Julian McDougall

Professor Julian McDougall

  • Professor of Media and Education
  • Weymouth House W336, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Julian McDougall is Professor in Media and Education; Principal Fellow of Advance HE and Programme Leader for the Professional Doctorate (Ed D) in Creative and Media Education at Bournemouth University. He is Research Cluster Lead for Media and Information Literacy for Healthy Eco-Systems)in the Centre for Science, Health and Data Communication Research.

From 2013-23 he was Director of the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice and convened the annual Global Media Education Summit.

He is currently an advisor to Ofcom's Making Sense of Media Panel and academic adviser to the UK Government All Party Parliamentary Group on Political and Media Literacy. He is co-editor of the Journal of Media Literacy Education and Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education and Chair of the Media and Information Literacy Alliance, the UK chapter for Unesco MIL.

In the fields of education, media literacy, media, communications and cultural studies, he is author / editor of a wide range of books, articles, chapters and research reports and has provided an extensive body of research for research councils, media industry, governments, regulators, charities and non-profit organisations.