Dr Charalampos Giousmpasoglou
- 01202 965265
- cgiousmpasoglou at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9225-3475
- Principal Academic
- Dorset House D120, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Babis has a dual background, as practitioner and academic; he has worked for 20 years as senior manager and GM in the Greek luxury hospitality industry. As an academic, he worked in Greece, Bahrain and the UK in undergraduate and postgraduate hospitality and business administration related programmes. His research interests focus on Managerial work, Hospitality Management, Culture, Human Resources Management/OB and Brain Drain. On these research themes he has published a book, book chapters, journal articles and presented papers to national and international congresses. Babis is a Senior Fellow member of the Higher Education Academy (UK), Academic fellow in CIPD and Institute of Hospitality Member (MIH). He is also a reviewer in reputable academic journals such as the 'International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management' (IJCHM).
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Journal Articles
- Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Papavasileiou, E., 2024. The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Talent Acquisition: The Case of Greek Luxury Hotels. Strategic Change, 33 (6), 1-11.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2024. Working Conditions in the Hospitality Industry: The Case for a Fair and Decent Work Agenda. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16 (19).
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2024. Worker exploitation in the gig economy: the case of dark kitchens. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 7 (1), 414-435.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Pegler, S., 2023. Building employee loyalty through trust: The Internal CSR role in Hospitality and Tourism context. Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 39-58.
- Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Sakulrungsap, K., 2023. CUSTOMER INTENTION TO REUSE SELF-ORDERING KIOSKS IN FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTS: THE CASE OF BANGKOK, THAILAND. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 29 (4), 545-559.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Casson, G., 2022. The central role of front-line employees in the Luxury Accommodation Product: evidence from Australia. Journal of Tourism Research, 28, 5-40.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Dinh, D., 2022. Using Contactless Mobile Payment in the Vietnamese Restaurant Industry. Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Services Marketing, 8 (1).
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2022. Chefs' competencies: a stakeholder's perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 5 (1), 205-229.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Brook, M., 2021. STRATEGIC TEAM ALIGNMENT: THE LUXURY HOTEL MANAGERS’ PERSPECTIVE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of Tourism Research, 26, 105-122.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2021. Hotel internships and student satisfaction as key determinant to career intention. Journal of Tourism Research, 25, 42-67.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Zopiatis, A., 2021. Hospitality managers in turbulent times: the COVID-19 crisis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (4), 1297-1318.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Brown, L. and Cooper, J., 2020. The role of the celebrity chef. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Hua, T.T., 2020. The Use of Self-Service Technologies in Budget Hotels: The Case of Bournemouth. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM HOSPITALITY AND RECREATION, 10 (3), 251-261.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Talent management and retention strategies in luxury hotels: evidence from four countries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (10), 3855-3878.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Factors affecting and shaping the general managers' work in small- and medium-sized luxury hotels: The case of Greece. Hospitality and Society, 9 (3), 397-422.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Brown, L. and Cooper, J., 2018. Alcohol and other drug use in Michelin-starred kitchen brigades. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 70, 59-65.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Cooper, J., 2018. “Banter, bollockings and beatings”: The occupational socialisation process in Michelin-starred kitchen brigades in Great Britain and Ireland. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (3), 1882-1902.
- Cooper, J., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2017. Occupational identity and culture: the case of Michelin-starred chefs. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29 (5), 1362-1379.
- Paliktzoglou, V., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2016. Assessment of Students’ Familiarity, Adoption, and Use of Social Media in Bahrain. International Journal of Technology Diffusion, 7 (4), 82-90.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2015. Stakeholders’ Views on the Development of a Higher Education Hospitality Program in Bahrain: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 27 (2), 85-92.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2014. Greek Management and Culture. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 3 (1), 51-67.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2014. The Importance of Context in Managerial Work: The Case of Senior Hotel Managers in Greece. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, 13 (2), 146-172.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2013. An investigation of student satisfaction from hospitality internship programs in Greece. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 1 (3), 103-119.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2013. The future is here: M-Learning in Higher Education. Computer Technology and Application, 4 (6), 317-322.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2012. Global Hospitality Managers: Myth or Reality? Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 78-113.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2011. A Cultural Perspective of the General Managers’ work: the Greek 4 & 5* hotels’ case. Journal of Tourism Research, 3, 9-37.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2011. The manager in austerity times: a case study for the General Manager - Owner relations in Greek Tourism SMEs. Tourism Issues, 15, 14-31.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2011. A contextual approach of the Greek Management. Journal of Tourism Research, 2, 10-33.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2024. The Contemporary Hotel Industry: A People Management Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E., Zopiatis, A. and Cooper, J., 2022. Managing People in Commercial Kitchens A Contemporary Approach. Routledge.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Paliktzoglou, V. and Marinakou, E., 2017. Brain drain in higher education: The case of the Southern European countries and Ireland.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2012. The context of managerial work in luxury hotels in Greece: A roles, competencies and culture approach. Saarbrücken: LAP Publishing.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Koniordos, S., 2017. Brain drain in higher education in Europe: Current trends and future perspectives. Brain Drain in Higher Education: The Case of the Southern European Countries and Ireland. 229-262.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2016. Culture and managers in a globalised world. Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce. 1-27.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Gendered leadership as a key to business success: Evidence from the middle east. Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce. 200-230.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Hotel and Restaurant Management Education. The Sage Encyclopedia of Online Education. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 546-549.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Academic Governance. The Sage Encyclopedia of Online Education. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 8-14.
- Marinakou, E., 2016. Gendered leadership as a key to business success: evidence from the Middle East. Handbook of Research on Human Resources Strategies for the New Millennial Workforce. IGI Global.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2015. M-learning in the middle east: The case of Bahrain. Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 1199-1222.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Paliktzoglou, V., 2015. Economic crisis and higher education in Greece. Impact of Economic Crisis on Education and the Next-Generation Workforce. 120-148.
- Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Paliktzoglou, V., 2014. The impact of social media on cultural tourism. Implications of Social Media Use in Personal and Professional Settings. 231-248.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2014. M-learning in the middle east: The case of Bahrain. Assessing the Role of Mobile Technologies and Distance Learning in Higher Education. 176-199.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2012. Global versus local HRM practices in the hospitality industry: The case of Greek luxury hotel managers. Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Research and Innovations. 165-170.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Papavasileiou, E., Marinakou, E. and Hall, K., 2024. “Make it or fake it?” The Imposter Syndrome in Kitchen Professionals. In: The INC 2024 5-7 June 2024 Hotelschool The Hague.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2023. People management in Permacrisis: challenges and opportunities for the global hospitality industry. In: EuroCHRIE 2023 3-6 October 2023 Vienna, Austria.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2022. The emergence of Ghost Kitchens in the restaurant industry: Operational and labour perspectives. In: EuroCHRIE 2023 25-27 October 2022 Apeldoorn.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2022. Exploring the effects of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility on the Employee-Employer Relationship in Luxury Hotels: An Employee’s Perspective. In: The INC 2022 22-24 June 2022 Limassol, Cyprus.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Zopiatis, A., 2021. The general managers’ role in luxury hotels, during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from 45 countries. In: EuroCHRIE 2021 27-30 September 2021 Aalborg, Denmark.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2021. STRATEGIC TEAM ALIGNMENT: THE LUXURY HOTEL MANAGERS’ PERSPECTIVE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. In: Laloumis, D., ed. 8th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management 5-8 June 2021 Athens (Online). https://dratte.gr/academic-conferences/.
- Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Zopiatis, A., 2021. The impact of COVID-19 in luxury hotels: the case of Greece and Cyprus. In: TOURMAN 2021 International Scientific Conference: "Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after" 21-23 May 2021 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2021. The intention to use Contactless Mobile Payment in the Vietnamese restaurant industry. In: TOURMAN 2021 International Scientific Conference "Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after" 21-23 May 2021 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2020. An investigation on the use of Self-Service Technologies in Budget Hotels: the case of Bournemouth. In: The INC 2020 10-11 June 2020 Leeuwarden, Netherlands (Virtual).
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Future skills for Chefs: the stakeholders’ perspectives. In: 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference 22-25 May 2019 Hong Kong.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. The importance of genuine service and human interaction for millennials’ guest experience: the case of hotel reception and front line employees. In: TTRA Europe 2019 8-12 April 2019 Bournemouth University.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2019. Talent Management in the Greek Hotel industry: An investigation of Millennials’ recruitment and selection practices in luxury hotels. In: TTRA Europe 2019 8-12 April 2019 Bournemouth University.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Brown, L. and Marinakou, E., 2019. Training prisoners as hospitality workers: The case of the CLINK charity. In: TTRA Europe 2019 8-10 April 2019 Bournemouth University.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2018. An investigation of the customer’s choice of Airbnb over hotels: the case of Bournemouth. In: THE INC 2018: Tourism, Hospitality and Events in a changing word 26-28 June 2018 University of Derby, Buxton, UK..
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2018. The GMs’ work context: the case of luxury hotel SMEs in Greece. In: THE INC 2018: Tourism, Hospitality and Events in a changing word 26-28 June 2018 University of Derby, Buxton, UK..
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2018. Emotional labour and employee burnout in luxury hotels: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: The 2018 Annual CHME Research Conference 22-25 May 2018 Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Koniordos, S., 2018. Academic Mobility or Brain Drain? Current Trends and Future Perspectives in Higher Education in Europe. In: ‘Beyond economic contribution: Migrant Identities, Working Lives and Social Embeddedness’ 25-27 April 2018 University of Lincoln.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2017. Emotional labour in luxury hospitality: A comparative study between U.K. and Vietnamese hospitality workers. In: The visitor economy: Strategies and Innovations 4-6 September 2017 Bournemouth.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2017. Student satisfaction and expectations from internships in Greece: A comparison between Greek and International students. In: Council for Hospitality Management Education CHME 2017 16-20 May 2017 Aalborg, Denmark.
- Marinakou, E., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Cooper, J., 2016. Chefs’ future competencies needs in the UK: the stakeholders’ perspectives. In: EuroCHRIE 2016: What’s Going Well In Hospitality, Tourism And Events? 26-28 October 2016 Budapest Metropolitan University, Budapest, Hungary. Conference Proceedings EuroCHRIE 2016 online.
- Marinakou, E.M. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2016. Using Tripadvisor© for exploring cultural tourism development in Bahrain. In: Andriotis, K.A., ed. the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2016) - New challenges and boundaries in tourism: policies, innovations and strategies 29 June-2 July 2016 Naples.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E.M. and Paliktzoglou, V.P., 2016. The Brain Drain Phenomenon in Higher Education in Greece: Attitudes and Opinions on the Decision to Immigrate. In: Papanikos, G.P., ed. the 3rd Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World 3-6 January 2016 Athens, Greece.
- Paliktzoglou, V., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2015. Students’ use of Social Media in Higher Education in Bahrain. In: Fifth International Conference on Cognitively Informed Technology 18-20 June 2015 Manama.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E.M., 2014. Higher education hospitality programmes in Bahrain: Challenges and Opportunities. In: The 32nd EuroCHRIE Conference 6-9 October 2014 Dubai, UAE.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E.M., 2014. M-learning in Higher Education in Bahrain: the educators’ view. In: The 6th e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East Conference – Leadership, Design and Technology for the 21st Century Learning 3-5 March 2014 Dubai, UAE.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2013. The future is here: M-learning in higher education. Proceedings - 2013 4th International Conference on e-Learning Best Practices in Management, Design and Development of e-Courses: Standards of Excellence and Creativity, ECONF 2013, 417-420.
- Marinakou, E.M. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2013. An investigation of student satisfaction from hospitality internship programs in Greece. In: Andriotis, K.A., ed. The International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2013) - Trends, Impacts and Policies on Sustainable Tourism Development 5-8 June 2013 Limassol, Cyprus.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2012. Global versus local HRM practices in the hospitality industry: The case of Greek luxury hotel managers. Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Research and Innovations - Proceedings of the International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2012, 165-170.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2011. Managing the hotel managers: HRM practices in Greek luxury hotels. In: Andriotis, K.A., ed. the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2011) Tourism in an era of uncertainty 27-30 April 2011 Rhodes, Greecce.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Stavrakis, D.S., 2011. National Culture and Management: the Greek luxury hotel GMs’ case. In: The 2011 Athens Tourism Symposium, an International Scientific Congress on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy 2-3 February 2011 Athens, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2010. Implementing Europe 2020: A cultural approach. In: 16th Regional Development Conference on The Regional Dimension of the new EU strategy, Europe 2020 15-16 October 2010 Athens, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2010. The Global Hotel Manager: Myth or Reality? In: The 2nd International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management 22-23 May 2010 Athens, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2009. Roles and Competencies of the General Managers in Greek 4 & 5* hotels. In: The 6th National Conference on The role of the Hotel Manager, T.R.I. - Tourism Research Institute (ΔΡ.Α.Τ.Τ.Ε.) 7-8 March 2009 Athens, Greece.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2008. The GMs’ Roles and Competencies Framework in Greek luxury hotels. In: The International Workshop on Performance, Skills, Competences in the 21st century 11-12 December 2008 Lisbon, Portugal.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2008. A Cultural Perspective of the General Managers’ work: the Greek 4 & 5* hotels’ case. In: Laloumis, L.D., ed. The 1st International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management, T.R.I. - Tourism Research Institute (ΔΡ.Α.Τ.Τ.Ε.) 13-15 June 2008 Athens, Greece.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2024. Exploring tools for monitoring talent and skills in the EU. Luxembourg: EC. Available from: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/policy/communities-and-networks/harnessing-talent-platform/knowledge-repository/academic-articles_en.
Internet Publications
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2025. Accessible Hospitality: Marsham Court Hotel. Hotel and Catering News. Available from: https://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2025/01/accessible-hospitality-marsham-court-hotel/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2024. The Importance of Mental Health for hospitality and tourism employees (in Greek). Compupress M.A.E. Available from: https://issuu.com/digital_content/docs/food_158.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E., Hadjisolomou, A. and Chytiri, A.-P., 2024. Working conditions challenges in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry (in Greek). Money & Tourism Magazine. Available from: https://money-tourism.gr/tag/synthikes-ergasias/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Ladkin, A., 2024. The rise and fall of Dark Kitchens in the Gig Economy. Denis Sheehan. Available from: https://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2024/11/the-rise-and-fall-of-dark-kitchens-in-the-gig-economy/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2024. A Call for Fair and Decent Work in the UK Hospitality Industry. Denis Sheehan. Available from: https://www.hospitalityandcateringnews.com/2024/10/a-call-for-fair-and-decent-work-in-the-uk-hospitality-industry/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2023. Managing People in Permacrisis. Money & Tourism Magazine. Available from: https://money-tourism.gr/dioikisi-anthropinoy-dynamikoy-se-synthikes-paratetamenis-krisis-permacrisis/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2023. The Celebrity Chefs phenomenon. e-Compupress.gr. Available from: http://www.e-compupress.gr/showmag.asp?ID=6.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2022. Ghost Kitchens. e-Compupress.gr. Available from: http://www.e-compupress.gr/showmag.asp?ID=6.
- Marinakou, E. and Giousmpasoglou, C., 2022. Talent management in the Tourism Industry during the Great Resignation Era. Money & Tourism. Available from: https://money-tourism.gr/diacheirisi-talenton-tis-toyristikis-viomichanias-sta-chronia-tis-megalis-paraitisis/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E., 2021. The Clink: A different Gourmet Restaurant. e-Compupress.gr. Available from: http://www.e-compupress.gr/magazines/free/fs/146/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., 2021. Factors affecting the roles of SME luxury hotel GMs in Greece. Money & Tourism (Greece). Available from: https://money-tourism.gr/oi-paragontes-poy-epireazoyn-toys-genikoys-dieythyntes-manatzment-ton-mikromesaion-xenodocheion-polyteleias-stin-ellada/.
- Giousmpasoglou, C., Marinakou, E. and Zopiatis, A., 2020. The GMs' role in 4 and 5* hotels during the COVID19 pandemic: a study in 45 countries. Money & Tourism Magazine. Available from: https://money-tourism.gr/o-rolos-ton-genikon-dieythynton-sta-xenodocheia-4-5-ti-diarkeia-tis-pandimias-covid-19-mia-ereyna-se-45-chores/.
Profile of Teaching PG
- Issues in International Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Issues in Hotel and Food Services Management
- Hospitality Operations Management
- Tourism and Hospitality Principles and Practice
- Innovations in Hospitality and Tourism
Profile of Teaching UG
- Understanding Organisations and Human Resources Management
- Personal and Professional Development
- Consultancy Project (Level 6)
- International Human Resources Management (Level 6)
- Managing People in Tourism and Hospitality (Level 5)
- Hospitality Resources & Revenue Management (HRRM) Level 5
Invited Lectures
Luxury hotels GMs' resilience during COVID19, Hellenic Mediterranean University (Online, Google), 17 Jan 2024 more
An online guest lecture presenting the findings of a global study on Luxury Hotel GMs' resilience -
Luxury hotels GMs' resilience during COVID19, Hellenic Mediterranean University (Online - Zoom), 23 Jan 2023 more
An online guest lecture presenting the findings of a global study on Luxury Hotel GMs' resilience -
The rise of dark kitchens inthe restaurant industy, BU Talbot Campus - Fusion Building (F109), 09 Nov 2022 more
This presentation was part of a departmental research seminar at BUBS. -
Hotel GMs, Crisis Management & Resilience, Online (Zoom), 23 Mar 2021 more
The guest lecture presented the findings of a global qualitative study in 45 countries regarding the work of luxury hotel GMs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Link to Panopto recording: https://bournemouth.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=89f89c32-a4f9-4f7f-a547-acf400e05b8d -
Career Development & Talent Management, Edge Hotel School - University of Essex, 11 Jun 2018 more
A guest lecture about career choices and the importance of talent management in Hospitality and Tourism Industry -
HRM, Bournemouth International Centre, 14 Mar 2017 more
HRM Opportunies and Challenges in the UK Hospitality Industry -
UK Chefs' future competencies, University College Birmingham, 11 May 2016 more
Managerial competencies for chefs
- Redefining the Fair Work Agenda in Hospitality (BU - QR Funding, 16 May 2023). Awarded
- Redefining the Fair Work Agenda in Hospitality Industry (BUBS, 15 May 2023). Awarded
- Training prisoners as hospitality workers: the case of Clink Charity (BU Acorn Funds, 01 May 2018). Awarded
- UK Chefs’ Future Competencies Survey (MCR QR Funding, 23 Feb 2018). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- International Conference on Arts, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Sciences (ICAHIS), Technical Program Committee (2024), https://icahis.com/committee.html; ICAHIS Conference Proceedings
- International Conference on AI-Driven Technology and Social Sciences for Sustainable Future (ICAISF), Organising Committee Member (2024), https://icaisf.com/committee.html; ICAISF Conference Proceedings
- Ulster University, External Validation Panel Member (2023), https://www.swissalpinecenter.com/; Programme Validation Document
- BUBS & BAHA, BU T&H Conference Chair (2022), https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/about/our-faculties/bournemouth-university-business-school/department-marketing-strategy-innovation/tourism-hospitality-conference; BU T&H Conference Brochure
- University of West London, PhD External Examiner (2022), https://www.uwl.ac.uk/staff/ariane-lengyel; Celebrity Chefs and the Social Construction of Taste in Contemporary British Society
- Coventry University, PhD external examiner (2022-2023), https://www.bcu.ac.uk/business-school/about-us/our-staff/management/michalis-kourtidis; Why do chefs stay? Mapping the desire of chefs to remain in their occupation
- BAHA, Judge at BAHA Hospitality Recognition Awards (2021-), https://www.bhhospitalityassociation.co.uk/bh-awards; BAHA Hospitality Recognition Awards
- Ministry of Tourism - Greece, External Advisor: Committee HE Quality Assurance (2020-2023)
- Dorset Destination Awards, Judge (2019-), https://www.destinationawards.co.uk/
- University of Derby, External Examiner - Masters Programmes (2018-2022), https://www.derby.ac.uk/course-search/
- BAHA, Committee member (2017-), http://www.bhhotels.co.uk/
Internal Responsibilities
- AOP member / Reviewer, BUBS Academic Offences Committee
- Programme Manager, MSc in International Hospitality Management. https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/study/courses/msc-international-hospitality-tourism-management
- Dissertation Supervisor, Postgraduate Hospitality and Tourism Students (Level 7)
- Dissertation Supervisor, Undergraduate Hospitality Students (Level 6)
- Year Tutor, Level 5 BAIHMS
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- International Journal of Emerging Markets, Anonymous peer review, 01 Mar 2023
- International Journal of Human Resource Management, Anonymous peer review, 28 Aug 2019
- Tourism Management Perspectives, Anonymous peer review, 28 Mar 2019
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Anonymous peer review, 15 Jan 2019
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jun 2018
- International Journal of Hospitality Management, Anonymous peer review, 07 Jan 2018
- Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference, Anonymous peer review, 18 Jun 2017
- Tourism Review, Anonymous peer review, 01 Feb 2017
- European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, Anonymous peer review, 02 Apr 2014
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Anonymous peer review, 10 Sep 2013
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- BU Hospitality & Tourism Careers Fair 2024 (20 Nov 2024)
- The BU T&H Conference 2024 (27 Feb 2024)
- BU Hospitality & Tourism Careers Fair 2023 (15 Nov 2023)
- Round Table Panel Member (31 Oct 2023-02 Nov 2023)
- Research Symposium (15 May 2023-19 May 2023)
- The BU T&H Conference 2023 (28 Feb 2023)
- Book presentation (04 Mar 2022)
- Book Presentation: Managing People in Commercial Kitchens (03 Mar 2022)
- The BU T&H Conference 2022 (28 Feb 2022)
- Early Careers Research Network (ECRN) Launch (12 Sep 2018)
- BAHA Meetings (07 Feb 2018)
- Conference Session Co-Chair: Technology & Digital Futures (02 Feb 2018)
- The UK tourism industry post-Brexit - skills, investment and the Industrial Strategy (30 Jan 2018)
- BU Open Day - Dept. of Tourism and Hospitality (28 Oct 2017)
- BU Open Day Dept. of Tourism and Hospitality (21 Oct 2017)
- Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting (16 Oct 2017)
- Conference Session Chair: Hospitality Management Reviews (04 Sep 2017-06 Sep 2017)
- British Hospitality Association Summit 2017 (06 Jun 2017)
- HRM Trends & Challenges in the UK hospitality industry (14 Mar 2017-15 Sep 2017)
- Conference session co-chair: Talent Management and HR Disruptions (10 Feb 2017)
- Session Chair: Profitability and Growth in Hospitality (03 Feb 2017)
- Young Hoteliers Summit (YHS) 2016 (13 Mar 2016-16 Mar 2016)
- CEDEFOP Study Visit (17 Feb 2007-20 Sep 2007)
Consultancy Activities
- External Consultant, Consultancy (unpaid). Ministry of Tourism - Greece
- Profit & Loss Reporting, External Consultant. Moda Bagno SA - Interni Restaurants
Attended Training
- Data Protection, 10 Jan 2018, Certificate
- Inclusive, Cohesive and Safe campus, 10 Jan 2018, Certificate
- PhD supervision training: new supervisors, 21 Feb 2017, Certificate
- Bribery Act (online), 24 Oct 2015, Certificate
- Data Protection (online), 24 Oct 2015, Certificate
- Diversity in the workplace (online), 24 Oct 2015, Certificate
- ECDL, 23 Oct 2008, Certificated
- Train the Trainer Seminar, 17 Dec 2003, Certificate
- Certificate in Desk Top Publishing (Quarkexpress), 01 Oct 1999, Certificate
- Certificate in Wines, Spirits and Alcoholic Beverages, 01 Oct 1999, Certificate
- Certificate in Food Hygiene and Safety, 01 Oct 1999, Certificate (with credit)
- BA (Hons) in Tourism Management (TEI Piraeus (Greece), 2012)
- PhD in HRM in Hospitality Industry (University of Strathclyde, 2012)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Research Methods (Strathclyde Business School, 2006)
- MA in Personnel Management (CIPD accredited) (Leeds Metropolitan University, 2001)
- MSc in Hospitality Management (Birmingham University (BCFTCS), 2000)
- BSc in Hotel Management (School of Tourism Education (ASTER) Greece, 1994)
- Best conference paper in Hospitality Award: Bakalis, M., Giousmpasoglou, C. and Marinakou, E. (2018). An investigation of the customers' choice of AirBnB over hotels: the case of Bournemouth. (THE INC 2018 Conference, 2018)
- Certificate of Appreciation (Performance related bonus aprox. £1,100.00) (Bahrain Polytechnic, 2014)
- Outstanding Performance Reward (Bahrain Polytechnic, 2014)
- Chartered Management Institute (CMI), Member (2024-), https://www.managers.org.uk/
- CIPD, Member (2018-), https://www.cipd.co.uk/membership/become-member/academic
- Institute of Hospitality (IoH), Member (2018-), https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/
- Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow (2015-),
Social Media Links
Website Links
External Media and Press
- You wear your smile like a uniform. For as long as you can endure... (newspaper article), www.kathimerini.gr, 27 Oct 2024. https://www.kathimerini.gr/society/563292403/%20foras-to-chamogelo-san-stoli-oso-antexeis/
- The dark side of celebrity chefs (newspaper article), La Repubblica, 12 Jul 2024. https://www.repubblica.it/venerdi/2024/07/12/news/ristoranti_stellati_chef_inchiesta_masterchef-423391366/
- "20 hours in a kitchen brigade" (Newspaper Article), https://www.kathimerini.gr/, 15 Jan 2023. https://www.kathimerini.gr/society/562228414/20-ores-stin-mprigada-tis-koyzinas-oi-ellinides-toy-noma-miloyn-stin-k/?fbclid=IwAR1ekR-9CR4fK2ZCZ6lxh4u7zzJoRqFnzn4pH5jv6Ap75pkcI6YZv-NaJ7w
- Kitchen only virtual restaurants (newspaper article), https://www.kathimerini.gr/, 11 Oct 2022. https://www.kathimerini.gr/society/562082587/eikonika-estiatoria-mono-me-koyzina/
- The Clink: A different Gourmet Restaurant, Food Service Magazine, 01 Oct 2021. http://www.e-compupress.gr/magazines/free/fs/146/
- Reducing re-offending through hospitality training, Bournemouth Research Chronicle (BRC), 10 Oct 2019. https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/bournemouth-research-chronicle/research-chronicle-2019/reducing-re-offending-through-hospitality-training
- Reducing re-offending through hospitality training (BRC Interview), Bournemouth Research Chronicle, 01 Oct 2019. https://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/bournemouth-research-chronicle/research-chronicle-2019/reducing-re-offending-through-hospitality-training