Adele Ladkin

Professor Adele Ladkin

  • Professor
  • Dorset House D225, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Adele Ladkin is Professor of Tourism Employment at Bournemouth University, and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR). She was educated at Leicester University in human geography, receiving her PhD in tourism human resources management from the University of Surrey in 1995.

Adele’s career has included lectureships in tourism at the University of Brighton and the University of Surrey, and Associate Dean in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Previous positions at Bournemouth include Associate Dean for tourism and hospitality and Head of the MICE Research Unit. She is an expert doctoral supervisor, and was seconded to the University Doctoral College to assist in the strategic development of research degree policy and programmes.

Adele is a thought leader in labour, employment and human resources in tourism and hospitality. She has also researched the technological affordances for the tourism experience, in particular the practices of ICT use in leisure and business tourism and how future travel experiences are shaped by digital developments...



Adele’s research interests are the labour, employment and human resource aspects of tourism and hospitality. This comprises labour mobility and migration in hospitality work, employee wellbeing, human capital development and education. In this context she is an advocate for the work history method and its role in assessing past and future labour market conditions.

She is also interested in the technological affordances for the work and leisure tourism experience, in particular the practices of ICT use in leisure and business tourism and how future travel experiences are shaped by digital developments. Recent research has included how digital technology is used in managing work-life balance when on the move, and the blurring of work-leisure boundaries.

She has completed an EU funded project SAIL (Staying Active and Independent for Longer) that explored active and healthy ageing and the cross-over with tourism. Other research projects include a multidisciplinary research project 'Family Rituals 2.0' funded by the EPSRC, exploring the evolving nature of family rituals in the digital age and the use of technology to support the work-life balance of mobile workers. Her particular interest in this relates to those who are mobile through employment in the tourism sector.

Her interest in mobile workers follows from previous research into migrant workers in the hospitality industry examining patterns of mobility and working experiences.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Good health and well-being

"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"

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Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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