Panos Amelidis

Dr Panos Amelidis

  • Senior Lecturer in Music and Audio Technology
  • Poole House P604, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I am a Senior Lecturer in Music and Audio Technology in the department of Creative Technology Department and a board member of EMERGE Experimental Media Research Centre at Bournemouth University. I am music technologist, composer, sound practitioner, and researcher. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Music Informatics from the Ionian University (Greece), a MusM in Electroacoustic Composition & Interactive Media from The University of Manchester and a PhD in Music Technology from De Montfort University.

My work and research falls in the area of sensory ethnography with sound and the role of recorded speech, and soundscapes in the way new artistic musical works and narratives can be created. Also, to the role of artistic work in raising awareness about the importance of cultural heritage. Special importance is placed on the synergy of soundscape recordings, verbal narration, technology and the opportunities provided by the electroacoustic studio.


Research interests/expertise include topics such as:

Composition focusing on recorded urban sound sources and DSP. Construction of storytelling in music. Acoustic ecology. The use of archival audio recordings in the creation of artworks. Oral history. Interactive installations. Analytical approaches to audio and video games. Pedagogy of music technology.

Journal Articles


  • Hugill, A. and Amelides, P., 2016. Audio only computer games: Papa Sangre. In: Emmerson, S. and Landy, L., eds. Expanding the horizon of electroacoustic music analysis. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hugill, A. and Amelides, P., 2016. Audio-only computer games: Papa Sangre. Expanding the Horizon of Electroacoustic Music Analysis. 355-375.









Profile of Teaching UG

  • Production Techniques 2
  • Software Programming for Digital Media
  • Creative Practices
  • Composition 1
  • Sound Design: Synthesis
  • Production Portfolio

Invited Lectures

  • Greek Oral History and Electroacoustic Composition, Corfu, Greece, 23 Mar 2014 more
  • Digital Audio Narrative and Musical Composition, Athens, Greece, 25 Nov 2012 more

Conference Presentations

  • Fractured Narratives - Improvised sound and stories, Exploring the methexis: culture-specific storytelling and recorded sound, 25 Apr 2015, Belfast
  • 2nd Electroacoustic Music Analysis Symposium, Analyzing Merzbow’s Meattrapezoid, 29 Feb 2012, Leicester
  • 1st Electroacoustic Music Analysis Symposium, Real world reference and the analytical process, 05 Nov 2011, Leicester
  • Sound, Sight, Space and Play, Narratological traces in Acousmatic Music, 08 Jun 2011, Leicester


  • PhD in Music, Technology and Innovation (De Montfort University, 2015)
  • MA in Electroacoustic composition & intreractive audio (The University of Manchester, 2010)
  • BA (Hons) in Musicology and Music Informatics (The Ionian University, 2009)


  • The Hellenic Society for Acoustic Ecology, Member (2012-),
  • Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association, Senior Fellow (2011-),
  • Audio Engineering Society, Member,