Antje Glück

Dr Antje Glück

  • Lecturer in Multimedia Journalism
  • EB411 (current primary office) / W427
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Dr. Antje Glück is a Lecturer in Multimedia Journalism at Bourneouth University. She teaches on the BA(Hons) and MA courses for Journalism and Digital Media. She holds a PhD from the University of Leeds and a double MA in Journalism and Arabic Studies from the University of Leipzig in Germany. Her studies led her to spend time abroad in Egypt, Spain and France. Parallel, she was working as a freelance journalist since 1998 for various print, radio and television media in Germany, France, Egypt and India.


Dr. Glück has worked in various comparative research projects about media representations of terrorism at the University of Leipzig and Free University Berlin. She was also part of the International Center for Violence Research in Bielefeld (Germany) and contributed to the cross-national project Media, Conflict and Democratization (MeCoDEM) based at the University of Leeds. Before joining in Bournemouth, she worked at Teesside University. In her recently finished PhD thesis she examined the role of emotions in journalistic work practices and deontology in India and the United Kingdom.

Journal Articles


  • Gerhards, J. and Schäfer, M., 2011. Terrorismus im Fernsehen. Formate, Inhalte und Emotionen in westlichen und arabischen Sendern (Terrorism in Television. Formats, Contents and Emotions in Western and Arabic News Channels).. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Glück, A., 2009. Terror im Kopf: Terrorismusberichterstattung in der deutschen und arabischen Elitepresse [Terrorism news coverage in the German and Arab elite press]. Frank & Timme.


  • Glück, A., 2022. Konfliktsensibler und konstruktiver Journalismus in der Terrorismusberichterstattung (English: Conflict-sensitive and constructive journalism in terror news coverage). In: Rothenberger, L., ed. Handbuch Terrorismusforschung. Nomos.
  • Glück, A., 2021. Kalter Krieg oder innere Einheit? Der Wandel des Mediendiskurses über Ostdeutschland durch ostdeutsche Journalist*innen in Die Zeit (Engl.: Cold War or Inner Unity? The transformation of the media discourse about East Germany by East German journalists in the weekly Die Zeit). Transformation der Medien – Medien der Transformation. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft. Frankfurt/Main: Westend.
  • Glück, A., 2019. De-Westernization and Decolonization in Media Studies. Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication and Critical Studies. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  • Glück, A., 2009. Risiko für alle – jeder für sich? Die Formierung einer Weltöffentlichkeit im Angesicht des Terrorismus. [Risk for everyone - everyone by themselves? The formation of a world public sphere in face of terrorism]. In: Rodoniklis, W. and Zander, D., eds. Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press, 207-232.


  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2023. Incorporating solutions journalism into local UK newsrooms: Toward a model of 'SOJO lite'? In: Future of Journalism Conference 14-15 September 2023 Cardiff.
  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Fighting against the machine: The anatomy of a solutions journalism campaign across local news outlets in the UK. In: ECREA Journalism Studies Section Annual Conference 16-17 June 2022 Utrecht.
  • Jackson, D., Glück, A. and Nguyen, A., 2022. Appropriating new practices to newsrooms: Inside a solutions journalism campaign across local news outlets in the UK. In: 72nd Annual ICA conference 26-30 May 2022 Paris.
  • Zhao, X., Jackson, D., Nguyen, A. and Glück, A., 2021. The Psychological Empowerment of Solutions Journalism: Perspectives from Pandemic News Users in the UK. In: The 2021 conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics 13-16 September 2021 Online.
  • Glück, A. and Lugo-Ocando, J., 2018. Worker’s Struggles, Ideological Struggle and the News: How National Imaginary and Anticommunism Defined Journalistic Professionalism and Identity in the West. In: ICA 24-28 May 2018 Prague, Czech Republic. , 1.


  • Glück, A., 2016. De-Westernisation: Key Concept Paper. Media, Conflict and Democratisation (MeCoDEM).



  • Glück, A., 2022. Kempf, Wilhelm: Friedensjournalismus. Grundlagen, Forschungsergebnisse, Perspektiven (in English: Peace Journalism. Foundations, research results, perspectives). Springer Verlag. Published.

PhD Students

  • Darlington Nyambiya, 2024. To what extent has social media brought change to Zimbabwean politics, (In progress)


  • Leverhulme Visiting Professorship (Leverhulme Trust, 18 Sep 2023). Awarded
  • Journalistic Courage and Resilience under Authoritarianism: Lessons learnt from the 1920s Weimar Republic, and implications for today's journalism (British Academy, 19 Jun 2023). Awarded
  • COJO for COVID-19 Recovery: Constructive Solutions-Focused Journalism as a Pandemic Exit Strategy for the UK's Local/Regional Communities (AHRC/UKRI, 23 Dec 2020). Awarded