Marcjanna Augustyn

Professor Marcjanna Augustyn

  • Professor of Management
  • Dorset House D141, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Professor Marcjanna Augustyn, PhD, MSc, is Head of Centre for Sustainable Business Transformations and Professor of Management at Bournemouth University Business School.

Professor Augustyn is a distinguished scholar and established thought leader in business management, strategy and business performance. Professor Augustyn’s work has been published extensively, disseminated internationally and regularly cited. She has acted as an ESRC Scientific Rapporteur and as an assessor for the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Professor Augustyn has led successful high impact externally funded interdisciplinary research projects, involving diverse stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit making organizations. She has advised various organisations on competitive management strategies and practices.

Professor Augustyn is a member of Editorial Review Boards for several academic journals and a member of the British Academy of Management (UK), the Strategic Management Society (USA), the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (UK), and the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (Switzerland)...



Professor Marcjanna Augustyn is a distinguished scholar and established thought leader in business management, strategy and performance. She specializes in researching impacts of management strategies, systems and practices on organizational performance and sustainable competitive advantage. Professor Augustyn’s work has been published extensively, disseminated internationally and regularly cited by leading scholars. Much of her research has been carried out in the context of tourism and hospitality industries and tourism SMEs. Professor Augustyn has acted as an ESRC Scientific Rapporteur and as an assessor for the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Professor Augustyn is co-author of a book “Tourism Destination Quality: Attributes and Dimensions (with Arthur Seakhoa-King and Peter Mason, 2020), co-editor of a book "How to use Mixed Methods in Tourism Research" (with Peter Mason and Arthur Seakhoa-King, 2024) and co-editor of a book “Tourism in the New Europe: Perspectives on SME Policies and Practices” (with Rhodri Thomas, 2006).

Professor Augustyn won the Outstanding Paper Award in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence for a journal article Direct effects of quality management on competitive advantage

Professor Augustyn has led successful high impact externally funded interdisciplinary research projects, involving diverse stakeholders from the public, private and non-profit making organizations...


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Sustainable cities and communities

"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Journal Articles



  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M.M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2024. Phases of systematic sequential mixed methods: the tourism destination quality study. In: Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., eds. How To Use Mixed Methods In Tourism Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 57-72.
  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2024. Conclusions: mixed methods research in tourism. In: Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., eds. How to use Mixed Methods in Tourism Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 175-183.
  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2024. The nature of mixed methods and tourism. In: Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., eds. How to use Mixed Methods in Tourism Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2-15.
  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2024. Preparing to conduct exploratory mixed methods research in tourism. In: Mason, P., Augustyn, M. and Seakhoa-King, A., eds. How to use Mixed Methods in Tourism Research. Edward Elgar Publishing, 32-56.
  • Shang, K., Buhalis, D., Fan, D.X.F. and Augustyn, M., 2024. Customer-to-Customer Real-Time Value Co-creation in Tourism Live Streaming: A Live Streamer Perspective. 175-179.
  • Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Destination Quality. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4. 897-900.
  • Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Quality. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 601-604.
  • Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. Quality Management. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 607-610.
  • Augustyn, M.M., Seakhoa-King, A. and Mason, P., 2022. SERVQUAL Scale. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 65-68.
  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M.M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2022. Exploratory Research. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 192-195.
  • Mason, P., Augustyn, M.M. and Seakhoa-King, A., 2022. Research Philosophy. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 684-687.
  • Seakhoa-King, A., Mason, P. and Augustyn, M.M., 2022. Research Methodology. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 681-684.
  • Seakhoa-King, A., Mason, P. and Augustyn, M.M., 2022. Quantitative Research. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 610-613.
  • Seakhoa-King, A., Mason, P. and Augustyn, M.M., 2022. Questionnaire. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volume 1-4. 618-621.
  • Augustyn, M.M., 2013. Coping with resource scarcity: The experience of U.K. tourism SMEs. Small Firms In Tourism: International Perspectives. 257-275.
  • Augustyn, M.M., 2013. Coping with Resource Scarcity: The Experience of U.K. Tourism SMEs. Small Firms In Tourism: International Perspectives. 257-276.
  • Attali, J., Boukhobza, C., Kattan, N., Memmi, A., Moustaki, G. and Teboul, V., 2007. Questionnaire. 295-299.
  • Augustyn, M. and Thomas, R., 2007. Preface. xiii-xiv.
  • Augustyn, M. and Thomas, R., 2007. Small Firms in the New Europe: An Overview. Tourism In He New Europe: Perspectives On Sme Policies And Practices. 1-8.
  • Augustyn, M. and Thomas, R., 2007. Small Firms in the New Europe: Key Issues, Conclusions and Recommendations. Tourism In He New Europe: Perspectives On Sme Policies And Practices. 227-236.
  • Augustyn, M. and Thomas, R., 2006. Small firms in the New Europe: An overview. Tourism in the New Europe: Perspectives on SME Policies and Practices. 1-8.
  • Augustyn, M. and Thomas, R., 2006. Small firms in the New Europe: Key issues, conclusions and recommendations. Tourism in the New Europe: Perspectives on SME Policies and Practices. 227-236.
  • Augustyn, M.M. and Pheby, J., 2005. Capability-based growth: The case of UK tourism SMES. Tourism SMES, Service Quality and Destination Competitiveness. 87-107.


  • Saputra, F.E., Buhalis, D., Augustyn, M. and Marangos, S., 2024. A Typology of Anthropomorphism-based AI Robots in Hospitality Industry. In: Digital Marketing Colloquium 2024: Exploring Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse and Web3 19-20 March 2024 Bournemouth University, United Kingdom.
  • Kooli, K., Beer, S., Augustyn, M., Skandrani, H., Cherif, A. and Ben Boubaker, J., 2022. Enhancing research governance in humanities and social sciences : Establishing a REC at the UMA. In: The 6th Edition of the Laboratory Ligue International Conference 8-9 December 2022 Manouba, Tunisia.
  • Kooli, K., Beer, S., Augustyn, M., Skandrani, H., Cherif, A. and Ben Boubaker, J., 2022. Enhancing research governance in humanities and social sciences : Establishing a REC at the UMA. In: Humaities 19-23 September 2022 University of Manouba, Tunisia.


PhD Students

  • Atinuke Moraina. Factors that influence strategic alignment of Information Technology for Supply Chain Integration and the impact on Business Performance: Perceptions of Nigerian Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises and their suppliers, (In progress)
  • Kaiti Shang. The Influence of Live Streaming on the Live Streamer's Travel Behaviour, (In progress)
  • Kamonpa Wangkuanklang. Developing Smart Agritourism Ecosystems: towards improving local communities’ quality of life from the perspective of agritourism stakeholders, (In progress)
  • Arthur Seakhoa-King, 2007. Conceptualising quality of a tourism destination: an investigation of the attributes and dimensions of quality of a tourism destination, (Completed)
  • Marwa M. G. Abdal-Fadeel, 2011. Destination management systems: towards holistic effectiveness evaluation”)., (Completed)
  • Victoria Goossens, 2011. “Power, stakeholders and the theory of planned behaviour: understanding stakeholder engagement in an English seaside context, (Completed)
  • Ibrahim Elshaer, 2012. The relationship between quality management and competitive advantage. An empirical study of the Egyptian hotel industry, (Completed)
  • Sharmaine Saki Anantha, 2014. A study of the competencies and personality traits of successful leaders in the Malaysian banking industry and recommendations for averting a capacity gap, (Completed)
  • Ramon E Arroyo Gamez, 2015. The social construction of University brand meanings: conceptualizing the employees' brand meaning experiential cycles model, (Completed)
  • Witchulada Vetchagool, 2017. The impact of the extent of activity-based costing use and the extent of ISO 9000 implementation on organisational performance, (Completed)
  • Hind Saleh Ben-Mozeil, 2019. Challenges facing female entrepreneurs: the case of female entrepreneurs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, (Completed)

Profile of Teaching PG

  • MSc Research Project - supervisor

Internal Responsibilities

  • Head of Centre for Sustainable Business Transformations, Bournemouth University
  • Strategy and Entrepreneurship Research Theme Lead, Bournemouth University Business School

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Invited Speaker at The Tourism Society Annual Prospects Event 2023, “Tourism Destination Quality and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Tourism Agenda 2030", London (31 Jan 2023)

Conference Presentations

  • The 7th Edition of the Laboratory LIGUE International Conference "Embracing inclusive-circular and technological transitions: Challenges and opportunities for organizations and their stakeholders", Smart, Inclusive, Sustainable Destinations: A Framework for Development, 15 Dec 2023, Tunis, Tunisia
  • 72nd AIEST Conference "Transiting towards future tourism destinations through smart and green development", Smartness as a catalyst for improving tourism destination quality, sustainability and competitiveness, 27 Aug 2023, Madrid, Spain
  • The 6th Edition of the Laboratory Ligue International Conference, Kooli, K., Beer, S., Augustyn, M., Skandrani, H., Cherif, A., & Ben Boubaker, J. (2022). Enhancing research governance in humanities and social sciences : Establishing a REC at the UMA, 08 Dec 2022, Manouba, Tunisia
  • AIEST Jubilee Conference: Shaping tourism futures – acknowledging learnings from the past, The tourists’ perspective on destination quality: implications for research and practice (online), 29 Aug 2021, Lucerne, Switzerland
  • International Human Resource Management Conference,, Talent Management in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Review and Research Agenda, 13 Jun 2018, Madrid, Spain
  • Days of Sport Business and Sport Marketing, Key Trends in European Sport Tourism Marketing, 13 Jun 2007, Zakopane, Poland
  • International Conference on Networking and Partnerships in Destination and Development Management, Advantage West Midlands Tourism and Leisure Cluster as a Strategy for Sustainable Development, 03 Mar 2004, Naples, Italy


  • PhD in Economics (University of Economics, Katowice, Poland, 1996)
  • MSc in Economics (University of Economics, Katowice, Poland, 1992)
