Professor Juliet Memery
- Professor In Marketing
- Dorset House D126, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Juliet is a Professor in the Department of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation. Her research interests lie in the areas of consumer behaviour, decision making in relation to consumer choice, and food and drink research. She has researched areas in relation to local and regional produce, sustainable food, and food waste, receiving grants from Defra, The Crown Estate and BA Leverhulme to do so. She is currently involved in projects looking at 1) food related lifestyles, and 2) consumer attitudes towards less familiar foods such as seaweed.
Juliet is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. She has published a number of journal papers in internationally renowned journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Marketing Management. She has examined a number of PhDs and is currently supervising five PhDs across a range of consumer behaviour, food, and digital marketing subject areas at Bournemouth University...
Juliet Memery joined Bournemouth University as Professor in Marketing in 2013. Before coming to Bournemouth she was Associate Professor and Marketing & Entrepreneurship Group Leader at Plymouth University. Prior to academia Juliet worked in design for companies based in both Europe and Africa, and has continued to keep close links with industry through consultancy, research collaboration, and knowledge transfer partnerships.
Professor Juliet Memery has researched in the area of consumer behaviour and in particular food shopping behaviour with regard to decision making and ethical considerations. Early interest stemmed from her PhD thesis which investigated the role of ethical and social responsibility issues in food and grocery shopping decisions in the UK; work which was continued through research in both Australia and the USA. Themes emerging from this research resulted in further exploration of local and regional food, and seasonal food, with current work looking at sustainable food, food waste, and issues around access to food and ‘food security.
Juliet has received external funding for several studies relating to food and drink consumption, and has disseminated research findings through publication in internationally recognised journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Marketing Management, as well as peer-reviewed conference papers.
Juliet is Editor in Chief of Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. She has also co-edited two books and book chapters.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P., Williams, J.E. and Angell, R., 2012. Understanding ethical grocery shoppers. Journal of Business Research, 65 (9), 1283-1289.
- Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Angell, R., 2012. Understanding Local Food Shopping: Unpacking the Ethical Dimension. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (3-4), 264-289.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Responsible consumption and production
"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"
Life on land
"Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss"
Journal Articles
- Franzon, C., Dougkas, A., Memery, J., Prigent, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. A qualitative study to explore and identify reasons for dairy consumption and non-consumption among young adults (18-30 years old) in the UK and France. Journal of Nutritional Science, 13.
- Manimont, G., Memery, J. and Alahakoon, T., 2024. Food day-trippers’ perceptions of regional food destination attractiveness: an application of distance decay theory. Leisure Studies.
- Brunsø, K., Birch, D., Memery, J., Temesi, Á., Lakner, Z., Lang, M., Dean, D. and Grunert, K.G., 2021. Core dimensions of food-related lifestyle: A new instrument for measuring food involvement, innovativeness and responsibility. Food Quality and Preference, 91.
- Yesiloglu, S., Memery, J. and Chapleo, C., 2021. To post or not to post? Examining motivations of brand related engagement types on social networking sites. Internet Research, 31 (5), 1849-1873.
- Bolat, E., Robson, J., Sit, K.J., Birch-Chapman, S., Ashraf, S., Memery, J. and Jackson, C., 2020. Service brand rehab: diagnosing trust repair mechanisms. Qualitative Market Research, 23 (4), 725-746.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2020. Exploring the influence of family on adolescents’ seafood consumption choices. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44 (5), 499-510.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2020. Tourists, local food and the intention-behaviour gap. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 43, 53-61.
- Musarskaya, M., Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2018. To Eat or Not to Eat: Seafood Consumption Habit Formation. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing , 30 (3), 227-235.
- Birch, D., Memery, J., Johns, N. and Musarskaya, M., 2018. Stimulating UK Adolescents’ Seafood Consumption. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 30 (1), 61-69.
- Birch, D., Memery, J. and De Silva Kanakaratne, M., 2018. The mindful consumer: Balancing egoistic and altruistic motivations to purchase local food. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 221-228.
- Memery, J. and Birch, D., 2016. Exploring attitudes towards aquaculture development in the UK: A consultative stakeholder approach. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing.
- Angell, R.J., Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Heffernan, T.W., 2014. Older Shopper Types from Store Image Factors. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21 (2), 192-202.
- Angell, R., Megicks, P., Memery, J., Heffernan, T. and Howell, K., 2012. Understanding the older shopper: A behavioural typology. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19 (2), 259-269.
- Birch, D. and Lawley, M., 2012. Buying seafood: Understanding barriers to purchase. Food Quality and Preference, 24 (1), 12-21.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P., Williams, J.E. and Angell, R., 2012. Understanding ethical grocery shoppers. Journal of Business Research, 65 (9), 1283-1289.
- Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Angell, R., 2012. Understanding Local Food Shopping: Unpacking the Ethical Dimension. Journal of Marketing Management, 28 (3-4), 264-289.
- Williams, J., Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Morrison, M., 2010. Ethics and social responsibility in Australian grocery shopping. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 38 (4), 297-316.
- Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Williams, J., 2008. Influences on ethical and socially responsible shopping: evidence from the UK grocery sector. Journal of Marketing Management, 24 (5-6), 637-659.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Williams, J.E., 2005. Ethical & social responsibility issues in grocery shopping: a preliminary typology. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 8 (4), 399-412.
- Maon, F., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., Angell, R.J. and Memery, J., 2018. Not All Claps and Cheers Humor in Business and Society Relationships. Routledge.
- Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M.K., Angell, R.J. and Memery, J., 2016. A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food Local, National, and Global Issues. Routledge.
- Memery, J., Angell, R.J., Gorton, M. and White, J., 2018. Did You Get It? Newsjacking: What It Is and How to Do It Well? In: Maon, F., Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme,, J., Angell, R.J. and Memery, J., eds. Not All Claps and Cheers: Humor in Business and Society Relationships. Routledge.
- Musarskaya, M., Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2017. An (Extended) Abstract: Exploring Food Habit Formation in Young UK Families—The Case of Sustainable Seafood. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. 231-235.
- Lawley, M., Birch, D. and Craig, J., 2015. Managing sustainability in the seafood supply chain: The confused or ambivalent consumer. In: Lindgree, A., Hingley, M., Angell, R., Memery, J. and Vanhamme, J., eds. A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food. Unknown.
- Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Angell, R., 2013. Understanding local food shopping: Unpacking the ethical dimension. In: McEachern, M.G. and Carrigan, M., eds. Contemporary Issues in Green and Ethical Marketing. Routledge.
- Kim, H.J., Manimont, G. and Memery, J., 2024. “Ugly Bundling” Increase Purchase of Unattractive Produce. In: The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) 2024 4-6 December 2024 Tasmania, Australia.
- Memery, J., Bray, J., Michaud, M., Le Moal, F., Van Parys, E., De Steur, H., Rahmani, D., Lešić, V., Tarcsi, Á. and Ronge, B., 2024. Connecting consumers with local produce: Insights for a local food provisioning app. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium (IFMRS) 18-20 June 2024 Tromso, Norway. Yes, 111-112.
- Manimont, G., Kim, H. and Memery, J., 2024. When Ugly Meets Ugly: How “Ugly” Bundle Can Improve Attractiveness of Imperfect Produce. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium (IFMRS) 18-20 June 2024 Tromso, Norway.
- Manimont, G., Kim, H.J., Memery, J. and Ban, J., 2023. Destination attribute preferences influence food photograph viewing. In: The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) 2023 1-3 December 2023 Otago, New Zealand.
- Manimont, G., Memery, J. and Alahakoon, T., 2023. Regional food destination attractiveness: an exploration of food day‐tripper preferences. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-15 June 2023 Prague, Czech Republic.
- Memery, J., Tomić Maksan, M., Matulić, D. and Mesić, Ž., 2022. Adventurous or neophobic? A cross‐country exploration of food consumers. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022 14-16 June 2022 San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Temesi, Á., Lakner, Z., Brunsø, K., Grunert, K.G., Dean, D., Lang, M. and Memery, J., 2022. Predicting food consumer and customer behavior. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 2022 14-16 June 2022 San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Memery, J., Birch, D., Brunsø, K., Birch-Chapman, S., Dean, D., Temesi, A. and Lakner, Z., 2019. The Influence of Technology on Food Related Lifestyles: A Cross-cultural Comparison. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 12-13 June 2019 Sippy Downs, Queensland, Australia.
- Memery, J., Brunsø, K., Birch, D. and Rolschau, K., 2019. Testing relationships between the new Modular Food Related Lifestyle Instrument and Schwartz Value Domains – new insights from Denmark. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 12-13 June 2019 Sippy Downs, Queensland, Australia.
- Albuhameed, R., Bolat, E., Sit, J. and Memery, J., 2019. Effective consumer engagement with one social media platform: insights from O.K. Beauty. In: The 20th European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution 2-4 July 2019 Zaragoza, Spain.
- Memery, J., Robson, J. and Birch-Chapman, S., 2019. Conceptualising a Multi-level Integrative Model for Trust Repair. In: European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 29 May-1 June 2018 Glasgow, UK.
- Sit, K., De Miranda Gonçalves, A.D., Pino, G. and Memery, J., 2019. Building Trust in Private Label (PL) Online: Qualitative Insights from Home Retail Practitioners. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 137-144.
- Memery, J., Birch, D., Brunsø, K., Grunert, K.G., Ágoston, T. and Lakner, Z., 2018. Progress On The Revised Module Food-related Lifestyle Instrument (MFRL) – New Insights From Three Countries. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-14 June 2018 Bournemouth, UK.
- Memery, J. and Angell, R., 2018. Exploring Household Food Waste And Consumer Loss Aversion. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-14 June 2018 Bournemouth, UK.
- Memery, J. and Angell, R., 2018. Unpicking the Emotions Behind Household Food Waste Behaviour. In: International Congress on Public & Non-profit Marketing 6-7 September 2018 Bournemouth, UK.
- Memery, J., knight, A. and Robson, J., 2018. The Economic Wellbeing of Older People : A Meta-Analysis. In: International Congress on Public & Non-profit Marketing 6-7 September 2018 Bournemouth, UK.
- Musarskaya, M., Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2018. To Eat or Not to Eat: Seafood Consumption Habit Formation. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 30 (3), 227-235.
- Bolat, E., Robson, J., Ashraf, S., Sit, K., Birch-Chapman, S., Memery, J. and Jackson, C., 2017. Corporate brand rehab: Diagnosing trust repair mechanisms in the service sectors. In: 3rd International Colloquium on COBIIR: Current and Future Trends, Developments and Challenges 7-8 September 2017 Middlesex Universtiy, London, UK.
- Jackson, C., Robson, J., Bolat, E., Memery, J., Sit, J. and Ashraf, S., 2017. When brand trust is tested. In: The Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations 4-6 September 2017 Bournemouth University.
- Bray, J., Memery, J. and Johns, N., 2017. Rethinking ethical decision-making: revealing the ‘ethical red line’ and ‘ethical clouding’ in consumer clothing purchases. In: European Association for the Education and Research in Commercial Distribution 4-6 July 2017 Dublin.
- Birch, D., Brunso, K., Grunert, K.G. and Memery, J., 2017. Modular Food-Related Lifestyle: A new instrument for consumer segmentation in food marketing. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 14-16 June 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Birch, D., Memery, J., Johns, N. and Musarskaya, M., 2017. An Investigation into UK Adolescents Seafood Consumption. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 14-16 June 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Robson, J., Memery, J., Jackson, C., Sit, K., Bolat, E., Ashraf, S. and Birch, S., 2017. Trust Me: I’m no longer a damaged brand. In: McIntyre, C., ed. 3rd international colloquium on design, brand and marketing 5 April 2017 Bournemouth University.
- Birch, D., Quest, J., Shiel, C. and Memery, J., 2016. Towards a sustainable food city: The case of the Bournemouth and Poole Sustainable Food City Partnership. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-14 June 2016 Bologna. International Food Marketing Research Symposium.
- Bolat, E. and Memery, J., 2016. Meaningful CSR Communication via Digital Media. In: Academy of Marketing 4-7 July 2016 Newcastle, UK.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2016. The role of food involvement and lifestyle in influencing consumption of local food. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 13-15 June 2016 Bologna.
- Musarskaya, M., Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2016. Structured abstract: Exploring food habit formation in young families: The case of sustainable seafood. In: Sustainability and Ethical Consumption Event, BAM Marketing and Retail SIG 28 April 2016 University of Surrey, Guildford.
- Memery, J. and Birch, D., 2015. Exploring attitudes towards aquaculture development in the UK: A consultative stakeholder approach. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 17-19 June 2015 Crete.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2015. Exploring the intention-behaviour gap for tourists’ consumption of local food: A case of South East Queensland, Australia. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium 19 June-19 April 2015 Chania, Crete.
- Birch, D.P. and Memery, J.E., 2014. Local Food Purchasing: Balancing Egoistic and Altruistic Motivations. In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2014 1-3 December 2014 Brisbane, Australia.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2014. Local Food Purchasing: Balancing egoistic and altruistic motivations. In: ANZMAC 1-3 December 2014 Brisbane, Australia.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2014. Buying local food and drink: Understanding barriers to purchase. In: Academy of Marketing 2014 7-10 July 2014 Bournemouth, UK.
- Birch, D. and Memery, J., 2014. Buying local food and drink: Understanding barriers to purchase. In: Academy of Marketing 7-9 July 2014 Bournemouth.
- Angell, R., Megicks, P. and Memery, J., 2013. Older Shopper Types from Store Image Factors. In: The European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies 7-10 July 2013 Philadelphia, USA.
- Megicks, P., Angell, R.J. and Memery, J., 2012. Beyond self-interest: Analyzing rural consumers’ local food buying. In: British Academy of Management Conference 11-14 September 2012 Cardiff, UK.
- Angell, R.J., Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Heffernan, T.W., 2012. Older Shopper Types from Store Image Factors. In: The European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies 7 July 2012-10 July 2013 Philadelphia, USA.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Angell, R.J., 2012. Extending the theory of planned behaviour. In: European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies Conference 5-8 July 2012 Vienna.
- Angell, R., Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Heffernan, T.W., 2011. An analysis of the relationship between store image, satisfaction and loyalty behaviours exhibited by older shoppers: The case of England’s grocery market. In: International Business and Finance Research Conference 2-5 January 2011 Las Vegas, USA.
- Angell, R., Megicks, P., Memery, J., Howell, K. and Heffernan, T.W., 2009. Discovering the Older Shopper: Understanding Behaviour and Identifying Differences. In: British Academy of Management Conference 15-17 September 2009 Brighton, UK.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P., Williams, J.E.M. and Morrison, M., 2008. Ethical Consumption and Australian Shoppers’ Grocery Product Choices. In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 1-3 December 2008 Sydney, AUS.
- Williams, J.E.M., Morrison, M., Memery, J. and Megicks, P., 2008. Do Australian Shoppers’ Consider Ethical Consumption When Choosing a Grocery Store? In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 1-3 December 2008 Sydney, AUS.
- Megicks, P., Memery, J. and Williams, J.E.M., 2008. Towards a Classification of Ethical Shoppers: An Empirical Analysis of the UK Grocery Market. In: British Academy of Management 5-7 September 2008 Harrogate.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Williams, J.E.M., 2007. Variations in Shopping Behaviour Patterns: A conceptual insight. In: European Marketing Academy Conference 22-25 May 2007 Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Williams, J.E.M., Memery, J. and Megicks, P., 2005. What Influences Ethical and Socially Responsible Consumers’ Purchase Intentions? In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 5-7 December 2005 Freemantle, AUS.
- Memery, J., Megicks, P. and Williams, J.E.M., 2004. The Influence of Ethical And Social Responsibility On Grocery Shopping Behaviour: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis. In: Academy of Marketing 2-5 July 2004 Cheltenham, UK.
- Memery, J. and Birch, D., 2014. Stakeholder Perceptions of the Cornwall Finfish Aquaculture Demonstration Project. Bournemouth University.
- Yesiloglu, S., Memery, J. and Chapleo, C., 2021. To post or not to post? Exploring the motivations behind brand-related engagement types on social networking sites.
- Butel, L. and Memery, J., 2012. The importance of ‘passive’ alumni – Why good management is needed for a substantial untapped source. Conference & Common Room Magazine. Published.
PhD Students
- Caterina Franzon. Barriers, facilitators and strategies to increasing milk, yoghurt and soft cheese intakes: A cross cultural perspective, (In progress)
- Corinna Budnarowska. A narrative study of opinion leaders' attitudes towards co-creation in the design process of prestige trainer purchases., (In progress)
- Emmanuella Onyinye Ejime. The Role of Psychological Distance in Influencing Consumer’s Future Behaviour in A Digital Service Encounter: A Cross-Cultural Study on Motor Insurance – UK And Nigeria., (In progress)
- Reem Mohamed Mansoor Abd Mohamed Albuhameed. Exploring the (non)engagement behaviours of lurkers on social media: an investigation of the UK skincare sector., (In progress)
- Takunda Parick Nerutanga. Corporate Social Responsibility in developing countries. A study of South Africa and Zimbabwe., (In progress)
- Robert J. Angell, 2010. Exploring the grocery store satisfaction of England's older population: An evaluation of antecedents and consequences using structural equation modelling, (Completed)
- Sevil Yesiloglu, 2018. To Post or not to post: Examining consumers' motives of brand/product related engagement types on social media, (Completed)
- Samreen Ashraf. The role of consumer multiple identities in bank choice in Pakistan, (Completed)
- Produced, purchased but never consumed: an investigation into the effectiveness of mixed-grade produce packaging in reducing ugly food waste (The British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, 01 Oct 2023). Awarded
- FoodMAPP Building Food Security through developing transparent local food supply, supporting business development, promoting local and seasonal consumption practices and reducing food waste (Horizon Europe MSCA, 01 Mar 2023). Awarded
- Exploring the role of food photos in culinary destination attractiveness: a case of Dorset and Hampshire, UK (Acceleration Of Research & Networking, 01 Feb 2022). Completed
- Exploring the role of FoodPorn in culinary precinct attractiveness: a case of Dorset, UK (Acceleration Of Research & Networking, 01 Feb 2022). Completed
- UK Consumers’ Perceptions of Seaweed Food Products (Bournemouth University QR Research Principles, 01 Feb 2019). Completed
- QR, Influences on Consumer Behaviour Cluster Engagement activities (QR, Faculty of Management, 15 Apr 2018). Completed
- Establishing a Moderated Food-related Lifestyle Scale (Bournemouth University QR Capacity Building, 01 Mar 2018). Completed
- From Compassion to Defence: Exploring Service Brands’ Trust Repair Mechanisms across Traditional and Digital Media (Academy of Marketing, 01 Aug 2017). Completed
- Surmounting the food waste loss aversion curse: Consumer-led strategies for combating the problem of overstocking (BA Leverhulme, 01 May 2017). Awarded
- Trust repair in the service sector (Bournemouth University, 01 Dec 2016). Awarded
- Encouraging UK teens to eat more seafood (FM Contestable Research Investment Fund, 02 May 2016). Completed
- Student adoption, use and relationship with wearable technology and telematics (Bournemouth University, URAP, 18 Jan 2016). Awarded
- Improving crime analyses for policing by applying principles from psychology and geography (Bournemouth University Fusion Fund, 01 Sep 2015). Awarded
- Exploring Market Demand for a New Product Concept: The Mixme Tub (Fluvial Innovations Ltd., 20 Jul 2015). In Progress
- Stakeholder Perceptions of the Cornwall Finfish Aquaculture Demonstration Project (The Crown Estate, 07 Apr 2014). Awarded
- Airport Business Centre (DTi, 22 Mar 2010). Completed
- Plymouth College KTP (DTi, 12 Aug 2009). Completed
- Understanding the environmental impacts of consuming foods produced locally in season (Defra, 01 Jun 2009). Completed
- Consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviour with particular reference to local and regional foods (Defra, 10 Jun 2007). Completed
External Responsibilities
- Taylor Francis, Editor-in-Chief (2019-)
- Portsmouth Business School, External Examiner (2017-)
- Henley Business School, Chief External Examiner (2013-2017)
- Academy of Marketing, Chair of the AM2014 Doctoral Colloquium (2013-2014)
Internal Responsibilities
- Member, SIA SLCTMS Steering Group
- Ethics champion, MSI Research Ethics
- Research Supervisor, FRPPC
- Supervisor, FRDC
- Independent Professoriate, FASEC
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Lies and scandals: whatever happened to trust?; Festival of Learning 2017 (11 Jul 2017)
Conference Presentations
- 17th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, The economic wellbeing of older people, 06 Sep 2018, Bournemouth University, UK
- PhD in Consumer Behaviour / Marketing (University of Plymouth, Devon, 2005)
- BSc (Hons) in Business & Accounting (Brunel University, Middlesex, 1998)
- Market Research Society, Member (2013-),
- Advance HE, Senior Fellow,
- Chartered Management Institute, Member,
- Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Member,