An Nguyen

Professor An Nguyen

  • Professor of Journalism and Public Communication
  • Weymouth House W310, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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An Nguyen is Professor of Journalism and Public Communication and founding Co-Director of the Centre for Science, Health & Data Communication at Bournemouth University. He is internationally recognised for a substantial body of research work in several areas:

* digital journalism and its publics (including citizen journalism)

* news consumption and citizenship

* science and health journalism

* science and health controversies in the post-truth era,

* public communication of data and statistics,

* constructive journalism (esp. solutions journalism) and

* global media and development.

His work has appeared in, among others, Journalism, Journalism Studies, Journalism Practice, Digital Journalism, Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Science Communication, Media and Communication, International Journal of Communication, First Monday, International Journal of Media and Culture Politics, Information Research, Journal of Sociology, and Vaccines.

An serves as Editor of Anthem Studies in Emerging Media and Society Book Series and on the Editorial Boards of seven journals (Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, Media and Communication, Australian Journalism Review, Journalism Education, Journal of Southeast Asian Media Studies, Journalism and Media, and Representology: The Journal of Media and Diversity) and two international book series...



  • Nguyen, A., 2024. Journalism between Science and Development: A Decolonised and Dewesternised Normative Framework. Journalism Studies, 25 (5), 1-18.
  • Fleerackers, A. and Nguyen, A., 2024. Treading waters: The many socio-ethical challenges of science and health journalism. In: McKinnon, M. and Walsh-Childers, K., eds. The Handbook of Science and Health Journalism. Palgrave.
  • Nguyen, A. and Tran, M., 2024. THE OVER-RELIANCE ON FOREIGN SCIENCE NEWS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: Causes, consequences and solutions. Insights on Science Journalism. 105-120.
  • Nguyen, A., Glück, A. and Jackson, D., 2023. The up-down-up pandemic news experience: A mixed-method approach to its negative and positive effects on psychological wellbeing. Journalism, 24 (12), 2687-2704.
  • Tran, M. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Besieged from all sides: impediments to science journalism in a developing country and their global implications. Journal of Science Communication, 22 (4).
  • Mellor, N. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Engaging Audiences with Local News: Can Solutions Journalism Be a Solution to Local Media Crisis? International Journal of Communication, 17, 6466-6484.
  • Nguyen, A. and Catalan-Matamoros, D., 2022. Anti-Vaccine Discourse on Social Media: An Exploratory Audit of Negative Tweets about Vaccines and Their Posters. Vaccines, 10 (12).
  • Lawson, B. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Balancing between "statistical panic" and "statistical boredom": News, numbers and narratives in the risk society. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 188-196.

Journal Articles

  • Nguyen, A., 2024. Journalism between Science and Development: A Decolonised and Dewesternised Normative Framework. Journalism Studies, 25 (5), 1-18.
  • Nguyen, A., Glück, A. and Jackson, D., 2023. The up-down-up pandemic news experience: A mixed-method approach to its negative and positive effects on psychological wellbeing. Journalism, 24 (12), 2687-2704.
  • Tran, M. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Besieged from all sides: impediments to science journalism in a developing country and their global implications. Journal of Science Communication, 22 (4).
  • Mellor, N. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Engaging Audiences with Local News: Can Solutions Journalism Be a Solution to Local Media Crisis? International Journal of Communication, 17, 6466-6484.
  • Nguyen, A. and Catalan-Matamoros, D., 2022. Anti-Vaccine Discourse on Social Media: An Exploratory Audit of Negative Tweets about Vaccines and Their Posters. Vaccines, 10 (12).
  • Zhao, X., Jackson, D. and Nguyen, A., 2022. The Psychological Empowerment Potential of Solutions Journalism: Perspectives from Pandemic News Users in the UK. Journalism Studies, 23 (3), 356-373.
  • Jackson, D., Nguyen, A. and Hoang, K., 2022. News sources and emotional responses to COVID-19 news: Findings from U.K. news users. First Monday, 27 (11).
  • Nguyen, A., 2020. Working with science: Constructive journalism as knowledge-based journalism. CASS Journal of Journalism and Communication, 113-116.
  • Nguyen, H. and Nguyen, A., 2020. Covid-19 misinformation and the social (Media) amplification of risk: A Vietnamese perspective. Media and Communication, 8 (2), 444-447.
  • Nguyen, A. and Catalan-Matamoros, D., 2020. Digital mis/disinformation and public engagment with health and science controversies: Fresh perspectives from Covid-19. Media and Communication, 8 (2), 323-328.
  • Nguyen, A. and Tran, M., 2019. Science journalism for development in the Global South: A systematic literature review of issues and challenges. Public Understanding of Science, 28 (8), 973-990.
  • Zeng, X., Jain, S., Nguyen, A. and Allan, S., 2019. New perspectives on citizen journalism. Global Media and China, 4 (1), 3-12.
  • Nguyen, A. and Vu, H.T., 2019. Testing popular news discourse on the echo chamber effect: Does political polarisation occur among those relying on social media as their primary politics news source? First Monday, 24 (6).
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies [Book Review]. Digital Journalism, 6 (5), 668-670.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. Introduction: Exciting Times in the Shadow of the ‘Post-Truth’ Era: News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World, 1-16.
  • Nguyen, A., 2016. News judgement in a "click-thinking" culture: the impact of web metrics on journalism and journalists (Julgamento das Notícias na Cultura do "Caça-Clique": o impacto das métricas web no jornalismo e nos jornalistas). Revista Parágrafo, 3 (2).
  • Nguyen, A. and Lugo-Ocando, J., 2016. The state of data and statistics in journalism and journalism education: Issues and debates. Journalism, 17 (1), 3-17.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. The Handbook of Internet Studies [Book Review]. Digital Journalism, 2 (1), 119-121.
  • Hibberd, M. and Nguyen, A., 2013. Climate change communication and young people in the UK: a reception study. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 9 (1).
  • Nguyen, A., 2012. The digital divide versus the "digital delay": implications from a forecasting model of online news adoption/use. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 8 (2), 251-268.
  • Nguyen, A., 2012. The efffect of soft news on public attachment to the news: is infotainment good for democracy? Journalism Studies, 13.
  • Nguyen, A. and McIlwaine, S., 2011. Who wants a voice in science issues - and why? A European survey and its implications for science journalism. Journalism Practice, 5, 210-226.
  • Nguyen, A., 2010. Harnessing the potential of online news: Suggestions from a study on the relationship between online news advantages and its post-adoption consequences. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 11, 223-241.
  • Nguyen, A., 2008. Facing the "Fabulous Monster": The traditional media's fear-driven innovation culture in the development of online news. Journalism Studies, 9, 91-204.
  • Nguyen, A., 2008. Journalism education in Vietnam. Media Asia, 30, 110-130.
  • Nguyen, A., 2008. The contribution of online news attributes to its diffusion: An empirical exploration based on a proposed theoretical model for the micro process of online news adoption/use. First Monday, 13.
  • Nguyen, A. and Western, M., 2007. Socio-structural correlates of online news and information adoption/use: Implications for the digital divide. Journal of Sociology, 43, 167-185.
  • Nguyen, A., 2007. The interaction between technology and society: lessons learnt from 160 evolutionary years of online news. First Monday, 12.
  • Nguyen, A., 2006. The status and relevance of Vietnamese journalism education: An empirical analysis. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 17, 41-55.
  • Nguyen, A., Ferrier, L., Western, M. and McKay, S., 2006. Online News in Australia: patterns of use and gratification. Australian Studies in Journalism, 15, 5-34.
  • Nguyen, A. and Western, M., 2006. The complementary relationship between the Internet and traditional mass media: the case of online news and information on traditional sources. Information Research, 11.
  • Nguyen, A., 2006. Journalism in the wake of participatory publishing. Australian Journalism Review, 28, 143-156.
  • McIlwaine, S. and Nguyen, A., 2005. Are journalism students equipped to write about science? Australian Studies in Journalism, 14, 41-60.
  • Nguyen, A., 2004. Digitising the News: Innovations in Newspapers [Book Review]. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy.
  • Nguyen, A., 2003. The current status and potential development of online news consumption: a structural approach. First Monday, 8.
  • Redden, G., Caldwell, N. and Nguyen, A., 2003. Warblogging as social critical practice. Southern Review: Communication, Politics & Culture, 36, 68-79.


  • Nguyen, A. and McIlwaine, S., 2025. Science, News and the Public: Journalism for Science Democratisation in the Digital Age. Bloomsbury.
  • Lugo-Ocando, J. and Nguyen, A., 2017. Developing News: Global Journalism and the Coverage of "Third World" Development. London: Routledge.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World.
  • Lê, B.H., Phạm, T.V. and Nguyễn, A.Đ., 2010. Climate Change: A Global Threat (Môi Trường Khí Hậu Biến Đổi: Mối Hiểm Hoạ Toàn Cầu). Ho Chi Minh City: Vietnam National University Press.
  • Nguyen, A., 2008. The Penetration of Online News: Past, Present and Future. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.


  • Fleerackers, A. and Nguyen, A., 2024. Treading waters: The many socio-ethical challenges of science and health journalism. In: McKinnon, M. and Walsh-Childers, K., eds. The Handbook of Science and Health Journalism. Palgrave.
  • Nguyen, A. and Tran, M., 2024. THE OVER-RELIANCE ON FOREIGN SCIENCE NEWS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: Causes, consequences and solutions. Insights on Science Journalism. 105-120.
  • Lawson, B. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Balancing between "statistical panic" and "statistical boredom": News, numbers and narratives in the risk society. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 188-196.
  • Nguyen, A. and Scifo, S., 2018. Mapping the citizen news landscape: blurring boundaries, promises, perils and beyond. In: Vos, T.P., ed. Handbooks of Communication Science: Journalism. De Gruyter.
  • Nguyen, A. and Scifo, S., 2018. Mapping the citizen news landscape: Blurring boundaries, promises, perils, and beyond. Journalism. 373-390.
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. Exciting times in the shadow of the post-truth era: news, numbers and public opinion in a data-driven world. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. Bloomsbury.
  • Brandão, R.F. and Nguyen, A., 2017. Statistics in Science Journalism: An Exploratory Study of Four Leading British and Brazilian Newspapers. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. 78-92.
  • Nguyen, A. and Vu, H.T., 2017. Numbers Behind the News: Audience Metrics and the Changing Nature of Gatekeeping. News, Numbers and Public Opinion in a Data-Driven World. 113-130.
  • Nguyen, A., 2013. Online news audiences: the challenges of web metrics. In: Allan, S. and Fowler-Watt, K., eds. Journalism: New Challenges. Poole, England: CJCR: Centre for Journalism & Communication Research, Bournemouth University, 146-161.
  • Nguyen, A. and Garcia, A., 2012. When public service is the name of the game: the evolution of British and Spanish PSBs in online journalism. In: Burns, M. and Brugger, N., eds. Histories of Public Service Broadcasters on the Web. London: Peter Lang, 3-16.
  • Nguyen, A., 2011. Marrying the professional to the amateur: strategies and implications of the OhmyNews model. In: Meikle, G. and Redden, G., eds. News Online: Transformations and Continuities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Mcmillan, 195-209.
  • Nguyen, A., 2009. Globalisation, citizen journalism and the nation state: A Vietnamese perspective. In: Allan, S. and Thorsen, E., eds. Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives. New York/London: Peter Lang, 153-162.


  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Incorporating solutions journalism into local UK newsrooms: Toward a model of 'SOJO lite'? In: Future of Journalism Conference 14-15 September 2023 Cardiff.
  • Nguyen, A., 2022. Chuyển đổi số trong báo chí: chuyển đổi cái gì và từ đâu? In: Trao đổi chuyên đề với lãnh đạo các cơ quan báo chí trung ương tại TPHCM 24 August 2022 Hội Nhà báo VN.
  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Fighting against the machine: The anatomy of a solutions journalism campaign across local news outlets in the UK. In: ECREA Journalism Studies Section Annual Conference 16-17 June 2022 Utrecht.
  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Appropriating new practices to newsrooms: Inside a solutions journalism campaign across local news outlets in the UK. In: 72nd Annual ICA conference 26-30 May 2022 Paris.
  • Zhao, X., Jackson, D. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Solutions journalism, psychological empowerment, and civic engagement: Revisiting the democratic role of journalism. In: 72nd ICA Annual conference 26-30 May 2022 Paris.
  • Nguyen, A., 2022. Building a working relationship with journalists: some ideas for statisticians and scientists (invited paper). In: Meetings of the Public Perception of Science Study Group Newton Gateway to Mathematics, 18-20 May 2022 Online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2021. Rising to the challenge: lessons from UK journalists' responses to Covid-19 data and statistics (Invited paper). In: Science communication in times of the COVID-19 pandemic 6 December 2022-6 December 2021 Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.
  • Zhao, X., Jackson, D., Nguyen, A. and Glück, A., 2021. The Psychological Empowerment of Solutions Journalism: Perspectives from Pandemic News Users in the UK. In: The 2021 conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics 13-16 September 2021 Online.
  • Nguyen, A. and Tran, M., 2019. Science journalism for development in the Global South: A systematic review of its characteristics, issues and challenges. In: Top Pappers in Global Communication and Social Change, 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association 24-28 May 2019 Washington, DC.
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. Journalists as users of statistics: some suggestions for providers. In: Invited talk to senior EU statisticians at the European Statistical Advisory Committee’s Symposium on New Perspectives and Priorities for EU 2030 Indicators 8 June 2018 Rome.
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. News and journalism in a globalisation world (Báo chí và phát triển trong tiến trình toàn cầu hoá). In: Invited lecture to journalists, communication scholars and students of the Institute for Development Communication and Vietnam Academy of Diplomacy 8 May 2018 Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. Journalism in the digital world: how to innovate and where to start? In: Invited speech to local journalists at the Press Cafe, Ho Chi Minh City 3 May 2018 Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. Who use social media as their primary science news source -- and what what effects? Findings and implications for science journalism from a UK survey. In: Future of Journalism 14-15 September 2017 Cardiff University.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. The news media in the battle against climate change: can journalism ever engage and mobilise people toward sustainability lifestyles? In: ASEAN Festival of Learning 30-31 March 2017 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. Science and journalism in development processes: toward a fruitful partnership. In: ASEAN Festival of Learning 27 March 2017 Binus University, Jakarta.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. World journalism trends: newspapers in the digital vortex (Bức tranh báo chí thế giới: báo giấy trong cơn lốc số). In: In-house workshop with editors and reporters at Tuoi Tre Daily 24 March 2017 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2016. Developing a News Performance Index for Vietnam: why is it long overdue and what should it entail? In: Keynote lecture to senior journalists and media policy-makers at Building an Evaluation System for the Vietnamese News Media Routable, organised by the Centre for Research on Development Communication 14-15 January 2016 Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2015. Journalism and development in the globalisation of Vietnam. In: Invited lecture to reporters and editors at the Voice of Vietnam 5 August 2015 Hanoi.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. "Globalisation and the Media". In: Invited lecture at Department of Communication Science, University of Indonesia 17 April 2014 Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. "Some practices to avoid when covering news about health risks". In: Keynote speech at "Communicating Health Risks in the Media: How to Avoid Public Panics" Conference 15 April 2014 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. "Globalisation, the media and culture: a Vietnamese perspective". In: Invited Lecture at Department of Communication, HCMC University of Culture 11 April 2014 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. "Numbers behind the news: journalism in the wake of the click-thinking culture". In: Keynote paper at Conference on Statistics in Journalism Practices and Education 31 January-1 February 2014 Sheffield University, England.
  • Nguyen, A., 2014. "Do online social media displace established political news sources?". In: UK Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association's Annual Conference 8-10 January 2014 Bournemouth, England.
  • Nguyen, A., 2013. "What is good science journalism?". In: Invited talk to emerging Southeast Asian science journalists at World Federation of Science Journalists' SjCOOP Asia Meeting 22-27 September 2013 Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2013. "Journalism in the context of globalisation". In: Invited speech to senior editors of Tuoi Tre Daily 4 January 2013 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2012. “Integrating news audience knowledge into the professional toolkit: a new mission for journalism education?”. In: Invited paper at Symposium on Rethinking Journalism Teaching and Learning in an Interactive World 21 March 2012 Sheffield University, England.
  • Nguyen, A., 2012. “Journalism professionalism for a transitional Vietnam: current developments and future challenges". In: Invited paper at "Contemporary Challenges in Transitional Vietnam" Conference 29 February 2012 British Academy, London.
  • Nguyen, A., 2011. “The journalist in a gradually globalising Vietnam”. In: Invited speech to journalists and media regulators in Danang City, Vietnam 13 January 2011 Department of Information and Communication, Danang, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2010. "Citizen journalism and the globalisation of news". In: Invited lecture series at LUISS University 10-12 May 2010 Rome, Italy.
  • Nguyen, A., 2010. “Climate change communication as global communication”. In: Invited lecture at Pontifical Gregorian University 11 May 2010 Rome, Italy.
  • Nguyen, A., 2009. “Barriers to communicating climate change” (with Matthew Hibberd). In: Invited paper at CMS Vatavaran Wildlife and Film Festival 30 October 2009 New Delhi, India.
  • Nguyen, A., 2009. “Building and nurturing an international partnership in higher education: Experience from a UK-Vietnam project”. In: Invited speech at UK-China Conference on Internationalising Higher Education (sponsored by British Council) 19 October 2009 Kunming, China.
  • Nguyen, A., 2009. The penetration of online news into the newsroom. In: Invited paper at Department of Politics & International Relations, Royal Holloway 26 February 2009 Universiity of London, England.
  • Nguyen, A., 2007. “Professional journalism inside and outside the academic environment”. In: Invited speech to academic staff at Department of Journalism and Communication, HCMC Universities of Social Sciences and Humanities 22 September 2007 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Nguyen, A., 2006. “The characteristics, potential development and business models of online news”. In: Invited lecture at Tuoi Tre Daily 19 February 2006 Ho Chi Minh City.


Internet Publications

  • Nguyen, A., 2016. Brexit not just against EU (Brexit không chỉ chống EU).

Scholarly Editions

  • Nguyen, A., 2024. Journalism Between Science and Development—A Decolonised and Dewesternised Normative Framework.
  • Skains, R. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Digital Narrative and Interactive Storytelling for Public Engagement with Health and Science.
  • Health and Science Controversies in the Digital World: News, Mis/Disinformation and Public Engagement. Special Issue, Media and Communication, 6(2).
  • New Perspectives on Citizen Journalism. Special Issue, Global Media and China, 4 (1).
  • Data and Statistics in Journalism and Journalism Education. Special Issue, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 17 (1).
  • Communication Dynamics in Public Engagement with Climate Change. Special Issue, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 9(1).
  • Backburning: New Talents 21C. Special Issue, Journal of Australian Studies, No 84.



  • Nguyen, A., 2021. The media: don't create more vaccine fears! (Báo chí: Đừng gieo thêm nỗi sợ vaccine).
  • Nguyen, A., 2021. The information chaos in Vietnam: a look back at the past year (Hỗn loạn thông tin ở VN: một năm nhìn lại). The Flash (Tia Sáng).
  • Nguyen, A., 2021. Coronavirus, statistical chaos and the news, one year on. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2020. Vietnamese, populist politics and the media in the post-truth era (Người Việt, chính trị dân tuý và truyền thông thời hậu sự thật). BBC Vietnamese.
  • Nguyen, A., 2020. Vietnamese social media, the hot days of the pandemic (Mạng xã hội Việt Nam, những ngày nóng dịch). BBC Vietnamese. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2019. Vaccine, journalism and human lives (Vaccine, báo chí và mạng người). BBC Vietnamese. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2018. The "Education Technology" Debate: Too many arguments, little evidence (Tranh cãi "Công nghệ giáo dục: Lý sự nhiều, chứng cứ ít). BBC Vietnamese. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2017. Inside the "war" between Trump and the media (Thực chất 'cuộc chiến' giữa ông Trump và truyền thông). Expert talkshow with BBC Vietnamese, 19/02/2017: BBC Vietnamese. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2016. Trump and the American mainstream media (Ông Trump và truyền thông chính thống Mỹ). Expert talk show with BBC Vietnamese, 20/11/2016: BBC Vietnamese. Published online.
  • Nguyen, A., 2016. Did the British press make Brexit? (Báo chí Anh đã làm nên Brexit?). The Saigon Times (Thời báo Kinh tế Sài Gòn), 7/7/2016: Published.
  • Nguyen, A., 2016. Nobody can legalise all corners of ethics (Không ai có thể luật hoá mọi ngõ ngách đạo đức).. Interview by the Law Magazine (Tạp chí Luật khoa), Vietnam in response to the Vice-chairman of the Vietnamese Journalists' Association: Published online.
  • Nguyen, A. and Lugo-Ocando, J., 2015. A vaccine against that anti-data journalism brain. Commentary on (European Journalism Centre), 04/11/2015: Published.
  • Nguyen, A., 2015. Vietnamese journalism in a rapidly changing news environment (Báo chí Việt trong một môi trường tin tức đầy biến động). The Saigon Times, No 24, 25/06/2015: Published online.

PhD Students

  • Xin Zheng. Chinese teenagers as news audiences: perspectives and evaluations
  • Bao Quoc Duong. Vietnamese study on sources of climate change news/information and their effects on public engagement with climate issues
  • Huyen Trang Nguyen. The integration of grassroots voices into news coverage of development issues in Vietnam
  • Khanh Hoang. Vietnamese uses and avoidances of social news from the lens of uses and gratifications theory
  • Mary Hogarth. Magazines’ business strategies in the face of digital disruption: an investigation into the evolution of UK print lifestyle and specialist titles from 2010 to 2020.
  • Minh Tran. Science journalism for development in Vietnam

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Journalism in Global Contexts (course leader)
  • MA Media and Communication Dissertation
  • MA Advertising Project

Profile of Teaching UG

  • News Theory (contributing lecturer)
  • BA Multimedia Journalism Dissertation (supervisor)
  • BA Communication and Media Dissertation
  • Research for Journalism (contributing lecturer)


  • Realising the potential for academic publishing among Vietnamese media scholars: a general training and bespoke mentoring project (British Academy, 27 Mar 2023). Awarded
  • Assessing the Qatari news media’s capacities for fostering public understanding of and engagement with science: issues, challenges, opportunities and their socio-political implications (Qatar National Research Fund, 01 Mar 2021). Awarded
  • COJO for COVID-19 Recovery: Constructive Solutions-Focused Journalism as a Pandemic Exit Strategy for the UK's Local/Regional Communities (AHRC/UKRI, 23 Dec 2020). Awarded
  • Developing and Piloting a News Performance Index for Vietnam (British Embassy to Vietnam, 01 Oct 2016). Awarded
  • Professionalism of science journalism in developing Asia: opportunities and challenges (World Federation of Science Journalists, 01 Sep 2013). Awarded
  • E-governance for development (Danang People's Committee (Vietnam) and World Bank, 01 Nov 2012). Awarded
  • Communicating climate change in India and the UK: a reception study (UK-India Education and Research Initiative Grant, 01 Oct 2009). Awarded
  • Prime Minister’s Initiatives for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Award (UK Government via British Council, 01 Jun 2008). Awarded
  • UNESCO Young Scholar's Communication Research Award (UNESCO via the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 01 Jun 2006). Awarded
  • New Talents 21C Award (Australian Public Intellectuals' Network, 01 Mar 2004). Awarded
  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarship for PhD study at the University of Queensland (Australian Government and the University of Queensland, 01 Jul 2002). Awarded
  • Atlantic Philanthropies Masters Scholarship (Atlantic Philanthropies, 01 Jan 2000). Awarded

External Responsibilities


  • PhD in Media and Communication (University of Queensland, Australia, 2007)
  • Professional Certificate in English-Vietnamese Translation (National Authority for the Accreditation of Translators and Interpreters, Australia, 2007)
  • MA in Journalism (University of Queensland, Australia, 2001)
  • BA (Hons) in English Linguistics and Literature (Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City, 1997)


  • Top-Five Paper in Global Communication and Social Change, 69th ICA Conference (International Communication Association, 2019)
  • UNESCO Young Scholar’s Communication Research Award – to conduct research into the status and relevance of journalism education in Vietnam (UNESCO, via the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 2006)
  • New Talents 21C Award – A$5,000 covering a research trip to co-edit a special issue of Journal of Australian Studies for new and emerging scholars. (Australian Public Intellectual Network, 2004)
  • Reuters Prize for Postgraduate Study in International Journalism (Reuters Foundation & University of Queensland, 2001)
  • A third and an encouragement prize in a national science writing competition entitled "Profiling Prominent Young People in Science and Technology" (Vietnamese Journalists' Association, Central Committee of Vietnamese Youth League, Ministry for Science, Technology & the Environment, Vietnam Television, and the Pioneer newspaper, 1999)


  • International Association of Media and Communication Research, Member (2018-),
  • UK Association of Journalism Education, Member (2010-),
  • International Communication Association, Member (2009-),
  • Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association, Member (2007-),