Oleg Fryazinov

Dr Oleg Fryazinov

  • Deputy Head of Department for Computer Animation
  • Weymouth House W107, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Oleg Fryazinov received his BSc in Engineering and Technologies, MSc in Engineering and Technologies and PhD degree in Mathematical Modelling from Moscow State Technological University (Russia) in 1999, 2001 and 2005 respectively. He has an experience of working in a Video Games industry and industrial Shape Modelling. Since 2006 he has been with Bournemouth University, UK, where he is currently the Lecturer in Computer Animation. His educational resposibilities include teaching of various mathematical units and supervision of various projects for undergraduate students. His research interests include Shape Modelling with real functions, Hybrid Modelling and Animation, Real-Time rendering, Web-based Modelling and Animation and Procedural methods for Computer Animation. His has more than 30 publications including 10 papers in high-rated peer-reviewed journals.


The main research topics are in scope of Mathematical Modelling for Shape Design and Animation, such as: Modelling, Animation and Visualisation of Functionally-Based Objects, Hybrid Modelling and Animation, Web-based Modelling and Animation.

My research experience includes co-supervision of 2 PhD students and supervision of more than 20 research projects of undergraduate students studying computer animation. The results of the research are used in the commercial software for industrial shape modeling. Other research experience includes deputy editorship of internet-journal “Computer Graphics and Geometry” and being official reviewer of a number of top-rated international journals and conferences. As a researcher and developer I am involved in the international research project for software for education of students with limited abilities and rehabilitation SHIVA. Also I maintain the collaborative workspace of the international research project "Hyperfun", manage the research of Digital Materialization Group (non-profit international researchers network) and maintainthe tools for shape modeling with real functions.

In 2013 I was Local Organisation Chair of the conference "Shape Modelling International 2013".