Susanne Clarke

Susanne Clarke

  • Head of Culture
  • Dorset House DG36, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Following a varied career in corporate finance - Susanne knows that successful organisations are all about the people and culture. Susanne has worked in a variety of senior positions in Higher Education and in her current role has led major change management programmes and has developed innovative approaches to embedding excellence in teams and organisations. This interest and passion for enabling high performing teams is a focus of her PhD studies and research interests.

With a keen interest in continuous improvements methodologies, Susanne sits on both the Global and European Lean in HE Steering groups and has spoken at conference in eight countries and regularly presents her ideas to varied audiences. She has collaborated with others to write a book chapter and conference papers on kindness in organisations, and is passionate about embedding ideas, actions and values based approaches to leadership and cultures. An experienced coach focused on strength based approaches to support others in reaching their full potential...



  • Clarke, S. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2019. The Power of Socio-emotional intelligence to make the lean magic happen. In: Lean Conference in Higher Education 6-8 November 2019 University of Michigan.
  • Clarke, S., Roper, L., Farquharson, L. and Renaud, V., 2019. Identity and Values to Drive Respect for People: A case-study based on embedding kindness as an organizational value. In: Yorkstone, S., ed. Global Lean for Higher Education A Themed Anthology of Case Studies, Approaches, and Tools. Routledge.
  • Farquharson, L., Sinha, T. and Clarke, S., 2018. Researching organisational change in higher education: A Holistic Tripartite approach. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 16 (3), 150-161.
  • Clarke, S., 2018. Bringing it all together - how 'Service Design', 'Service Excellence' and 'Lean' methogologies can combine to enhance the student and staff experience through a 'customer-LED' (Lean, Excellence, Design) approach. In: LED 21 June 2018 Birmingham.
  • Sinha, T., Clarke, S. and Farquharson, L., 2018. Shrek, Saunders and the Onion Myth: Using Myths, Metaphors and Storytelling. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (ECRM 2018), 366-371.
  • Biggins, D. and Clarke, S., 2017. Developing digital competencies in academic staff: One institution's experience of applying Lean. In: Lean in Higher Education Conference: Implementing, Measuring and Sustaining Change 1-3 November 2017 Sydney.