Dr Anna Mantzouratou
- 01202 968934
- amantzouratou at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8557-3128
- Principal Academic in Human Genetics
- Christchurch House C211, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
I investigate genetic uniqueness. My main research area is genetic abnormalities in preimplantation embryos and how they relate to fertility and infertility. I investigate the mechanisms that produce chromosomal abnormalities in human gametes and embryos as well as the development of laboratory techniques that would allow the study of such mechanisms. I lead the Genetics of infertility project looking at whole human genomes in collaboration with the amazing Genomics England database. My research also focuses on the genetics of antibiotic resistance of Klebsiela P. and I am currently leading the PHAROS project in collaboration with University Hospital Dorset.
Journal Articles
- Fordham, S.M.E., Drobniewski, F., Barrow, M., Hutchings, M., Crowther, K., Richards, D., Bolton, P., Mantzouratou, A. and Sheridan, E., 2024. Genetic Analyses of Rare ESBL ST628 Klebsiella pneumoniae Detected during a Protracted Nosocomial Outbreak in the United Kingdom. Microorganisms, 12 (5).
- Fordham, S.M.E., Barrow, M., Mantzouratou, A. and Sheridan, E., 2024. Genomic analyses of an Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae urinary tract co-infection using long-read nanopore sequencing. MicrobiologyOpen, 13 (1).
- Cotton, S. et al., 2023. Investigation of hospital discharge cases and SARS-CoV-2 introduction into Lothian care homes. Journal of Hospital Infection, 135, 28-36.
- Pascall, D.J. et al., 2023. The SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant was associated with increased clinical severity of COVID-19 in Scotland: A genomics-based retrospective cohort analysis. PLoS ONE, 18 (4).
- Kläser, K., Buchan, S.L. et al., 2022. COVID-19 due to the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant compared to B.1.1.7 (Alpha) variant of SARS-CoV-2: a prospective observational cohort study. Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
- Nickbakhsh, S. et al., 2022. Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in a university outbreak setting and implications for public health planning. Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
- Willett, B.J. et al., 2022. Publisher Correction: SARS-CoV-2 Omicron is an immune escape variant with an altered cell entry pathway. Nature microbiology, 7 (10), 1709.
- Willett, B.J., Mantzouratou, A., Buchan, S.L. et al., 2022. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron is an immune escape variant with an altered cell entry pathway. Nature Microbiology, 7 (8), 1161-1179.
- Eales, O., Mantzouratou, A. et al., 2022. SARS-CoV-2 lineage dynamics in England from September to November 2021: high diversity of Delta sub-lineages and increased transmissibility of AY.4.2. BMC Infectious Diseases, 22 (1).
- Smallman-Raynor, M.R. et al., 2022. Spatial growth rate of emerging SARS-CoV-2 lineages in England, September 2020-December 2021. Epidemiology and Infection, 150.
- Wieland, J., Buchan, S., Sen Gupta, S. and Mantzouratou, A., 2022. Genomic instability and the link to infertility: A focus on microsatellites and genomic instability syndromes. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 274, 229-237.
- Fordham, S.M.E., Mantzouratou, A. and Sheridan, E., 2022. Prevalence of insertion sequence elements in plasmids relating to mgrB gene disruption causing colistin resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae. MicrobiologyOpen, 11 (1).
- Wilkinson, S.A.J. et al., 2022. Recurrent SARS-CoV-2 mutations in immunodeficient patients. Virus Evolution, 8 (2).
- Wright, D.W. et al., 2022. Tracking SARS-CoV-2 mutations and variants through the COG-UK-Mutation Explorer. Virus Evolution, 8 (1).
- de Silva, T.I. et al., 2021. The impact of viral mutations on recognition by SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells. iScience, 24 (11).
- Vöhringer, H.S., Mantzouratou, A. et al., 2021. Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England. Nature, 600 (7889), 506-511.
- Endometrial receptivity: miRNAs signing in? Fertility and Sterility, 116 (1), 78-79.
- Antognazza, C.M. et al., 2021. Application of eDNA metabarcoding in a fragmented lowland river: Spatial and methodological comparison of fish species composition. Environmental DNA, 3 (2), 458-471.
- Mania, A., Mantzouratou, A., Delhanty, J.D.A., Baio, G., Serhal, P. and Sengupta, S.B., 2014. Telomere length in human blastocysts. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 28 (5), 624-637.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Ghevaria, H., Mantzouratou, A., Serhal, P., Doshi, A. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2012. Chromosome breakage in human preimplantation embryos from carriers of structural chromosomal abnormalities in relation to fragile sites, maternal age, and poor sperm factors. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 136 (1), 21-29.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Ghevaria, H., Ghebo, C., Serhal, P. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2011. When is old too old for preimplantation genetic diagnosis for reciprocal translocations? Prenatal Diagnosis, 31 (10), 1002-1006.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Delhanty, J.D.A., Mania, A., Mamas, T., Serhal, P., Sengupta, S.B. and Mantzouratou, A., 2011. The nature and origin of binucleate cells in human preimplantation embryos: Relevance to placental mesenchymal dysplasia. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 22 (4), 362-370.
- Mantzouratou, A. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2011. Aneuploidy in the human cleavage stage embryo. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 133 (2-4), 141-148.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Cawood, S., Doshi, A., Ranieri, D.M. and Delhanty, J.D., 2010. Male and female meiotic behaviour of an intrachromosomal insertion determined by preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Molecular Cytogenetics, 3 (1).
- Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Apergi, M., Laver, S., Serhal, P. and Delhanty, J., 2009. Meiotic and mitotic behaviour of a ring/deleted chromosome 22 in human embryos determined by preimplantation genetic diagnosis for a maternal carrier. Molecular Cytogenetics, 2 (1).
- Finch, K.A., Fonseka, G., Ioannou, D., Hickson, N., Barclay, Z., Chatzimeletiou, K., Mantzouratou, A., Handyside, A., Delhanty, J. and Griffin, D.K., 2008. Nuclear organisation in totipotent human nuclei and its relationship to chromosomal abnormality. Journal of Cell Science, 121 (5), 655-663.
- Mantzouratou, A. et al., 2007. Variable aneuploidy mechanisms in embryos from couples with poor reproductive histories undergoing preimplantation genetic screening. Human Reproduction, 22 (7), 1844-1853.
- Simopoulou, M., Mantzouratou, A. et al., 2003. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of chromosome abnormalities: Implications from the outcome for couples with chromosomal rearrangements. Prenatal Diagnosis, 23 (8), 652-662.
- Fragkouli, E., Alfarawati, S. and Mantzouratou, A., 2021. Individualised genetic testing: who benefits? Individualised IVF. Cambridge University Press.
- Willis, S., Neal, R., Mantzouratou, A., Pelosi, E. and Buchan, S., 2024. Detecting and Defining Immunity to human cytomegalovirus. In: BSI Immune-stromal interactions in health and disease 14 June 2024 Southampton University Hospitals Trust.
- Willis, S., Neal, R., Mantzouratou, A., Emanuela, P. and Buchan, S., 2023. Detecting and defining immunity to cytomegalovirus. In: British Society for Immunology Annual Congress 5-8 December 2023 Belfast.
- Mantzouratou, A., Xanthopoulou, L., Mania, A., Serhal, P., Delhanty, J. and SenGupta, S., 2020. Whole genome insights into male infertility. In: ESHRE campus 20-24 July 2020 Athens. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 35, I372-I373.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Ghevaria, H., Ghebo, C., Serhal, P. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2011. When is old too old for preimplantation genetic diagnosis for reciprocal translocations? HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 26, I106-I107.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Ghevaria, H., Mantzouratou, A., Serhal, P., Doshi, A. and Delhanty, J.D., 2010. Fragile sites and chromosome breakage in embryos from carriers of structural chromosomal abnormalities determined by preimplantation genetic diagnosis. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 25, I325-I326.
- Xanthopoulou, L., Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Harper, J. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2007. The nature and origin of binucleate cells in human preimplantation embryos. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 22, I209.
- Mania, A., Mantzouratou, A., Fragouli, E., Xanthopoulou, L., Tashkandi, S., Serhal, P., Harper, J. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2007. Cytogenetic analysis of embryos from couples carrying balanced chromosomal translocations undergoing preimplantation genetic diagnosis. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 22, I92-I93.
- Mantzouratou, A. et al., 2007. Evidence of different mechanisms of aneuploidy in embryos from couples with distinct indications for preimplantation genetic screening. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 22, I210.
- Finch, K., Hickson, N., Barclay, Z., Chatzimeletiou, K., Handyside, A., Thornhill, A., Mantzouratou, A., Joy, D., Bridget, J. and Griffin, D., 2007. Genome organisation in spermatogenesis and preimplantation human development: Relationships to male infertility and aneuploidy. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 15, 82.
- Delhanty, J.D.A., Fragouli, E., Mantzouratou, A., Wells, D., Serhal, P. and Faed, M.J.W., 2007. Comprehensive analysis of human oocytes and 1st polar bodies by comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 15, 146.
- Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Xanthopolou, L., Tashkandi, S., Doshi, A., Laver, S., Serhal, P., Ranieri, D.M., Harper, J.C. and Delhanty, J.D.A., 2007. Evidence for variable aneuploidy mechanisms in embryos from couples with distinct indications for preimplantaion genetic screening (PGS). CHROMOSOME RESEARCH, 15, 231.
- Mania, A., Mantzouratou, A. and Delhanty, J., 2006. Telomere length analysis and Aneuploidy screening in human pre-implantation embryos using a quantitative FISH approach. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS, 43, S91.
- Delhanty, J.D.A., Mantzouratou, A., Mania, A., Fordham, K., Doshi, A. and Serhal, P., 2006. Outcome of preimplantation aneuploidy screening for high risk couples. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS, 43, S111.
- Wieland, J., Buchan, S., Serhl, P., Sen Gupta, S. and Mantzouratou, A., 2024. Linking genetic variation to infertility and embryonic genomic instability. Lessons from a database of whole genomes from targeted populations: challenges, and future directions. In: ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting.
- Wieland, J., Buchan, S., Sen Gupta, S. and Mantzouratou, A., 2024. Building a Human Infertility Genome Database.
PhD Students
- Stephen Fordham, 2025. Sequence analysis and bioinformatics
- Jack Wakefield
Profile of Teaching PG
- Nutrition and the Brain
Profile of Teaching UG
- Advanced Topics in Genetics Level 6
- Pathophysiology Level 6
- Introduction to Molecular Genetics Level 4
- Biological Research skills
- Genomic and proteomic surveillance of the ESKAPE pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae using third-generation sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization analyses.(PHAROS project) (Pfizer, 16 Jan 2022). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- University College London, Visiting Lecturer (2018-)
- UCL, Postgraduate Supervisor for Project Development (2018-)
Internal Responsibilities
- Panel member, Teach BU assessment panel
- Member, Green Impact Group
- Member, Phase 1 Christchurch House Lab development group
- Member, Human Tissue License Working Group
- Member, Clinical Governance Group
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- Bioscience Reports, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2019
- American Journal of Human Genetics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2011
- Cytogenetic and genome research, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2010
- Human Reproduction (Oxford, England), Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2008
- FHEA in Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (Higher Eucation Academy, 2018)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Sequence analysis and Genomics (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 2018)
- PhD in Human Preimplantation embryo and oocyte genetics (University College London, University of London, 2008)
- MSc in Prenatal Genetics and Foetal Medicine (University College London, University of London, 2001)
- BSc (Hons) in Genetics (Queen Mary University, University of London, 2000)
- Genetics Society, Local Ambassador for BU (2018-), http://www.genetics.org.uk/
- Association of Clinical Genomic Science, Member (2017-),
- British Society for Genetic Medicine, Member (2017-),
- Clinical Genetics Society, Member (2017-),
- European Society of Human Genetics, Member (2017-),
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Member (2017-),