Kaouther Kooli

Dr Kaouther Kooli

  • Associate Professor in Marketing
  • Executive Business Centre EB401, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
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Kaouther Kooli (SFHEA, UKCGE) is an Associate Professor in Marketing in the Department of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation at the Faculty of Management, Bournemouth University. She holds a PhD in Marketing. She has over 18 years of higher education teaching experience acquired in Tunisia, UK and France. Her research interests are in digital B2B marketing, digital marketing and consumer behaviour. She is an expert in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. She is a Senior Editor of the marketing section of Cogent Business and Management, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Business to Business Marketing and the curator board of the Journal of Customer Behaviour. She is also the Chair of the Academy of Marketing B2B Special Interest Group. She has published in top journals. She has established an annual conference on B2B marketing where academics, students and practitioners get together to debate current issues and challenges facing B2B marketing. Kaouther has been invited to give talks at a number of Universities both in the UK and abroad.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Quality education

"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"

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Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Climate action

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"

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Journal Articles

  • Lautenschlager, C., Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K. and Viglia, G., 2024. Cross-cultural determinants of global account management: Findings from B2B services. Industrial Marketing Management, 123, 358-371.
  • Kooli, K., Skandrani, H., Akcay, E.E. and Sghaier, M., 2024. Guest editorial: Paving the way for the SDGs implementations: new consumption and marketing models in post-pandemic context. Qualitative Market Research, 27 (4), 529-535.
  • Kooli, K. and Ayewamide, B., 2023. Exploring the Influence of Sustainability labels on consumer buying behaviour in the post Covid-19 crisis. Qualitative Market Research: an international journal.
  • Kooli, K., Arslan, E. and Apostalakis, C., 2023. Redefining Social Enterprises under the Lenses of Strategic Entrepreneurship: The Challenges in the South-West, England. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
  • Kooli, K., Nagirikandalage, P. and Binsardi, B., 2023. Exploring the Evolvement of Environmental Management Accounting Practices for Achieving SMEs’ Sustainability in an Emerging Economy. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation.
  • Kooli, K., Nagirikandalage, P. and Binsardi, A.B., 2023. The Role of Big Data in Public Sector Accounting and Budgeting Practices: Evidence from Pandemic Environment of an Emerging Economy. Int. J. of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation.
  • Kooli, K., Gaber, H.R., Wright, L.T. and Stone, M., 2023. Continuance intention to use Food Delivery Apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Kooli, K., Nagirikandalage, P. and Binsardi, B., 2023. Women Empowerment for Poverty Alleviation in Emerging Economies: Multiple perspectives on the Impact of Predatory Microfinancing, Submitted for the special issue of the Journal of Business Research Underdog Entrepreneurship: Causes, Mechanisms, Transitions and Impacts”. Journal of Business Research.
  • Nagirikandalage, P., Kooli, K. and Binsardi, A., 2023. Exploring the evolvement of environmental management accounting practices for achieving SMEs’ sustainability in an emerging economy. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 19 (2), 203-219.
  • Kooli, K., Nagirikandalage, P. and Binsardi, A., 2022. Audit sampling strategies and frauds: an evidence from Africa. Managerial Auditing Journal.
  • Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Kooli, K., Foroudi, M.M. and Dennis, C., 2022. Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital peer-to-peer platforms: An integrated approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102.
  • Kooli, K., Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Foroudi, M. and Dennis, C., 2022. Enhancing value co-creation behaviour in digital Peer to Peer platforms: An integrated approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Nagirikandalage, P., Binsardi, A. and Kooli, K., 2022. Audit sampling strategies and frauds: an evidence from Africa. Managerial Auditing Journal, 37 (1), 170-192.
  • Nagirikandalage, P., Binsardi, B., Kooli, K. and Pham, A.N., 2021. The resistance in management accounting practices towards a neoliberal economy. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34 (3), 616-650.
  • Kooli, K., Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C. and Foroudi, M., 2021. Evaluating the impact of online peer to peer value co-creation in Hospitality sector. European Journal of International Marketing..
  • Skandrani, H., Kooli, K. and Doudech, N., 2021. Inhibitors of non-for-profit organisations’ activities and survival in a crisis context. Qualitative Market Research, 24 (4), 521-554.
  • Ruhland, S., Kooli, K. and Wright, L.T., 2021. B to B firms’ motivation to become members of digital platforms: the case of crowd UK. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 28 (2), 125-147.
  • Kooli, K., Tzempelikos, N. and Hammouda, M.Y., 2021. The Influence of B to B Firms Use of Multiple Social Media Platforms on Relationship Sales Performance: An Institutional Perspective. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 28 (2), 105-123.
  • Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C., Foroudi, M. and Kooli, K., 2020. Evaluating the impact of online peer to peer value co-creation in online Hospitality sector. European Journal of International Management.
  • Skandrani, H., Rasheed Gaber, H. and Kooli, K., 2020. Sustainability and Business practices in North Africa and Beyond. Social Business.
  • Akcay, E., Kooli, K. and Rasheed Gaber, H., 2020. Does Perceived Social Responsibility Affect Consumer Attitudes towards Global Brands. Journal of Customer Behaviour.
  • Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K., Stone, M., Aravopoulou, E., Birn, R. and Kosack, E., 2020. Distribution of Marketing Research Material to Universities: The Case of Archive of Market and Social Research (AMSR). Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 27 (2), 187-202.
  • Kooli, K., Tzempelikos, N., Foroudi, P. and Mazahreh, S., 2019. What Drives B-To-B Marketers in Emerging Countries to Use Social Media Sites? Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26 (3-4), 245-264.
  • Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K. and Lichtenthal, J.D., 2019. Innovation in Business-to-Business Marketing. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 26 (3-4), 229-232.
  • Gaber, H.R., Wright, L.T. and Kooli, K., 2019. Consumer attitudes towards Instagram advertisements in Egypt: The role of the perceived advertising value and personalization. Cogent Business and Management, 6 (1).
  • Tzempelikos, N. and Kooli, K., 2018. Moderating effects of environmental uncertainty on behavioural intentions in business markets – a study across theoretical perspectives. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 33 (7), 1037-1051.
  • Bolat, E., Kooli, K. and Wright, L.T., 2016. Businesses and Mobile Social Media Capabilities. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (8), 971-981.
  • Kooli, K., Ben Mansour, K and Cornwell, V, 2016. Exploring CRM and SRM User’ Satisfaction in B2B Relationships Management. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1).
  • Kooli, K., 2016. Current Issues and Challenges in B2B Marketing. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 15 (1), 1-2.
  • Kooli, K., Cai, H. and Wright, L.T., 2016. Better together? A Hospitality Case for Umbrella Branding. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31 (8), 1004-1016.
  • Ben Mansour, K. and Kooli, K., 2015. Online Trust Antecedents and its Consequences on Purchase Intention, An integrative Approach. Journal of Customer Behaviour.
  • Kooli, K. and Ben Mansour, K., 2014. Determinants of online trust and their impact on online purchase intention. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 9 (3), 305-319.
  • Kooli, K., Wright, L.T. and Wright, A., 2010. Business implications in the subcontracting alliance life cycle: Case examples from the Tunisian clothing and textile industries. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 25 (5), 372-382.



  • Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C., Foroudi, M.M. and Kooli, K., 2021. Value co-creation behaviour: Antecedents and consequences. Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era. 218-259.
  • Birn, R., Stone, M., Tzempelikos, N., Kooli, K. and Kosack, E., 2021. The archive of market and social research: Looking backwards to look forwards. The Routledge Companion to Marketing Research. 206-218.
  • Kooli, K., Birn, R., Tzempelikos, N., Stone, M. and Kosack, E., 2021. The Archive of Market and Social Research - looking backwards to look forwards. In: Wright, L.T., Moutinho, L., Stone, M. and Bagozzi, R., eds. Accepted for publication In: Routledge Companion to Marketing Research.. Routledge.
  • Kooli, K., Birn, R., Tzempelikos, N., Stone, M. and Emmanuel, K., 2021. Chapter 12. The Archive of Market and Social Research - looking backwards to look forwards. In: Wright, L.T., Moutinho, L., Stone, M. and Bagozzi, R., eds. Routledge Companion to Marketing Research. Routledge.
  • Alqayed, Y., Foroudi, P., Kooli, K., Foroudi, M. and Ferri, M.A., 2020. Exploring value co-creation concept: A bibliometric analysis of 20 years of research and theory. Sustainable Branding: Ethical, Social, and Environmental Cases and Perspectives. 291-309.
  • Kooli, K., 2017. Islamic products and services: The concept of Halal and certification bodies. Islamic Marketing and Branding: Theory and Practice. 36-49.
  • Kooli, K., 2017. Islamic products and services: the concept of halal and Certification bodies. In: Melewar, T.C. and Syed, A., eds. Islamic Marketing and Branding: Theory and Practice.. Routledge.
  • Musarskaya, M. and Kooli, K., 2017. The Role of Simulator Games in Marketing Education: Evidence from Academics in Bournemouth University. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. 103-114.
  • Kooli, K., 2012. A Cautionary Tale from the world of Textiles, case study. In: Bradford, E., McDonald, M. and Erikson, S., eds. Marketing Navigation: How to keep your marketing plan on course to implementation success.. Goodfellow Publishers.


  • Kooli, K., 2023. Kooli K. 2021. “Feedback form 5 years of experience in implementing the life case study method in marketing education”. In: MSI Education Forum, BUBS, Forthcoming 21 January-21 April 2021 Bournemouth University.
  • Kooli, K., 2023. Akcay E. and Kooli K., 2022. Value Co-Creation of Small and Medium Sized Businesses through Brand Alliances. In: Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) ECR Symposium 2022. 12-14 October 2022 York.
  • Kooli, K. and Akcay, E., 2023. Exploring Marketing Ethics in Co-Branding: The Cases from Turkey. In: The 6th Edition of the LIGUE Conference, Tunis, the University of Manouba “Are Disruptive Transformations Overshadowing or Paving the Way for the SDGs Implementation? Challenges and Opportunities for the Organizations and their Stakeholders”. 8-9 December 2022 Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Kooli, K., Beer, S., Augustyn, M., Skandrani, H., Cherif, A. and Ben Boubaker, J., 2022. Enhancing research governance in humanities and social sciences : Establishing a REC at the UMA. In: The 6th Edition of the Laboratory Ligue International Conference 8-9 December 2022 Manouba, Tunisia.
  • Akcay, E. and Kooli, K., 2022. Managerial Perspective on Brand Identity Fit in Co-branding: The Case of Global Brands in Turkey. In: The 6th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy 2022 8-11 November 2022 Newcastle University (Online).
  • Kooli, K., V H Athula, K. and Akcay, E., 2022. Dealing with Common Method Bias in Business Management Research,. The 6th Edition of the LIGUE Conference, Tunis, the University of Manouba “Are Disruptive Transformations Overshadowing or Paving the Way for the SDGs Implementation? Challenges and Opportunities for the Organizations and their Stakeholders”. In: 6th Edition of the LIGUE Conference, Tunis, co-organising a conference with the University of Manouba “Are Disruptive Transformations Overshadowing or Paving the Way for the SDGs Implementation? Challenges and Opportunities for the Organizations and their Stakeholders” 8-9 December 2022 Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Akcay, E., Kooli, K. and Bolat, E., 2022. Marketing Ethics in Brand Alliances between Large Enterprises and SMEs, A Dyadic Approach. In: ISBE 2022 26-28 October 2022 York, United Kingdom.
  • Cicekli, I., Kooli, K., Akcay, E. and Okwilagwe, O., 2022. Investigating the Antecedents and Outcomes of B2B Firms’ Social CRM Capabilities in Emergent Markets. In: EMAC Regional Conference 2022 21-23 September 2022 Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Kooli, K., Beer, S., Augustyn, M., Skandrani, H., Cherif, A. and Ben Boubaker, J., 2022. Enhancing research governance in humanities and social sciences : Establishing a REC at the UMA. In: Humaities 19-23 September 2022 University of Manouba, Tunisia.
  • Kooli, K. and Akcay, E., 2022. Achieving the UN SDGs Through Knowledge Exchange: An Example from the Business School’s Students, Educators and Partners. In: Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022 30 June 2022 Bournemouth University. Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022 Proceedings.
  • Kooli, K., Cicekli, I., Akcay, E. and Okwilagwe, O., 2021. Investigating the Antecedents and Outcomes of B2B Firms’ Social CRM Capabilities in Emergent Markets. In: EMAC Regional Conference 2022 21-23 September 2022 21-23 September 2022 Kaunas, Lithuania..
  • Beer, S. and Kooli, K., 2021. Developing research governance capacity at the University of Manouba, Tunisia. In: The 5th Edition of the LIGUE International: Deep and Disruptive Transformations: The New Normal for Organizations and their Stakeholders'' 29-30 June 2021 University Of Manouba, Tunisia (Online).
  • Kooli, K., 2021. Collaboration between the University of Manouba and Bournemouth University. In: Tunisian Ambassador in London and senior Advisors. 1 April 2021 Tunisian Embassy in London. London.
  • Akcay, E., Kooli, K. and Bolat, E., 2019. Identifying Hidden Agreements in Value Co-Creation Process in marketing Alliances. In: Academy of Marketing 2-6 July 2019 London, UK.
  • Akcay, E.E., Kooli, K. and Bolat, E., 2018. Ethics and implicit agreements during the value co-creation process in cross-category brand alliances. In: 3rd International Conference of LIGUE with theme 'Sustainability goals implementation in the era of digitalisation in North Africa' 3-4 December 2018 Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Kooli, K., Akcay, E.E. and Bolat, E., 2017. Conceptualising Cross-Category Brand in Emerging Country Context: Merging Associative Network Memory Model and Resource Based View. In: 2017 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets Conference 5-7 January 2017 Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida campus, India.
  • Akcay, E., Kooli, K. and Bolat, E., 2016. A Conceptual Framework for Cross-Category Brand Alliance Performance – Cases From an Emerging Country. In: 7th EMAC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Where the East kisses the West: Marketing Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe 14-16 September 2016 Sarajevo.
  • Binsardi, B., Kooli, K. and Green, J., 2015. Exploring the Recent Shift in Marketing Research: Social Media (Big) Data and its Sampling Property. In: Academy of Marketing 7-10 July 2015 Limerick.
  • Kooli, K., 2014. Mobile Social Media as a Strategic Capability: expanding Opportunities Social Media Has to Offer to B2B firms. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, Marketing Relevance 8-11 July 2013 Cradiff, UK.
  • Kooli, K., 2014. An integrative approach of Online Trust antecedents and consequences on purchase intention. In: The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 6th Annual EuroMed Conference “Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges through Management Innovation 23-24 September 2013 Estoril, Cascais, Portugal.
  • Kooli, K., 2014. Motivation of social media users to engage with brands’ fanpages. In: ”, the 2013 MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing and Tourism Conference 11-14 November 2013 Dubai.
  • Kooli, K., 2014. SMEs Business Marketing Management and Innovation Policies Support: evidence from China. In: International Conference on Marketing Studies, ICMS 7-8 September 2013 Hong Kong.
  • Kooli, K., 2013. Survey Participants Lost in Translation: an Experimental Study on the Use of Dialectal vs. Standard Language June 4-6, 2013. Track: International and Cross-Cultural Marketing. In: EMAC 2013 4-14 June 2013 Turkey, Istanbul.
  • Bolat, E. and Kooli, K., 2013. Mobile Social Media as a Strategic Capability: Expanding Opportunties Social Media Has to Offer to B2B Firms. In: Academy of Marketing 9-11 July 2013 Cardiff.
  • Kooli, K., 2010. Brand Equity with an Improved Role for the Marketing Mix in a Practice-oriented Brand Valuation Framework. In: Thoughts Leaders in Brand Management 18-20 April 2010 Lugano.


Internet Publications

PhD Students

  • Ilke Cicekli, 2022. Determinants and outcomes social CRM : the role of cultural and national factors
  • Ben Botes
  • Dania Al Nattour
  • Emre Arslan. Resources and Innovations for Growth: Strategies from the Oil Industry

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Marketing Communications and Brand Management
  • Selling, Relationships and Customer Service
  • Sustianability and Social Marketing
  • Contemporary Issues in Marketing
  • Marketing Communications
  • Research Methods

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Digital Marketing
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Research in Business and Management


  • Climate Action through supply chain: a blueprint for mitigating environmental impacts (British Academy, 01 Jan 2023). In Progress
  • Applying Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping in Social Sciences Research (Economic and Social Research Council, 01 Jan 2023). In Progress
  • Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping training (QR, 15 Jun 2022). Completed
  • SmartPLS training (QR, 01 Nov 2021). Completed
  • Enhancing research governance in social sciences and humanities (QR funding, 01 Jun 2021). Completed
  • Teaching marketing using the live case study method: issues, challenges and outcomes (QR, 01 Jun 2021). Awarded
  • Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Map (BCP), enhancing BU academics and students' relationships with charities. (Department of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, 12 Jan 2020). Completed
  • Customer profiling Workshop - Museum of Brands (Department of Marketing, 13 Jan 2019). Completed
  • QR Funding, B2B Marketing conference: The power of digitalisation (QR, Faculty of Management, 06 May 2018). Completed
  • QR, Influences on Consumer Behaviour Cluster Engagement activities (QR, Faculty of Management, 15 Apr 2018). Completed
  • 17th International Annual Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM, 05 Mar 2018). Completed
  • One day colloquium on B2B marketing: Current Issues and Challenges in B2B marketing. (Fusion Investment Funding, 01 Jan 2014). Awarded
  • Training on Structural Equation Modeling (ESRC, 12 Dec 2013). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • Digital Marketing Association, Judge (2023-)
  • Glyndwr University, Wrexham,, External examinar (2014-)
  • University of Huddersfield, External examinar (2014-)
  • Academy of Marketing, Chair of the AM B2B Marketing SIG (2013-)

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • Management International, Anonymous peer review, 02 Jan 2023
  • British Journal of Management, 02 Jan 2021
  • Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 02 Jan 2018
  • Cogent Business and Management, Anonymous peer review, 02 Jan 2018
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 01 Jan 2018
  • Management Decision, Anonymous peer review, 01 May 2017

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Keynote speaker (08 Dec 2022)
  • Keynote speaker (30 Jun 2021)
  • Guest speaker (21 Apr 2021)
  • Keynote speaker (24 Feb 2021)
  • Guest speaker (01 Apr 2020)
  • Keynote speaker (06 Dec 2019)
  • Guest lecture, Anglia Ruskin University (30 Nov 2016)
  • Guest lecture, (17 Mar 2016)
  • Guest lecture, Business School, University of Huddersfield (12 Jul 2012)
  • Keynote speech

Attended Training

  • Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, 15 Jun 2022
  • Structural Equation modelling, AMOS, 12 Dec 2013


  • IDM, Member (2020-),
  • Academy of Marketing, Chair of the B2B SIG (2014-),