reality: Community Radio in Europe. In: Padovani, C. and Calabrese, A., eds. Communication Rights and Social Justice. Historical Accounts of Transnational Mobilizations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 164-179.
- Scifo, S., 2014. Communication Rights as a Networking Reality: Community Radio in Europe. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research. 164-179.
- Scifo, S., 2013. La radio comunitaria in Italia, storia, protagonisti e prospettive. Un giorno di radio. Storia, mercati, formati, pubblici, tecnologie.. Rome, Italy: Carocci Editore, 167-181.
- Scifo, S., 2010. Community Radio in the United Kingdom. In: Kawashima, T. and Matsuura, S., eds. The Future of Community Media. Kyoto, Japan: Koyo Shobo Publishing, 181-193.
- Scifo, S., 2007. Student Media. In: Coyer, K., Dowmunt, T. and Fountain, A., eds. The Alternative Media Handbook. Abingdon: Routledge, 233-237.
- Scifo, S., 2007. Student press. The Alternative Media Handbook. 236-237.
- Scifo, S., 2007. Student radio. The Alternative Media Handbook. 233-236.
- Scifo, S., 2018. Media and communication education in the digital age: opportunities and challenges. In: Duruel Erkilic, S., ed. International Symposium on Communication in The Digital Age 18-19 October 2018 Mersin (Turkey). http://cida.mersin.edu.tr/assets/kitaptammetinson.pdf, 1-6 Mersin (Turkey): Mersin University.
- Watson, H., Baruh, L., Finn, R.L. and Scifo, S., 2014. Citizen (in)security?: Social media, citizen journalism and crisis response. ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 294-298.
- Bellardi, N., Busch, B., Hassemeer, J., Peissl, H. and Scifo, S., 2018. Spaces of Inclusion - An explorative study on needs of refugees and migrants in the domain of media communication and on responses by community media. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Available from: https://rm.coe.int/dgi-2018-01-spaces-of-inclusion/168078c4b4.
Profile of Teaching PG
- 2017/18 - Research Methods in Media and Communication - MA Media and Communication
- 2017/18 - Master's Project - MA Media and Communication
- 2017/18 - Exhibition - MA in Media and Communication
- 2017/18 - Journalism in Global Contexts - MA Multimedia Journalism
- 2017/18 - Media in Transition - MA in Media and Communication
- 2018/19 - Journalism in Global Contexts - MA Multimedia Journalism
- 2018/19 - Master's Project - MA Media and Communication
- 2018/19 - Media in Transition - MA Media and Communication
- 2016/17 - Master's Project - MA Media and Communication
- 2016/17 - Exhibition - MA Media and Communication
Profile of Teaching UG
- 2017/18 - Public Relations - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Dissertation - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Media and Marketing Research - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Media: Messages and Meanings - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2016-17 - Dissertation - BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism
- 2017/18 - Introduction to Communication Theory - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Media, Crisis and Conflict - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Web and Mobile Communication - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Writing, Editing and Publishing - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2016/17 - Public Relations - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2016/17 - Media: Messages and Meanings - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Dissertation - BA (Hons) English
- 2017/18 - Professional Placement - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2017/18 - Industrial Placement - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2018/19 - Media and Marketing Research - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2018/19 - Industrial Placement - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2018/19 - Professional Placement - (BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2018/19 - Dissertation - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
- 2018/19 - Dissertation - BA (Hons) English
- 2018/19 - Introduction to Communication Theory - BA (Hons) Communication and Media
External Responsibilities
- Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE), Experts Group (2013-), http://cmfe.eu/?cat=10
Conference Presentations
- 6th ECREA Radio Research section conference - Radio as a Social Media, Radio and AI: Use of Technologies in China and the UK, 18 Sep 2019, Siena, Italy
- IAMCR Annual Conference 2016, British Community Radio in a converged mediascape: reflections on a decade of full-time broadcasting, 27 Jul 2016, Leicester
- The Radio Conference 2016: Transnational Radio Encounters, Transnational Community Radio in a multicultural Britain, 05 Jul 2016, Utrecht
- Associate Professor in Communication Studies (T.C. Üniversitelerarası Kurul Başkanlığı (Interuniversity Council of the Republic of Turkey), 2017)
- PhD in Media and Communication (University of Westminster, 2011)
- PGCert in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (London Metropolitan University, 2009)
- BA (Hons) in Communication Sciences (University of Siena (Italy), 2003)
- MA in Communication Sciences (University of Siena (Italy), 2003)
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility award (staff exchange with Istanbul Bilgi University) (European Union / Bournemouth University, 2018)
- European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), Member (2020-), https://euprera.org/
- Radio Studies Network - Media, Communication and Culture Studies Association (MeCCSA-RSN), Steering Committee member (2017-), http://www.meccsa.org.uk/networks/radio-studies-network/
- Community Communication and Alternative Media section - International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Co-Chair (2016-), http://iamcr.org/s-wg/section/community-communication
- European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Advisory Board member (2013-), http://ecrea.eu/board/advisory
- Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture (Intellect), Editor (2013-), http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Journal,id=165/