Dr Keith Parry
- 01202 966304
- kdparry at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9025-9101
- Interim Head of Department of Sport and Event Management
- DH
Dr Keith D. Parry is Head of Department in the Department of Sport and Event Management at Bournemouth University and an Adjunct Fellow of Western Sydney University. His research interests are primarily focused on identity, sport and in/exclusion and how both traditional and newer, online media formats are used to present and discuss these subjects. He is positioned at the intersection of sports organisations and sport consumers, frequently using a variety of online/netnographic methods to examine the influence of media formats on the latter and the ability for consumers to shape discussions related to sport. His recent research has focussed on media coverage and framing of a variety of topics such as LGBT inclusivity, women’s football, concussion in association football and rugby, and racism
He has published widely in leading journals such as Sport in Society, Communication & Sport and International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and has contributed to a number of key edited texts in this area, such as Routledge International Handbook on Sport Fans and Fandom and Handbook of Masculinity and Sport... Keith is an Editorial Board member of Managing Sport and Leisure and Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. He is a founder of the Acquired Brain Injury Research Network, an international collective of scholars committed to advancing knowledge on acquired brain injuries.
He receives regular invitations to write for websites such as The Conversation and news.com.au, allowing him to disseminate his knowledge to a wider audience. He is an award-winning teacher and writer, receiving a UN Day Media Award for a co-authored article, ‘Pushing Casual Sport to the Margins Threatens Cities’ Social Cohesion’, first published in The Conversation.
Keith is also passionate about teaching and has developed a number of blended learning strategies, often making use of innovative technology, to enhance his teaching. He has developed the concept of Actually Active Learning to engage learners in education while also encouraging physical activity. He is making particular use of Twitter within his teaching to engage students inside and outside of the classroom. You can follow Keith on Twitter at @sportinaus. His initiatives have also included a mock press conference held with the GWS GIANTS club and the creation of an iTunes U course. Keith’s creative, enthusiastic, innovative and dynamic teaching approach has been recognised for positively motivating and engaging students through a variety of teaching awards. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA.
Dr Parry's research is based on identity and in/exclusion in sport and the role of the media in presenting and shaping discussions on these topics. These issues are largely a result of the broader context within which sport operates and it serves to highlight wider social problems. His research is situated within the fields of sport sociology and cultural studies. Although he do not limit himself to one particular area of discrimination, he has published widely on race, gender, and sexualities. Dr Parry's recent concept, Organisational Cultural Lag not only generated new knowledge but also provides a framework for understanding why sport (and other organisations) are slow to respond to social movements in a meaningful and authentic way. While the conceptualisation of Organisational Cultural Lag was based around marriage equality, it is applicable to any social movement.
The other key focus of Keith's research is on concussion/brain injuries in sport. This topic is now increasingly recognised as a public health issue rather than just a ‘sport issue’ and he is one of the founders of the Acquired Brain Injury Research Network, which has been set up to research this area and extend awareness of the topic. His research here has two foci, the experiences of family members of those who have suffered brain injuries in sport and media reporting on this topic.
From a theoretical perspective, a growing number of Keith's publications are based on media framing of sport-related stories. Given the prominent role that the media plays in presenting and portraying sport, it is vital that its role in influencing public attitudes is well understood... His research on the media framing of topics such as gender, sexualities, and brain injuries has identified areas for improvement within the media and provides greater understanding of these topics more generally. In addition, the rise of social media has allowed sport consumers to be creators of content and so it is important to understand this bottom-up representation of sport. Through a variety of netnographic methods, Keith is able to examine the extent to which media discourses influence the values and beliefs of sport consumers.
Dr Parry is currently working on projects related to the influence of masculinities in media reporting of mental health in sport (and hence athletes’ willingness to discuss it), ongoing research into concussion and brain injuries in sport (and media reporting of these issues), informal sport and social inclusion, and the experiences of BAME coaches in the UK.
Dr Parry is currently available to supervise research students on MRes, MPhil, and PhD projects. Please contact him to discuss research supervision, collaborations, or media appearances.
moreExpertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Sustainable cities and communities
"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"
Peace, justice and strong institutions
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"
Journal Articles
- Cleland, J., Adair, D., Parry, K. and MacDonald, C., 2024. Spectator racism in three professional men's football codes in Australia: Observations from White spectators. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 59 (8), 1125-1143.
- Parry, K.D., Braim, A.G., Jull, R.E. and Smith, M.J., 2024. No Longer a Sign of Weakness? Media Reporting on Mental Ill Health in Sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 17 (2), 171-181.
- Neal, S., Pang, B., Parry, K. and Rishbeth, C., 2024. Informal sport and leisure, urban space and social inequalities: Editors’ Introduction. Leisure Studies, 43 (6), 875-886.
- Piggin, J., Parry, K.D. and White, A.J., 2024. Conceptualising brainwashing: corporate communication in a concussion crisis. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 16 (4), 625-639.
- Anderson, E., Zeigler, C., Batten, J., Reed, J., Parry, K. and Magrath, R., 2024. Does the Liberalization of Masculine Space Improve Experiences for Sexual Minorities? Sociological Research Online.
- Parry, K.D., Clarkson, B.G., Kavanagh, E.J., Sawiuk, R. and Grubb, L., 2023. Ticking the right boxes: A critical examination of the perceptions and attitudes towards the black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) acronym in the UK. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (5), 867-888.
- Parry, K.D., Clarkson, B.G., Bowes, A., Grubb, L. and Rowe, D., 2023. Media Framing of Women’s Football During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Communication and Sport, 11 (3), 592-615.
- Fenton, A., Keegan, B.J. and Parry, K.D., 2023. Understanding Sporting Social Media Brand Communities, Place and Social Capital: A Netnography of Football Fans. Communication and Sport, 11 (2), 313-333.
- Hansen, M., Kavanagh, E., Anderson, E., Parry, K. and Cleland, J., 2023. An analysis of responses on Twitter to the English Premier League’s support for the anti-homophobia rainbow laces campaign. Sport in Society, 26 (2), 302-316.
- Anderson, E., Turner, G., Hardwicke, J. and Parry, K.D., 2023. Sport Structured Brain Trauma is Child Abuse. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
- Piggin, J., Batten, J., Parry, K., Anderson, E. and White, A.J., 2022. Compulsory collisions and corporate interests in school rugby: Challenging distortions in the framing of childhood injury. Injury Prevention, 29 (1), 79-84.
- Clarkson, B.G., Parry, K.D., Culvin, A. and Pope, S., 2022. An institutional analysis of gender (in)equalities, COVID-19 and governance of elite women's football in Australia, England and the USA. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 12 (4), 459-478.
- Moxey, M., Brown, H. and Parry, K.D., 2022. University sports clubs: culture, belonging and adapting to change during COVID-19. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 8 (1).
- White, A.J., Parry, K.D. et al., 2022. Imposing Compulsory Rugby Union on Schoolchildren: An Analysis of English State-Funded Secondary Schools. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4.
- White, A.J., D. Parry, K., Humphries, C., Phelan, S., Batten, J. and Magrath, R., 2022. Duty of Karius: Media Framing of Concussion Following the 2018 UEFA Champions League Final. Communication and Sport, 10 (3), 541-563.
- Parry, K., White, A.J., Cleland, J., Hardwicke, J., Batten, J., Piggin, J. and Howarth, N., 2022. Masculinities, Media and the Rugby Mind: An Analysis of Stakeholder Views on the Relationship Between Rugby Union, the Media, Masculine-Influenced Views on Injury, and Concussion. Communication and Sport, 10 (3), 564-586.
- Muir, K., Anderson, E., Parry, K.D. and Letts, D., 2022. The Changing Nature of Gay Rugby Clubs in the United Kingdom. Sociology of Sport Journal, 39 (2), 178-185.
- Cleland, J., Adair, D. and Parry, K., 2022. Fair Go? Indigenous Rugby League Players and the Racial Exclusion of the Australian National Anthem. Communication and Sport, 10 (1), 74-96.
- Clarkson, B.G., Culvin, A., Pope, S. and Parry, K.D., 2022. Covid-19: Reflections on threat and uncertainty for the future of elite women’s football in England. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27 (1-2), 44-55.
- Richards, J., Parry, K.D. and Gill, F., 2022. “The guys love it when chicks ask for help”: an exploration of female rugby league fans. Sport in Society, 25 (5), 927-944.
- Aquino, K., Wise, A., Velayutham, S., Parry, K.D. and Neal, S., 2022. The right to the city: outdoor informal sport and urban belonging in multicultural spaces. Annals of Leisure Research, 25 (4), 472-490.
- Lally, A., Smith, M. and Parry, K.D., 2022. Exploring migration experiences of foreign footballers to England through the use of autobiographies. Soccer and Society, 23 (6), 529-544.
- Manoli, A.E., Parry, K.D. et al., 2022. Managing sport and leisure in the era of Covid-19. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27 (1-2), 1-6.
- Clarkson, B.G., Parry, K.D., Sawiuk, R., Grubb, L. and Kavanagh, E., 2022. Transforming the English coaching landscape: Black women football coaches’ acts of resistance against racism and sexism. Managing Sport and Leisure.
- Parry, K.D., Storr, R., Kavanagh, E.J. and Anderson, E., 2021. Conceptualising organisational cultural lag: Marriage equality and Australian sport. Journal of Sociology, 57 (4), 986-1008.
- Fenton, A., Parry, K.D., Ahmed, W. and Chadwick, S., 2021. Understanding sporting brands and entrepreneurship using netnography and social network analysis. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation.
- Smith, M., Young, G., Batten, J., Anderson, E., Parry, K.D., Collins, R. and White, A.J., 2021. Athletes with neurodegenerative disease: A phenomenological exploration of family members' experiences. Qualitative Report, 26 (11), 3492-3518.
- Parry, K.D., White, A., Anderson, E. and Batten, J., 2021. The shifting media discourse surrounding head injuries in association football. Academia Letters, 1-8.
- Parry, K.D., 2021. The formation of heroes and the myth of national identity. Sport in Society, 24 (6), 886-903.
- Allen, E., Fenton, A. and Parry, K., 2021. Computerised gymnastics judging scoring system implementation – An exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 13 (3), 357-370.
- Parry, K.D., Cleland, J. and Kavanagh, E., 2020. Racial folklore, black masculinities and the reproduction of dominant racial ideologies: The case of Israel Folau. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55 (7), 850-867.
- Richards, J. and Parry, K.D., 2020. Beers and blurred boundaries: The spatial and gendered organisation of pre-match venues for English football fans. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55 (6), 647-663.
- Parry, K.D. and Batey, J., 2020. For a Few Dollars More – the representation of elite women’s cricket in Australia. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 (1), 55-65.
- Cleland, J., Parry, K.D. and Radford, D., 2019. “Perhaps She Only Had a Banana Available to Throw”: Habitus, Racial Prejudice, and Whiteness on Australian Football League Message Boards. Sociology of Sport Journal, 1-9.
- Parry, K.D., 2019. Managing Sport Business: An Introduction, 2nd edition. SPORT MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 22 (5), 750-751.
- George, E., Parry, K.D. and Bennie, A., 2018. A thematic analysis of community engagement initiatives in Australian football. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21, S42.
- Parry, K.D., Hall, T. and Baxter, A., 2017. Who ate all the pies? The importance of food in the Australian sporting experience. Sport in Society, 20 (2), 202-218.
- Parry, K., Khan, A. and Hughes, B., 2017. Taking on the scalpers. Australasian Leisure Management, 20.
- Parry, K.D., 2015. Research methods in sport studies and sport management: a practical guide. ANNALS OF LEISURE RESEARCH, 18 (3).
- Parry, K.D., Jones, I. and Wann, D.L., 2014. An Examination of Sport Fandom in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis of Fan Behaviors, Socialization Processes, and Team Identification. Journal of Sport Behavior, 37 (3), 251-267.
- Eastwood, A. and Parry, K.D., 2014. Soccer and samba. , 88-91.
- Parry, K.D., 2012. Game of two passions: A football fan's autoethnography. Qualitative Research Journal, 12 (2), 238-250.
- Parry, K.D. and Challis, L., 2010. How the Legacy from the 2012 Olympics will Impact on Young People in Sport: A Poster Presentation Assessment. LINK, 26, 22-23.
- Parry, K.D., 2009. Search for the hero: an investigation into the sports heroes of British sports fans. Sport in Society, 12 (1), 212-226.
- Polkinghorne, M. et al., 2023. Fusion Learning Conference 2023 - Proceedings. Poole, Dorset, UK, BH12 5BB: Bournemouth University.
- Hynes, D., Kiernan, A. and Parry, K.D., 2013. Football and Communities Across Codes. Witney: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
- Kavanagh, E.J. and Parry, K.D., 2024. Online Violence and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. In: Jackson, D., Bernstein, A., Butterworth, M., Cho, Y., Sarver Coombs, D., Devlin, M. and Vimieiro, A.C., eds. Olympic and Paralympic Analysis 2024: Mega events, media, and the politics of sport - Early reflections from leading academics. Poole, UK: The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, Bournemouth University, 101.
- Parry, K.D., 2024. Hero formation and the myth of Australian national identity in Australian football. In: Nosal, P., Kossakowski, R. and Woźniak, W., eds. Football, Fandom and Collective Memory: Global Perspectives. Routledge, 78-92.
- Parry, K.D., Adair, D. and Cleland, J., 2024. National anthems and athlete activism. Routledge Handbook of Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice. 431-445.
- Moxey, M., Parry, K.D. and Brown, H., 2023. Placing sport at the heart of the university community: A critical reflection on sports club membership and what it means for student engagement from a Bourdieusian perspective. In: Lowe, T., ed. Advancing Student Engagement in Higher Education: Reflection, Critique and Challenge. London: Routledge.
- Fenton, A. and Parry, K.D., 2022. Netnography – an approach to ethnography in the digital age. In: Quan-Haase, A. and Sloan, L., eds. The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. SAGE, 214-227.
- Richards, J., Parry, K.D. and Spanjaard, D., 2022. Studying Sports Fans through Ethnographic Method: Walk a Mile in their Shoes. In: Sarver Coombs, D. and Osborne, A.C., eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport Fans and Fandom. Routledge.
- Parry, K.D. and Richards, J., 2022. Football Fans and Food: Feeding the Desire. In: Sarver Coombs, D. and Osborne, A.C., eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport Fans and Fandom. Routledge.
- Parry, K.D. and Magrath, R., 2022. Social media, digital technology, and sexuality in sport. Research in the Sociology of Sport. 127-144.
- Fenton, A., Parry, K.D., Chadwick, S., Guimarães, G. and Aeron, V., 2022. Digital Innovation in Sport – Barriers and Opportunities for Branded Fitness Apps for Fans. Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics. 25-42.
- Richards, J., Parry, K.D. and Spanjaard, D., 2022. Studying Sports Fans Through Ethnographic Methods: Walk a Mile in Their Shoes. Routledge Handbook of Sport Fans and Fandom. 84-94.
- Parry, K.D. and Richards, J., 2022. Football Fans and Food: Feeding the Desire. Routledge Handbook of Sport Fans and Fandom. 377-387.
- Kavanagh, E. and Parry, K.D., 2021. Tokyo 2020: athlete welfare and coping with new anxieties. In: Jackson, D., Bernstein, A., Butterworth, M., Cho, Y., Sarver Coombs, D., Devlin, M. and Onwumechili, C., eds. Olympic and Paralympic Analysis 2020: Mega events, media, and the politics of sport: Early reflections from leading academics. Bournemouth University: The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, 74-75.
- Parry, K.D., Richards, J., Batey, J. and Khan, A., 2021. Walking the Walk: Gender-bland Sexism, the Fan Experience and Perceptions of Value in Professional Women’s Cricket. The Professionalisation of Women's Sport: Issues and Debates. 211-227.
- Rowe, D., Parry, K.D. and Pang, B., 2020. The China question and soccer in Australia. Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream. 285-306.
- Parry, K.D., Richards, J. and McAuliffe, C., 2020. Real-Time, Real World Learning-Capitalising on Mobile Technology. Applied Pedagogies for Higher Education: Real World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum. 371-393.
- Parry, K.D., George, E.S., Richards, J. and Stevens, A., 2019. Watching football as medicine: Promoting health at the football stadium. Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion. 183-200.
- Muir, K., Parry, K.D. and Anderson, E., 2019. Masculinity and inclusive rugby in the united kingdom. The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Sport. 323-340.
- Parry, K.D., Hall, T. and Baxter, A., 2018. Who ate all the pies? The importance of food in the Australian sporting experience. In: Parnell, D., Curran, K. and Philpott, M., eds. Healthy Stadia: An Insight from Policy to Practice. London: Routledge, 22-38.
- Parry, K.D., Rowe, D., George, E.S. and Hall, T.J., 2017. Healthy sport consumption: Moving away from pies and beer. Sport and Health: Exploring the Current State of Play. 219-237.
- Parry, K.D., 2014. It may be the World Cup, but how global is the ‘world game’? 205-208.
- Parry, K.D., 2013. Can't buy me love: the rise and fall of an AFL" hero". 15-24.
- Parry, K.D., 2024. Hero formation and the myth of Australian national identity in Australian football. , 78-92.
- Parry, K.D., Neal, S., Rishbeth, C., Pang, B. and Aytug, R., 2023. Informal sport and leisure, urban space and social inequalities. In: Re-creating Leisure: Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference 2023 11-13 July 2023 Bournemouth.
- Parry, K.D., 2022. Conceptualising Organisational Cultural Lag on Marriage Equality in Australian Sporting Organisations. In: Building Equality and Justice Now - BSA Annual Conference 2022 20-22 April 2022 Virtual.
- Parry, K.D. and Batey, J., 2020. For a Few Dollars More – The Representation of Elite Women’s Cricket in Australia. In: 2019 Women in Sport and Exercise Conference 11-12 June 2019 St Mary's University, Twickenham, London, UK. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 (1), 61.
- Hansen, M., Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E. and Anderson, E., 2019. “God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve” – An analysis of online responses to the EPL’s support of Rainbow Laces. In: Fourth annual interdisciplinary Sport and Discrimination Conference 4 September 2019 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, England.
- Parry, K.D., 2018. The formation of Sports Heroes: Mythology and National Identity. In: Changing the rules of the game? An interdisciplinary symposium examining the relationship between sport and media 16-17 May 2018 Loughborough.
- Parry, K.D. and Cleland, J., 2018. Israel Folau, Australian football and racial folklore. Abstract Book of the 15th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference: Sport, Discriminations and Inclusion: Challenges to Face (EASS 2018), May 23-26, 2018, Bordeaux, France, 48.
- Parry, K.D., Khan, A.M. and Richards, J., 2018. Paying the price: ticket purchasing at sports events. Book of Abstracts: 24th Annual SMAANZ Conference 2018, 21-23 November 2018, Adelaide, South Australia.
- George, E.S., Rodas, A. and Parry, K.D., 2017. Mind and body: academic engagement with industry. Sporting Traditions Conference XXI: The Business of Sport, Sydney, NSW, 3-6 July 2017.
- Parry, K.D., 2017. The formation of sports heroes and the role of national identity. ISSA 2017 Book of Abstracts: 2017 World Congress of Sociology of Sport: Reimagining Democracies and Sport, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, May 30-June 2, 2017, 60.
- Parry, K.D., 2017. Jeremy Cameron: boy from the bush. Sporting Traditions XXI: The Business of Sport, Sydney, NSW, 3-6 July 2017.
- Cull, M. and Parry, K.D., 2017. The cost of organised sport: increasing sport participation in NSW. 23rd Annual SMAANZ Conference: Places, Events and Sport:'Going for Gold', 29 November-1 December 2017, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, 58.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. Unfair dinkum!: the exclusive nature of Australian sport. Team Sydney Sports Conference: Change the Game, 7 May 2016, Sydney, Australia.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. Bullying or banter?: abuse in sport. No 2 Bullying Conference 2016, 18-19 April 2016, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. ‘We have lattes over here too…’: Sydney rivalries, old and new. History Week Symposium: Community Sporting Histories: Inclusion, Exclusion and Authority, 6 September 2016, State Library of New South Wales.
- Gatzidis, C., Parry, K., Kavanagh, E., Wilding, A. and Gibson, D., 2009. Towards the development of an interactive 3D coach training serious game. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-GAMES 2009, 186-189.
- Gatzidis, C., Parry, K., Kavanagh, E., Wilding, A. and Gibson, D., 2009. Towards the Development of an Interactive 3D Coach Training Serious Game. VS-GAMES, 186-189 IEEE Computer Society.
- Nicholson, R., Parry, K. and Reghunathan, A., 2023. Levelling the playing field? The impact of The Hundred, Year One. Bournemouth University.
- Philippou, C., Clarkson, B., Pope, S., Jain, S., Parry, K.D., Huang, X., Plumley, D. and Cox, A., 2022. The Gender Divide That Fails Football’s Bottom Line: The Commercial Case for Gender Equality. Fair Game. Available from: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic1.squarespace.com%2Fstatic%2F6047aabc7130e94a70ed3515%2Ft%2F6225fcd351786a64ba4421b0%2F1646656733257%2FThe%2BGender%2BDivide%2BThat%2BFails%2BFootball%2527s%2BBottom%2BLine%2B-%2BFair%2BGame%2BReport%2BMarch%2B2022.pdf&clen=4721103&chunk=true.
- Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E., Lock, D. and Muller, J., 2021. Diversity and Inclusion within the Vitality Netball Superleague: A report prepared for the Netball Players’ Association. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University.
- Storr, R., Knijnik, J., Parry, K.D., Collinson, A. and Staples, E., 2019. Developing LGBT+ Inclusive Supporter Groups in the Big Bash League. Western Sydney University. Available from: https://researchdirect.westernsydney.edu.au/islandora/object/uws:53512/datastream/PDF/view.
- Parry, K.D., Khan, A., Richards, J. and Jendrachowski, C., 2018. #smashemsixers: A report on the matchday presentation of Sydney Sixers Women’s Big Bash League games. Western Sydney University.
- Parry, K.D., Richards, J. and Melville, B., 2018. Football Federation of Australia Multicultural Settlement Program Evaluation. Sydney: Western Sydney University.
- Parry, K.D. and Hall, T.J., 2015. Fan Engagement and Experience: A Study into Perceptions of ARU Members. St Leonards, NSW: Western Sydney University.
Internet Publications
- Kavanagh, E. and Parry, K.D., 2024. Protecting women from online abuse is a moral obligation – and an issue sport cannot ignore. SportsPro. Available from: https://www.sportspromedia.com/insights/opinions/womens-sport-online-abuse-social-media/.
- Sveinson, K., Clarkson, B., Parry, K.D. and Richards, J., 2023. If you build it, they will buy it: Women’s soccer fans desire more team apparel. Sport Business Journal. Available from: https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2023/08/21/oped-21-think-tank.aspx?hl=Katie+sveinson&sc=0&publicationSource=search.
- Parry, K.D., 2022. ‘We’re entering unprecedented territory’: sports expert Q&A on what Djokovic row means for unvaccinated elite athletes. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/were-entering-unprecedented-territory-sports-expert-qanda-on-what-djokovic-row-means-for-unvaccinated-elite-athletes-174989.
- Parry, K.D., Clarkson, B. and Nicholson, R., 2021. Women’s sport is on the way up – but more needs to be done to secure its future. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/womens-sport-is-on-the-way-up-but-more-needs-to-be-done-to-secure-its-future-172534.
- Parry, K.D., 2021. The formation of heroes and the myth of national identity | A Summary. idrottsforum.org. Available from: https://idrottsforum.org/feature-parry210930/.
- Hardwicke, J., Anderson, E., Parry, K.D. and Magrath, R., 2021. LGBTQ+ athletes: why more sportspeople than ever are coming out. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/lgbtq-athletes-why-more-sportspeople-than-ever-are-coming-out-168010.
- Parry, K.D. and Smith, M., 2021. ‘Harder than I’d expected': top players on why joining Premier League from abroad is so tough. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/harder-than-id-expected-top-players-on-why-joining-premier-league-from-abroad-is-so-tough-166309.
- Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E. and Anderson, E., 2021. Tokyo Olympics: winning could become about managing COVID stress. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/tokyo-olympics-winning-could-become-about-managing-covid-stress-162951.
- Kavanagh, E. and Parry, K.D., 2021. Trolling of footballers: We all have the potential to be abused or become the abusers. Irish Examiner.
- Anderson, E., White, A. and Parry, K.D., 2020. Tackling in children’s rugby must be banned to curb dementia risks. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/tackling-in-childrens-rugby-must-be-banned-to-curb-dementia-risks-151879.
- Parry, K.D., Anderson, E. and Hurst, H., 2020. Football and dementia: heading must be banned until the age of 18. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/football-and-dementia-heading-must-be-banned-until-the-age-of-18-150575.
- Parry, K.D., Adair, D. and Cleland, J., 2020. National anthems in sport: songs of praise or memorials that are past their use-by date?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/national-anthems-in-sport-songs-of-praise-or-memorials-that-are-past-their-use-by-date-142097.
- Clarkson, B., Culvin, A., Parry, K.D. and Pope, S., 2020. Coronavirus: the future of women’s football is under threat. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-the-future-of-womens-football-is-under-threat-139582.
- Batey, J. and Parry, K.D., 2020. Coronavirus: why self-isolation brings mental health strain for elite athletes. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-why-self-isolation-brings-mental-health-strain-for-elite-athletes-135273.
- Parry, K.D., Anderson, E. and Smith, M., 2019. Big men do cry: cricketers are leading the charge for inclusive masculinity. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/big-men-do-cry-cricketers-are-leading-the-charge-for-inclusive-masculinity-127108.
- Rowe, D., Smith, M., Batten, J. and Parry, K.D., 2019. The problem with this heroic Ashes moment by Steve Smith. news.com.au. Available from: https://amp.news.com.au/sport/cricket/the-ashes/the-problem-with-this-heroic-ashes-moment-by-steve-smith/news-story/131baca3d5b9a91a1a6c40b78a2469be.
- Parry, K.D. and Kavanagh, E., 2019. Ben Stokes: England cricketer’s triumph over adversity is a classic hero’s tale. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/ben-stokes-england-cricketers-triumph-over-adversity-is-a-classic-heros-tale-122561.
- Rowe, D., Parry, K.D. and Smith, M., 2019. The Ashes: cricket and the captain’s curse. ON LINE OPINION - Australia's e-journal of social and political debate. Available from: https://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=20429.
- Parry, K.D. and Cleland, J., 2019. Our national anthem is non-inclusive: Indigenous Australians shouldn’t have to sing it. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/our-national-anthem-is-non-inclusive-indigenous-australians-shouldnt-have-to-sing-it-118177.
- Richards, J., Parry, K.D. and Anderson, E., 2019. Rugby league may finally have reached its tipping point on player behaviour and violence. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/rugby-league-may-finally-have-reached-its-tipping-point-on-player-behaviour-and-violence-111421.
- Anderson, E., Parry, K.D. and Batten, J., 2019. Sporting dads: male athletes need family-friendly policies too. Available from: https://theconversation.com/sporting-dads-male-athletes-need-family-friendly-policies-too-125514.
- Cull, M. and Parry, K.D., 2018. Pay to play: is participating in sport becoming too expensive for everyday Australians?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/pay-to-play-is-participating-in-sport-becoming-too-expensive-for-everyday-australians-101826.
- Parry, K.D., 2018. Football fans are fuming over Optus’ World Cup coverage, but it’s not entirely to blame. news.com.au. Available from: https://www.news.com.au/sport/football/world-cup/football-fans-are-fuming-over-optus-world-cup-coverage-but-its-not-entirely-to-blame/news-story/16bae25cd85985f293d90e69a6cf7fe1.
- Orlando, J. and Parry, K.D., 2018. The IOC thinks eSports are too violent for the Olympics, but traditional sports are violent too. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/the-ioc-thinks-esports-are-too-violent-for-the-olympics-but-traditional-sports-are-violent-too-96346.
- WIse, A., Parry, K.D., Aquino, K., Neal, S. and Velayutham, S., 2018. Pushing casual sport to the margins threatens cities’ social cohesion. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/pushing-casual-sport-to-the-margins-threatens-cities-social-cohesion-92352.
- Parry, K.D. and Kavanagh, E., 2018. Can the cricketers banned for ball tampering ever regain their hero status?: it’s happened before. Available from: https://theconversation.com/can-the-cricketers-banned-for-ball-tampering-ever-regain-their-hero-status-its-happened-before-94096.
- Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E. and Freeland, S., 2018. Just not cricket: why ball tampering is cheating. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/just-not-cricket-why-ball-tampering-is-cheating-93935.
- Bennie, A. and Parry, K.D., 2018. In Harley Windsor, Australia has its first Indigenous Winter Olympian: why has it taken so long?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/in-harley-windsor-australia-has-its-first-indigenous-winter-olympian-why-has-it-taken-so-long-91309.
- Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E. and Storr, R., 2018. Why sport hasn’t made much progress on LGBTI+ rights since the Sochi Olympics. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/why-sport-hasnt-made-much-progress-on-lgbti-rights-since-the-sochi-olympics-91091.
- Parry, K.D. and George, E.S., 2018. Should the Commonwealth Games come with a health warning?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/should-the-commonwealth-games-come-with-a-health-warning-94579.
- Richards, J., Parry, K.D., Smith, M. and Hall, T.J., 2018. Note to governments: sports stadiums should benefit everyone, not just fans. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/note-to-governments-sports-stadiums-should-benefit-everyone-not-just-fans-105956.
- Parry, K.D. and Richards, J., 2018. The AFLW found instant success, but challenges remain for its long-term sustainability. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/the-aflw-found-instant-success-but-challenges-remain-for-its-long-term-sustainability-104406.
- Parry, K.D., Khan, A.M. and Hughes, B., 2017. The new ticketing technology that may make scalping a thing of the past. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/the-new-ticketing-technology-that-may-make-scalping-a-thing-of-the-past-87674.
- Parry, K.D., 2017. 'Australian'enough to be a hero?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/australian-enough-to-be-a-hero-71631.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. Eddie Betts and racism in sport: it's not enough to just not join in. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/eddie-betts-and-racism-in-sport-its-not-enough-to-just-not-join-in-64241.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. Starting out and getting ahead in the sport industry. LinkedIn. Available from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/starting-out-getting-ahead-sport-industry-keith-parry.
- Parry, K.D. and Hughes, B., 2016. The price is not right: how much is too much for a beer at sporting events?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/the-price-is-not-right-how-much-is-too-much-for-a-beer-at-sporting-events-69708.
- Parry, K.D., 2015. Booing Adam Goodes – racism is in the stitching of the AFL. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/booing-adam-goodes-racism-is-in-the-stitching-of-the-afl-45316.
- Parry, K.D., Kavanagh, E.J. and Jones, I., 2015. Adoration and abuse: how virtual maltreatment harms athletes. The Conversation. Available from: http://theconversation.com/adoration-and-abuse-how-virtual-maltreatment-harms-athletes-40389.
- Parry, K.D., 2015. What Sam Burgess' Face Tells Us about Australian Sport. Available from: http://theallrounder.co/2015/01/27/what-sam-burgess-face-tells-us-about-australian-sport/.
- Parry, K.D., 2014. Boxing Day Test: sunny spectacle on a stadium-sized stage. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/boxing-day-test-sunny-spectacle-on-a-stadium-sized-stage-34300.
- Parry, K.D., 2014. If a Sporting Event in Played and No One Watches it on TV, Does it Still Happen?. The Allrounder. Available from: http://theallrounder.co/2014/11/17/if-a-sporting-event-is-played-and-no-one-watches-it-on-tv-does-it-still-happen/.
- Parry, K.D., 2014. World Cup fever hits Vanuatu. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/world-cup-fever-hits-vanuatu-27966.
- Parry, K.D., 2013. More offside than onside: There's still a long way to go to ensure gender equality in sport - whether it be playing, coaching, officiating or leadership.. Motherpedia. Available from: http://www.motherpedia.com.au/article/more-offside-than-onside.
- Parry, K.D. and Kavanagh, E., 2013. Sledging is out of order in the workplace, so why not the sports field?. The Conversation. Available from: https://theconversation.com/sledging-is-out-of-order-in-the-workplace-so-why-not-the-sports-field-20812.
- Parry, K.D., 2012. GWS Giants lack a true sense of home. The Roar. Available from: http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/01/26/gws-giants-lack-a-true-sense-of-home/.
- Parry, K.D., 2012. Welkum to Lodnon 2012 Oimplycs! In sponsorship war, common sense is first casualty. Sports Business Insider. Available from: http://sportsbusinessinsider.com.au/news/category/sponsorship-and-marketing/welkum-to-the-lodnon-2102-oimplycs-in-games-sponsorship-war-commonsense-is-first-casualty/.
- Parry, K.D., 2017. The bad, the good, and the ugly: the formation of heroes within the setting of a new sports team.
- Kavanagh, E.J., Litchfield, C., Osborne, J. and Parry, K.D., 2024. Gender and Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (PEPAS) Policy Brief. Lausanne, Switzerland: Global Observatory for Gender Equality & Sport. Published.
- Kavanagh, E. and Parry, K.D., 2021. Tokyo 2020: athlete welfare and coping with new anxieties. Poole: The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research. Published.
- Parry, K.D., 2016. Western Sydney University and GWS GIANTS Develop Unique Learning Activity.
Invited Lectures
Conceptualising Organisational Cultural Lag, Coventry University, 01 Dec 2021 more
Coventry University School of Marketing and Management Research Forum
- Just turn up: informal sport and participatory social life in the superdiverse city (Economic and Social Research Council, 01 Jun 2022). In Progress
- Informal ‘pickup’ sport, social inclusion and urban green space policy (Research England, 02 Dec 2019). Completed
- Evaluation of Football Federation of Australia Multicultural Settlement Program (Football Federation Australia, 01 Feb 2018). Completed
- Developing Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Trans + (LGBT+) Inclusive Supporter Groups (Cricket Victoria, 14 Jan 2018). Completed
- Stadium Precinct Research Project (Populous, 01 Mar 2017). Completed
- Improving health and wellness through Rugby League (Bulldogs Rugby League Club, 01 Feb 2017). Completed
- Bulldogs EOI response NSW NRL Centres of Excellence Program (Bulldogs Rugby League Club, 23 Nov 2016). Completed
External Responsibilities
- Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Editorial Board of Sports Management and Marketing (2020-)
- Managing Sport and Leisure, Editorial Board Member, https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=rmle21
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Are we nearly there yet - The long road to gender equality in sport (29 Mar 2022)
Conference Presentations
- Telling the Story of Sport: Narrating Sport in a Global Context, National identity, myth and sports heroes, 21 Sep 2020, Bristol / Online
Social Media Links
- Twitter, @sportinaus?lang=en
- LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/kdparry/
External Media and Press
- A fascinating experiment in how sexism, and racism, affects the way we watch sport, The Sydney Morning Herald, 09 Nov 2021. https://www.smh.com.au/national/a-fascinating-experiment-in-how-sexism-and-racism-affects-the-way-we-watch-sport-20211109-p597g1.html
- Sport will always be political, Newstalk ZB, New Zealand, 22 Oct 2021. https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/early-edition/audio/dr-keith-parry-deputy-head-of-sport-and-events-management-at-bournemouth-university-says-sport-will-always-be-political/
- Simone Biles prioritizes mental health over Olympic gymnastics competition, France 24, 29 Jul 2021. https://www.france24.com/en/video/20210729-simone-biles-prioritizes-mental-health-over-olympic-gymnastics-competition
- Racism is woven into the very DNA of Australian cricket, Crikey, 11 Jan 2021. https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/01/11/scg-racism-india-australia-sport-cricket/
- Footballers 3.5 Times More Likely to Die of Dementia Than General Population, Sputnik News, 24 Nov 2020. https://sputniknews.com/amp/analysis/202011241081262291-footballers-35-times-more-likely-to-die-of-dementia-than-general-population-keith-parry-says/
- Radio interview - Women's football under threat, Heart Hampshire - U.K. Regional Radio, 17 Jun 2020. https://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=4c24d632-ceca-4e41-9b72-d8ea2efacb74
- Footballers Boycott Social Media, BBC World News, 23 Apr 2019. https://twitter.com/i/status/1120585317831139328