Milena Bobeva

Dr Milena Bobeva

  • Associate Professor
  • Dorset House D101a, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Dr. Milena Bobeva is a key advocate of education and business innovation through staff-student collaboration, Technology Enhanced Learning and digital transformation in HE. Her subject expertise is multidisciplinary, with key focus on system analysis, business process improvement, blended and e-learning, and performance management.

Milena is a Chartered Manager and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) since 2013 and a Senior Fellow for the Higher Education Academy (HEA) (now Advance HE), UK since 2015. She is also a UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor.

Throughout her years in HE Milena has taught at MBA level, as well as at all levels on large undergraduate (300+students) Business & Management programmes. She has actively adopted and promoted real-life project-based learning and the use of contemporary information and communication technologies as an integral part of applied research, consultancy and practice-based education. She was an MBA Director (2015-2019), Framework Leader for the Business & Management undergraduate programmes (2010-2013) and an acting Associate Dean for Global Engagement at the BU Business School (Oct'2017 - July'2021)...



A new international partnership has been formed (funded by the British Council) with a 2023 project in which a multi-media SDG13-Climate Action module will be developed to support a cross-university Community of Practice and capacity building in Education for Sustainable Development. The aim of the project is to help Higher Education (HE) providers and learners to deepen their knowledge of the climate and ecological crisis and enhance their awareness of opportunities for actions they could take for protecting and sustaining our planet. The module will also offer ideas on pedagogic practice in embedding SDG-13 in class, with examples of learning and assessment materials from different subject disciplines. The project commits to ensuring outputs targeting the aim of the Season by bringing together a team of specialists with specific subject focus (transportation, taxation, business processes and education quality assurance), long-term pedagogic experience, and commitment to effective edtech integration. This ensures that the final outputs would account for the interplay of different types of knowledge as captured by the TPACK (Technology-Pedagogy-Content Knowledge) framework, as well as the complexity and specificity of individual learning and delivery contexts. The final products are transferable to different disciplinary contexts, thus allowing the work to be used as a blueprint for embedding the rest of the 17 SDGs in education practice, as well as developed into HE staff development and/or teacher’s training programmes...



  • Bobeva, M. and Taylor, D., 2021. Building An Academic Community, Cohort Identity and Student Belonging: The MBA Virtual Writing Group Pilot. In: BU Fusion Learning Conference: Innovation and Excellence in the Pandemic.
  • Bobeva, M., Landmark, K. and Khaled, A., 2020. Developing Global Talent for the World of Work through staff-student-industry collaboration and co-creation on a global scale. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 6 (1).
  • Bobeva, M., Minocha, S. and Hristov, D., 2019. Global Festivals of Learning: Observations and student self-assessment of learning gains. In: Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: Teaching in the spotlight: Learning from global communities 3-5 July 2018 Birmingham, UK.
  • Taylor, J., Salvagno, M., Morris, R., Hutchings, M. and Bobeva, M., 2018. Evaluating and measuring how new technologies and ubiquitous connectivity affect university students’ psychosocial well-being. Psychology Teaching Review.
  • Bobeva, M. and Lim, C., 2017. High impact strategies for professional development. In: Global Festival of Learning 27-28 July 2016 SIAS International University, Zhengzhou, China.
  • Bobeva, M. and Ngugi, I., 2017. Embracing The Challenge: Reflections On Teaching Innovation Management Through Live Business Projects. In: International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL 16-18 August 2017 Tokyo, Japan.
  • Hindley, R. and Bobeva, M., 2017. 21st century employability radar: A UK perspective, Global Festival of Learning. In: Global Festival of Learning, China 14-18 May 2017 Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China.
  • Bobeva, M. and Hopkins, D., 2017. Emergency Rations: #EdTechRations. David Hopkins.
  • Salvagno, M., Taylor, J., Bobeva, M. and Hutchings, M., 2015. Ubiquitous connectivity and students’ wellbeing: A situational analysis in a UK university. Ubiquitous Learning, 8 (3), 1-17.
  • Hart Clarida, B., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2015. Strategies for Digital Inclusion: Towards a Pedagogy for Embracing and Sustaining Student Diversity and Engagement with Online Learning. IAFOR Journal of Education, 3 (2).
  • Bobeva, M., Taylor, D. and Preget, L., 2015. Reverse mentoring in higher education: bridging the generation gap. In: Association of Business Schools (ABS) Learning, Teaching and Student Experience conference 27-29 April 2015 York, UK.
  • Bobeva, M., Nordberg, D. and Breitbarth, T., 2013. MOOC or not? – Transformation or Disruption in Higher Education: A workshop. In: British Academy of Management 10-12 September 2013 Liverpool.
  • Clarida, B.H., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2013. Strategies for digital inclusion-towards a pedagogy for embracing student diversity with online learning. Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 573-580.
  • Bobeva, M., 2009. Keep It Simple:Towards I-learning and We-learning. In: e-learning 2.0 6-7 July 2009 Brunel University, London. e-learning 2.0 conference.
  • Bobeva, M., 2009. Within and Beyond Corporate Boundaries: Supervisor’s Experiences with Mentoring Students Online. In: ECRM 2009: 8th European Conference on Research Methods in Business & Management 22-23 June 2009 University of Malta, Valletta, Malta. , 68-75 European Conference on Research Methods in Business & Management.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2008. Performance Management Design Within Higher Education. In: ICERI 2008:International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 17-19 November 2008 Madrid, Spain.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2007. Applying Performance Management Principles to a Learning Environment for Undergraduate Dissertations: A Case Study. International Journal of Quality and Standards, 9, 217-239.
  • Bobeva, M., 2005. A Framework for Information Architecture for Business Networks. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; Business School.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2005. A generic toolkit for the successful management of Delphi Studies. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 3, 103-117.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2003. Seeking the truth: The use of Delphi studies for IS research. In: Grant, K., Edgar, D.A. and Jordan, M., eds. Reflection on the past, making sense of today and predicting the future of information systems. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University for UKAIS.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2003. Successful IS project leaders: a situational theory perspective. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 6, 75-86.
  • Bobeva, M., 2000. Customer relationship management and the business of education. In: BIT 2000 conference: E-Futures 1-2 November 2000 Manchester.
  • Bobeva, M. and Kiselov, G.. A Strategy for Maximizing Learning Gains. presentation. Global Festival of Learning, ASEAN, BINUS University, Indonesia 27 March 2017. 27 March 2017.
  • Bobeva, M.. Journal of Educational Innovation Partnership and Change (JEIPC) ‘Meet the author’ virtual session (Employability panel). online. Microsoft Teams. 29 May 2020.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Quality education

"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"

more information

Climate action

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"

more information

Partnership for the Goals

"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"

more information

Journal Articles

  • Polkinghorne, M., Bobeva, M. and Shahid, S., 2023. Managing Sustainable Projects: Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data Using the Recursive Abstraction Method. Sage Research Methods: Business, 1-26.
  • Bobeva, M., Landmark, K. and Khaled, A., 2020. Developing Global Talent for the World of Work through staff-student-industry collaboration and co-creation on a global scale. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 6 (1).
  • Taylor, J., Salvagno, M., Morris, R., Hutchings, M. and Bobeva, M., 2018. Evaluating and measuring how new technologies and ubiquitous connectivity affect university students’ psychosocial well-being. Psychology Teaching Review.
  • Salvagno, M., Taylor, J., Bobeva, M. and Hutchings, M., 2015. Ubiquitous connectivity and students’ wellbeing: A situational analysis in a UK university. Ubiquitous Learning, 8 (3), 1-17.
  • Hart Clarida, B., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2015. Strategies for Digital Inclusion: Towards a Pedagogy for Embracing and Sustaining Student Diversity and Engagement with Online Learning. IAFOR Journal of Education, 3 (2).
  • Clarida, B.H., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2013. Strategies for digital inclusion-towards a pedagogy for embracing student diversity with online learning. Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 573-580.
  • Kalashyan, I., Kaneva, D., Lee, S., Knapp, D., Roushan, G. and Bobeva, M., 2013. Paradigm shift-engaging academics in social media-the case of Bournemouth university. Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 662-665.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2007. Applying Performance Management Principles to a Learning Environment for Undergraduate Dissertations: A Case Study. International Journal of Quality and Standards, 9, 217-239.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2005. A generic toolkit for the successful management of Delphi Studies. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 3, 103-117.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2003. Successful IS project leaders: a situational theory perspective. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 6, 75-86.



  • Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2023. Supporting Educational Projects in Pakistan: Operationalizing UN Sustainable Development Goal 4. In: Leal Filho, W., Ng, T., Iyer-Raniga, U., Ng, A. and Sharifi, A., eds. SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 1-23.
  • Bobeva, M. and Day, J., 2005. Managing Delphi Studies: a decision-making toolkit. In: Remenyi, D. and Cass, A., eds. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies. Paris, France: Universite Paris-Dauphine, 55-66.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2003. Seeking the truth: The use of Delphi studies for IS research. In: Grant, K., Edgar, D.A. and Jordan, M., eds. Reflection on the past, making sense of today and predicting the future of information systems. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University for UKAIS.
  • Rolfe, R., Bobeva, M. and Roushan, G., 1997. Information relationship management in electronic commerce. In: Avison, D.E., ed. Key issues in information systems : proceedings of the 2nd UKAIS conference. McGraw-Hill.
  • Roushan, G., Bobeva, M. and Rolfe, R., 1997. New dimensions of the role of information systems: facilitating business collaboration in an electronic world. In: Armistead, C. and Kiely, J., eds. Effective organizations : looking to the future. London: Cassell.


  • Bobeva, M. and Alexander, P., 2023. An innovative 7-dimensional pedagogic approach to nurturing social responsibility and sustainability. In: Fusion Learning conference 6 July 2023 Bournemouth University.
  • Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2022. Exploring Key Factors Underpinning the Successful Delivery of UN-SDG4 Quality Education Projects by Non-Governmental Organisations in Pakistan. In: 41st EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society 12-14 October 2022 Berlin.
  • Thurston, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Students as Researchers. In: Fusion Learning Conference - Innovation and Excellence in the Pandemic 28 June-29 July 2021 Bournemouth University: UK. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
  • Bobeva, M. and Taylor, D., 2022. Virtual Writing Groups: staff-student collaboration for enhancing research quality, re-building cohort identify and fostering student confidence. In: 9th Change Agents’ Network (CAN) conference 11-13 May 2022 University College London, London.
  • Bobeva, M., Minocha, S. and Hristov, D., 2019. Global Festivals of Learning: Observations and student self-assessment of learning gains. In: Advance HE Teaching & Learning Conference 2018: Teaching in the spotlight: Learning from global communities 3-5 July 2018 Birmingham, UK.
  • Bobeva, M. and Lim, C., 2017. High impact strategies for professional development. In: Global Festival of Learning 27-28 July 2016 SIAS International University, Zhengzhou, China.
  • Bobeva, M. and Ngugi, I., 2017. Embracing The Challenge: Reflections On Teaching Innovation Management Through Live Business Projects. In: International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL 16-18 August 2017 Tokyo, Japan.
  • Hindley, R. and Bobeva, M., 2017. 21st century employability radar: A UK perspective, Global Festival of Learning. In: Global Festival of Learning, China 14-18 May 2017 Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China.
  • Taylor, J., Salvagno, M., Hutchings,, M., Bobeva, M., Morris, R. and Cole-Etti, L., 2017. Evaluating and measuring how new technologies and ubiquitous connectivity affect university students’ day‐to‐day life, their learning and consequent psychosocial well‐being. In: BPS Annual Conference 2017 3-5 May 2017 Brighton., 19-20 Leicester: BPS.
  • Bobeva, M. and Kiselov, G., 2017. A Strategy for Maximizing Learning Gains. In: Global Festival of Learning 26-27 March 2017 BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Bobeva, M., Preget, L. and Taylor, D., 2015. Understanding and Engaging Millennials as Mentors at the Workplace. In: 31st International Business Research Conference 27-29 July 2015 Toronto, Canada.
  • Bobeva, M., Taylor, D. and Preget, L., 2015. Reverse mentoring in higher education: bridging the generation gap. In: Association of Business Schools (ABS) Learning, Teaching and Student Experience conference 27-29 April 2015 York, UK.
  • Bolat, E. and Bobeva, M., 2014. Using tablets for e-assessment of project-based learning. In: 13th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2014 30-31 October 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Hart Clarida, B., Bobeva, M., Hutchings, M. and Taylor, J., 2014. Strategies for Digital Inclusion: Towards a Pedagogy for Embracing and Sustaining Student Diversity and Engagement with Online Learning. In: 2nd European Conference on Education 9 July 2015-13 July 2014 Brighton. , 91-108.
  • Bolat, E. and Bobeva, M., 2014. Using Tablets for e-Assessment of Project-Based Learning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING (ECEL 2014), 56-64.
  • Bobeva, M., Nordberg, D. and Breitbarth, T., 2013. MOOC or not? – Transformation or Disruption in Higher Education: A workshop. In: British Academy of Management 10-12 September 2013 Liverpool.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2013. Elicitation of Business Process Requirements: Discovering Organisational Context. In: 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference 10-12 September 2013 Liverpool.
  • Salvagno, M., 2013. The highs and lows of ubiquitous mobile connectivity-investigating students' well-being. Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, 626-634.
  • Kalashyan, I., Kaneva, D., Lee, S., Knapp, D., Roushan, G. and Bobeva, M., 2013. Paradigm Shift - Engaging Academics in Social Media - the Case of Bournemouth University. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING (ECEL 2013), 662-665.
  • Hopkins, D., Bobeva, M. and Ramsden, A., 2012. Using QR Codes in Higher Education. In: Using QR Codes in Higher Education 31 January 2012 EBC, Bournemouth University, England.
  • Bobeva, M., 2009. Keep It Simple:Towards I-learning and We-learning. In: e-learning 2.0 6-7 July 2009 Brunel University, London. e-learning 2.0 conference.
  • Bobeva, M., 2009. Within and Beyond Corporate Boundaries: Supervisor’s Experiences with Mentoring Students Online. In: ECRM 2009: 8th European Conference on Research Methods in Business & Management 22-23 June 2009 University of Malta, Valletta, Malta. , 68-75 European Conference on Research Methods in Business & Management.
  • Newland, B., Deane, S. and Bobeva, M., 2009. Enhancing Student Feedback on Assessments Using Waypoint. In: BbWorld '09 14-16 July 2009 Washington DC.
  • Newland, B., Deane, S. and Bobeva, M., 2009. Enhancing Student Feedback on Assessments Using Waypoint. In: BbWorld Europe '09 6-8 April 2009 Barcelona, Spain.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2008. Performance Management Design Within Higher Education. In: ICERI 2008:International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 17-19 November 2008 Madrid, Spain.
  • Bobeva, M. and Roushan, G., 2008. Web 2.0 @ BU. In: ICERI2008: International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 17-19 November 2008 Madrid, Spain.
  • Bobeva, M. and Ridolfo, H., 2007. 'BISM' is Dead, Long Live 'BISM'. In: UKAIS 2007: "21st Century IS: Do Organisations Matter?" 11-12 April 2007 Manchester, England.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2006. Using business performance management tools to design a learning environment for undergraduate dissertations. In: The 5th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies 17-18 July 2006 Dublin, Ireland.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2006. Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach for Evaluating an Integrated Learning Environment for Undergraduate Dissertations. In: Remenyi, D., ed. The 13th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation (ECITE) 28-29 September 2006 Genoa, Italy. Reading: Academic Conferences Limited.
  • Day, J. and Bobeva, M., 2003. IS project leaders - heroes or zeroes. In: ECITE 2003 conference 25-26 September 2003 Madrid, Spain.
  • Bobeva, M. and Williams, B., 2003. A tale of four shifts and three frameworks: an empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of human computer interface design. In: ECITE 2003 conference 25-26 September 2003 Madrid, Spain.
  • Bobeva, M. and Greenway, E., 2002. E-procurement - a catalyst of change in the buyer-supplier trading relationships. In: UKAIS 2002 conference 10-12 April 2002 Leeds, UK.
  • Bobeva, M., 2001. Information architecture for electronically integrated business networks. In: UKAIS 2001 conference 1-2 April 2001 Portsmouth, UK.
  • Bobeva, M., 2000. Customer relationship management and the business of education. In: BIT 2000 conference: E-Futures 1-2 November 2000 Manchester.
  • Roushan, G. and Bobeva, M., 1999. The potential of intranets as a tool for knowledge management. In: 4th UKAIS Conference 6-7 April 1999 York.
  • Hollocks, B., Bobeva, M. and Roushan, G., 1998. Computer-based training in small and medium-sized enterprises. In: BIT'98 conference - Business Information Management: Adaptive Futures 4-5 November 1998 Manchester.



  • Bolat, E. et al., 2016. Digital Me, Pop-up Photo Exhibition. Photo. Digital Me. Sovereign Shopping Centre, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 5 November 2016.


  • Bobeva, M. and Kiselov, G.. A Strategy for Maximizing Learning Gains. presentation. Global Festival of Learning, ASEAN, BINUS University, Indonesia 27 March 2017. 27 March 2017.
  • Bobeva, M. and Hindley, R.. 21st century employability radar: A UK perspective. workshop. Global Festival of Learning, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China. 15 May 2017.
  • Bobeva, M.. Journal of Educational Innovation Partnership and Change (JEIPC) ‘Meet the author’ virtual session (Employability panel). online. Microsoft Teams. 29 May 2020.


  • Bobeva, M., Permana, R., Vu, T. and Alexander, P., 2023. Climate Action Multimedia Module: Supporting Cross-Community of Practice and Education for Sustainable Development. In: Fusion Learning Conference, Bournemouth University, UK.
  • Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2022. 9 Dimensions of Quality Education. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
  • Bobeva, M. and Taylor, D., 2021. Building An Academic Community, Cohort Identity and Student Belonging: The MBA Virtual Writing Group Pilot. In: BU Fusion Learning Conference: Innovation and Excellence in the Pandemic.
  • Ridolfo, M., Bobeva, M., Preget, L. and McFadyen, A., 2012. Bringing Business To Life: Challenging students, through a ‘Digital Age’ Simulated Business Exercise (SBE), to develop the mindset and competencies needed for today’s business environment. In: Fusion Conference 2012 Sharing Education Excellence.
  • Bobeva, M. and Hopkins, D., 2012. Embedding QR Codes in Education Contexts. In: Innovation in challenging times: The ABS Learning & Teaching Conference.
  • Bobeva, M., Lamont, C., Thompson, K. and Ridolfo, M., 2012. Practicing Fusion through Business and Community Engagement within the BA (Hons) Business Studies programme. In: Fusion Conference 2012 Fusion in Action: Knowledge exchange with students, society and the professions.
  • Hopkins, D. and Bobeva, M., 2011. QR Codes in Education: The Business School Experience. In: Bournemouth University Education Enhancement Conference 2011.
  • Hopkins, D., Bobeva, M. and Roushan, G., 2009. The ‘I’ in Induction, 7th e-learning@greenwich conference. In: 7th e-learning@greenwich conference: Making It Personal.

PhD Students

  • Sidra Shahid, 2023. Measuring Success and Sustainability in Project Management: A Case Study Supporting the Delivery of Quality Education in Pakistan, (In progress)
  • Rebecca Jayne-Humphreys Soumati, 2028. A practical exploration of how we can develop artist/artisan entrepreneurial activity through entrepreneurial social media marketing education within a social media context, (In progress)
  • Atinuke Moraina. Factors that influence strategic alignment of Information Technology for Supply Chain Integration and the impact on Business Performance: Perceptions of Nigerian Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises and their suppliers, (In progress)
  • Ivan Nikitin, 2010. A business process improvement framework for knowledge oriented diagnosis and improvement planning, (Completed)
  • Baylie Hart Clarida. Strategies for digital inclusion: towards a pedagogy for embracing and sustaining student diversity and engagement with online learning
  • Tom Wainwright. A model for managing the variability of care processes within a National Health Service elective care clinical microsystem
  • Michele Salvagno. The highs and lows of ubiquitous mobile connectivity: towards a model for pedagogical delivery that supports the well-being of learners

Invited Lectures

  • ESD: Integrating climate change into HE in Vietnam, Can Tho University, Vietnam [hybrid event], 12 Jan 2024 more


  • Inspiring and building capacity for sustainability research through hybrid cross-institutional mobility events for UK and Malaysian students (British Council, 02 Jan 2024). Awarded
  • Career Building for the Sustainable Development Goals: a co-created masterclass (PRME UK & Ireland Charter, 01 Mar 2023). Awarded
  • SOARing to successful digital transformation in Vietnamese universities (British Council, 09 Jan 2023). Awarded
  • Developing a multi-media SDG13-Climate Action module to support a cross-university Community of Practice and capacity building in Education for Sustainable Development (British Council, 01 Dec 2022). Awarded
  • Towards excellence in research and knowledge transfer: a global partnership approach (British Council, 01 Feb 2022). Awarded
  • Advancing pedagogical innovation for developing industry-relevant graduate competencies through collaboration with industry and community networks – a comparative study of approaches in Higher Education Institutions in the UK and Vietnam (Bournemouth University Business School, 01 Jul 2021). Completed
  • Developing a framework for maximising the value of University Industry collaboration in Vietnam through international partnerships for knowledge exchange and development of quality industry-ready graduates (British Council, 01 Sep 2018). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • The Global Undergraduate Awards 2021 Programme, Judge in the Business and Management category (2021),
  • British Council, UK-Vietnam Higher Education Network, Advisory Board member (2020-)
  • UK-Viet Nam Higher Education Network advisory board, member of the advisory board (2019-2024)
  • Bedfordshire University, UK, External Examiner (MBA programmes) (2014-2018)
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University, External Examiner (MBA suite; BA (Hons) BA) (2014-2018)
  • University of East London, External re-validation adviser (2012-2013)
  • Hertfordshire University, External Examiner (2011-2014)
  • Management School,New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, External Examiner (2010-2013)

Internal Responsibilities

  • Academic Lead, GTP and Destination programmes, Global Talent Programme (GTP), Student Destination programmes
  • academic mentor, PG Cert Academic Practice
  • Faculty representative, TEL Steering Group, Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Steering Group, Bournemouth University
  • Senate represenative, Academic Standards Committee, Bournemouth University
  • Academic Representative, Faculty of Management, Senate, Bournemouth University
  • MBA Director, Bournemouth University.
  • QAEG member, Bournemouth University Quality Assurance and Enhancement Group

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • The Bourne Academy - Young Enterprise day (04 Mar 2022)
  • Preparing Higher Education for digital transformation: Quality Assurance (21 Sep 2021)
  • 1.Present latest studies on employability skills for the 21 century. 2.the Employability Radar (ER), a tool combining a SOAR (Strengths/Opportunities/Aspirations/Results) analysis with PPD.3.Own radar (15 May 2017)
  • Studying an MBA in the UK (28 Mar 2017)
  • A Strategy for Maximizing Learning Gains (27 Mar 2017)
  • High impact strategies for professional development (26 Jun 2016-27 Jun 2016)
  • Reverse Mentoring: Teaching old dogs new tricks! (14 Jul 2015)

Consultancy Activities

  • External adviser/panel member, Review of the Global MBA programme. Coventry University - London Centre

Attended Training

  • PRME i5 Literacy Certification Scheme (Europe), Stages 1 to 4, 25 Apr 2023, Certificate of i5 innovation (Stage 4), i5 exploration (Stage 3), i5 engagement (Stage 2), i5 attendance (Stage 1)
  • Climate Fresk: Facilitators training, 03 Mar 2023, Climate Freske facilitator
  • VI Erasmus+ Staff Training Week at ISAL, 05 Dec 2022, N/A
  • First Impressions, 15 Jul 2014, Member of the Institute of Customer Service


  • PhD in Information Architecture for Business Networks (Bournemouth University, 2005)
  • MSc in Information Systems (Leeds Metropolitan University, 1995)
  • MSc in Electronics and Automation Engineering (Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1989)
  • Diploma in Translator of Technical Literature (Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1987)
  • Certificate in Tourist Guidance (English) (Bulgarian Board of Tourism, 1983)


Social Media Links