Health, Wellbeing & Society
Our research touches upon every stage of the lifespan, from birth to death. By linking health and social care, we are able to focus on people’s quality of life. We make a difference by changing people’s lives through our research and delivering new and improved ways of treating and caring for patients.
- Festus Adedoyin
- Linda Agyemang
- Nayoung Ahn
- Mohsen Amiribesheli
- Caroline Andow
- Catherine Angell
- Payam Ansari
- Katherine Appleton
- Shaqaieq Ashrafi Dost
- Katy Bailey
- Roger Baker
- Sarah Bate
- Steven Bayighomog
- Alex Bielat
- Hamid Bouchachia
- Jonny Branney
- Alex Breen
- Sheila Brooks
- Teresa Burdett
- Louise Burgess
- Chloe Casey
- Mara Catalina Aguilera Canon
- Jayne Caudwell
- Fred Charles
- Holly Chinnery
- Carol Clark
- Jon Cobb
- Sarah Collard
- Holly Crossen-White
- Marin Cvitanovic
- Helena De Rezende
- Camila Devis-Rozental
- Natalie Djohari
- Sharon Docherty
- Venky Dubey
- Caroline Ellis-Hill
- Vegard Engen
- Steven Ersser
- Malika Felton
- Debbi Gale
- Gbola Gbadamosi
- Ellie Gennings
- Sam Goodman
- Nicola Gregory
- Danielle Guy
- Andrew Harding
- Rosie Harper
- Paul Hartley
- Heather Hartwell
- Matthew Hartwell