Dr Jaqui Hewitt-Taylor
- jhtaylor at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5786-6361
- Principal Academic in Public Health
- Executive Business Centre EB611, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
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I am a Principal Academic in Public Health, with a particular interest in nature and wellbeing. I am unit leader for the research unit on the MSc Public Health and supervise PhD students and MSc student dissertations.
Journal Articles
- Susiku, E., Hewitt–Taylor, J. and Akudjedu, T.N., 2024. Graduate competencies, employability and the transnational Radiography workforce shortage: A systematic literature review of current pre-registration Radiography education and training models. Radiography, 30 (2), 457-467.
- Maduewesi, I.J., Mills, A., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Crossen-White, H., 2023. The role of acupuncture as an adjunct pain relief option for people with cancer. Cancer Nursing Practice.
- Mills, A., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Crossen-White, H. and Adubiobi, O., 2023. Perception of mothers towards exclusive breastfeeding in Nigeria. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 33 (2), 187-193.
- Frost, J., Hunt, J., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Lapwood, S., 2022. Development of a research-based classification of approaches to paediatric palliative medicine service provision within children’s and young adults’ hospices: A mixed methods study. Palliative Medicine, 36 (5), 855-865.
- Ekong, A., Adesina, N., Regmi, P., Tsofliou, F., Wood, J. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2022. Barriers and Facilitators to the recruitment of Black African women for research in the UK: Hard to engage and not hard to reach. Midirs Midwifery Digest, 32 (2), 153-159.
- Uchendu, I., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Turner-Wilson, A. and Nwakasi, C., 2021. Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions about cervical cancer, and the uptake of cervical cancer screening in Nigeria: An integrative review. Scientific African, 14.
- Cescutti-Butler, L., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hemingway, A., 2020. Powerless responsibility: A feminist study of women's experiences of caring for their late preterm babies. Women and Birth, 33 (4), e400-e408.
- Johnson, F., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Norton, E., 2019. Lived experiences of young pregnant women who smoke. British Journal of Midwifery, 27 (7), 427-433.
- Cescutti-Butler, L., Hemingway, A. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2019. “His tummy's only tiny” – Scientific feeding advice versus women's knowledge. Women's experiences of feeding their late preterm babies. Midwifery, 69, 102-109.
- Wiseman, J., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Murphy, J., 2018. Changing Food Culture for Food Wellbeing. International Journal of Home Economics.
- Ireland, J., Minesh Khashu, Cescutti-Butler, L., van Teijlingen, E. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2016. Experiences of fathers with babies admitted to neonatal care units: A review of the literature. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 22 (4), 171-176.
- Heaslip, V., hewitt-taylor, J., Alexander, P., Ellis-Hill, C. and Seibert-Santos, C., 2015. What factors influence Fair Access students to consider university and what do they look for? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17 (4), 67-88.
- Beckett, C., Cross, R., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and McConnell, P., 2015. Developing a process for assessment of the emotional and behavioural needs of "looked after" children: The Five Rivers model. Journal of Children's Services, 10 (4), 324-338.
- Heaslip, V. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2014. Vulnerability and risk in children living with a physical disability. Nurs Child Young People, 26 (10), 24-29.
- Parker, H., Farrell, M., Ryder, A., Fernley, K., Cox, C., Farasat, H. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2014. Family-focused children's end of life care in hospital and at home. Nurs Child Young People, 26 (6), 35-39.
- Bond, C. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2014. How people with diabetes integrate self-monitoring of blood glucose into their self-management strategies. Informatics In Primary Care, 21 (2), 64-69.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2014. Using the Internet as a source of information and support: a discussion paper on the risks and benefits for children and young people with long-term conditions. Informatics in Primary Care, 22 (1).
- Bond, C.S., Ahmed, O.H., Hind, M., Thomas, B. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2013. The conceptual and practical ethical dilemmas of using health discussion board posts as research data. J Med Internet Res, 15 (6), e112.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2013. Planning successful change incorporating processes and people. Nurs Stand, 27 (38), 35-40.
- Hean, S., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Cash, M., Buckley, H. and van Teijlingen, E., 2013. A nurse's role in promoting social capital in children and young people. Nurs Child Young People, 25 (1), 19-23.
- Hewittt Taylor, J., Bond, C.S., Hean, S. and Barker, S., 2013. "The experiences of older people who live with a long-term condition.". Journal Nursing Older People.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., Bond, C., Hean, S. and Barker, S., 2013. The experiences of older people who live with a long-term condition. Nursing Older People, 25 (6), 21-25.
- Heaslip, V., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Rowe, N.E., 2012. Reflecting on nurses' views on using research in practice. British Journal of Nursing, 21 (22), 1341-1346.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Heaslip, V., 2012. Protecting children or creating vulnerability? Community Practitioner, 85 (12), 31-33.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C.S., 2012. What e-patients want from the doctor-patient relationship: content analysis of posts on discussion boards. J Med Internet Res, 14 (6), e155.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2012. Identifying, analysing and solving problems in practice. Nursing Standard, 26 (40), 35-41.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2012. Innovation in education for health care assistants: a case study of a programme related to chidlren with complex and continuing health needs. Innovations in Education and teaching international, 49, 99-110.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., Heaslip, V. and Rowe, N., 2012. Applying research to practice: exploring the barriers. British Journal of Nursing, 21, 356-359.
- Hean, S., Hewitt-Taylor, J., van Teijlingen, E., Cash, M. and Buckley, H., 2012. Promoting social capital in children and young people. Nursing Children and Young People.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C.S., 2012. Electronic health information and long term conditions. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 18 (12), 623-627.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2012. Planning the transition of children with complex needs from hospital to home. Nursing Children and Young People, 24 (10), 28-35.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C.S., 2012. What E-patients Want From the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Content Analysis of Posts on Discussion Boards. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 14 (6), 301-309.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2010. Supporting children with compelx needs. Nursing Standard, 24, 50-57.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2009. Children who have complex needs: parents' experiences of their child's education. Child: Care, Health and Development, 35, 521.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2009. Working with children who have complex needs. Journal of Community Nursing, 5, 24-25.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2009. Children with complex and continuing health needs: access to facilities. Nursing Standard, 23, 35-41.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2009. Creating opportunities for Maria. Every Child Journal, 1, 38-42.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Long-term mechanical ventilation part 2: principles. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2, 440-442.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. How personal health budgets may affect community nursing teams. Br J Community Nurs, 13 (8), 362-366.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Parents whose children have complex needs: experiences of hospitalization. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 2, 13-19.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Supporting people in their homes. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2, 294-296.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. How personal health budgets may affect community nursing teams. British Journal of Community Nursing, 13, 262-265.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Long term mechanical ventilation part 1: ethical dilemmas and decisions. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 2, 403-406.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. The nurses' role in supporting young people with complex health needs. British Journal of Nursing, 17, 970-973.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Parents' views of their children who have complex health needs. Paediatric Nursing, 20, 20-23.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Gould, D., 2007. Learning preferences of paediatric intensive care nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38, 288-295.
- Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R., 2007. Reply to McAteer et al. Journal of Hospital Infection, 66 (3), 292-293.
- Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R., 2007. Reply to Stone et al. Journal of Hospital Infection, 66 (3), 289-290.
- Christensen, M. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2007. Patient empowerment: Does it still occur in the ICU? Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 23, 156-161.
- Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R., 2007. The CleanYourHandsCampaign: critiquing policy and evidence base. Journal of Hospital Infection, 65, 95-101.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Farasat, H., 2007. Pilot student placements with children with complex needs. Paediatric Nursing, 19, 33-35.
- Farasat, H. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2007. Learning to support children with complex and continuing health needs and their families. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 12, 72-83.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2007. The impact of having a child with complex and continuing health needs on employment. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1, 219-224.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2007. Providing support at home for families whose children have complex needs. Journal of Children's and Young People's Nursing, 1, 195-200.
- Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R., 2007. Cleanyourhands Campaign: a critique of the critique - Reply. JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION, 66 (3), 289-290.
- Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R., 2007. Use of performance feedback to increase healthcare worker hand-hygiene behaviour - Reply. JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION, 66 (3), 292-293.
- Christensen, M. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2006. Empowerment in nursing: paternalism or maternalism? British Journal of Nursing, 15, 695-699.
- Christensen, M. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2006. Defining the expert ICU nurse. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 22, 301-307.
- Christensen, M. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2006. From expert to tasks, expert nursing practice redefined? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15, 1531-1539.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Farasat, H., 2006. Learning to support children with complex needs in their homes. British Journal of Community Nursing, 11, 209-213.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Education for registered nurses who care for children with complex, continuing physiological needs. Nurse Education in Practice, 5, 243-251.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Caring for children with complex needs: staff education and training. Journal of Child Health Care, 9, 72-86.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Children with complex needs: training for care staff. Journal of Community Nursing, 19, 8-12.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Caring for children with complex and continuing health needs. Nursing Standard, 19, 41-47.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Children with complex needs: educating staff. Primary Health Care, 15, 36-41.
- Maiden, V. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2005. Linking theory and practice in children’s nursing: lessons from abroad. Paediatric Nursing, 17, 24-28.
- Gagan, M. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2004. The issues for nurses involved in implementing evidence in practice. British Journal of Nursing, 13, 1216-1220.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Melling, S., 2004. Care protocols: rigid rules or useful tools? Paediatric Nursing, 16, 38-42.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2004. Clinical guidelines and care protocols. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 20, 45-52.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2004. Challenging the balance of power: patient empowerment. Nursing Standard, 18, 33-37.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Developing and using clinical guidelines. Nurs Stand, 18 (5), 41-44.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Children who require long-term ventilation: staff education and training. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 20, 93-102.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Learning contracts: A useful tool? International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 10 (7), 334.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Issues involved in promoting patient autonomy in health care. British Journal of Nursing, 12, 1323-1330.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Nurses’ role in the new NHS: standardisation of practice. British Journal of Nursing, 12, 436-442.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Evidence for practice. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 19, 85-91.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Technology assisted learning. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27, 457-464.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. National recommendations and guidelines. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 158-163.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Reviewing evidence. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 19, 43-49.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Facilitating distance learning in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice, 3, 23-29.
- Melling, S. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. New flexible healthcare roles and the purpose of nursing. British Journal of Nursing, 2, 1264-1270.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2003. Reviewing evidence. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 19 (1), 43-49.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Continuing professional development: clinical development. Evidence-based practice. Nursing Standard, 17, 47-52.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Evidence-based practice. Nurs Stand, 17 (14-15), 47-52.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Insider knowledge: issues in insider research. Nursing Standard, 16, 33-35.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Teachers' and students' views on self-directed learning. Nursing Standard, 17, 33-38.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Case study: an approach to qualitative enquiry. Nurs Stand, 16 (20), 33-37.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Case study: an approach to qualitative enquiry. Nurs Stand, 16 (20), 33-37.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2002. Teachers' and students' views on self directed learning. Nursing Standard, 17, 33-38.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2001. Students' views on the assessment processes used in paediatric intensive care nursing courses. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 18, 56-63.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2001. Self-directed learning: views of teachers and students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36, 496-504.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2001. Use of constant comparative analysis in qualitative research. Nurs Stand, 15 (42), 39-42.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 1999. Children in intensive care: physiological considerations. Nurs Crit Care, 4 (1), 40-45.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 1998. Paediatric intensive care nursing education by distance learning: an example from Canada. Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 14 (3), 137-143.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 1998. The education of registered nurses for practice in paediatric intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand. Intensive Crit Care Nurs, 14 (2), 74-81.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2015. Developing Person-Centred Practice A Practical Approach to Quality Healthcare. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2013. Understanding and Managing Change in Healthcare A Step-by-Step Guide. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2011. Using Research in Practice: it sounds good, but will it work?. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2011. Working with Children Who Need Long-term Respiratory Support. Keswick: M&K.
- Children with complex and continuing health needs. Jessica Kingsley.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2008. Providing support at home for children and young people who have complex health needs. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2007. Children with Complex and Continuing Health Needs The Experiences of Children, Families and Care Staff. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2006. Clinical guidelines and care protocols. Wiley.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Andrewes, C., 2005. Combining research, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship. In: Newland, B., Norman, K. and Johnson, M., eds. Enhancing graduate employability : the roles of learning, teaching, research and knowledge transfer : Proceedings of the Bournemouth University Learning and Teaching Conference, May 10th 2005, Bournemouth University. Poole, UK: Learning Design Studio, Bournemouth University, 25-31.
- Turner-Wilson, A., Crossen-White, H., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hemingway, A., 2018. Japanese Ancient Arts and Shinrin-Yoku. In: The European Conference on Arts and Humanities 2018 9 July-10 August 2018 Brighton. Fearful Futures - Programme and Abstract Book, 37 IAFOR.
- Jeffery, J., Murphy, J.L., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Hickish, T., 2018. Longitudinal study of energy and macronutrient intake during the first year following treatment for early stage breast cancer. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE1), E10.
- Bond, C. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2014. Quality of Health Websites – Time for a Rethink. In: Medicine 2.0 World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet / Web 2.0 13 November-14 June 2014 Maui, USA.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Bond, C.S., 2013. Doctor, nurse or apomediary? What role should healthcare professionals play in assisting patients with long term conditions to access, and make sense of, information from the internet. HEALTHINF 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, 139-143.
- Bond, C.S. and Hewitt-Taylor, J., 2011. Online Discussion Boards as Research Data; Exploring the Ethical Issues. In: Medicine 2.0 18-19 September 2011 Palo Alto, California.
- Heaslip, V., Alexander, P., Hewitt-Taylor, J. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2014. Understanding the Attitudes and Opinions of the Fair Access Target Group.. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University.
- Phillips, T., Gilchrist, R., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Le Scouiller, S., Booy, D. and Cook, G., 2007. Inclusive, Accessible, Archaeology. Higher Education Funding Council for England. Available from: http://www.britarch.ac.uk/accessible/.
- Hewitt-Taylor, J., Alexander, J. and McBride, J., 2004. Overweight and obesity in children: A review of the literature. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
PhD Students
- Andrea Hasslebusch. School based occupational therapy
- Jo Frost. Approaches to medical provision in children's palliative care
- Joanna Holmes
Profile of Teaching PG
- Developing a study proposal
- Exploring and Evaluating Evidence
- Research Methods
- Dissertation unit
- Public Health Management Strategies
Profile of Teaching UG
- Locating and evaluating evidence for professional practice
- Literature review methods
- Assessment of children with complex needs in foster care (KTP/ TSB, 31 May 2014). Awarded
- Assessment of children with complex needs in residential settings (KTP/ TSB, 06 Sep 2010). Awarded
Internal Responsibilities
- committee member, Post Graduate examiners approval
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- ESRC Festival of Learning (15 Nov 2021-17 Nov 2021)
- Living with a long-term condition: The role of information and decision-making (28 Jun 2013)
- Evaluation of Bristol Court Support Worker project
- Nursng and Midwifery Council, Member (1988-),