Adele Ladkin

Professor Adele Ladkin

  • Professor
  • Dorset House D225, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Adele Ladkin is Professor of Tourism Employment at Bournemouth University, and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR). She was educated at Leicester University in human geography, receiving her PhD in tourism human resources management from the University of Surrey in 1995.

Adele’s career has included lectureships in tourism at the University of Brighton and the University of Surrey, and Associate Dean in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Previous positions at Bournemouth include Associate Dean for tourism and hospitality and Head of the MICE Research Unit. She is an expert doctoral supervisor, and was seconded to the University Doctoral College to assist in the strategic development of research degree policy and programmes.

Adele is a thought leader in labour, employment and human resources in tourism and hospitality. She has also researched the technological affordances for the tourism experience, in particular the practices of ICT use in leisure and business tourism and how future travel experiences are shaped by digital developments...



Adele’s research interests are the labour, employment and human resource aspects of tourism and hospitality. This comprises labour mobility and migration in hospitality work, employee wellbeing, human capital development and education. In this context she is an advocate for the work history method and its role in assessing past and future labour market conditions.

She is also interested in the technological affordances for the work and leisure tourism experience, in particular the practices of ICT use in leisure and business tourism and how future travel experiences are shaped by digital developments. Recent research has included how digital technology is used in managing work-life balance when on the move, and the blurring of work-leisure boundaries.

She has completed an EU funded project SAIL (Staying Active and Independent for Longer) that explored active and healthy ageing and the cross-over with tourism. Other research projects include a multidisciplinary research project 'Family Rituals 2.0' funded by the EPSRC, exploring the evolving nature of family rituals in the digital age and the use of technology to support the work-life balance of mobile workers. Her particular interest in this relates to those who are mobile through employment in the tourism sector.

Her interest in mobile workers follows from previous research into migrant workers in the hospitality industry examining patterns of mobility and working experiences.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Good health and well-being

"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"

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Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Journal Articles



  • Turnsek, M. and Ladkin, A., 2024. Algorithmic Management: Reflecting on the Practices of Airbnb. Human Relations Management in Tourism. IGI Global.
  • Oskam, J., Ladkin, A. and Turnsek, M., 2022. The bolthole of self-employment: migrant workers avoiding prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice and Discrimination in Hotels, Restaurants and Bars. Routledge.
  • Rainoldi, M., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2022. Work–Life Balance: Border Theory in Tourism. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 791-793.
  • Turnšek, M. and Ladkin, A., 2022. Algorithmic Management. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 127-129.
  • Ladkin, A., 2022. Human Resources. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 624-626.
  • Ladkin, A. and Kichuk, A., 2017. Career Progression in Hospitality and Tourism Settings. In: Horner, S., ed. Talent Management in Hospitality and Tourism. Goodfellows.
  • Aas, C., Ladkin, A. and Fletcher, J., 2017. Stakeholder collaboration and heritage management. Managing Heritage and Cultural Tourism Resources: Critical Essays, Volume One. 1-22.
  • Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E., 2015. GREEN JOBS AND EMPLOYMENT IN TOURISM. 115-127.
  • Ladkin, A., 2014. Employment and career development in tourism and hospitality education. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Hospitality Education. 395-407.
  • Ladkin, A., 2014. Labor mobility and labor market structures in tourism. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism. 132-142.
  • Ladkin, A., 2014. Research Issues and Challenges for the Convention Industry. Convention Tourism: International Research and Industry Perspectives. 101-118.
  • Ladkin, A., 2013. Tourism Human Resources. Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation. 116-128.
  • Ladkin, A. and Weber, K., 2009. Career Analysis of Conventions Professionals in Asia: The Case of Hong Kong. In: Baum, T., Deery, M., Hanlon, C., Lockstone, L. and Smith, K., eds. People and Work in Events and Conventions: A Research Perspective. Wallingford, Oxon: Cabi Publishing.
  • Shipway, R. and Jones, I., 2008. A Running Commentary: Participant Experiences at International Distance Running Events. In: Ali-Knight, J., Robertson, M., Fyall, A. and Ladkin, A., eds. International Perspectives of Festivals and Events: Paradigms of Analysis. London: Elsevier Science, 173-186.
  • Morgan, M. and Wright, R., 2008. Elite Sports Tours: Special Events with Special Challenges. In: Ali-Knight, A., Robertson, M., Fyall, A. and Ladkin, A., eds. International Perspectives of Festivals and Events: Paradigms of Analysis. London: Elsevier, 187-204.
  • Sadd, D., 2008. Weymouth's once in a lifetime opportunity. In: Ali-Knight, J., Robertson, M., Fyall, A. and Ladkin, A., eds. International Perspectives of Festivals and Events: Paradigms of Analysis. London: Elsevier, 21-40.
  • Sadd, D., 2008. Weymouth's once in a lifetime opportunity. In: Ali-Knight, J., Robertson, M., Fyall, A. and Ladkin, A., eds. International Perspectives of Festivals and Events: Paradigms of Analysis. London: Elsevier, 21-40.
  • Ladkin, A., 2006. The tourism research process. In: Cooper, C., ed. The Practice of tourism research. Madrid: World Tourism Organisation.
  • Ladkin, A., 2006. Conference tourism. In: Buhalis, D. and Costa, C., eds. Tourism business frontiers: consumers, products and industry. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 56-66.
  • Ladkin, A., 2006. Conference tourism MICE market and business tourism. Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, products and industry. 56-66.
  • Ladkin, A., 2005. Careers and employment. In: Airey, D. and Tribe, J., eds. An International handbook of tourism education. Amsterdan; London: Elsevier Science, 437-450.
  • Ladkin, A., 2004. The life and work history methodology: a discussion of its potential use for tourism and hospitality research. In: Phillimore, J. and Goodson, L., eds. Qualitative research in tourism. Routledge, 236-254.
  • Ladkin, A., 2002. Research issues and challenges for the international MICE industry. In: Weber, K. and Chon, K.S., eds. Convention Tourism: International Research and Industry Perspectives. New York: Haworth Press, 101-118.
  • Ladkin, A. and Diamantis, D, 1999. Green strategies in the tourism and hospitality industries. The International Marketing of Travel and Tourism: A strategic Approach.. London: Macmillan.


  • Giousmpasoglou, C., Ladkin, A. and Marinakou, E., 2022. The emergence of Ghost Kitchens in the restaurant industry: Operational and labour perspectives. In: EuroCHRIE 2023 25-27 October 2022 Apeldoorn.
  • Crossen-White, H., Hemingway, A. and Ladkin, A., 2021. Discussing the global need to rethink ageing and how to ensure a good quality of health and wellbeing in later life. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 31 August-3 September 2021 Online.
  • Leung, J., Wong, S., Ladkin, A. and Yu, J., 2018. Understanding the career commitment of hotel middle managers in Hong Kong. In: 2018 International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism. 1 February 2018 Sapporo, Japan.
  • Ladkin, A., Leung, J., Wong, S. and Yu, J., 2017. Perception of career development of hotel managers in Hong Kong: A qualitative approach. In: 15th APAC CHRIE Conference 5-7 June 2017 STPBI, Bali.
  • Neuhofer, B. and Ladkin, A., 2017. (Dis)Connectivity in the Travel Context: Setting an Agenda for Research. ENTER, 347-359 Springer.
  • Ladkin, A., Jain, J., Clayton, W. and Marouda, M., 2016. Mobile tourism workers and work-life balance: Implications for human resources management. In: 1st Tourism Educator South Africa Conference 6-9 September 2016 Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Neuhofer, B., Ladkin, A. and Buhalis, D., 2016. Connected and disconnected travel experiences in the digital economy. In: Making an impact: creating constructuve conversations 19-22 July 2016 University of Surrey.
  • Nguyen, Q., Ladkin, A. and Osman, H., 2016. Emotional Intelligence and hotel employees in Vietnam. In: Council for Hospitality Management Education Conference 4-6 May 2016 Ulster University.
  • Ladkin, A., Jain, J., Clayton, W. and Marouda, M., 2015. Working away from home: Employers perspectives of mobile workers in tourism. In: 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism & Hospitality 15-19 December 2015 UCF Florida, Orlando USA.
  • Fung, C., Ladkin, A. and Osman, H., 2015. An Exploratory Study on the Antecedents of Occupational Commitment among Hospitality Educators in Hong Kong. In: CHME 20-22 May 2015 Manchester Metropolitan University.
  • Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2015. Technology as a Catalyst of Change: Enablers and Barriers of the Tourist Experience and Their Consequences. In: ENTER2015 Conference 2-6 February 2015 Lugano, Switzerland. Information and Communication Technology in Tourism 2015, 789-802 Springer.
  • Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H. and Ladkin, A., 2014. Workplace Health & Wellbeing: Considering the Tourism Workforce. In: 3rd International Tourism Conference. Tourism & Innovation: Re-inventing, Revolutionizing, Transforming 9-11 November 2014 Montego Bay, Jamaica.
  • Ladkin, A., Tukamushabe, E. and Xiao, H., 2014. The effects of tourists perceptions of a tourism product on memorable travel experiences Implications for destination branding. In: VII International Tourism Comgress 3-6 December 2014 Sultan Qaboos University. Mustcat, Oman.
  • Kichuk, A., Ladkin, A. and Horner, S., 2014. Understanding talent management in hospitality. In: CHME Annual Research Conference 28-30 May 2014 University of Derby, UK..
  • Neuhofer, Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2014. Co-Creation through Technology: Dimensions of Social Connectedness. In: ENTER2014 Conference 21-24 January 2014 Dublin, Ireland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 339-352 Vienna: Springer.
  • Bichard, J., Jain, J., Kirk, D. and Ladkin, A., 2013. Family Rituals 2.0. Overcoming distance in the work-life balance of mobile workers. In: Contemporary issues in long distance commute work in the extractive industries and other sectors 22-24 July 2013 Vienna, Austria.
  • Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D. and Ladkin, A., 2013. Experiences, Co-creation and Technology: A conceptual approach to enhance tourism experiences. In: Cauthe 2013 11-14 February 2013 Lincoln, New Zealand.
  • Neuhofer, Buhalis and Ladkin, 2013. High Tech for High Touch Experiences: A Case Study from the Hospitality Industry. In: ENTER 2013 22-25 January 2013 Innsbruck, Austria. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 290-301 Springer.
  • Woo, G.J. and Ladkin, A., 2011. How best to classify stakeholders: Developing a case study of Busan as a MICE destination. ApacCHRIE.
  • Fong, L., Lee, A. and Ladkin, A., 2011. Decomposition of perception of luck: Gamblers in Macao casino hotels. In: 9th APacCHRIE Conference 2-5 June 2011 Hong Kong. ApacCHRIE.
  • Wong, S. and Ladkin, A., 2010. The Relationship between Creativity and Organizational Climate among hotel employees in Hong Kong: Canonical Analysis Approach. ApacCHRIE.
  • Ladkin, A. and Hemmington, N., 2010. Insights into hospitality leadership: A comparison of the UK and Hong Kong. NZTRI.
  • Ladkin, A. and McCabe, V., 2010. Human resource issues and trends in the UK conventions and exhibitions industry. CAUTHE.
  • Ladkin, A. and Palmer, C., 2010. Work and identity: A study of hotel general managers in Hong Kong. NZTHRC.
  • Penfold, P. and Ladkin, A., 2010. Exploring the Chinese Tourism curriculum: A case study of Guilin Institute of Tourism, China. 8th APacCHRIE Conference, Phuket, Thailand, 12-14 August 2010. Proceedings: ApacCHRIE.
  • Janta, H., Lugosi, P. and Ladkin, A., 2009. Hospitality employment as co-created knowledge: Language development and work-based learning among Polish migrants. In: CHME (Council for Hospitality Management Education) 18th Annual Research Conference 13-15 May 2009 Eastbourne, East Sussex.
  • Ladkin, A., Hemmington, N. and Whitelaw, P., 2008. Leadership Excellence in Hospitality. In: CAUTHE Conference 2008: Tourism and Hospitality Research, Training and Practice: “Where the ‘bloody hell’ are we?”: 18th Annual Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference 11-14 February 2008 Gold Coast International Hotel, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia.
  • Hemmington, N., Ladkin, A., Weber, K. and Whitelaw, P., 2008. Hospitality leadership: International Perspectives. In: CAUTHE 2008 Annual Conference: Tourism and Hospitality Research, Training and Practice: “Where the ‘bloody hell’ are we?” 11-14 February 2008 Gold Coast International Hotel, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
  • Weber, K. and Ladkin, A., 2008. Career Profiles of Convention Industry Professionals in Asia. In: EuroCHRIE Dubai 2008: Building a Legacy, Living the Dream: 2020 Vision for Hospitality and Tourism 11-14 October 2008 Dubai, UAE.
  • Ladkin, A., Fyall, A., Fletcher, J. and Shipway, R., 2006. London Tourism: Devolution, Disaster and Diversification. In: CAUTHE 2006: Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 6-9 February 2006 Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Hemmington, N., Cutler, M. and Ladkin, A., 2006. Leadership Excellence in Hospitality. In: 24th EuroCHRIE Conference 2006: In Search of Excellence for Tomorrow’s Tourism, Travel and Hospitality 25-28 October 2006 Makedonia Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Weber, K. and Ladkin, A., 2006. Career Analysis of Tourism and Hospitality Academics. In: The 7th Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia: Tourism, Hospitality and Foodservice Industry in Asia: Development marketing and Sustainability 11-14 May 2006 Jeonju, Korea.
  • Ladkin, A. and Weber, K., 2006. Career Profiles of Tourism and Hospitality Academics. In: 24th EuroCHRIE Congress: In Search of Excellence for Tomorrow’s Tourism, Travel and Hospitality 25-28 October 2006 Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Ladkin, A., 2004. The characteristics of and demand for conferences: an investigation into the conference activities of UK companies. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde. Scottish Hotel Schoo.
  • Ladkin, A., 2003. The characteristics of and demand for conferences and meetings: a UK case study of London based associations. In: CAUTHE Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 5-8 February 2003 Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia..
  • McCabe, V. and Ladkin, A., 2002. Career motivations and commitment in the conventions and exhibitions industry: evidence from the UK and Australia. In: Events and Place Marketing Conference 15-16 July 2002 Sydney, Australia.
  • Ladkin, A., 2002. The relationship between employment and tourism education: issues for debate. In: ISCRETT Conference: Re-thinking of Education and Training for Tourism 18-20 April 2002 Croatia.
  • Ladkin, A. and Whitfield, J.E., 2001. The International MICE Industry: Challenges for Research. In: CAUTHE Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 7-10 February 2001 University of Canberra, Australia..
  • Spiller Whitfield, J.E. and Ladkin, A., 2000. The growth and trends of conference centres: A case study of the UK. Sunderland: Centre for Travel and Tourism in association with Business Education,.
  • Spiller Whitfield, J.E. and Ladkin, A., 2000. The growth and trends of conference centres: A case study of the UK. In: Tourism 2000: Time for Celebration? 2-7 September 2000 Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK..


Internet Publications


  • Bolat, E. et al., 2016. Digital Me, Pop-up Photo Exhibition. Photo. Digital Me. Sovereign Shopping Centre, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 5 November 2016.

PhD Students

  • Princess Nana Yaa Tetteh-Cudjoe. An investigation into the work-life balance of female nurses and doctors in the public health care sector: A case study in the Ghanaian National Teaching Hospital (Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital- KBTH), (In progress)
  • Ye Yuan. The consequences of technostress among bank employees in China: the moderation effect of training investment, (In progress)
  • Alan Fyall. Managing Destinations: A Collaborative Approach. The Emergence and Development of Sub-Regional Destination Management Arrangements in the South West of England., (Completed)
  • Aliaksei Kichuk.. Understanding Talent Management in the hotel sector: employees’ narratives of personal career development., (Completed)
  • Barbara Neuhofer. An exploration of the technology enhanced tourist experience., (Completed)
  • Cate Wood. Voluntary risk-taking and health: Glastonbury Festival 2016., (Completed)
  • Clare Fung. Exploring Hospitality Education as an Occupation in Hong Kong: Attractions, Challenges and Commitment, (Completed)
  • Deborah Taylor. Ownership gets you up in the morning, but can keep you awake at night” An exploration of the development of work-related psychological ownership in early career professionals., (Completed)
  • Densie Hewlett. Community Participation in Local Decision Making: The Case of the New Forest National Park, Hampshire, England., (Completed)
  • Eddy Kurobuza Tukamushaba. Tourists perceptions, travel motivations and memorable travel experiences: The case of Uganda., (Completed)
  • Hania Janta. Experiences of Polish Migrant Workers in the UK Hospitality Industry., (Completed)
  • Hoc Nang (Lawrence) Fong. Perceived luck in games of chance: Determinants and effect on intention to play., (Completed)
  • Julie Spiller. An analysis and critique of an evolving conference industry within the UK from post war to present day., (Completed)
  • Paul Leung. Tourism Development in Less Developed Countries: the case of Cambodia., (Completed)
  • Quynh Nguyen. Understanding Emotional Intelligence among hotel employees during interactions wih co-workers and customers in Vietnam, (Completed)
  • Rutendo Musikavanhu. Understanding mega events in South Africa: A community centred perspective, (Completed)
  • Simon Wong. The relationship between creativity and job-related motivators in the Hong Kong hotel industry., (Completed)
  • Susanne Curtin. Wildlife tourism: tourist expectations, experiences and management implications., (Completed)
  • Susanne O-Reilly. Measuring the quality of life experiences of the family holiday for middle income groups, (Completed)

Invited Lectures

  • Sustainable Tourism Destinations: A HR Perspective, University of Sunderland, 24 May 2018 more
  • Sustainable Tourism Destinations: A HR Perspective, VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 13 Nov 2017 more
  • Best Practice for Attracting and Retaining Future, Grant Thornton, London, 27 Jun 2017 more
  • Lessons for Research Careers, Technical University of Cartegena, Spain, 07 Jun 2017 more
  • INVTUR 2017 International Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 17 May 2017 more
  • PhD Student Workshop on Innovative Methodologies, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 16 May 2017 more
  • 'The PhD Journey', University of Lincoln, 26 Apr 2017 more
  • Family Ritual 2.0, Aveiro, Portugal, 01 Jul 2015 more
  • Sustainable tourism destinations: A human resource, Kos, Greece, 01 May 2015 more
  • Sustainable tourism destinations: A human resource, Muscat, Oman, 01 Dec 2014 more
  • 31 Mar 2014 more


  • SAIL - Staying Active and Independent for Longer (European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 01 May 2017). Completed
  • Career Strategies of Hotel Senior Managers in Hong Kong (RCG FDS, 01 Jan 2016). Completed
  • Going 'off-grid' Can employees really switch off during travel? (EPSRC, 01 Nov 2015). Completed
  • Promotion of wellbeing as a destination resource (ESRC, 01 Sep 2014). Completed
  • Family Rituals 2.0 (EPSRC, 01 Feb 2013). Completed
  • The interface between strategic orientations, organisational learning and small to medium enterprise growth in the Perl River Delta region (NSF/RGC, 01 Jan 2011). Completed
  • Leveraging social, cultural, and health benefits from London 2012 (ESRC Seminar Series, 01 Jul 2007). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • University of Plymouth, External Examiner, BSc Tourism (2017-2021)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, External Examiner, MA International Tourism (2017-2021)
  • Faculty of Management & Hospitality, The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Honorary Professor (2014-)
  • Faculty of Economics and Business, The University of Zagreb, Visiting Professor (2009-)
  • School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Visiting Scholar (2007)
  • University of Exeter, External Examiner MSc Tourism, Development & Polic (2005-2009)
  • University of Brighton, External Examiner for University Research Training (2005-2009)
  • University of Brighton, External Examiner, MA Tourism Management anMA Even (2004-2009)
  • Napier University, External Examiner, BA Tourism Management (2002-2007)
  • University of Northumbria, External Examiner BA Travel and Tourism (1998-2002)

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Breakfast Meeting (28 Nov 2017)
  • Festival of Learning, Bournemouth University (29 Jun 2016)
  • EPSRC Balance Network Event (27 Jun 2016)
  • Commentary (04 Apr 2016)
  • ESRC Festival of Social Science, Bournemouth University (13 Nov 2015)
  • End of project show (22 Sep 2015)

Conference Presentations

  • Royal Geographical Society, Co-convenor and Chair: Mobile lives in the digital age: implications, challenges and opportunities, 29 Aug 2017, RGS, London


  • PG Cert in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (University of Brighton, 1996)
  • PhD in Career Analysis of UK Hotel Managers (University of Surrey, 1995)
  • PhD in Tourism (University of Surrey, 1995)
  • MSc in Tourism Management (University of Surrey, 1992)
  • BA (Hons) in Geography (University of Leicester, 1991)


  • SUBU Your Brilliant Silver Award in the category 'Most Brilliant Support for International Students (Vice Chancellor Staff Awards)


  • Royal Geographical Society, Fellow (2017-),