Dr David John
- 01202 965505
- djohn at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Lecturer In Creative Technology
- Poole House P251, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Aldoayan, M., Sahandi, R., John, D. and Cetinkaya, D., 2021. Critical issues, challenges and opportunities for cloud-based collaborative online course provision. International Journal of Learning Technology, 16 (2), 109-133.
- Russell, M., Cheetham, P., Stewart, D. and John, D., 2020. In the Footsteps of Vespasian: rethinking the Roman legionary fortress at Lake Farm, Wimborne Minster. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society, 141.
- Qureshi, H.A., Habi, M.Y., Chishti, A.R., John, D. and Prakoonwit, S., 2020. A Robust Audio Watermarking Scheme based on Quantization Method for Convert Communication. Test Engineering and Management, 82, 12807-12813.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2017. An exploration of the determinants for decision to migrate existing resources to cloud computing using an integrated TOE-DOI model. Journal of Cloud Computing, 6 (1).
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2017. A decision process model to support migration to cloud computing. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 24 (1), 102-126.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, M.R. and John, D., 2016. A Decision Process Model to Support Migration to Cloud Computing. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 24 (1), 102-126.
- John, D., Gatzidis, C., Boucouvalas, A.C., Liarokapis, F. and Brujic-Okretic, V., 2011. Prototyping Expressive 3D Social Worlds. The Open Virtual Reality Journal, 3, 1-15.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2006. Expressive Image Generation: Towards Expressive Internet Communications. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 17, 445-465.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2002. User Performance with Audio: The Effect of Subjects’ Cognitive Style. Educational Psychology, 22, 133-147.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 1999. Comparing user performance with interfaces designed to suit their cognitive style. Colloquium Digest- IEE, 5/1-5/6.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 1999. Comparing user cognitive style and performance with text and Image user interfaces. Colloquium Digest- IEE.
- John, D. and Bolwell, L., 1988. People And Industry: The Dynamics Of The South East Dorset Economy In The 1980's. Bournemouth, England: Bournemouth Tourism Educational Support Unit.
- Anderson, E.F., John, D., Mikulski, R., Redford, A. and Romero, M., 2020. Preserving and presenting cultural heritage using off-the-shelf software. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. 423-444.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2006. Fuzzy Logic Usage in Emotion Communication of Human Machine Interaction. In: Ghaoui, C., ed. Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. London: Idea Group, 227-233.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2006. Social Factors and Interface Design Guidelines. In: Ghaoui, C., ed. Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. London: Idea Group, 523-532.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2006. The Influence of Expressive Images for Computer Interaction. In: Ghaoui, C., ed. Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction. London: Idea Group, 324-331.
- Southall, E., Hulusic, V., John, D., Hargood, C. and Ó hOisín, N., 2024. Towards a Collaborative Authoring Tool for Cultural Heritage Applications: Modelling the Development Process Between Curators and Developers. In: Corsini, M., Ferdani, D., Kuijper, A. and Kutlu, H., eds. Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2024 16-18 September 2024 Darmstadt, Germany. The Eurographics Association.
- Aldoayan, M., Sahandi, R., John, D. and Cetinkaya, D., 2020. A Conceptual Framework for Cloud-based Collaborative Online Course Provision. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 27-31.
- Qureshi, H.A., John, D. and Prakoonwit, S., 2019. Performance Analysis Of LTE-A Systems With Femtocell Overlays Using Different Modulation Techniques Under Different Multipath Fading. In: International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI) 25-26 September 2019 Rome, Italy. International Science Index.
- John, D. and Hadley, G., 2019. Are Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning a real alternative to 3D modelling for Virtual Heritage applications? In: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology UK (CAA-UK 2019) 4-5 October 2019 Bournemouth, UK. https://uk.caa-international.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2019/09/Abstract-Book_v.8.pdf Bournemouth, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Aldoayan, M., Sahandi, R., John, D. and Cetinkaya, D., 2019. Collaborative cloud-based online courses: Issues and challenges. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Part F148151, 17-21.
- Wakefield, C., Simons, A. and John, D., 2019. Can Augmented Reality enhance to a greater visitor satisfaction of historical landmarks? GCH 2019 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 69-72.
- John, D., Hurst, D., Cheetham, P. and Manley, H., 2018. Visualising dudsbury hillfort: Using immersive virtual reality to engage the public with cultural heritage. GCH 2018 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 193-197.
- John, D., Shaw, L., Cheetham, P., Manley, H., Stone, A.A., Blakeburn, M. and Gosling, K., 2017. Educational virtual reality visualisations of heritage sites. GCH 2017 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 189-193.
- John, D., Cheetham, P. and Shaw, L., 2016. The Virtual and the Field: Enhancing Visualisation in archaeology using serious game technologies. In: Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2016 15-16 September 2016 Bournemouth University.
- Shaw, L., John, D., Manley, H. and Underwood, G., 2016. More than just a pretty picture: A review of the use of 3D printing, touch tables and virtual environments to engage the public with Lidar and the archaeology of the New Forest. In: Computer Applications and Quantitive Methods in Archaeology (CAA) international conference 29 March-2 April 2016 University of Oslo, Norway.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2016. A review of the current level of support to aid decisions for migrating to cloud computing. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 22-23-March-2016.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2014. Migration to Cloud Computing: A Decision Process Model. In: Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 17-19 September 2014 Varaždin, Croatia.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2014. Migration to Cloud Computing: A Decision Process Model. In: CECIIS - 2014 17-19 September 2014 Varaždin, Croatia. , 154-163.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2013. Migration to Cloud Computing - The Impact on IT Management and Security. In: International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Information Security (CCIS2013) 9-11 November 2013 Shanghai, China.
- Alkhalil, A., Sahandi, R. and John, D., 2013. Migration to Cloud Computing-The Impact on IT Management and Security: An Exploration of Senior Technical and Security Professional Views. In: International Workshop on Cloud Computing and Information Security (CCIS 2013) 9-11 November 2013 Shanghai, China.
- John, D., 2013. Updating the Classifications of Mobile Music Projects. In: International Conference of New Interfaces for Musical Expression 27-30 May 2013 Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic. , 301-306.
- John, D., Gatzidis, C., Liarokapis, F., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Brujic-Okretic, V., 2009. A Framework for the Development of Online, Location-Specific, Expressive 3D Social Worlds. In: Rebolledo-Mendez, G. and de Freitas, S., eds. IEEE First International Conference Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications 23-24 March 2009 Technocentre Coventry University, UK. , 219-220 IEEE Computer Society Press.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2008. Predicting the Future Value of the Stock Market by Assessing the Emotion Status of Web Pages. In: TEMU 2008: International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia 16-18 July 2008 Ierapetra, Crete.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2008. The Automatic Identification of the Emotion Status of Web Pages. In: Tavares, J.M.R.S. and Jorge, R.N., eds. EuroMedia 2008: 14th Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications Medical Imaging and D-TV 9-11 April 2008 University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. , 18-22.
- John, D., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Xu, Z., 2006. The Development of an Emotion Analyser that Measures the Mood of the Stock Market. In: TEMU 2006: International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia 5-7 July 2006 Heraklion Crete.
- John, D., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Xu, Z., 2006. Text-to-Emotion Analysis Engines: Theory and Practice. In: Tzafestas, E., ed. EuroMedia 2006: 12th Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media Communications and Telematics Theory, Methods, Tools and Applications 17-19 April 2006 Athens, Greece. , 23-27.
- John, D., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Xu, Z., 2006. Representing Emotional Momentum within Expressive Internet Communication. In: IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (EuroIMSA 2006) 13-15 February 2006 Innsbruck Austria. , 183-188.
- John, D., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Xu, Z., 2006. Social Norm, Expression and Agent Interaction. In: CSNDSP 2006: Fifth International Symposium of Communication Systems, Networks And Digital Signal Processing 19-21 July 2006 University of Patras, Greece.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2003. Expressive Image Generator for an Emotion Extraction Engine. In: O'Neill, E., Palanque, P. and Johnson, P., eds. 17th HCI 2003 8-12 September 2003 University of Bath, UK. , 367-381 Springer-Verlag.
- Boucouvalas, A.C., Xu, Z. and John, D., 2003. Emotion Extraction Engine: Expressive Image Generator. In: EuroMedia 2003 14-16 April 2003 Plymouth University UK. , 23-28 Ostend, Belgium: EUROSIS.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2002. Multimedia Tasks and User Cognitive Styles. In: Third International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks & Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2002 15-17 July 2002 Staffordshire University, UK.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2002. The Effect of the Visual-Auditory Dimension of Cognitive Style. In: ITI 2002: 24th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces 24-27 June 2002 Cavtat, Croatia. , 179-184.
- Xu, Z., John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2002. Text-to-Emotion Engine: Tests of User preferences. In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2002 (ICE'02) 23-26 September 2002 Technical University Ilmenau, Germany.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2001. The Effect Of Cognitive Style On User Performance In Tasks Using Different Types Of Media. In: EuroMedia 2001 18-20 April 2001 UPV, Valencia, Spain.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2000. Comparing User Cognitive Style and Performance with Text User Interfaces and Image User Interfaces. In: CSNDSP 2000: Second International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks & Digital Signal Processing 18-20 July 2000 Bournemouth University, UK.
- John, D. and Boucouvalas, A.C., 2000. The Effect of Cognitive Style on User Performance with Audio. In: EuroMedia 2000 8-10 May 2000 Antwerp, Belgium.
- John, D., Jerrams-Smith, J., Boucouvalas, A.C. and Heathcote, D., 1998. Telecare Companion: An Adaptive Telecare System. In: CSDSP'98: First International Symposium on Communication Systems & Digital Signal Processing 6-8 April 1998 Sheffield Hallam University, UK. , 603-606 Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University Press.
- Brown, B.H. and John, D., 1987. The South East Dorset Economy In The 1980's. In: Tourism Conference 1987 Cornnwall.
- John, D., 2010. Creativity, Contribution And Quality: Supervising PhDs By Practice. The Graduate School, Bournemouth University.
- John, D., 2009. Discussion of how the Codes of Practice might contribute to improved completion rates. The Graduate School, Bournemouth University.
- John, D., 2002. The Use of multimedia in Telecare systems to improve the performance of users with different cognitive skills. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; School of Design, Engineering and Computing.
- John, D., 2002. Telecare Companion: An Adaptive Telecare System.
PhD Students
- Curtis McKinney. Aesthetically Driven Design of Network Based Multi-User Instruments
- Adel Alkhalil. A framework for Successful Migration to Cloud Computing
- Haseeb Qureshi
- John Ferraris. Automating Terrain Asset Generation
- May Aldoayan
- Mohammed Alhajri
- SRA Project - Augmented Reality Developer (Bournemouth University, 08 Jun 2020). Awarded
- Student Research Assistant: 3D Scanning/Photogrammetry Developer (Bournemouth University, 03 Jun 2019). Awarded
- Student Research Assistant: VR Developer (Bournemouth University, 03 Jun 2018). Completed
- Undergraduate Research Assistantship: Skorba Neolithic Temple (Bournemouth University, 23 Jan 2017). Completed
- Dudsbury Project (Heritage Lottery Fund, 17 Oct 2016). Completed
- Undergraduate Research Assistantship:Reconstruction of Roman Farmhouse (Bournemouth University, 20 Jun 2016). Completed
- The virtual and the field: enhancing visualisation in archaeology using serious game technologies (CCCP strand of the Fusion Investment Fund, Bournemouth University, 01 Mar 2014). Completed
Internal Responsibilities
- Organiser, Creative Technology Research Group Seminars
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- New Forest Digi Arch Weekend (16 Jan 2016-17 Jan 2016)
- Shedding light on the New Forest’s past (16 Sep 2015-31 Jan 2016)
Conference Presentations
- Council for North Eastern Historical Archaeology Confernce 2018. Theme: Technology and Archaeology, Three Hundred Miles in the Footsteps of Vespasian, 19 Dec 2018, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- PGCE in Research Supervision (2010)
- PhD in multimedia, Telecare, cognitive styles (2002)
- MSc in Software Engineering (1994)
External Media and Press
- South Today, BBC TV, 12 Jul 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b06159g9/south-today-12072015