Dr Nicholas Mavengere
- 01202 961435
- nmavengere at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Poole House P334a, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- PhD Supervisor
Nicholas is a Senior Lecturer (academic) in computer science in the Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University. He is the Program Leader for BSc Business Information Technology and BSc Information Technology Management. He is the department sustainability led. Before joining BU, Nicholas was a post-doctoral researcher at Tampere University. He completed his PhD in Information and Systems at Tampere University in Finland. His PhD received best PhD research award at a European conference and a university award.
Nicholas has organised several academic workshops and chaired or co-chaired academic conferences. He has edited conference publications and reviewed in conferences, such as, ECIS, ICIS and AMCIS. He has published papers in fully refereed international conferences, journals and edited two books.
He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK.
Nicholas main research interests business and IT alignment, digitalization of public services, strategic agilty, e-learning and etc. Below is a list of research projects Nicholas has been involved in;
1. World IT project, http://worlditproject.com/ - Examine important issues for IT employees in many countries
2. OnCreate Strategic Partnership Project (European Union Project), https://on-create.eu/#/home - Strategic Alliance in Creative Processes in Online Collaboration 3. Concepts of Operations Programme (StrAgile-project) - Strategic agility in machine construction industry’s production network.
4. NetPLM (product lifecycle management) Project - Design and develop product lifecycle management and open innovation
Journal Articles
- Adedoyin, F.F., Mavengere, N. and Mutanga, A., 2022. A simulation experiment on ICT and patent intensity in South Africa: An application of the novel dynamic ARDL machine learning model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 185.
- Pekkola, S., Ylinen, M. and Mavengere, N., 2022. Consortium of Municipalities Co-tailoring a Governmental e-Service Platform: What could go wrong? Digital Government: Research and Practice, 3 (1).
- Mavengere, N., Pondiwa, S., Matiyenga, T.C., Manzira, F. and Mutanga, A., 2021. The ‘New Normal’ in Higher Education: Innovative teaching and learning technologies and practices during a crisis. Journal of Advances in Computing and Engineering (ACE), 1 (2).
- Mavengere, N.B., Henriksen-Bulmer, J., Passmore, D., Mayes, H., Fakorede, O., Coles, M. and Atfield-Cutts, S., 2021. Applying innovative technologies and practices in the rapid shift to remote learning. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48, 185-195.
- Mavengere, N. and Ruohonen, M., 2018. Context And User Needs In Virtual Learning In Pursuit Of Qualities of Learning. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 23 (4), 1607-1620.
- Thayne, M., Stockleben, B., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N., Demirbilek, M. and Ruohonen, M., 2016. OnCreate and the Virtual Teammate: An analysis of online creative processes and remote collaboration. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 22 (2), 575-597.
- Mavengere, N., 2014. The Role of Information Systems in Promoting Strategic Agility in Supply Chains. Journal of Information Technology Cases & Applications Research, 15 (4), 13-33.
- Mavengere, N., 2014. Role of Information Systems for Strategic Agility in Supply Chain Setting: Telecommunication Industry Study. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 17 (1), 100-112.
- Mavengere, N., 2013. Information Technology Role in Supply Chain’s Strategic Agility. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 6 (1), 7-24.
- Chai, W.K. and Kozhabek, A., 2024. Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet? IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference book of Abstracts. IFIP.
- Tatnall, A. and Mavengere, N., 2019. Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning IFIP WG 3.4 International Conference, SUZA 2019, Zanzibar, Tanzania, April 25–27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Springer.
- Brinda, T., Mavengere, N., Haukijärvi, I., Lewin, C. and Passey, D., 2017. Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education IFIP TC 3 International Conference, SaITE 2016, Guimarães, Portugal, July 5-8, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Springer.
- Mikko, R., Mavengere, N., Najmul, I. and Ulla-Riitta, A., 2019. Information Technology Issues in Finland. World It Project, The: Global Issues in Information Technology. World Scientific Publishing Company.
- Muazu, F.A., Adedoyin, F.A., Dogan, H., Mavengere, N. and Whittington, P., 2024. The use of mobile learning in special education needs and disabilities (SEND) settings: state-of-the-art classification of studies. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 486-495.
- Muazu, F., Adedoyin, F., Dogan, H., Whittington, P. and Mavengere, N., 2024. The use of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in mobile learning: State of the art in adaptive, intelligent and expert systems. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference 27-29 February 2024 Bournemouth UK.
- Sallal, M., Gorman, B., Mavengere, N., Dogan, H., Roushan, G., Henderson, H., Chai, W. and Orman, T., 2024. Strategies towards supporting the use of generative AI within higher education. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference 27-29 February 2024 Bournemouth UK.
- Bouaynaya, W. and Mavengere, N., 2022. Exploring Trust in Mobile Commerce during Pandemic Crisis. In: IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE) 2022 14-16 October 2022 Bournemouth, UK.
- Mavangere, N., Edifor, E.E., Adedoyin, F., Apeh, E. and Owusu, A., 2022. Education inequality in underserved regions: Exploring the role of technology to promote diversity and inclusivity. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2022, 288-293.
- Mavengere, N.B., Pekkola, S. and Stefanidis, A., 2020. BUSINESS-IT ALIGNMENT, THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES. In: 25th UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference 31 March-1 April 2020 St Catherine's College, University of Oxford.
- Islam, N., Mavengere, N., Ahlfors, U., Serenko, A., Ruohonen, M. and Palvia, P., 2018. A Stress-Strain-Outcome Model of Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Professional Self-efficacy. In: 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems - AMCIS 2018 16-18 August 2018 New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Mavengere, N., Ruohonen, M. and Vartiainen, K., 2017. Enhancing Learning in a Virtual Environment: Qualities of Learning in Different Learning Modes. In: The World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2017) 3-6 July 2017 Dublin, Ireland.
- Maina, E., Mavengere, N., Manzira, F., KIhoro, J. and Ruohonen, M., 2017. Learners’ experiences in a multicultural online collaborative learning environment: A case of ICT4D Course. In: The World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2017) 3-6 July 2017 Dublin, Ireland.
- Mavengere, N., Manzira, F. and Ruohonen, M., 2017. Learning in a Virtual Class: Efforts to improve way of learning and environment. In: IST-Africa 2017 Conference 31 May-2 June 2017 Namibia.
- Mavengere, N., 2016. Digital Pedagogy for Enhanced Social Qualities, Collaborative Processes and Quality of Learning. In: Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education IFIP TC3 Conference 5-8 July 2016 Portugal.
- Koivu, A.M., Ruohonen, M. and Mavengere, N., 2016. Exploring the Information and ICT Skills of Health Professionals in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC). In: Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education IFIP TC3 Conference 5-8 July 2016 Portugal.
- Mavengere, N. and Ruohonen, M., 2016. ICT4D 2.0 Studies in Virtual Environment: Context and User Needs to Foster Learning Process. In: IST-Africa 2016 Conference 11-13 May 2016 Durban, South Africa. IST-Africa 2016 Conference Proceedings, IIMC International Information Management Corporation,.
- Mavengere, N. and Ruohonen, M., 2016. In Pursuit of Quality Learning: Context And User Needs in Virtual Learning. In: Think CROSS – Change MEDIA conference 19-20 February 2016 Germany.
- Mavengere, N., Ruohonen, M. and Haukijarvi, I., 2015. Creative Processes in Online Collaboration – Virtual Teams Work and Learning. In: Tuovi 13: Interaktiivinen tekniikka koulutuksessa 2015 -konferenssin tutkijatapaamisen artikkelit 9-11 July 2015 Finland. Proceedings of ITK2015.
- Mavengere, N. and Ruohonen, M., 2015. Gamification in business process management for a mobile context: Industry and Higher Education Viewpoint. In: IFIP TC3 Working Conference “A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations”, 1-3 July 2015 Vilnius University, Lithuania.
- Thayne, M., Stockleben, B., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N., Demirbilek, M. and Ruohonen, M., 2015. OnCreate and the Virtual Teammate: An analysis of online creative processes and remote collaboration. In: IFIP TC3 Working Conference “A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations”, 1-3 July 2015 Vilnius University, Lithuania.
- Mavengere, N., Ruohonen, M. and Mäkipää, M., 2013. The Role of Information Systems in Supply Chain Strategic agility: a systematic literature review. In: Academy of World Finance, Banking, Management and Information Technology Conference Academy of World Finance, Banking, Management and Information Technology Conference 22-25 July 2013 Cape Town, South Africa.
- Mavengere, N. and Tikkamäki, K., 2013. Organizational Learning, Agility and Social Technologies for Enhanced Organizational Performance. In: The 10th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education 1-7 July 2013 Torun, Poland.
- Mavengere, N., 2013. The Role of Information Systems for Strategic Agility in Supply Chain: IT Distributor Case Study. In: Academic Business World International Conference 22-24 May 2013 Nashville, USA.
- Mavengere, N., Ruohonen, M. and Nleya, P., 2012. Learning management Open Source Software Use in African Universities. In: Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning Conference 30 July-3 August 2012 Tallinn, Estonia.
- Tikkamäki, K. and Mavengere, N., 2012. Organizational learning, agility and social technologies in contemporary workplaces. In: Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning Conference 30 July-3 August 2012 Tallinn, Estonia.
- Mavengere, N., 2011. Information Technology Role in Supply Chains’ Strategic Agility. In: the 34th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia 16-19 August 2011 Turku, Finland..
- Ruohonen, M., Mavengere, N., Nleya, P. and Deodhar, S., 2011. The Use of Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) for African Higher Education Advancement and Development. In: 4th Conference on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East 2011: In Search of New Paradigms for Re-engineering Education 31 January-3 February 2011 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Mavengere, N., 2010. Response abilities: a strategic agility requirement for supply chains. In: the 33rd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS) 20-24 August 2010 Aalborg, Denmark.
- Mavengere, N., 2010. Strategic Sensitivity and the Role of Information Systems: Sensing in a Turbulent Environment. In: 8th Annual Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management 9-11 August 2010 Tampere, Finland.
- Mavengere, N. and Ruohonen, M., 2010. Using Open Source Software for Improving Dialog in Computer Science Education: Case Mozambique University. In: The Information Technology in Educational Management (ITEM) Conference, 26-30 July 2010 Kasane, Botswana.
- Awe, M. and Mavengere, N., 2024. Lessons from creep failure prediction of steel based on chemical composition, treatment and processing parameters. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference presentation, Bournemouth UK.
Profile of Teaching UG
- Business for Information Technology
- Business Systems Analysis and Design
Conference Presentations
- The World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2017), Enhancing Learning in a Virtual Environment: Qualities of Learning in Different Learning Modes, 03 Jul 2017, Dublin, Ireland
- CROSS – Change MEDIA conference, In Pursuit of Quality Learning: Context And User Needs in Virtual Learning, 19 Feb 2016, Germany
- A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations - IFIP TC3 Working Conference, Gamification in business process management for a mobile context: Industry and Higher Education Viewpoint, 01 Jul 2015, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Academic Business World International Conference, The Role of Information Systems for Strategic Agility in Supply Chain: IT Distributor Case Study, 22 May 2013, Nashville, USA
- Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning Conference, Organizational learning, agility and social technologies in contemporary workplaces,, 30 Jul 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
- 8th Annual Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management,, Strategic Sensitivity and the Role of Information Systems: Sensing in a Turbulent Environment., 09 Aug 2010, Tampere, Finland
- The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 4th Workshop on Market Driven Supply Chains,, Response abilities: a strategic agility requirement for supply chains., 24 May 2010, Brussels, Belgium
- British Computer Society, Member (2021-),
- Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK, Fellow (2020-),
- Association of Information Systems, Member,
Social Media Links
- LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/nbmavengere/