Dr Camila Devis-Rozental
- Principal Academic in Service Excellence
- Dorset House DG36, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Dr Camila Devis-Rozental is a Principal academic in Socio-emotional intelligence (SEI) and humanising practice at Bournemouth University.
In her current role, she has been involved in various projects university wide. At present, she has been working alongside colleagues on developing the university's Access and Participation Plan and she is leading one of its intervention strategies.
Additionally, she is applying her expertise and research in humanising practice and social justice to develop projects to continue improving the academic quality of our programmes and the student experience university wide.
Camila is the recipient of various grants and multiple awards. In 2022 and 2023 she was included in the Disability Power 100. This list recognises the 100 most influential disabled people in the UK, and Camila has been included in recognition of her work in humanising education, as one of the top 10 people within the education category.
In 2022 she led a research project funded by ODHE (Organisational Development in Higher Education) with various universities exploring Communities of Practice (CoPs)...
Camila has over 20 years of experience in the field of education with a focus on humanising education. She is interested in metacognition and how prosocial behaviours, emotions and social interactions affect teaching and learning.
In 2019 alongside Susanne Clarke (Head of Service Excellence), Camila was recognised for this work and was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Award for creativity due to the innovative ways in which service excellence is embedded across BU, including our digital resources.
As part of this project, Camila adapted the Humanising framework developed by Todres et al. originally for health and social sciences, into a tool for humanising higher education. Additionally, the head, hand, heart plaid which she developed as part of her doctoral work to illustrate practicing with an embodied relational understanding has been built in as part of BU's organisational culture.
As part of her role in the Business School Camila supervises PhD and Masters students and she is involved in research on positive organisational culture, EDI and learning gain alongside colleagues in the school.
She is a Senior Fellow, mentor and reviewer for Advance HE and a Professional Affiliate of the Chartered College of Teaching.
Camila is the author of various journal articles, chapters and books, and she has presented her work at multiple national and international conferences.
She was awarded the BU Learning and Teaching Fellowship to develop her research entitled: Mind the Gap: supporting students to have a successful transition from school to university, enhancing the current provision and further strengthening the support given to both students and academics to develop areas of SEI to enhance overall wellbeing. Following this she was awarded a grant to create digital resources for pre-arrival students to support them in their transition to university, developed with the aim of humanising our digital spaces.
Externally Camila is director and trustee of the Lightyear Foundation, a charity breaking barriers for disabled children interested in STEM. She is also the wellness expert adviser of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust supporting over 26 schools to enhance staff and students' wellbeing and she sits on various, equity, diversity and inclusion committees both at BU and externally.
Camila is always happy to connect with others interested in her research.
2017-2022 Research Themes • Development of a virtual toolkit for academics to enhance their practice as they support students starting university
• Funded project sponsored by the director of student services to lead a small team to develop a virtual toolkit for students hosted in the university online platform based on my research around socio-emotional intelligence, positive psychology and the transition from school to university. Some areas of the tool have been co-created with current students involved in the project.
• Project lead of the funded project “Putting the heart back into Higher Education: reconnecting and learning from HE Communities of Practice to enable hybrid ways of working” in collaboration with 3 other universities • Wellbeing strategies to support students in their transition to university
• Academic Innovations in PGRs research development provision in Higher Education during COVID-19
• Postgraduate Research culture in higher education
• Staff attitudes about their role in induction activities in higher education
• Humanising higher education through the humanising framework lens
• Mind the gap: supporting students in having a successful transition to university, Funded project to explore how to support students in their transition to university
• Developing socio-emotional intelligence in higher education scholars
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2023. Developing the Socio-Emotional Intelligence of Doctoral Students. Encyclopedia, 3 (4), 1178-1186.
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2022. Supporting student to thrive in their transition to university by enhancing the curricula with our head, hand and heart. Impact: Journal of the chartered college of teaching, 14 (2022).
- Devis-Rozental, C. and Clarke, S., 2021. HE staff’s attitudes and expectations about their role in induction activities. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.
- Devis-Rozental, C. and Barron, M., 2020. Mind the gap: supporting students to have a successful transition to university, it is everyone’s responsibility. In: Devis-Rozental, C. and Clarke, S., eds. Humanising Higher education: a positive approach to wellbeing. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Devis-Rozental, C. and Clarke, S., 2020. Humanising higher education: A positive approach to enhancing wellbeing.
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2020. Socio-Emotional intelligence: A humanising approach to enhance wellbeing in higher education. Humanising Higher Education: A Positive Approach to Enhancing Wellbeing. 15-33.
- Devis-Rozental, C. and Farquharson, L., 2020. What influences students in their development of socio-emotional intelligence whilst at university? Higher Education Pedagogies, 5 (1), 294-309.
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2018. Developing Socio-Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education Scholars. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2018. Developing socio-emotional intelligence in higher education scholars. Developing Socio-Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education Scholars, 1-233.
- Devis-Rozental, 2017. The Humanisation of Higher Education: It is easy if you try. In: Humanising health, care and well-being 29 June-30 August 2017 Bournemouth University.
- Devis-Rozental, 2017. Developing socio-emotional intelligence in early years scholars. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
- Devis-Rozental, C., 2013. Interpreting Intelligence: A Literature review. In: The Bournemouth and Poole College annual research conference 10 July 2013 Bournemouth. , 16-22 Bournemouth and Poole College.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Peace, justice and strong institutions
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"