Professor Sam Porter
- Professor
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Sam Porter is a sociologist by academic training and a nurse by profession. His wide research interests reflect this combination. His main areas of interest are palliative and end-of-life care; supportive care for cancer survivors and carers; maternal and child health; the sociology of health professionals; and the use of arts-based therapies. Recently, he has combined his interests through leadership of a randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the well-being of children with behavioural problems, and a current pilot trial examining whether music therapy can reduce the anxiety of people reaching the end of their lives. In line with existing research strengths in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences relating to the experiences of older people, he is taking an increasing interest in issues around palliative care for the elderly.
Sam has adopted a wide range of methods in his research, ranging from the above-mentioned randomised controlled trials to the use of qualitative approaches such as ethnography... He is a strong advocate of realist approaches to knowledge, which provide a robust rationale for the use of mixed methods. In his advocacy of a realist philosophy of science, he has enjoyed a number of contentious debates.
Sam teaches on social theory, research methods and the sociology of health.
Sam Porter’s research deals with one of the most difficult and sensitive areas of human experience – caring for people who are reaching the end of their lives.
- McConnell, T., Scott, D. and Porter, S., 2016. Healthcare staff's experience in providing end-of-life care to children: A mixed-method review. Palliative Medicine, 30 (10), 905-919.
Journal Articles
- Tariq, H., Dunn, J., Forrester, S., Collins, K. and Porter, S., 2024. Development and evaluation of a quality improvement educational video on joint contractures for care home staff. BMJ open quality, 13 (4).
- Blair, C., Porter, S. et al., 2024. The lived experience of renal cachexia: An interpretive phenomenological analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 7.
- Porter, S. and Tura, F., 2024. Perspectives: The Journal of Research in Nursing: constancy and change. Journal of Research in Nursing, 29 (8), 735-743.
- Sheppard, S., Culliford, D., Glen, T., Lee, S., Sheppard, Z.A. and Porter, S., 2024. Care for sexual health in oncology survey: Discussions about sexual health with people with cancer in the context of the obligation to provide informed consent. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 72.
- McGreal, J., Read, R., Porter, S. and Roy, M., 2024. How do community organisations benefit from engaging in research? A critical realist review. Voluntary Sector Review.
- Vincent, C., Fenge, L.A., Porter, S. and Holland, S., 2024. Exploring Whether and How People Experiencing High Deprivation Access Diagnostic Services: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Health Expectations, 27 (4).
- Tariq, H., Collins, K., Dunn, J., Tait, D. and Porter, S., 2024. The Delphi of ORACLE: An Expert Consensus Survey for the Development of the Observational Risk Assessment of Contractures (Longitudinal Evaluation). Clinical Rehabilitation, 38 (5), 664-677.
- Baker, R.M., Chipuriro, R., Fenge, L.A., Porter, S. et al., 2023. Common health assets protocol: A mixed-methods, realist evaluation and economic appraisal of how community-led organisations (CLOs) impact on the health and well-being of people living in deprived areas. BMJ Open, 13 (3).
- Tariq, H., Collins, K., Tait, D., Dunn, J., Altaf, S. and Porter, S., 2023. Factors associated with joint contractures in adults: a systematic review with narrative synthesis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45 (11), 1755-1772.
- Singleton, H., Porter, S., Beavis, J., Falconer, L., Hernandez, J.P. and Holley, D., 2023. Accounting for complexity in critical realist trials: the promise of PLS-SEM. Journal of Critical Realism, 22 (3), 384-403.
- Porter, S., 2022. Deriding the Rising: Joyce, Joyceans, and Political Sacrifice in Ulysses. James Joyce Quarterly, 59 (2), 247-271.
- Blair, C., Porter, S. et al., 2022. Developing an Evidence and Theory Based Multimodal Integrative Intervention for the Management of Renal Cachexia: A Theory of Change. Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (12).
- Spacey, A. and Porter, S., 2022. Understanding advance care planning in care homes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical realist review and synthesis. Palliative Medicine.
- Blair, C., Porter, S. et al., 2022. Exploring the lived experience of renal cachexia for individuals with end-stage renal disease and the interrelated experience of their carers: Study protocol. PLoS ONE, 17 (11 November).
- Chessell, S., Courtiour, S., Colman, A., Porter, S. and Heaslip, V., 2022. Staff perspectives of a near-real time feedback intervention to improve patient experiences. British Journal of Health Care Management, 28 (9), 245-252.
- Culley, L. and Porter, S., 2022. Guest Editorial. Journal of Research in Nursing, 27 (3), 198-199.
- McKeaveney, C., Porter, S. et al., 2021. Using a generic definition of cachexia in patients with kidney disease receiving haemodialysis: A longitudinal (pilot) study. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 36 (10), 1919-1926.
- Spacey, A., Porter, S., Board, M. and Scammell, J., 2021. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on end of life care delivery in care homes: A mixed method systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 35 (8), 1468-1479.
- McKeaveney, C., Porter, S. et al., 2021. Erratum: Using a generic definition of cachexia in patients with kidney disease receiving haemodialysis: A longitudinal (pilot) study, (Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2020) (gfaa174) DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa174). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 36 (8), 1554.
- Spacey, A., Scammell, J., Board, M. and Porter, S., 2021. A critical realist evaluation of advance care planning in care homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77 (6), 2774-2784.
- Mitchell, G., Porter, S. and Manias, E., 2021. Enabling sustained communication with patients for safe and effective management of oral chemotherapy: A longitudinal ethnography. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77 (2), 899-909.
- Pritchard, C., Porters, S., Rosenorn-Lanng, E. and Williams, R., 2021. Mortality in the USA, the UK and Other Western Countries, 1989–2015: What Is Wrong With the US? International Journal of Health Services, 51 (1), 59-66.
- Slee, A., Porter, S. et al., 2020. Estimating the Prevalence of Muscle Wasting, Weakness, and Sarcopenia in Hemodialysis Patients. Journal of Renal Nutrition, 30 (4), 313-321.
- Spacey, A., Scammell, J., Board, M. and Porter, S., 2020. Systematic critical realist review of interventions designed to improve end-of-life care in care homes. Nursing and Health Sciences, 22 (2), 343-354.
- Kirkwood, J., Graham-Wisener, L., McConnell, T., Porter, S. and Reid, J., 2020. A synopsis of the MusiQual feasibility study into the effectiveness of music therapy in palliative care inpatient settings. Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy, Advance Online Publication, 1-14.
- Porter, S., 2019. Commentary: A qualitative examination of the perceived impact of bureaucratic managerialism on evidence-based practice implementation in Nigeria: a collective case study. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (8), 647-648.
- Porter, S., 2019. Why nurses should be Marxists. Nursing Philosophy, 20 (4).
- Mc Veigh, C., Reid, J., Larkin, P., Porter, S. and Hudson, P., 2019. Palliative care for people with non-malignant respiratory disease and their carers: a review of the current evidence. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (6), 420-430.
- Ruane-McAteer, E., Porter, S., O'Sullivan, J., Dempster, M. and Prue, G., 2019. Investigating the psychological impact of active surveillance or active treatment in newly diagnosed favorable-risk prostate cancer patients: A 9-month longitudinal study. Psycho-Oncology, 28 (8), 1743-1752.
- Ruane-McAteer, E., Porter, S., O'Sullivan, J., Dempster, M. and Prue, G., 2019. Investigating the Psychological Impact of Active Surveillance or Active Treatment in Newly Diagnosed Favorable-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients: A 9 month Longitudinal Study. Psycho-Oncology.
- Seres, D. et al., 2019. Identifying Malnutrition in End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) (P12-037-19). Curr Dev Nutr, 3 (Suppl 1).
- Porter, S., 2019. Commentary: Sexuality as taboo: using interpretative phenomenological analysis and a Foucauldian lens to explore fathers’ practices in talking to their children about puberty, relationships and reproduction. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (1-2), 34-35.
- Corry, M., Porter, S. and McKenna, H., 2019. The redundancy of positivism as a paradigm for nursing research. Nursing Philosophy, 20 (1).
- Kirkwood, J., Porter, S. et al., 2019. The MusiQual treatment manual for music therapy in a palliative care inpatient setting. BRITISH JOURNAL OF MUSIC THERAPY, 33 (1), 5-15.
- Porter, S. et al., 2018. A randomised controlled pilot and feasibility study of music therapy for improving the quality of life of hospice inpatients. BMC Palliative Care, 17 (1).
- Mitchell, G., Porter, S. and Manias, E., 2018. From telling to sharing to silence: A longitudinal ethnography of professional-patient communication about oral chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 28 (2), 336-342.
- Graham-Wisener, L., Watts, G., Kirkwood, J., Harrison, C., McEwan, J., Porter, S., Reid, J. and McConnell, T.H., 2018. Music therapy in UK palliative and end-of-life care: A service evaluation. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 8 (3), 282-284.
- Porter, S., 2018. Review: Evaluation of individuals’ health beliefs and their association with testicular self-examination: adult sample from Amasya. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23 (6), 518-519.
- Culley, L. and Porter, S., 2018. Special Collection Editorial: grounded theory. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23 (6), 468-475.
- Nallen, K., Spence, D. and Porter, S., 2018. Does Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) impact on clinical practice? A qualitative exploration of midwifery graduates’ perceptions. Midwifery, 63, 17-19.
- Porter, S., 2018. Gender and Publishing in Nursing: A secondary analysis of h-index ranking tables. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (8), 1899-1907.
- Spacey, A., Scammell, J., Board, M. and Porter, S., 2018. End-of-life care in UK care homes: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Research in Nursing, 23 (2-3), 180-200.
- Byrne, A., McNeill, J., Rogers, K. and Porter, S., 2018. Impact of Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) on student midwife praxis. Midwifery, 58, 83-85.
- Reid, J., Porter, S. et al., 2018. Establishing a clinical phenotype for cachexia in end stage kidney disease - Study protocol. BMC Nephrology, 19 (1).
- Mc Veigh, C., Reid, J., Larkin, P., Porter, S. and Hudson, P., 2018. The experience of palliative care service provision for people with non-malignant respiratory disease and their family carers: An all-Ireland qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (2), 383-394.
- Porter, S., McConnell, T., Clarke, M., Kirkwood, J., Hughes, N., Graham-Wisener, L., Regan, J., McKeown, M., McGrillen, K. and Reid, J., 2017. A critical realist evaluation of a music therapy intervention in palliative care. BMC Palliative Care, 16 (1).
- McGaughey, J., O'Halloran, P., Porter, S., Trinder, J. and Blackwood, B., 2017. Early warning systems and rapid response to the deteriorating patient in hospital: A realist evaluation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73 (12), 3119-3132.
- McGaughey, J., O'Halloran, P., Porter, S. and Blackwood, B., 2017. Early warning systems and rapid response to the deteriorating patient in hospital: A systematic realist review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73 (12), 2877-2891.
- Ruane-McAteer, E., Porter, S., O'Sullivan, J.M., Santin, O. and Prue, G., 2017. Active surveillance for favorable-risk prostate cancer: Is there a greater psychological impact than previously thought? A systematic, mixed studies literature review. Psycho-Oncology, 26 (10), 1411-1421.
- McConnell, T. and Porter, S., 2017. Music therapy for palliative care: A realist review. Palliative and Supportive Care, 15 (4), 454-464.
- Veigh, C.M., Reid, J., Larkin, P., Porter, S. and Hudson, P., 2017. The provision of generalist and specialist palliative care for patients with non-malignant respiratory disease in the North and Republic of Ireland: A qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 17 (1).
- Porter, S. et al., 2017. Music therapy for children and adolescents with behavioural and emotional problems: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 58 (5), 586-594.
- Porter, S., 2017. Evaluating realist evaluation: a response to Pawson's reply. Nursing Philosophy, 18 (2).
- Porter, S., McConnell, T. and Reid, J., 2017. The possibility of critical realist randomised controlled trials. Trials, 18 (1).
- McConnell, T. and Porter, S., 2017. The experience of providing end of life care at a children's hospice: a qualitative study. BMC Palliative Care, 16 (1).
- Scott, D., Reid, J., Hudson, P., Martin, P. and Porter, S., 2016. Health care professionals' experience, understanding and perception of need of advanced cancer patients with cachexia and their families: The benefits of a dedicated clinic. BMC Palliative Care, 15 (1).
- McConnell, T., Scott, D. and Porter, S., 2016. Healthcare staff's experience in providing end-of-life care to children: A mixed-method review. Palliative Medicine, 30 (10), 905-919.
- Reid, J., Porter, S. et al., 2016. Distinguishing between cachexia, sarcopenia and protein energy wasting in end-stage renal disease patients on dialysis. Palliative Medicine and Hospice Care, 2 (2), e11-e13.
- McConnell, T., Scott, D. and Porter, S., 2016. Music therapy for end-of-life care: An updated systematic review. Palliative Medicine, 30 (9), 877-883.
- McConnell, T., Graham-Wisener, L., Regan, J., McKeown, M., Kirkwood, J., Hughes, N., Clarke, M., Leitch, J., McGrillen, K. and Porter, S., 2016. Evaluation of the effectiveness of music therapy in improving the quality of life of palliative care patients: A randomised controlled pilot and feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2 (1).
- Ruane-McAteer, E., O'Sullivan, J., Porter, S., Venderbos, L. and Prue, G., 2016. An exploration of men's experiences of undergoing active surveillance for favourable-risk prostate cancer: A mixed methods study protocol. BMC Cancer, 16 (1).
- Alderdice, F., Porter, S.W., de Souza, M.D.L., Velloso, B.P. and Brüggeman, O.M., 2016. Postnatal care in Brazil: Opportunities and challenges. Texto e Contexto Enfermagem, 25 (4).
- O'Halloran, P., Scott, D., Reid, J. and Porter, S., 2015. Multimedia psychoeducational interventions to support patient self-care in degenerative conditions: A realist review. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13 (5), 1473-1486.
- Porter, S., 2015. Realist evaluation: An immanent critique. Nursing Philosophy, 16 (4), 239-251.
- Higgins, A., O'Halloran, P. and Porter, S., 2015. The Management of Long-Term Sickness Absence in Large Public Sector Healthcare Organisations: A Realist Evaluation Using Mixed Methods. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 25 (3), 451-470.
- Reid, J., Porter, S. et al., 2015. Defining cachexia in a renal population. Journal of Renal Care, 41 (2), 79-80.
- Porter, S., 2015. Review: Locating the qualitative interview: reflecting on space and place in nursing research. Journal of Research in Nursing, 20 (3), 216-217.
- Noble, H., Price, J.E. and Porter, S., 2015. The challenge to health professionals when carers resist truth telling at the end of life: A qualitative secondary analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24 (7-8), 927-936.
- Mitchell, G., Porter, S. and Manias, E., 2015. A critical ethnography of communication processes involving the management of oral chemotherapeutic agents by patients with a primary diagnosis of colorectal cancer: Study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (4), 922-932.
- Prue, G., Santin, O. and Porter, S., 2015. Assessing the needs of informal caregivers to cancer survivors: A review of the instruments. Psycho-Oncology, 24 (2), 121-129.
- Porter, S., 2015. The uncritical realism of realist evaluation. Evaluation, 21 (1), 65-82.
- McConnell, T., O'Halloran, P., Donnelly, M. and Porter, S., 2015. Factors affecting the successful implementation and sustainability of the Liverpool Care Pathway for dying patients: A realist evaluation. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 5 (1), 70-77.
- Porter, S., McConnell, T., Lynn, F., McLaughlin, K., Cardwell, C. and Holmes, V., 2014. Recruiting participants for randomized controlled trials of music therapy: A practical illustration. Journal of Music Therapy, 51 (4), 355-381.
- Munier, T. and Porter, S., 2014. The struggle for safe staffing levels in the USA: A political economy of evidence-based practice. Journal of Research in Nursing, 19 (7-8), 592-603.
- Reid, J., Scott, D., Santin, O., Cardwell, C.R., Donnelly, M., Kernohan, W.G., O'Halloran, P.D.O., Regan, J. and Porter, S., 2014. Evaluation of a psychoeducational intervention for patients with advanced cancer who have cachexia and their lay carers (EPACaCC): study protocol. Journal of advanced nursing, 70 (5), 1174-1183.
- Mc Veigh, C., Reid, J., Hudson, P., Larkin, P., Porter, S. and Marley, A.M., 2014. The experiences of palliative care health service provision for people with non-malignant respiratory disease and their caregivers: An all-Ireland study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70 (3), 687-697.
- Porter, S., 2014. Review: Conflict management styles used by nurses in Jordan. Journal of Research in Nursing, 19 (1), 54-55.
- Higgins, A., Porter, S. and O'Halloran, P., 2014. General practitioners' management of the long-term sick role. Social Science and Medicine, 107, 52-60.
- Goldin, L.J., Porter, S. et al., 2014. Indoor air quality survey of nail salons in Boston. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16 (3), 508-514.
- Millar, C., Reid, J. and Porter, S., 2013. Healthcare professionals' response to cachexia in advanced cancer: A qualitative study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40 (6).
- Mcconnell, T., O'Halloran, P., Porter, S. and Donnelly, M., 2013. Systematic Realist Review of Key Factors Affecting the Successful Implementation and Sustainability of the Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 10 (4), 218-237.
- Porter, S., 2013. Editorial. Journal of Research in Nursing, 18 (5), 389-390.
- Millar, C., Reid, J. and Porter, S., 2013. Refractory cachexia and truth-telling about terminal prognosis: A qualitative study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 22 (3), 326-333.
- Scott, D.A., Mills, M., Black, A., Cantwell, M., Campbell, A., Cardwell, C.R., Porter, S. and Donnelly, M., 2013. Multidimensional rehabilitation programmes for adult cancer survivors. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013 (3).
- Reid, J., Noble, H.R., Porter, S., Shields, J.S. and Maxwell, A.P., 2013. A literature review of end-stage renal disease and cachexia: Understanding experience to inform evidence-based healthcare. Journal of Renal Care, 39 (1), 47-51.
- Porter, S., 2013. Capitalism, the state and health care in the age of austerity: A Marxist analysis. Nursing Philosophy, 14 (1), 5-16.
- Porter, S., Millar, C. and Reid, J., 2012. Cancer cachexia care: The contribution of qualitative research to evidence-based practice. Cancer Nursing, 35 (6).
- Porter, S., Holmes, V., McLaughlin, K., Lynn, F., Cardwell, C., Braiden, H.J., Doran, J. and Rogan, S., 2012. Music in mind, a randomized controlled trial of music therapy for young people with behavioural and emotional problems: Study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68 (10), 2349-2358.
- Higgins, A., O'Halloran, P. and Porter, S., 2012. Management of long term sickness absence: A systematic realist review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 22 (3), 322-332.
- Porter, S., 2012. Review: Chronic pain in the neonate: A research design connecting Ancient Delphi to the modern 'Dutch Polder'. Journal of Research in Nursing, 17 (3), 273-274.
- Porter, S. and O'Halloran, P., 2012. The use and limitation of realistic evaluation as a tool for evidence-based practice: A critical realist perspective. Nursing Inquiry, 19 (1), 18-28.
- Porter, S., O'Halloran, P. and Morrow, E., 2011. Bringing values back into evidence-based nursing: The role of patients in resisting empiricism. Advances in Nursing Science, 34 (2), 106-118.
- Reid, J. and Porter, S., 2011. Utility, caller, and patient profile of a novel chemotherapy telephone helpline service within a regional cancer centre in Northern Ireland. Cancer Nursing, 34 (3).
- Porter, S., 2010. The role of qualitative research in evidence-based policy and practice. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15 (6), 495-496.
- Blackwood, B., O'Halloran, P. and Porter, S., 2010. On the problems of mixing RCTs with qualitative research: The case of the MRC framework for the evaluation of complex healthcare interventions. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15 (6), 511-521.
- McGaughey, J., Blackwood, B., O'Halloran, P., Trinder, T.J. and Porter, S., 2010. Realistic Evaluation of Early Warning Systems and the Acute Life-threatening Events - Recognition and Treatment training course for early recognition and management of deteriorating ward-based patients: Research protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (4), 923-932.
- Porter, S., 2010. Review: A potent mix: Older people, transitions, practice development and research. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15 (2), 115-116.
- O'halloran, P., Porter, S. and Blackwood, B., 2010. Evidence based practice and its critics: What is a nurse manager to do? Journal of Nursing Management, 18 (1), 90-95.
- Porter, S., 2010. Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing: The challenge of evidence-based practice. Advances in Nursing Science, 33 (1), 3-14.
- Porter, S. and O'Halloran, P., 2010. Postmodernism and evidence-based practice: A reply to Holmes et al. (2009). International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47 (4), 529-530.
- Porter, S. and Kelly, C., 2009. Bronzino's 'Allegory of Venus and Cupid': An exemplary image for contemporary sexual health promotion? International Journal of STD and AIDS, 20 (10), 726-731.
- Porter, S. and Shortall, S., 2009. Stakeholders and perspectivism in qualitative policy evaluation: A realist reflection. Public Administration, 87 (2), 259-273.
- Porter, S. and O'Halloran, P., 2009. The postmodernist war on evidence-based practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46 (5), 740-748.
- Porter, S., 2009. On the antiquity of evidence-based midwifery and its discontents. Evidence Based Midwifery, 7 (1), 3.
- Porter, S., 2008. Nursing research and the cults of phenomenology. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13 (4), 267-268.
- Porter, S., Crozier, K., Sinclair, M. and Kernohan, W.G., 2007. New midwifery? A qualitative analysis of midwives' decision-making strategies. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60 (5), 525-534.
- Crozier, K., Sinclair, M., George Kernohan, W. and Porter, S., 2007. The development of a theoretical model of midwifery competence in birth technology. Evidence Based Midwifery, 5 (4), 119-124.
- Porter, S., 2007. Validity, trustworthiness and rigour: Reasserting realism in qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60 (1), 79-86.
- Crazier, K., Sinclair, M., Kernohan, G.W. and Porter, S., 2007. Ethnography of technological competence in clinical midwifery practice. Evidence Based Midwifery, 5 (2), 59-65.
- Crozier, K., Sinclair, M., Kernohan, W.G. and Porter, S., 2006. Birth technology competence: a concept analysis. Evidence Based Midwifery, 4 (3), 59-65.
- Porter, S., 2001. Nightingale’s realist philosophy of science. Nursing Philosophy, 2 (1), 14-25.
- O'Hearn, D., Porter, S. and Harpur, A., 1999. Turning Agreement to Process: Republicanism and Change in Ireland. Capital and Class, 69 (3), 7-26.
- O'hearn, D., Porter, S. and Harpur, A., 1999. Turning Agreement to Process: Republicanism and Change in Ireland. Capital & Class, 23 (3), 7-25.
- Porter, S., 1998. Confronting famine: the case of the Irish Great Hunger. Nursing inquiry, 5 (2), 112-116.
- Porter, S., 1997. The patient and power: Sociological perspectives on the consequences of holistic care. Health and Social Care in the Community, 5 (1), 17-20.
- Cheek, J. and Porter, S., 1997. Reviewing Foucault: Possibilities and problems for nursing and health care. Nursing Inquiry, 4 (2), 108-119.
- Porter, S., 1997. Sociology and the nursing curriculum: a further comment. Journal of advanced nursing, 26 (1), 214-218.
- Porter, S., 1997. Hubris or Humanism? A Reply to Susan White. Sociology, 31 (3), 573-575.
- Campbell, R. and Porter, S., 1997. Feminist theory and the sociology of childbirth: A response to Ellen Annandale and Judith Clark. Sociology of Health and Illness, 19 (3), 348-358.
- Porter, S., 1996. Real bodies, real needs: a critique of the application of Foucault’s philosophy to nursing. Social Sciences in Health, 2 (4), 218-227.
- Porter, S., 1996. Men researching women working. Nursing Outlook, 44 (1), 22-26.
- Porter, S., 1996. Why teach sociology? A contribution to the debate. Nurse Education Today, 16 (3), 170-174.
- Porter, S. and Ryan, S., 1996. Breaking the boundaries between nursing and sociology: A critical realist ethnography of the theory-practice gap. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24 (2), 413-420.
- Porter, S., 1996. Contra-Foucault: Soldiers, nurses and power. Sociology, 30 (1), 59-78.
- Porter, S., 1995. Northern nursing: the limits of idealism. Irish Journal of Sociology, 5, 22-42.
- Porter, S. and O'Hearn, D., 1995. New left Podsnappery: the British left and Ireland. New Left Review, 212, 131-147.
- Porter, S., 1995. Sociology and the nursing curriculum: a defence. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21 (6), 1130-1135.
- Porter, S., 1994. New nursing: the road to freedom? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20 (2), 269-274.
- Ryan, S. and Porter, S., 1994. Reply. Nursing Outlook, 42 (5), 247.
- Ryan, S. and Porter, S., 1994. Reply. Nursing Outlook, 42 (5), 244-246.
- Porter, S., 1993. Changing influence of occupational sociology. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 2 (22), 1113-1118.
- Ryan, S. and Porter, S., 1993. Men in nursing: a cautionary comparative critique. Nursing Outlook, 41 (6), 262-267.
- Porter, S., 1993. Unhealthy surveillance: Investigating public health in South Armagh. Critical Public Health, 4 (2), 9-16.
- Porter, S., 1993. The determinants of psychiatric nursing practice: a comparison of sociological perspectives. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18 (10), 1559-1566.
- Porter, S., 1993. Nursing research conventions: objectivity or obfuscation? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18 (1), 137-143.
- Porter, S., 1992. The poverty of professionalization: a critical analysis of strategies for the occupational advancement of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17 (6), 720-726.
- Porter, S., 1992. Institutional restraints upon education reforms: the case of mental health nursing. Nurse Education Today, 12 (6), 452-457.
- Porter, S., 1992. Women in a women's job: the gendered experience of nurses. Sociology of Health & Illness, 14 (4), 510-527.
- Porter, S., 1991. A participant observation study of power relations between nurses and doctors in a general hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16 (6), 728-735.
- Porter, S., 1990. Management. Vain aspirations. Nursing times, 86 (11), 46-47.
- Porter, S., 1988. Siding with the system. Nursing times, 84 (41), 30-31.
- McDonnell, O., Lohan, M., Hyde, A. and Porter, S., 2009. Social Theory, Health and Healthcare. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Porter, S., 1998. Social Theory and Nursing Practice.
- Porter, S., 1995. Sociology in Practice: Health for All?. London: Distance Learning Centre, Southbank University.
- Porter, S., 1995. Nursing's Relationship with Medicine A Critical Realist Ethnography.
- Porter, S., 2016. Critical realism: a social theory for evidence-based nursing. In: Lipscomb, M., ed. Social Theory and Nursing. London: Routledge, 76-90.
- Crozier, K., Sinclair, M., Kernohan, W.G. and Porter, S., 2011. Developing a model of birth technology competence using concept development. In: Bryar, R. and Sinclair, M., eds. Theory for Midwifery Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Porter, S., 2003. Critical theory. In: Millar, R. and Brewer, J., eds. A to Z of Social Research. London: Sage.
- Millar, R., Brewer, J. and Porter, 2003. Empiricism and abstracted empiricism. A to Z of Social Research. London: Sage.
- Porter, 2003. Realism. In: Millar, R. and Brewer, J., eds. A to Z of Social Research. London: Sage.
- Porter, S., 2003. Critical realist ethnography: The case of racism and professionalism in a medical setting. Realist Perspectives on Management and Organisations. 141-160.
- Porter, S., 2002. Critical realist ethnography. In: May, T., ed. Qualitative Research in Action. London: Sage.
- Porter, S., 2001. Women in a women’s job: the gendered experience of nurses. Medical Sociology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
- Porter, S. and Carter, D., 2000. Common terms and concepts in research. In: Cormack, D., ed. The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Carter, D. and Porter, S., 2000. Validity and reliability. In: Cormack, D., ed. The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford: Blackwell.
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- Porter, S. and Moore, R., 1998. Poverty in healthcare. In: Birchenall, P. and Birchnall, M., eds. Sociology and Social Policy for Nurses. London: Balliere Tindall.
- Porter, S., 1998. The social interpretation of deviance. In: Birchenall, P. and Birchenall, M., eds. Sociology and Social Policy for Nurses. London: Balliere Tindall.
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- Ruane-McAteer, E., Porter, S., O'Sullivan, J.M. and Prue, G., 2018. A cognitive-emotional see-saw: Men's experiences of undergoing active surveillance for prostate cancer. PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, 27, 170.
- Tariq, H., Collins, K., Tait, D., Dunn, J. and Porter, S., 2019. Validation and Evaluation of Contracture Assessment Screening Tool. In: 11th Annual Post Graduate Research Conference, Bournemouth University.
- Moffat, E.R.G., Hudson, P., Porter, S. and Santin, O., 2017. Supporting caregivers in cancer survivorship: What do professionals know and how can we apply this to practice? Preliminary findings from a qualitative study.
- An exploration of clinician's perceptions of cancer cachexia and its care (Queen's University Belfast, 30 Jun 2016). In Progress
- An Exploration of the Experience and Impact of Providing End of Life Care in a Children’s Hospice. (Northern Ireland Hospice, 01 Jun 2016). Completed
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Music Therapy in Improving Quality of Life in Palliative Care: a pilot study. (Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Northern Ireland, 01 Apr 2016). In Progress
- Researcher Link Workshop to Develop Technological Interventions to Support Mothers in the First Year Following Birth in Brazil (British Council, 23 Mar 2016). In Progress
- PhD in Medical Sociology (Queen's University Belfast, 1994)
- BSSc in Sociology and Social Administration (Queen's University Belfast, 1990)
- Registered Nurse in Adult Nursing (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 1983)
- Journal of Research in Nursing Editorial Board, Member (2020-),