Professor Chris Shiel
- 01202 965280
- Emeritus Professor
- Christchurch House C212, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Chris Shiel has championed global perspectives and education for sustainable development across higher education for the last ten years. She is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Life and Environmental Science at Bournemouth University and before moving to the Faculty of Science and Technology, was the Director of the Centre for Global Perspectives (2008-2012). She led the global perspectives agenda at Bournemouth from 2000 and in 2005, was awarded a Higher Education Leadership Foundation Fellowship for her work. Her approach is based on the development of global citizens who understand the need for sustainable development and are better prepared for global employability. She completed a HEFCE funded project which focused on leadership for sustainable development (enabling leaders to role-model leadership behaviour for sustainable development and carbon reduction) and has worked with participants in several countries to explore green attitudes and values in relation to behaviour. She was a Visiting Professor at Glamorgan University Business School; she was Chair of Think Global and Chair of Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Academy Trust... She is a Board Member of Earth Charter UK and the Chair of Bournemouth Fairtrade Town Steering Group.
- Paço, A.D., Shiel, C. and Alves, H., 2019. A new model for testing green consumer behaviour. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, 998-1006.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2016. Sustainability and Social Justice: Leadership Challenges. In: Schultz, L. and Viczko, M., eds. Assembling and Governing the Higher Education Institution: Democracy, Social Justice and Leadership in Global Higher Education. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 11-34.
- Shiel, C., 2013. Developing global perspectives: global citizenship and sustainable development within higher education. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, School of Applied Sciences.
Journal Articles
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2023. Promoting gender equality across the sustainable development goals. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25 (12), 14177-14198.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2023. An overview of research trends on sustainability in higher education – an exploratory study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 24 (5), 1161-1175.
- Filho, W.L., Shiel, C. et al., 2023. An assessment of attitudes and perceptions of international university students on climate change. Climate Risk Management, 39.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2022. Social values and sustainable development: community experiences. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34 (1).
- Anarfi, K., Shiel, C. and Hill, R.A., 2022. The public's perspectives of urban sustainability: A comparative analysis of two urban areas in Ghana. Habitat International, 121.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2021. COVID-19: the impact of a global crisis on sustainable development teaching. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23 (8), 11257-11278.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2021. Towards a common future: revising the evolution of university-based sustainability research literature. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology.
- Stafford, R., Cantarello, E., Ginige, T., Shiel, C. et al., 2020. Evaluating optimal solutions to environmental breakdown. Environmental Science and Policy, 112, 340-347.
- Anarfi, K., Hill, R.A. and Shiel, C., 2020. Highlighting the sustainability implications of urbanisation: A comparative analysis of two urban areas in Ghana. Land, 9 (9).
- Anarfi, K., Shiel, C. and Hill, R.A., 2020. Assessing how sustainability is promoted in Ghana's national urban policy and action plan. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (18).
- Shiel, C., Paço, A.D. and Alves, H., 2020. Generativity, sustainable development and green consumer behaviour. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Quest, J., Shiel, C. and Watson, S., 2019. Transitioning towards a sustainable food city. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (7), 1258-1277.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2019. The role of planning in implementing sustainable development in a higher education context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235, 678-687.
- Leal Filho, W. et al., 2019. Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability teaching at universities: Falling behind or getting ahead of the pack? Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 285-294.
- Minocha, S., Shiel, C. and Hristov, D., 2019. International academic staff in UK higher education: campus internationalisation and innovation in academic practice. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (7), 942-958.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Shiel, C., 2019. “Playing Mother”: Channeled Careers and the Construction of Gender in Academia. SAGE Open, 9 (3).
- Dancer, H. and Shiel, C., 2019. Exploring Attitudes towards Genetically Modified Foods: Is there a Connection between People who are Concerned About the Environment and their Attitudes towards GM Foods.". Meliora: International Journal of Student Sustainability Research.
- Paço, A.D., Shiel, C. and Alves, H., 2019. A new model for testing green consumer behaviour. Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, 998-1006.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Shiel, C., 2018. Loaded dice: games playing and the gendered barriers of the academy. Gender and Education, 30 (7), 899-916.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. et al., 2018. Sustainable development policies as indicators and pre-conditions for sustainability efforts at universities: Fact or fiction? International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 19 (1), 85-113.
- Leal Filho, W., Shiel, C. and Paço, A., 2016. Implementing and operationalising integrative approaches to sustainability in higher education: the role of project-oriented learning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 126-135.
- Cotton, D., Shiel, C. and Paço, A., 2016. Energy Saving on Campus: A comparison of students' attitudes and reported behaviours in the UK and Portugal. Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., do Paço, A. and Brandli, L., 2016. Evaluating the engagement of universities in capacity building for sustainable development in local communities. Eval Program Plann, 54, 123-134.
- Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W. and do Paço, A., 2015. Integrative Approaches to Environmental Sustainability at Universities: an overview of challenges and priorities. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 12 (1), 1-14.
- Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., do Paço, A. and Brandli, L., 2015. Assessing and evaluating sustainable development in higher education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 40 (6), 783-784.
- Newton, A., Cantarello, E., Shiel, C. and Hodder, K., 2014. Lessons Learned from Developing a New Distance-Learning Masters Course in the Green Economy. Sustainability, 6 (4), 2118-2132.
- do Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C. and Leal Filho, W., 2014. An analysis of the measurement of the construct “buying behaviour” in green marketing. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences.
- do Paco, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C. and Leal Filho, W., 2014. An analysis of the measurement of the construct 'buying behaviour' in green marketing. Journal Of Integrative Environmental Sciences.
- do Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C. and Filho, W.L., 2013. A multi-country level analysis of the environmental attitudes and behaviours among young consumers. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (10), 1532-1548.
- Shiel, C., 2013. Building Capacity:Enabling University Leaders to Serve as Role Models for Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainability Education, 8 (1), 29-45.
- Paço,, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C. and Leal Filho, W., 2013. Development of a green consumer behaviour model. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, 414-421.
- Shiel, C., 2010. Book Review: Journeys around Education for Sustainability, edited by J. Parker and R. Wade. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 2, 51-52.
- Shiel, C., 2010. Education for Sustainable Development: something we all need? BUGLE, 10.
- Shiel, C. and Bourne, D., 2009. Global Perspectives: Aligning agendas. Environmental Education Research, 15, 661-667.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Global Perspectives and Global Citizenship: understanding the views of our learner. International Journal of Learning, 16, 689-720.
- Shiel, C., 2008. Embedding e-resources in Distance Learning: A New Way of Working but is Learning Enhanced? International Journal of Learning, 15, 31-42.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Developing the Global Citizen: The Way Forward? International Journal of Learning, 14, 153-168.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Developing the global citizen. The Higher Education Academy: Academy Exchange, 5, 18-20.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2005. Technology as an Enabler. The Development Education Journal, 11, 3-5.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Review of Engaging People in Sustainability by Daniella Tilbury and David Wortman, IUCN. The Development Education Journal.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2004. Global Perspectives in Higher Education: Taking the Agenda Forward in a Business School. The Common European Space of Education, Science and Culture: The Collected Articles, Part 1, 164-170.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2004. Global Perspectives and Higher Education: Taking the Agenda Forward in a Business School. The Development Education Journal, 10, 10-12.
- Shiel, C., 2004. Review of Assessment Learning and Employability by Knight P. and Mantz Yorke SRIHE. LATHE: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2003. Reflective Learning and Assessment: a Systematic Study of Reflexive Learning as Evidenced in Student Learning Journals. HEAC, 1-32.
- McKenzie, A. and Shiel, C., 2002. The DEA global perspectives in higher education project: progress to date. The Development Education Journal, 8.
- Shiel, C., 2001. Transnational management: Text, cases and readings in cross-border management, 3rd edition. PERSONNEL REVIEW, 30 (1-2), 119-121.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2000. Last Things First: the Service Paradigm and the Development of Corporate Information Systems. The Business School Working Paper Series.
- Shiel, C., 2000. Review of Transnational Management: Texts, Cases and Readings in Cross Border Management, 3rd edition. Personnel Review, 30, 119-121.
- Filho, W.L., Salvia, A.L., Pretorius, R.W., Brandli, L.L., Manolas, E., Alves, F., Azeiteiro, U., Rogers, J., Shiel, C. and Do Paco, A., 2020. Preface.
- Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable Development. Switzerland: Springer.
- Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education. Springer.
- Filho, W.L., Mifsud, M., Shiel, C. and Pretorius, R., 2017. Preface.
- Global Vision, Local Action: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Bournemouth. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Education for Sustainable Development: Graduates as Global Citizens: Proceedings of an International Conference, Bournemouth, September 2007. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C. and McKenzie, A., 2008. The Global University: The Role of Senior Managers. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Bourn, D., McKenzie, A. and Shiel, C., 2006. The global university: the role of the curriculum. London: Development Education Association.
- Shiel, C. and Mann, S., 2005. Global Perspectives Guide to Fair Trade. Bournemouth, England: Bournemouth University.
- Ridolfo, H. and Shiel, C., 2004. The business simulation week. Milton Keynes: Open University Business School.
- Shiel, C., Smith, N. and Cantarello, E., 2020. Aligning Campus Strategy with the SDGs: An Institutional Case Study. World Sustainability Series. 11-27.
- Shiel, C. and Smith, N., 2017. An Integrative Approachto Sustainable Development Within a University: A Step-Change to Extend Progress on Multiple Fronts. In: Leal Filho, W., ed. Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom: approaches, methods and projects. Berlin: Springer, 13-25.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2016. Sustainability and Social Justice: Leadership Challenges. In: Schultz, L. and Viczko, M., eds. Assembling and Governing the Higher Education Institution: Democracy, Social Justice and Leadership in Global Higher Education. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 11-34.
- Shiel, C. and Williams, A., 2015. Working Together, Driven Apart: Reflecting on a Joint Endeavour to Adress Sustainable Development Within A University. In: Leal Filho W et al., ed. Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Development at University Level, World Sustainability Series. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 425-447.
- Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W. and do Paço, A., 2015. Putting Sustainable Development in Practice: Campus Greening as a Tool for Institutional Sustainability Efforts. Sustainability in Higher Education. Kiddlington, UK: Shandos Publishing, 1-19.
- Shiel, C., 2013. Leadership. In: Sterling, S., Larch, M. and Luna, H., eds. The Sustainable University: progress and prospects. Routledge, 110-131.
- Shiel, C., 2012. Enabling University Leaders to Serve as Role Models for Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W., ed. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH, 97-108.
- Shiel, C. and do Paco, A., 2012. The Impact of University Policies for Sustainable Development: a Comparison of students from two Institutions, One in the UK and One in Portugal. In: Leal Filho, W., ed. Sustainable Development at Universitites: New Horizons. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH, 575-585.
- Petford, N. and Shiel, C., 2008. A Holistic Approach to the ‘Globalisation’ Agenda at Bournemouth University: The Role of Senior Management. In: Shiel, C. and McKenzie, A., eds. The Global University: The Role of Senior Managers. Bournemouth University/DEA, 20-25.
- Shiel, C., 2008. Introduction. In: Atfield, R. and Kemp, P., eds. Enhancing the International Learning Experience: in Business and Management Hospitality Leisure Sport and Tourism. Newbury, Berks: Threshold Press, v-xv.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Developing and embedding Global Perspectives across the University. In: Marshall, S., ed. Strategic Leadership of Change in Higher Education. What's New?. London: Routledge, 258-284.
- Shiel, C., Williams, A. and Mann, S., 2005. Global perspectives and sustainable development in the curriculum: enhanced employability, more thoughtful society? In: Newland, B., Norman, K. and Johnson, M., eds. Enhancing Graduate Employability, the Roles of Learning, Teaching, Research and Knowledge Transfer: Proceedings of the Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Conference. Poole: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2003. Global responsibility and sustainable business practice. In: McKenzie, A., ed. Global perspectives in higher education. London(?): Development Education Association.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2003. Global responsibility and sustainable business practice, Bournemouth University (BU). Global Perspectives in Higher Education. Gloucester: Development Education Association, 18-24.
- Shiel, C., Smith, N. and Cantarello, E., 2018. Aligning campus strategy with the SDGs: an institutional case study. In: 4th World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2018) 27-30 August 2018 Penang, Malaysia.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. et al., 2018. ‘Welcome to the Machine!’ Resisting isomorphic, masculinised corporatisation of Higher Education through feminist scholarship. In: DAKAM Gender and Women's Studies Conference 10-12 November 2018 Istanbul. Yes TBA.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S. and Shiel, C., 2018. Loaded dice: Barriers to women's academic progression. In: Back in the Women's Room: Dialogues on gender focused research 24 May 2017 Bournemouth University. No.
- Cotton, D., Dalla Valle, L., Miller, W., Paço, A., Shiel, C. and Winter, J., 2017. Modelling sustainability through energy-saving on campus: Student perspectives from 8 universities in 3 countries. In: World Environmental Education Congress 9-15 September 2017 Vancouver.
- Shiel, C. and Smith, N., 2017. An integrative approach to sustainable development within a university: A step-change to extend progress on multiple fronts. , 13-25.
- Birch, D., Quest, J., Shiel, C. and Memery, J., 2016. Towards a sustainable food city: The case of the Bournemouth and Poole Sustainable Food City Partnership. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-14 June 2016 Bologna. International Food Marketing Research Symposium.
- Shiel, C., Cotton, D. and do Paço, C., 2015. Education for sustainable development and campus greening: the impact on students’ energy saving attitudes and behaviours. In: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences 17th International Academic Conference 21-24 June 2015 Vienna, Austria., 401-416.
- do Paço, A., Shiel, C., Cotton, D. and Lavrador, T., 2015. Does gender really matter when we are talking about energy saving attitudes and behaviours? In: IAPNM 2015: International Association of Public and Nonprofit Marketing 14th International Congress 24-26 June 2015 Vitória, Brazil. 2015.
- Lealh Filho, W., Shiel, C. and do Paco, A., 2015. Implementing Integrative Approaches to Sustainability in Higher Education: the role of project-oriented learning. In: Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference 1-4 November 2015 Sitges, Spain.
- Cotton, D.R.E., Shiel, C., Paço, A., Miller, W. and Winter, J., 2014. Energy Literacy in Higher Education Students: A European Comparative Study. In: European Conference on Educational Research 2-5 September 2014 Porto.
- Shiel, C. and Williams, A., 2014. Working together, driven apart: Reflecting on a joint endeavour to address sustainable development within a university. In: 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities (WSSD-U-2014) 3-5 September 2014 Manchester.
- Shiel, C., 2013. Institutionalising Global Citizenship. In: Global Citizenship Curriculum in Higher Education: Evolving Policy and Practice and a Future Research Agenda Symposium 9-11 December 2013 Shatin, Hong Kong.
- Paço, A., Alves, H., Shiel, C. and Leal Filho, W., 2013. Conserving behaviour: a replication of the ENVIROCON scale in four countries. In: International Conference on Environmental Science and Development – ICESD 2013 19-20 January 2013 Dubai. APCBEES Procedia (Journal under Elsevier, ISSN: 2212-6708.
- Shiel, C., 2012. Contributing to a Learning Planet: Global Education, Internationalisation and Sustainable Development. In: The Learning Planet: A Guide to Global Education 26 June 2012 Middlesex University, London.
- Shiel, C., 2012. Are we there yet? In: Global Vision, Local Action; Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, 4th International Conference on Education 8-9 September 2011 Bournemouth, England. , 30-41 Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2012. Enabling University Leaders to serve as role models for sustainable development. In: World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universitites (WSSDU- 2012)- Parallel Event to UN Conference on Sustainable Development 5-6 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Shiel, C. and do Paco, A., 2012. Do formal policies for sustainable development make a difference? A comparison of students from two different universities, one in the UK and one in Portugal. In: World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universites (WSSDU-2012)- Parallel Event to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development 5-6 June 2012 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Shiel, C., 2012. The Cultural Value of an Internationally Mobile Student Population. In: Internationalising Higher Education in the UK: Globalising Knowledge and Skills 14 June 2012 London.
- Pica, P., Shiel, C. and Williams, A., 2011. Developing leaders for sustainable development: enabling behaviour change. In: Global Vision, Local Action: education for sustainable development and global citizenship, 4th International Conference Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2011. Developing Global Perspectives: internationalisation, sustainable development and employability under the same umbrella. In: University of Derby, Staff development Seminar 8 March 2011 Derby.
- Shiel, C., 2011. Are we there yet? In: Global Vision, Local Action; Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, 4th International Conference on Education 8-9 September 2011 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C., 2011. Building capacity: Enabling university leaders to role-model sustainable development. In: 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability January 2012 Vancouver.
- Shiel, C., 2010. What sort of education system do we need to promote Big Global Society. In: Big Global Society: unlocking social action on global issues 2 November 2010 Mary Ward House, London.
- Shiel, C., 2010. Learning and Teaching: where next? In: BMAF Annual Conference 2010, Assessment & Assessment Standards: Challenges for Business Education 20-21 April 2010 Newcastle Marriot Gosforth Park.
- Shiel, C., 2010. Internationalisation: where next? In: BMAF, Internationalisation SIG Conference 17-18 June 2010 Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Development, cooperation and capacity building. In: Durham: A World University Conference 2009 7 December 2009 Durham University.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Developing Global Citizens: an employability perspective. In: International Dimensions of Graduate Employability:Developing the Global Citizen 16 October 2009 Oxford Brookes University.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Transformation through citizenship. In: Researching Transformational Learning 10 June 2009 Gloucester University.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Global Perspectives in HE. In: Current Issues in Post-Compulsory Education 20 May 2009 London South Bank University, London.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Embedding International Development in HE. In: UNESCO Centre Confernce: Globalising Higher Education: Universities, International Development and Social Justice 22-24 April 2009 University of Ulster.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Developing globally employable graduates. In: Engaging Employers: BMAF Annual Education Conference 28-29 April 2009 St David's Hotel and Spa, Cardiff.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Internationalising the curriculum. In: Internationalisation of the Curriculum: Higher Education Academy Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance Subject Centre (Special Interest Group Workshop) 11 March 2009 Regents Business School, London.
- Shiel, C., 2008. The Global University: Aligning Global Citizenship, Sustainable Development and Internationalisation. In: UNESCO Centre International Development Seminar University of Ulster, Coleraine..
- Shiel, C., 2008. Using Technology to Support Learning: Lessons From Experience. In: Staffordshire Business School Staff Development Day July 2008 Stoke-on Trent, ENgland.
- Shiel, C., 2008. Developing Global Citizenship: The Challenge of a Holistic Approach. In: Education for Opportunities for Leadership in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: The Welsh Agenda (HEFCW/HEA) 21 May 2008 Millennium Centre, Cardiff, Wales.
- Shiel, C., 2008. Global Perspectives and Global Citizenship: Understanding the views of our learners. In: 16th International Conference on Learning 1-4 July 2008 University of Barcelona, Spain.
- Shiel, C. and Petford, N., 2008. Developing globally employable graduates: one approach. In: Going Global: Internationalsing Higher Education 4-5 December 2008 London.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Embedding Global Perspectives and Sustainable Development in the Curriculum. In: Sustaining Excellence in Higher Education 9 January 2007 London, England.
- Shiel, C. and Bourn, D., 2007. The Global University at Learning Together: Reshaping Higher Education in a Global Age. In: Institute of Education London, England.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Global perspectives at Bournemouth University. In: Education for Sustainable Development: Graduates as Global Citizens, 2nd International Conference 10-11 September 2007 Bournemouth, UK.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Developing Global Citizens: The Way Forward. In: 14th International Learning Conference 26-29 June 2007 University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Culturally Inclusive Approaches to Learning and Teaching. In: Challenges and Opportunities in Curriculum Internationalisation Newcastle University, England.
- Shiel, C. and Ridolfo, H., 2006. E-learning for flexibility: lessons from experience. In: Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Development Day - Releasing the Potential: developing self-motivated, independent lifelong learners 16 May 2006 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Institutional change management: a UK perspective and logical incrementalism. In: Leadership Challenges within the context of Institutional Autonomy: Indonesia and UK Experiences Leadership Development Conference.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Cultural diversity: are we doing enough? In: BMAF Annual Conference 2006: Managing Diversity in Teaching and Learning April 2006 Oxford.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Globalising the curriculum. In: Southampton University staff development forum 2006 Southampton.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Making an impact on learning and teaching: a Leadership Foundation Fellowship project to embed 'global perspectives'. In: Higher Education Academy Conference 3-5 July 2006 Nottingham.
- Shiel, C., 2006. Leadership challenges within the context of institutional autonomy: Indonesia and UK experiences. In: British Council Leadership Development Conference 2006 Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Global perspectives and sustainable development: a strategy for change. In: Dissemination Conference, Leadership Foundation Fellowship 7 November 2005 London.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Assessment: generic issues. In: 2nd Project Management Conference: Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Assessment 15-16 September 2005 Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., Mann, S. and Williams, A., 2005. Global perspectives and sustainable development in the curriculum: enhanced employability, more thoughtful society? In: Enhancing Graduate Employability: The Roles of Learning and Teaching, Research and Knowledge Transfer 10 May 2005 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2005. Business Graduates as 'global citizens': Working with Development Education to Bring about Change. In: Annual Conference of the Subject Network for Business, Management and Accountancy: Networking and Collaboration: Supporting Learning and Teaching 6-8 April 2005 London.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Developing a 'global perspective' within a university: securing change to enable students to develop as global citizens. In: Implementing Global Development Education into Higher Education Programs in Poland Poland.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2005. Working across Educational Boundaries: Business Graduates as Global Citizens - Working with Development Education to Bring about Change. In: BMAF Annual Conference: Networking and Collaboration, Supporting Learning and Teaching 6-8 April 2005 Ealing.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Taking it forward at BU. In: Education for Sustainable Development Conference: Graduates as Global Citizens 12-13 September 2005 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C., 2005. The views of students and staff. In: Education for Sustainable Development Conference: Graduates as Global Citizens 12-13 September 2005 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C., 2005. Graduates as global citizens. In: Uni DI Versity: a conference on Equity and Diversity in Higher Education 21-23 February 2005 Germany.
- Hanson, J. and Shiel, C., 2004. Mapping flexible learning: What? Why? Where are we now? Where are we going? In: Flexible Learning - how far have we come? Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Conference 5-6 July 2004 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2004. EBAM, a collaborative learning approach. In: UkEU Users Forum Conference 2004 Warwick.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2004. A Strategic Approach to the Development of e-learning. In: International Conference for the Strategic Development of e-learning sponsored by CKIT and the Institute for Information and Industry 2004 Taipei, Taiwan..
- Hanson, J. and Shiel, C., 2004. Meeting the challenge: putting sustainability in the curriculum. In: Workforce development for a successful, sustainable South West: Learning South West Summer Conference 11 June 2004 Taunton, UK.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2004. Working in Partnership to Develop e-learning. In: International Conference for the Strategic Development of e-learning sponsored by CKIT and the Institute for Information and Industry 2004 Taipei, Taiwan..
- Shiel, C. and Jones, D., 2003. Reflective Learning and Assessment: a Systematic Study of Reflective Learning as Evidenced in Students' learning journals. In: LTSN BEST Annual Conference 9-11 April 2003 Brighton.
- Shiel, C. and Ridolfo, H., 2003. Working in partnership to provide innovation in a crowded curriculum. In: BEST LTSN Conference: Creativity and Innovation in Academic Practice 9-11 April 2003 Brighton.
- Shiel, C., 2003. Global perspectives in higher education: a case study. In: DEA Annual General Meeting and Launch of DEA in HE Publication November 2003.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2003. Developing global perspectives and sustainable business practice: a case study of the 'global' work in the Business School. In: DEA HE Forum February 2003 London.
- Shiel, C., 2003. E-learning for enhancement. In: BEST LTSN Forum for South West region 2003 London.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2002. Global responsibility and sustainable development: tailoring the concepts to business programmes. In: 1st Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2002 Bristol.
- Shiel, C., 2002. Developing an 'online' foundation degree: our experience of foundation degrees. In: Association of Business Schools, Undergraduate Forum September 2002.
- Shiel, C., 2002. Global responsibility and sustainable development: what are business schools doing? In: Association of Business Schools, Undergraduate Forum September 2002.
- Shiel, C., 2002. The development of an online foundation degree. In: Army Professional Accreditation Seminar: working in partnership with professional bodies 2002.
- Shiel, C., 2002. Career: how are undergraduates prepared for organisational life? In: Careers Conference 2002 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2002. An evaluation of online learning: LTDI funded project. In: Bournemouth University Development Day June 2002 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C., 2002. Developing a Global Perspective Within the Curriculum: What Does it Mean to You? In: Legal Practice Course June 2002 Bournemouth University, England.
- Shiel, C., Bunney, A. and Butterfield, H., 2001. Enhancing IT capability for e-learning and e-business: LTDI funded project. In: Bournemouth University Development Day 2001 Bournemouth.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2000. Implementing a school-wide learning and teaching strategy: developing an asynchronous integrated learning and teaching network. In: Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Conference 2001 Bournemouth.
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Shiel, C. and Alus, Y., 2015. 'Loaded dice'? Barriers to Women's Progression.. Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2012. Bugle, Issue 14. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2011. Bugle, Issue 12. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2011. Learning and Teaching, where next? A Report. London: Higher Education Academy. Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2011. Bugle, Issue 13. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2010. Bugle, Issue 10.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2010. Bugle, Issue 11. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2009. Globalisation - questions and answers. Higher Education Research Office.
- Shiel, C., 2009. Bugle, Issue 9.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2008. Bugle, Issue 6.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2008. Bugle, Issue 7.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2008. Bugle, Issue 8.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C., 2007. Bugle, Issue 4.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2007. Bugle, Issue 5.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2006. Bugle, Issue 2.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2006. Bugle, Issue 3.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2005. Bugle, Issue 1.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University. Available from:
- Ridolfo, H. and Shiel, C., 2004. The business simulation week. Business, Management and Accountancy Subject Centre, Higher Education Academy. Available from:
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2003. Global responsibility and sustainable development: tailoring the concepts to business programmes. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Shiel, C. and Bunney, A., 2002. An Evaluation of On-Line Learning. LTDIF.
Internet Publications
- Ashencaen Crabtree, S., Savigny, H. and Shiel, C., 2015. Inspiring our futures – high profile women at BU (WAN). Available from:
- Shiel, C., 2013. Developing global perspectives: global citizenship and sustainable development within higher education. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, School of Applied Sciences.
- Shiel, C., 2000. HRM is Simply a Management Fad - an argument to test the validity of this criticism against the crieria for a fad. Bournemouth: The Business School, Working Papers in Management Series. Published.
- Shiel, C. and Jones, O.D., 2000. The Value of Strategic Ambiguity in Organisational Communication. Bournemouth: The Business School, Working Paper Series Bournemouth University. Published.
PhD Students
- Gitte Kragh. Enhancing human well-being and wildlife conservation through volunteer engagement
- Kwasi Peprah Anarfi. Urbanisation and environmental change: a comparison of three urban areas in Ghana
Profile of Teaching PG
- Environmental Law and Social Justice
Profile of Teaching UG
- Globalisation and Sustainability
- Globalisation & Sustainable Development
- Strtaegic enhancement Programme: Internationalisation (HEA, 09 Feb 2015). In Progress
- Internationally Informed Internationalisation (Higher Education Academy, 02 Feb 2015). Awarded
- Developing Leaders for Sustainable Development: enabling behaviour change (HEFCE/LGMF, 14 Oct 2010). Completed
- Developing Leaders for SD: enabling behaviour change (HEFCE/LGMF, 28 May 2010). Completed
- Partners in Education (DfID, 08 Feb 2008). Completed
External Responsibilities
- Bournemouth & Poole Sustainable Food City Partnership, Vice Chair (2015-)
- Journal of Environment and Health Sciences, Editorial Board (2015-)
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Editorial Advisory Board (2013-),
- HEA Green Academy, Critical Friend (2013-2014)
- Bournemouth Fairtrade Town Steering Group, Chair (2012-)
- Avonbourne International Business and Enterprise Academy Trust, Chair (2012-),
- Earth Charter UK, Board Member (2012-),
- Open University Business School, External Examiner (2011-2014),
- Think Global, Vice Chair (2010-),
- ESC Rennes Business School, External Examiner (2010-2014),
- MDPI, Editorial Board Member
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Building a sustainable city: creating a greener Bournemouth with business leadership (27 Jun 2016)
Consultancy Activities
- developing e-learning curriculum, Consultancy. Open University
- Principal Fellow in Education (Higher Education Academy, 2014)
- PhD in Education for sustainable development (Bournemouth University, 2013)
- MSc in Organisation Behaviour (Birkbeck, University of London, 2001)
- B.A (hons) 1st class in Business Studies (Bournemouth Polytechnic, 1989)
- Visiting Professor (University of Glamorgan, 2010)
- Leadership Fellow (Leadership Foundation, 2005)
- Higher Education Academy, Principal Fellow (2014-),
- Leadership Foundation (Fellow), Fellow,