Professor Zulfiqar Khan
- Professor Of Design Engineering and Computing
- Poole House P210, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Advanced materials
- Ceramics
- Coatings
- Complex systems
- Composites
- Contact mechanics
- Corrosion
- Design
- Energy conservation
- Engineering analysis
- Engineering design
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechanics of materials
- PhD Supervisor
- Surface analysis
- Surface engineering
- Sustainable design
- Tribology
- Tribology
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Professor Zulfiqar A Khan has been leading NanoCorr, Energy & Modelling (NCEM) research group within the University Design & Engineering department. NCEM was previously known as Sustainable Design Research Centre (SDRC) and received its Research Excellence Framework (REF – UK national research audit) 14 Panel Unit Feedback as, “Sustainable Design Research Group had the highest proportion of outputs judged to be internationally excellent”. He is championing REF2021 as Unit of Assessment (UoA) 12 (Engineering) Unit Leader.
Professor Khan has developed multidisciplinary research in wear-corrosion synergy, nano-coating incorporating tribo-corrosion issues, thermodynamics and numerical modelling in collaboration with major industrial and academic partners.
He has previously lead Research and Enterprise activity in the then School of Design, Engineering and Computing, as Associate Dean between Nov 2008 ‘til Aug 2010 and the University’s Sustainable Design Research Centre as Director since July 2007...
He has developed a portfolio of international collaboration through the appointment of visiting professors and visiting fellows who participate in the centre’s research and academic development. Professor Khan has developed longstanding industrial collaborations such as the Ministry of Defence UK, Future Energy Source Ltd, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Balmain Environmental Conservation Trust, ASM Assembly Systems Ltd, The Tank Museum at Bovington UK and Daido Metal Co Ltd, The European Technical Centre (UK).
Professor Khan established NanoCorr, Energy & Modelling (NCEM) research group in 2015 with a significant research portfolio of direct, capital and in-kind funding since 2014. The following are NCEM’s wider Developmental and Exploratory Research activities:
Sustainability (Sustainable methodologies of preventing corrosion and coating failures in large complex interacting systems): This area provides a strategic focus for inter-disciplinary Developmental Research in advanced materials, mechanical and chemical engineering. Research in this area was supported through several projects including; 2 x PGRs match funded by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DSTL, MoD 1 x PGR match funded by The Tank Museum and 1 x PDRA by Wessex institute of Technology. This area and advanced materials theme are supported by 2 x University Global Visiting Fellowships schemes, both fellows are from Tsinghua University Beijing PR China (THE 1st Asia University, 14th World Reputation and 23rd World University Ranking 2019).
Advanced Materials (Nano composite coatings for tribological applications): Nano composite coatings research for tribological applications has been conducted within NCEM since 2012. This area is funded by ASM Assembly Systems Weymouth Ltd 1 x PhD with equipment/patent support, Schaeffler through 3 x PhD projects, 2 x PhD exchange students from University of Nevada Reno USA and a 4th project is funded by Daido Metal Co Ltd, The European Technical Centre (UK).
Low Carbon Technology (Energy generation, conversion and storage):
This theme is focused on developing zero-carbon energy solutions to meet the UK and global initiatives to reduce carbon foot-print. Energy Conversion Developmental Research was established in 2012 and since has been funded by Future Energy Source Ltd UK. This area has been funded by Future Energy Source Ltd through fully funded 2 x PGRs, 2 x PDRAs, 1 x in-kind support for PGR, 1 x technician support, 1 x admin support, 1 x intellectual proprietary advisor and laboratories support. 1 x PhD exchange from University of Sciences & Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria and led to joint publication with BU and University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain.
Another Developmental Research programme in energy storage system applied to solar collector design and nano coatings subject to Thermofluids lubrication are match funded (2 x PhD) by National University of Sciences & Technology NUST Islamabad Pakistan.
Professor Khan has developed international collaborations to include: NASA Materials Testing and Corrosion Control Branch, US, Analatom, Inc. US, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, University of Sciences & Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan and Peoples Education Services Institute of Technology (PES IT) Bangalore, India.
Some examples of current/previous research projects led by Professor Zulfiqar Khan are as follows:
1. Corrosion condition monitoring through micro-sensors within large static and mobile assets (Postdoc )
2. Development of Thermofluids through nano additives for low cost energy applications (Postdoc)
3. Development of in-situ tribo-corrosion condition monitoring for rolling contact applied to nano coatings (visiting PGR – University of Nevada USA)
4. Corrosion performance of nanocomposite coatings in aggressive chemical environment (visiting PGR – University of Nevada USA)
5. Experimental and simulation investigations of stagnation and efficiency of solar thermal flat plat system (visiting PGR – University of Science & Technology Algiers. Algeria)
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Thermodynamic modelling and analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle employing thermofluids. Energy Conversion and Management, 138, 493-510.
- Khan, Z., Khan, Z. and Tabeshf, K., 2016. Parametric investigations to enhance thermal performance of paraffin through a novel geometrical configuration of shell and tube latent thermal storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 127, 355-365.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z., 2016. Heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of HFE 7000 based nanorefrigerants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104 (2017), 318-327.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Nazir, M.H., 2016. Maximising the interfacial toughness of thin coatings and substrate through optimisation of defined parapmeters. International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements, 3 (4), 316-328.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. A model for cathodic blister growth in coating degradation using mesomechanics approach. Materials and Corrosion, 67 (5), 495-503.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. Modeling the effect of residual and diffusion-induced stresses on corrosion at the interface of coating and substrate. Corrosion, 72 (4), 500-517.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2015. Mathematical modelling and simulation of multiphase flow in a flat plate solar energy collector. Energy Conversion and Management, 106, 139-150.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Stokes, K., 2015. A holistic mathematical modelling and simulation for cathodic delamination mechanism - A novel and an efficient approach. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (22), 2475-2513.
- Wen, B., Khan, Z. and Helvaci, U., 2015. Simulation study of a large scale flat plate solar collector with continuous serpentine tubing configuration for domestic hot water pre-heating and space heating applications. Energy Conversion and Management.
- Nazir, M., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. Optimisation of Interface Roughness and Coating Thickness to Maximise Coating-Substrate Adhesion - A Failure Prediction and Reliability Assessment Modelling. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (14), 1415-1445.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. A Unified Mathematical Modelling and Simulation for Cathodic Blistering Mechanism incorporating diffusion and fracture mechanics concepts. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (12), 1200-1228.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Affordable and clean energy
"Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Responsible consumption and production
"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"
Partnership for the Goals
"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"
Journal Articles
- Khan, Z.A., Ullah, F.U.M., Yar, H., Ullah, W., Khan, N., Kim, M.J. and Baik, S.W., 2025. Optimized cross-module attention network and medium-scale dataset for effective fire detection. Pattern Recognition, 161.
- John, A., Saeed, A. and Khan, Z., 2025. Influence of physical electrodeposition attributes on mechano-tribo and wettability characteristics of Ni-Co enhanced nanocoating. Journal of tribology.
- John, A., Saeed, A. and Khan, Z.A., 2025. Effect of Alloying and Reinforcing Nanocomposites on the Mechanical, Tribological, and Wettability Properties of Pulse-Electrodeposited Ni Coatings. Micromachines, 16 (2).
- Nazir, M.H., Zaidi, S.Z.J., Hussain, M.M. and Khan, Z.A., 2025. Modelling & development of novel sustainable thermo-fluids to maximise the efficiency of solar thermal applications. Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait).
- Hussain, A., Ullah, W., Khan, N., Khan, Z.A., Kim, M.J. and Baik, S.W., 2024. TDS-Net: Transformer enhanced dual-stream network for video Anomaly Detection. Expert Systems with Applications, 256.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Zaidi, S.Z.J., Hussain, M.M. and Taiwo, O.O., 2024. Enhanced model for axisymmetric stability analysis of propagating circular defect-driven coating delamination under combined compressive and diffusion-induced stresses. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 19 (12).
- Singleton, T., Saeed, A., Strawbridge, L. and Khan, Z.A., 2024. Finite Element Analysis of Manufacturing Deformation in Polymer Matrix Composites. Materials, 17 (10).
Cao, R., Liu, C., Cao, H., Li, Y., Khan, Z. and Meng, Y., 2023. Effect of Running-In Conditions on the Super Low EHD Sliding Friction of Si
3 N4 Ball and WC Plate in Glycerol–Water Solution. Tribology Letters, 71 (4). - Jayappa, K., Anil, K.C. and Khan, Z.A., 2023. Enhancing wear resistance in Al-7075 composites through conventional mixing and casting techniques. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 7935-7945.
- Patel, R., Khan, Z.A., Bakolas, V. and Saeed, A., 2023. Numerical Simulation of the Lubricant-Solid Interface Using the Multigrid Method. Lubricants, 11 (6).
- Liu, C., Tian, Y., Khan, Z.A. and Meng, Y., 2023. Mitigation of tribocorrosion of metals in aqueous solutions by potential-enhanced adsorption of surfactants. Friction, 11 (5), 801-819.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z., Hussain, M., Rahil, A., Zohaib, S. and Zaidi, J., 2023. A Comprehensive Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis of Coefficient of Friction of Nanocomposite Coatings. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
John, A., Saeed, A. and Khan, Z.A., 2023. Influence of the Duty Cycle of Pulse Electrodeposition-Coated Ni-Al
2 O3 Nanocomposites on Surface Roughness Properties. Materials, 16 (6). -
Khan, S., Saeed, A., Nazir, M.H., Abdullah, M.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2023. Corrosion Mechanisms of 304L NAG in Boiling 9M HNO
3 Containing Cr (VI) Ions. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15 (2). - Khan, Z.A., Nazir, M.H. and Saeed, A., 2022. Development of Nanocomposite Coatings. Nanomaterials, 12 (24).
- Sun, J., Bai, L., Guo, F. and Khan, Z.A., 2022. Experimental Study on the Effect of Micro-Texture on EHL Point-Contact Film Thickness Subject to Sliding Conditions. Materials, 15 (22).
- Abdullah, M.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2022. Further Investigations and Parametric Analysis of Microstructural Alterations under Rolling Contact Fatigue. Materials, 15 (22).
- Nazir, M.H., Rahil, A., Partenie, E., Bowkett, M., Khan, Z.A., Hussain, M.M. and Zaidi, S.Z.J., 2022. Comparison of lithium-ion battery cell technologies applied in the regenerative braking system. Battery Energy, 1 (4).
- Abdullah, M.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2022. A Multiscale Overview of Modelling Rolling Cyclic Fatigue in Bearing Elements. Materials, 15 (17).
- Patel, R., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Bakolas, V., 2022. CFD Investigation of Reynolds Flow around a Solid Obstacle. Lubricants, 10 (7).
- Bowkett, M., Nazir, M.H., Hussain, M.M., Khan, Z.A. and Akram, R., 2022. Failure Detection within Composite Materials in System Engineering Applications. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12 (9).
- Patel, R., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Bakolas, V., 2022. A Review of Mixed Lubrication Modelling and Simulation. Tribology in Industry, 44 (1), 150-168.
- Bai, L., Meng, Y., Zhang, V. and Khan, Z., 2021. Effect of Surface Topography on ZDDP Tribofilm Formation During Running-in Stage Subject to Boundary Lubrication. Tribology Letters, 70 (10), 1-16.
- Bai, L., Meng, Y., Zhang, V. and Khan, Z.A., 2021. Effect of Surface Topography on ZDDP Tribofilm Formation During Running-in Stage Subject to Boundary Lubrication. Tribology Letters, 70, 1-16.
- Abdullah, M.U., Khan, Z.A., Kruhoeffer, W., Blass, T. and Vierneusel, B., 2021. Development of white etching bands under accelerated rolling contact fatigue. Tribology International, 164.
- Bai, L., Zhang, P. and Khan, Z.A., 2021. Semi salix leaf textured gas mechanical face seal with enhanced opening performance. Materials, 14 (24).
- Qamar, H., Saeed, A., Owais, M., Hussain, T., Hussain, K., Rahman, A.U., Ahmed, S., Kumar, S. and Khan, Z.A., 2021. CuO bionanocomposite with enhanced stability and antibacterial activity against extended-spectrum beta-lactamase strains. Materials, 14 (21).
- Waqas, M., Zahid, R., Bhutta, M.U., Khan, Z.A. and Saeed, A., 2021. A review of friction performance of lubricants with nano additives. Materials, 14 (21).
- Bai, L., Sun, J., Zhang, P. and Khan, Z.A., 2021. Friction behavior of a textured surface against several materials under dry and lubricated conditions. Materials, 14 (18).
- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2021. Performance evaluation of coupled thermal enhancement through novel wire‐wound fins design and graphene nano‐ platelets in shell‐and‐tube latent heat storage system. Energies, 14 (13).
- Karbasi, M., Keshavarz Alamdari, E., Amirkhani Dehkordi, E., Khan, Z.A. and Tavangarian, F., 2021. Enhanced mechanical properties and microstructure of accumulative roll-bonded co/pb nanocomposite. Nanomaterials, 11 (5).
- Ullah, W., Ullah, A., Hussain, T., Khan, Z.A. and Baik, S.W., 2021. An efficient anomaly recognition framework using an attention residual lstm in surveillance videos. Sensors, 21 (8).
- Abdullah, M.U., Khan, Z.A. and Kruhoeffer, W., 2020. Evaluation of Dark Etching Regions for Standard Bearing Steel under Accelerated Rolling Contact Fatigue. Tribology International, 152.
- Abdullah, M.U., Khan, Z.A., Kruhoeffer, W. and Blass, T., 2020. A 3D Finite Element Model of Rolling Contact Fatigue for Evolved Material Response and Residual Stress Estimation. Tribology Letters, 68 (4).
- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2020. Role of extended fins and graphene nano-platelets in coupled thermal enhancement of latent heat storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 224.
- Abdullah, M.U., Khan, Z.A., Kruhoeffer, W. and Blass, T., 2020. A 3D Finite Element Model of Rolling Contact Fatigue for Evolved Material Response and Residual Stress Estimation. Tribology Letters, 68 (4), 1-18.
- Bhutta, M.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2020. Wear and friction performance evaluation of nickel based nanocomposite coatings under refrigerant lubrication. Tribology International, 148.
Ramesh, C.S., Khan, S. and Khan, Z.A., 2020. Dry Sliding-Friction and Wear Behavior of Hot-Extruded Al6061/Si
3 N4 /Cf Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 29 (7), 4474-4483. - Amiche, A., El Hassar, S.M.K., Larabi, A., Khan, Z.A., Khan, Z., Aguilar, F.J. and Quiles, P.V., 2020. Innovative overheating solution for solar thermal collector using a reflective surface included in the air gap. Renewable Energy, 151, 355-365.
- Cao, H., Khan, Z. and Meng, Y., 2020. Comparison of rolling contact fatigue life between elastohydrodynamic lubricated point contacts pre and post running-in treatment. Tribology International, 144.
Kasar, A.K., Bhutta, M.U., Khan, Z.A. and Menezes, P.L., 2020. Corrosion performance of nanocomposite coatings in moist SO
2 environment. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106 (11-12), 4769-4776. - Latif, J., Khan, Z.A. and Stokes, K., 2020. Structural monitoring system for proactive detection of corrosion and coating failure. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 301.
- Khan, Z., Khan, Z.A. and Sewell, P., 2019. Heat transfer evaluation of metal oxides based nano-PCMs for latent heat storage system application. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 144.
- Bhutta, M.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2019. Friction and wear performance analysis of hydrofluoroether-7000 refrigerant. Tribology International, 139, 36-54.
- Latif, J., Khan, Z.A., Nazir, M.H., Stokes, K. and Smith, R., 2019. An optimal condition based maintenance scheduling for metal structures based on a multidisciplinary research approach. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 15 (10), 1366-1381.
- Bhutta, M.U., Khan, Z. and Garland, N., 2019. Novel experimental setup to assess surfaces in tribo-contact lubricated by the next generation of environmentally friendly thermofluids. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 7 (3), 226-235.
- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2019. Thermodynamic performance of a novel shell-and-tube heat exchanger incorporating paraffin as thermal storage solution for domestic and commercial applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 160.
- Latif, J., Khan, Z.A., Nazir, M.H., Stokes, K. and Plummer, J., 2019. Condition monitoring and predictive modelling of coating delamination applied to remote stationary and mobile assets. Structural Health Monitoring, 18 (4), 1056-1073.
Bhutta, M.U., Khan, Z.A. and Garland, N., 2018. Wear performance analysis of Ni-Al
2 O3 nanocomposite coatings under nonconventional lubrication. Materials, 12 (1). - Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A., Bakolas, V., Braun, W. and Bajwa, R., 2018. Experimental analysis and modelling for reciprocating wear behaviour of nanocomposite coatings. Wear, 416-417, 89-102.
- Ahmed, M.K., Shahid, M., Khan, Z.A., Ammar, A.U., Saboor, A., Khalid, A., Hayat, A., Saeed, A. and Koohgilani, M., 2018. Electrochemical comparison of SAN/PANI/FLG and ZnO/GO coated cast iron subject to corrosive environments. Materials, 11 (11).
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Saeed, A., 2018. Experimental analysis and modelling of c-crack propagation in silicon nitride ball bearing element under rolling contact fatigue. Tribology International, 126, 386-401.
- Khan, Z. and Ahmad Khan, Z., 2018. Experimental and numerical investigations of nano-additives enhanced paraffin in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger: A comparative study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 143, 777-790.
- Nazir, M.H., Saeed, A. and Khan, Z.A., 2018. Electrochemical corrosion failure analysis of large complex engineering structures by using micro-LPR sensors. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 268, 232-244.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A., Siddaiah, A. and Menezes, P.L., 2018. Synergistic wear-corrosion analysis and modelling of nanocomposite coatings. Tribology International, 121, 30-44.
- Latif, J., Khan, Z.A., Nazir, M.H., Stokes, K. and Plummer, J., 2018. Life assessment prognostic modelling for multi-layered coating systems using a multidisciplinary approach. Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom), 34 (6), 664-678.
- Ammar, A.U., Shahid, M., Ahmed, M.K., Khan, M., Khalid, A. and Khan, Z.A., 2018. Electrochemical study of polymer and ceramic-based nanocomposite coatings for corrosion protection of cast iron pipeline. Materials, 9 (3).
- Khan, Z., Latif, J., Nazir, M.H., Saeed, A., Stokes, K. and Nazir, H., 2018. Predictive and prognostic modelling and simulation of coatings subject to corrosion and mechanical failures. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 6 (3), 487-498.
- Bhutta, M.U., Khan, Z.A., Garland, N. and Ghafoor, A., 2018. A historical review on the tribological performance of refrigerants used in compressors. Tribology in Industry, 40 (1), 19-51.
- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. An experimental investigation of discharge/solidification cycle of paraffin in novel shell and tube with longitudinal fins based latent heat storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 154, 157-167.
- Bai, L., Meng, Y., Khan, Z.A. and Zhang, V., 2017. The Synergetic Effects of Surface Texturing and MoDDP Additive Applied to Ball-on-Disk Friction Subject to Both Flooded and Starved Lubrication Conditions. Tribology Letters, 65 (4).
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Saeed, A., 2017. A Novel Non-Destructive Sensing Technology for On-Site Corrosion Failure Evaluation of Coatings. IEEE Access, 6, 1042-1054.
- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Experimental investigations of charging/melting cycles of paraffin in a novel shell and tube with longitudinal fins based heat storage design solution for domestic and industrial applications. Applied Energy, 206, 1158-1168.
Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A., Bakolas, V., Braun, W., Bajwa, R. and Rafique, S., 2017. Analyzing and modelling the corrosion behavior of Ni/Al
2 O3 , Ni/SiC, Ni/ZrO2 and Ni/graphene nanocomposite coatings. Materials, 10 (11). - Siddaiah, A., Khan, Z.A., Ramachandran, R. and Menezes, P.L., 2017. Performance analysis of retrofitted tribo-corrosion test rig for monitoring in situ oil conditions. Materials, 10 (10).
- Nazir, M.H., Saeed, A. and Khan, Z., 2017. A comprehensive predictive corrosion model incorporating varying environmental gas pollutants applied to wider steel applications. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 193, 19-34.
- Saeed, A., Khan, Z., Nazir, H., Hadfield, M. and Smith, R., 2017. Research impact of conserving large military vehicles through a sustainable methodology. International Journal of Heritage Architecture, 1 (2), 267-274.
- Saeed, A., Khan, Z., Nazir, H., Hadfield, M. and Smith, R., 2017. Research Impact of conserving large military vehicles through a sustainable methodology. International Journal of Heritage Architecture, 1 (2), 267-274.
- Khan, Z.A., Chacko, V. and Nazir, H., 2017. A review of friction models in interacting joints for durability design. Friction, 5 (1).
- Nazir, M.H. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. A review of theoretical analysis techniques for cracking and corrosive degradation of film-substrate systems. Engineering Failure Analysis, 72, 80-113.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Thermodynamic modelling and analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle employing thermofluids. Energy Conversion and Management, 138, 493-510.
- Chacko, V. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Dynamic simulation of a mobile manipulator with joint friction. Tribology in Industry, 39 (2), 152-167.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Stokes, K., 2016. Analysing the coupled effects of compressive and diffusion induced stresses on the nucleation and propagation of circular coating blisters in the presence of micro-cracks. Engineering Failure Analysis, 70, 1-15.
- Khan, Z., Khan, Z. and Tabeshf, K., 2016. Parametric investigations to enhance thermal performance of paraffin through a novel geometrical configuration of shell and tube latent thermal storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 127, 355-365.
- Bajwa, R., Khan, Z., Nazir, H., Chacko, V. and Saeed, A., 2016. Wear and friction properties of electrodeposited Ni-based coatings subject to nano-enhanced lubricant and composite coating. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 29 (10), 902-910.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z., 2016. Heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of HFE 7000 based nanorefrigerants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104 (2017), 318-327.
- Wen, Z., Khan, Z. and Camfield, T., 2016. Experimental study of a large scale flat plate solar collector with continuous serpentine tubing configuration for building integration. Energy for Sustainable Development.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2016. Modelling the Coupling Effects of Residual and Diffusion Induced Stresses on the Nucleation and Propagation of Circular Coating Blisters in the Presence of Coating Micro-cracks. Surface Science Reports.
- Khan, Z., Saeed, A., Gregory, E. and Ghafoor, A., 2016. Biodiesel Performance within Internal Combustion Engine Fuel System - A Review. Tribology in Industry, 38 (2), 197-213.
- Khan, Z., Pashaei, P., Bajwa, R., Nazir, H. and Cakmak, M., 2016. Fabrication and characterisation of electropdeposited and magnertron-sputtered thin films. International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements, 3 (2), 165-174.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Nazir, M.H., 2016. Maximising the interfacial toughness of thin coatings and substrate through optimisation of defined parapmeters. International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements, 3 (4), 316-328.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2016. Experimental study of thermodynamic assessment of a small scale solar thermal system. Energy Conversion and Management, 117, 567-576.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z., 2016. Experimental Study of Thermodynamic Assessment of a Small Scale Solar Thermal System. Energy Conversion and Management, 117, 567-576.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. A model for cathodic blister growth in coating degradation using mesomechanics approach. Materials and Corrosion, 67 (5), 495-503.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. A predictive model for life assessment of automotive exhaust mufflers subject to internal corrosion failure due to exhaust gas condensation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 63, 43-60.
- Khan, Z., Khan, Z. and Ghafoor, A., 2016. A review of performance enhancement of PCM based latent heat storage system within the context of materials, thermal stability and compatibility. Energy Conversion and Management, 115, 132-158.
- Roberts, A., Thomas, B., Sewell, P., Khan, Z., Balmain, S. and Gillman, J., 2016. Current tidal power technologies and their suitability for applications in coastal and marine areas. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 2 (2), 227-245.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. Modeling the effect of residual and diffusion-induced stresses on corrosion at the interface of coating and substrate. Corrosion, 72 (4), 500-517.
- Bajwa, R.S., Khan, Z., Bakolas, V. and Braun, W., 2016. Effect of bath ionic strength on adhesion and tribological properties of pure nickel and Ni-based nanocomposite coatings. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 30 (6), 653-665.
Bajwa, R.S., Khan, Z., Bakolas, V. and Braun, W., 2016. Water-lubricated Ni-based composite (Ni-Al
2 O3 , Ni-SiC and Ni-ZrO2 ) thin film coatings for industrial applications. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 29 (1), 8-16. - Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A., Gregory, O. and Ghafoor, A., 2016. Biodiesel performance within internal combustion engine fuel system - A review. Tribology in Industry, 38 (2), 197-213.
- Khurshid, A., Khan, Z., Chacko, V., Ghafoor, A., Malik, M.A. and Ayaz, Y., 2016. Modelling and simulation of a manipulator with stable viscoelastic grasping incorporating friction. Tribology in Industry, 38 (4), 559-574.
- Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2015. Mathematical modelling and simulation of multiphase flow in a flat plate solar energy collector. Energy Conversion and Management, 106, 139-150.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Stokes, K., 2015. A holistic mathematical modelling and simulation for cathodic delamination mechanism - A novel and an efficient approach. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (22), 2475-2513.
- Saeed, A., Khan, Z.A. and Nazir, M.H., 2015. Time dependent surface corrosion analysis and modelling of automotive steel under a simplistic model of variations in environmental parameters. Materials Chemistry and Physics.
- Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. OLD_A Holistic Mathematical Modelling and Simulation for Cathodic Delamination Mechanism - A Novel and an Efficient Approach. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 1-39.
- Wen, B., Khan, Z. and Helvaci, U., 2015. Simulation study of a large scale flat plate solar collector with continuous serpentine tubing configuration for domestic hot water pre-heating and space heating applications. Energy Conversion and Management.
- Khan, Z., Pashaei, P., Bajwa, R., Nazir, M.H., Cakmak, M. and Nazir, H., 2015. Fabrication and characterisation of electrodeposited and magnetron sputtered thin films. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 3 (2), 165-174.
- Nazir, M., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. Optimisation of Interface Roughness and Coating Thickness to Maximise Coating-Substrate Adhesion - A Failure Prediction and Reliability Assessment Modelling. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (14), 1415-1445.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. A Unified Mathematical Modelling and Simulation for Cathodic Blistering Mechanism incorporating diffusion and fracture mechanics concepts. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (12), 1200-1228.
- Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. The propagation and axisymmetric stability of circular, defect driven coating delamination under the influence of compression and diffusion induced stress. Engineering Fracture Mechanics.
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Gultekin, A., Pashaei, P., Khan, Z., Ozturk, M.K., Tamer, M. and Bas, Y., 2015. DFT and X-ray study of structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties in Be
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- Ramesh, C.S., Shreeshail, M.L., Harsha, G. and Khan, Z., 2014. Air jet erosion wear behavior of Al6061-SiC-carbon fibre hybrid composite. Materials Science Forum, 773-774, 547-554.
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- Khan, Z. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Development in paraffin based thermal storage system through shell and tubes heat exchanger with vertical fins. ASME 2017 11th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2017, collocated with the ASME 2017 Power Conference Joint with ICOPE 2017, the ASME 2017 15th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2017 Nuclear Forum.
- Nazir, H. and Khan, Z., 2016. The development of a sensors based technology for remote monitoring, prediction and optimisation of structural failure parameters. In: EUROCORR 2016 11-15 September 2016 Montpellier, France.
- Saeed, A., Khan, Z., nazir, H. and Hadfield, M., 2016. The Impact of High Salt and Dust Particles on the Surface Durability of Waste-gate Turbocharger End Links. In: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 15-19 May 2016 71st Annual Meeting and Exhibition, May 15-19, 2016 at the Bally's Las Vegas, Nevada USA.
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- Suryanarayana, R., Dayananda Sagar, S., Vidyalaya, A. and Khan, Z., 2016. Slurry Erosive Wear Behaviour of HVOF Thermally Sprayed Titania Coatings. In: Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers STLE 71st Annual Meeting and Exhibition 15-19 May 2016 Las Vegas, USA.
- Saeed, A., Khan, Z., Nazir, H., Hadfield, M. and Smith, R., 2016. Research Impact of Conserving Large Military Vehicles through a Sustainable Methodology. In: Defence Heritage 2016 4-6 May 2016 Alicante, Spain.
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Chinnakurli Suryanarayana, R., Rupanagudi, S.K., Nagaraj, A., Vishwadeep, B.N. and Khan, Z., 2016. Slurry erosive wear behaviour of TiO
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- Nazir, H. and Khan, Z., 2015. Structural health monitoring with failure prediction, optimisation and prognostic applications. In: Top of the line corrosion conference 2015 27-29 July 2015 Jakarta, Indonesia. NACE.
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- Bajwa, R., Khan, Z., Bakolas, V. and Braun, W., 2015. The effect of chemical composition of electrolyte on the tribological performance of electrodeposited coatings. In: STLE 70th Annual Meeting & Exhibition 17-21 May 2015 Dallas, Texas (USA).
- Bajwa, R., Khan, Z., Bakolas, V. and Braun, W., 2015. An experimental investigation of water lubricated electroplated nanocomposite coatings. In: STLE 70th Annual Meeting & Exhibition 17-21 May 2015 Dallas, Texas (USA).
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- Saeed, A., Khan, Z. and Hadfield, M., 2015. Performance Evaluation of Surface Protection Applied to Large Vehicles. In: Contact and Surface 2015 21-23 April 2015 València, Spain. Wessex Institute, UK.
- Gultekin, A., Pashaei, P., Khan, Z., Ozturk, M.K., Tamer, M. and Bas, Y., 2015. X-ray and ab initio study of structural, electronic, elastic and optical properties in Be1-xZnxS alloys depending on Vegard’s law. In: Contact and Surface 2015 21-23 April 2015 València, Spain.
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- Grover, M. and Khan, Z., 2014. The Comparison on Tool Wear, Surface Finish and Geometric Accuracy when turning EN8 Steel in Wet and Dry Conditions. In: Grover, M., ed. World Congress on Engineering 2014: The 2014 International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management 2-4 July 2014 London. , 1093-1097 Imperial College London: Newswood Limited International Association of Engineers.
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- Ramesh, C.S., Shreeshail, M.L., Gudi, H.R. and Khan, Z., 2013. Air jet Erosion Wear behavior of Al6061-SiC-Carbon fibre Hybrid Composite. In: 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012), 2012 23-26 September 2012 Wollongong, Australia.
- Ramesh, C.S., Khan, S., Khan, Z. and Sridhar, K.S., 2013. Slurry Erosive Wear Behavior of Hot Extruded Al6061-Si3N4 Composite. In: 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012), 2012 23-26 September 2012 Wollongong, Australia.
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- Ramesh, C.S., S Jain, V.K., Keshavamurthy, R. and Khan, Z., 2013. Prediction of Slurry Erosive Wear Behavior of Al6061 Alloy using Fuzzy Logic Approach. In: Contact and Surface 2013 5-7 June 2013 Siena, Italy.
- Ramesh, C.S., Silva, D., Trinadh, R. and Khan, Z., 2013. Wire Spraying of Aluminium on Ni-P Coated GFRP Panels. In: STLE 2013 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 5-9 May 2013 Detroit, USA.
- Ramesh, C.S., Prasad, T.B. and Khan, Z., 2013. The Effects of TBC on Diesel/Biodiesel Fuelled C I Engine Performance. In: STLE 2013 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 5-9 May 2013 Detroit, USA.
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- Saeed, A., Khan, Z.A., Hadfield, M. and Smith, R., 2012. Surface and Near Surface Material Characterisation of M10, A Historic Military Tank Destroyer. In: STLE 2012 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 6-10 May 2012 St. Louis, MO, USA. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
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- Sebastian, S.D.S.M., Hadfield, M. and Khan, Z.A., 2009. Rolling Contact Fatigue Test in A Modified 4-Ball Test Machine. In: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 64th Annual Meeting and Exhibition 17-21 May 2009 Coronado Springs Resort, FL, USA. , 167 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers.
- Khan, Z.A. and Hadfield, M., 2009. An Investigation of Residual Stresses within Hertzian Contact of Lubricated Rolling Bearing Elements. In: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 64th Annual Meeting and Exhibition 17-21 May 2009 Coronado Springs Resort, FL, USA. , 134 STLE.
- Khan, Z.A. and Hadfield, M., 2008. Wear of Rolling Bearing Materials with Refrigerant Lubrication. In: Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) 63rd Annual Meeting and Exhibition 18-22 May 2008 Cleveland, Ohio, USA. STLE.
- Gualini, M.M., Khan, S.A. and Zulfiqar, K., 2006. Development of laser propelled "semi-perpetual" rotary machine. AIP Conference Proceedings, 830, 591-599.
- Khan, Z.A., Hadfield, M. and Wang, Y., 2005. Rolling wear of silicon nitride bearing materials with refrigerant lubrication. In: Mission of Tribology Research 14 7 December 2005 London, UK. Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
- Khan, Z.A. and Hadfield, M., 2004. Design and Finite Element Analysis of a Novel Pressurised Chamber to Conduct Rolling Contact Experiments using Refrigerant Lubrication. In: Britain’s Top Younger Scientists, Engineers and Technologist 15 September 2004 The House of Commons, London.
- Khan, Z.A., Hadfield, M. and Wang, Y., 2003. Rolling Wear of Silicon Nitride Bearing Material in a Simulated Refrigerant Environment Using a Novel Pressurised Chamber. In: Hadfield, M. and Wang, Y., eds. 2nd International Conference on Tribology in Environmental Design 2003 : the characteristics of interacting surfaces : a key factor in sustainable and economic products 8-10 September 2003 Bournemouth University, England. , 337-346 Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing.
- Nazir, M.H. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Post-Doctoral Project Report "Modelling & Development of Novel Sustainable Thermo-fluids". BU.
- Khan, Z.A. and Zhen, P.J., 2001. Corrosion Fatigue & Remaining Life Assessment Techniques of 16MnR Pressure Vessel Steel. Shanghai: Ministry of Labour, Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China.
- Khan, Z.A., 2006. Rolling Contact Wear of Hybrid Ceramic Bearings with Refrigerant Lubrication. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; Design, Engineering and Computing.
- Khan, Z., Helvaci, U. and Khan, Z.. A solar energy capture, energy conversion and energy storage system. Patent number GB2540670.
- Khan, Z.. A working fluid. Patent number GB2557739.
- Khan, Z.. Telescopic Electrochemical Cell (TEC) for Non-Destructive Corrosion Testing of Coated Substrate. Patent number GB2018/053368.
- Camfield, T., Khan, Z., Helvaci, U. and Khan, Z.. International - A solar energy capture, energy conversion and energy storage system. Patent number WO2017221197A2.
- Khan, Z.. International - A Working Fluid. Patent number WO2019106628A1.
- Khan, Z., Nazir, M. and Saeed, A.. CORROSION MEASUREMENT DEVICE. Patent number US 11,486,816 B2.
- Khan, Z., Nazir, M. and Saeed, A.. Corrosion measurement device. Patent number CN 111788478 A.
- Khan, Z., Nazir, M. and Saeed, A.. Corrosion Measurement Device. Patent number WO2019102193 (A1).
- Khan, Z., Nazir, M.H. and Saeed, A.. CORROSION MEASUREMENT DEVICE (PR China). Patent number 2023070400099530.
PhD Students
- Aerk Dimri. Design and development of a new tidal energy station in Poole Harbour to utilise potential energy available within this natural resource., (In progress)
- Muhammad Qasim. Sustainable product life cycle and avoidance of hazardous materials for electrical motors and gears, (In progress)
- Adil Saeed, 2013. Sustainable methodology of conserving historic military vehicles
- Mian Hammad Nazir, 2016. In-situ corrosion health monitoring and prediction in military vehicles
- Rizwan Bajwa, 2016. Electroplated composite coatings with incorporated nano particles for tribological systems with the focus on water lubrication
- Zheming Wen, 2016. Research and development in novel alternative renewable energy technology
- Helvaci HÜSEYN UTKU, 2017. Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of dynamic equilibrium of novel thermo fluids for renewable technology applications
- Vivek Chacko, 2018. Design and Dynamic Simulation of Mobile Manipulators incorporating Tribological Analysis of 16MnCr5 and EN19 Steels
- Zakir Khan, 2018. Energy Recovery at Thermodynamic Expansion and Thermal Boosting Through Convection in Flat Plate Solar Thermal Systems (FPSTS)
- Jawwad Latif, 2019. Ulterius Corrosion Health Monitoring (UCHM) using Wireless Sensor Technologies
- M U Abdullah, 2020. Finite Element Modelling of the Deep Zone Residual Stresses in Rolling/Sliding Contact Bearing Elements
- Ruchita Patel, 2023. Numerical simulation of contacts working under mixed lubricating conditions
- Aashish John, 2024. Development of novel nano coating applied on metal stencils used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and similar products
- Dayan De Loyola Ramos Garcia, 2024. Analysis between shading devices interactions and the visual and energy performance of office buildings Your Offer
- Muhammad Usman Bhutta. Development of nano composite coatings for enhanced performance in non-conventional lubricants under sliding contact
Profile of Teaching PG
- PGT Supervision, "What is the distribution of mechanical properties like failure, strain and temperature in the cross-wedge rolling of dissimilar metal laminated shafts?"
- PGT supervision, "Impact of simplification of a textile material FE simulation have on the validity of results"
- PGT supervision, "Multiple samples within a corrosion testing rig cause variation in the polarisation data obtained in downstream samples"
- MSc Mechanical Engineering Design project supervision
- Mechanical Engineering Design
Profile of Teaching UG
- Design Methods and Projects - previously taught
- Advanced Technology and Innovation - previously taught
- Design Projects (Product Design Level - H) - previously taught/supervised
- Thermofluids and Energy Conversion
- Fluids and Thermodynamics
- BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (FDL) project supervision
- Materials and Processing - previously taught
Invited Lectures
Invited Keynote Speaker, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 26 May 2025 more
3rd International Conference on Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy -
1st International Conference on Advanced Materials, Chitkara University, Punjab, 28 Mar 2025 more
Invited Keynote, by Centre for Research Impact and Outcome -
Smart Materials & Structures, SRH University, Berlin, Germany, 27 Mar 2025 more
3rd International Conference on Smart Materials & Structures 2025 -
High Temperature Nano coatings, Centre for Research Impact & Outcome, India, 07 Dec 2024 more
Advanced Materials in Space and Defense: Towards Energy, Efficiency and Economy -
AICTE ATAL for Academic Year 2024-25, Rajpura, Punjab- 140 401, India, 02 Dec 2024 more
Advanced Materials in Space and Defense: Towards Energy, Efficiency and Economy -
Nanocoatings and their characterisation, Sumec Yangzhou International Co., Ltd, 27 Nov 2024 more
Invited talk -
Corrosion, Coatings and Applications, Tsinghua University, Beijing China, 25 Nov 2024 more
Invited talk -
Invited talk, Tsinghua University, Beijing China, 18 Nov 2024 more
Experimental study and numerical modelling of sliding contact wear in nanocomposite coatings -
Invited talk, Tsinghua University, Beijing China, 15 Nov 2024 more
Types of thin films, lubricants and conductive fluids -
Simulation of complex interacting systems, Nanjing, China, 13 Nov 2024 more
School of Mechanical Engineering / School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology -
The 22nd Conference on International Exchange, Shanghai PR China, 02 Nov 2024 more
A study of design performance and energy balance of solar collector -
Jiangsu International Exchange Week 2024, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 27 Oct 2024 more
Intelligent prediction and prognosis of smart interacting nano surfaces -
Invited keynote, Edinburgh, UK, 14 Oct 2024 more
2nd International Summit on Environmental Science and Engineering Conference (ISESE2024) -
Renewable Energy & Composites., Belgrade, Serbia, 19 Sep 2024 more
Invited Plenary in Advanced Ceramics and Application Conference XII -
7th Asia International Conference on Tribology, Tianjin, China., 14 Sep 2024 more
Invited keynote speaker, “Experimental techniques and numerical methods in developing nano coatings for tribological applications”. -
An overview of Research Numerical Modelling and Si, Belgrade, Serbia, 29 May 2024 more
Invited talk by University of Belgrade -
Mechanics of Machines and Mechanisms, Republic of Serbia, 28 May 2024 more
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts National Institute -
Reciprocating wear in nanocomposite coatings, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2024., 27 May 2024 more
Invited talk by Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts -
Modelling and Simulation Applied in Machines, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 23 May 2024 more
Invited plenary 12th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering -
Environmental Integration, Rende (Cosenza), Italy, 02 Oct 2023 more
5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference -
Explore new horizons in renewable energy, Dubai, UAE, 03 Nov 2022 more
International Conference on Renewable Energy, Green Chemistry and Catalysis -
Invited Talk, Prishtina, Kosovo, 23 Sep 2022 more
1st International Conference “Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change”, Energy. -
Domestic and commercial energy storage design, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 Jun 2022 more
Invited Speaker at the Global Summit and Expo on Sustainable and Renewable Energy (GSESRE2022) -
Nanomaterials for low carbon energy generation, Cairo, Egypt, 01 Jun 2022 more
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Africa Development -
Civil, Structural and Environmental Eng Tech, Munich, Germany., 03 May 2022 more
Albedo Meetings, International Meet on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CIVILMEET2022) -
Building up a Sustainable Infrastructure Networks, Virtual, 21 Apr 2022 more
International Virtual Conference on Infrastructure and Construction -
Tribology for Sustainability and Reliability, Chennai, India, 08 Dec 2021 more
International Tribology Research Symposium (ITRS) -
Graphene Nano-Platelets in Energy Storage, Dubai, UAE, 06 Dec 2021 more
Global Summit on Renewable Energy and Resources -
Wear-Corrosion Analysis and Modelling of Graphene, The University of Manchester, 06 Sep 2021 more
62nd Corrosion Science Symposium -
Nanomaterials in thermal energy storage, Virtual, 12 Aug 2021 more
Invited speaker, 3rd Webinar on Revolutions in Renewable Energy in 21st Century -
Wear analysis and modelling applied to nanocoating, Tribology Exchange Virtual Workshop, 19 Apr 2021 more
European Lubricating Grease Institute ELGI/ Society of Tribology & Lubrication Engineers STLE, ELGI-STLE Tribology Exchange Workshop -
Invited Speaker 4th International PCFM Conference, Virtual environment at Firat University/Turkey, 08 Apr 2021 more
Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials ( -
TRIBOINDIA 2020 (, SRM Institute of S&T Kattankulathur, India, 10 Dec 2020 more
Invited Plenary Lecture, organised by Tribology Society of India -
Wear of nano composite coatings, Virtual, 07 Dec 2020 more
Invited Lecture - Tsinghua University Beijing PR China -
International Tribology Research Symposium (ITRS), Kattankulathur, Chennai, 05 Nov 2020 more
Invited Lecture on "Impact of Tribology on Society" -
Fretting Wear Modelling of Nano Composite Coating, Virtual (Xi'an China), 01 Nov 2020 more
2nd International Conference on Graphene and Novel Nanomaterials (GNN 2020) -
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Kashmir, India, 21 Sep 2020 more
Invited webinar speaker, "Emerging Research Trends in Mechanical Engineering" -
Intl Conf on Futuristic Trends in Mech Engineering, Bengaluru, India, 11 Sep 2020 more
Invited Keynote -
Advances in Nano-Coatings for Wear-Corrosion, Presidency University , Bengaluru India, 10 Apr 2020 more
International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering -
Wear-corrosion resistant nano coating, University of Southampton, 16 Dec 2019 more
Advanced nano-mechanical techniques for academic and industrial research, -
Mathematical modelling and sensor based prediction, Glasgow, Scotland, 27 Jun 2019 more
Invited Overview: 16th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management -
Mathematical modelling and sensor based prediction, Glasgow, Scotland, 25 Jun 2019 more
The Sixteen International Conference on Condition Monitoring & Asset Management -
Development of novel nano-composite coatings, National Institute of Technology Srinagar J&K, Ind, 17 Jun 2019 more
2nd International Conference in Materials Science, Cairo Nile El-Gezirah, Cairo, Egypt, 11 Mar 2019 more
Invited Plenary Lecture -
Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology, Zürich, Switzerland, 04 Sep 2018 more
21st International Conference on Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology. Unveiling the Discovery and Design of Materials Advancement and their Applications -
NACE Technical Session on Corrosion Control, Lahore, Pakistan, 17 Nov 2017 more
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Technical Session on Corrosion of Gas Pipelines: Control, Prevention, and Monitoring -
Environmental Analysis, Shanghai, China, 20 Oct 2017 more
Analytical Sciences and Technologies Forum 8th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis 2017(GCC-2017) -
Development of nano coatings, Islamabad, 16 Oct 2017 more
International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM) Oct 16-20 2017 -
International Symposium on Advanced Materials 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan, 16 Oct 2017 more
Invited Keynote Speaker on the development of novel nano-coatings through experimental techniques, mathematical modelling and simulation -
New Energy and Future Energy System, Kunming, Southwest China, 22 Sep 2017 more
International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System (NEFES 2017) -
Materials Science and Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 08 Sep 2017 more
3rd Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering (IWMSE 2017) -
Energy Challenges and Mechanics, Manchester, England, 13 Aug 2017 more
7th International Symposium on Energy: technology, science, management and policy-making related to energy challenges -
Sensor based corrosion condition monitoring, Birmingham, AL, USA, 07 Aug 2017 more
Department of Defense - Allied Nations -
Predictive and prognostic modelling and simulation, Tallinn, Estonia, 21 Jun 2017 more
Materials Characterisation 2017 8th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Material and Contact Characterisation -
Energy Generation, Harvesting and Storage, Xi’an, China, 14 Jun 2017 more
World Congress of Advanced Materials -
Energy Generation, Harvesting and Storage, Xi’an, China., 14 Jun 2017 more
The 6th World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM-2017): Energy and Smart Grid - -
Track 7: Energy Generation, Harvesting and Storage, Xi’an, China, 14 Jun 2017 more
BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM-2017) -
International Energy & Environment Summit - 2017, Dubai, UAE, 18 Mar 2017 more
International Energy & Environment Summit - 2017 -
Workshop on corrosion and its prevention, Rawalpindi Pakistan, 28 Nov 2016 more
International Symposium on Advanced Materials -
World Summit on Bioengineering 2016, Las Vegas, USA, 07 Nov 2016 more
World Summit on Bioengineering -
Advanced Ceramics and Application, Belgrade, Serbia, 21 Sep 2016 more
Invited to deliver plenary speech by the Organising Committee of Advanced Ceramics and Application V Conference -
Small scale solar thermal systems, Inverness, Scotland, UK, 10 Jul 2016 more
5th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics (ISECM) -
International Conference on Industrial Chemistry, New Orleans, USA., 27 Jun 2016 more
Industrial Chemistry 2016 Speaker Invitation -
International Symposium on Coatings & Corrosion, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16 May 2016 more
International Materials Technology Conference and Exhibition IMTCE2016 -
Surface Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan, 12 Oct 2015 more
14TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED MATERIALS National Centre for Physics, though the President’s Highly Qualified Talent Pool Programme -
Wear in water lubricated contacts, University of Southampton, 03 Jun 2015 more
Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Science -
Advances in sustainable design, Valencia, Spain, 21 Apr 2015 more
International Conference on Contact and Surface -
Mechanical Characterization of Smart Materials, Busan, Republic of Korea, 23 Mar 2015 more
1st Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2015 (WCSM-2015), with the theme “Co-creating Dream of Smartness” -
Design methods and process, Peshawar Pakistan, 08 Apr 2014 more
University of Engineering & Technology -
Fracture toughness and fatigue, Islamabad, Pakistan, 07 Apr 2014 more
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) -
Design of interacting systems & their durability, Pakistan, 04 Apr 2014 more
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology -
Corrosion & Materials Degradation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 Oct 2013 more
International Symposium on Corrosion & Materials Degradation 2014 (ISCMD 2014)
- Creation of a new tidal energy station in Poole Harbour to utilise potential energy available within this natural resource. (Lush, Cosmetic Warriors., 02 Sep 2024). Awarded
- Sustainable product life cycle and avoidance of hazardous materials for electrical motors and gears (Parvalux Electric Motors Limited, 01 Apr 2024). Awarded
- Experimental and numerical study of thermal energy storage solutions (ITMO University, 03 Mar 2021). Awarded
- Development of novel nano coating applied on metal stencils used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards and similar products (ASM Assembly Systems Weymouth Limited, 01 Jan 2021). Awarded
- Extended: Finite Element Modelling of the Deep Zone Residual Stresses in Rolling/Sliding Contact Bearing Elements (Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, 01 Nov 2020). Awarded
- Wear-corrosion synergistic studies, high temperature nano coatings and tribo-chemistry (Global Visting Fellowship, 18 Jul 2020). In Progress
- Numerical simulation of contacts working under mixed lubricating conditions (Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Schaeffler Group, Germany, 27 Jan 2020). In Progress
- Corrosion, corrosion condition monitoring and advanced materials (nano coating) (Global Visting Fellowship, 01 Dec 2019). Completed
- Wear-Corrosion Synergistic Research (Daido Metal Co Ltd, The European Technical Center (UK), 06 May 2019). Completed
- Finite Element Modelling of Deep Zone Residual Stresses in Rolling/Sliding Contact Bearing Elements (Schaeffler, 01 Oct 2017). Awarded
- Effects of surface texturing and MoDDP additive applied to ball-on-disk friction subject to both flooded and starved lubrication conditions (State Key Laboratory of Tribology (SKLT) Tsinghua University Beijing, PR China, 18 Aug 2017). Awarded
- Evaluation and compatibility of heat storage design for retro fitting to alternative systems (Future Energy Source Limited, 01 Mar 2017). In Progress
- Post Doctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) to continue research and support REF (Bournemouth University Bridging Fund, 01 Feb 2017). Awarded
- WORKSHOP ON CORROSION AND ITS PREVENTION (President Programme for Highly Skilled Professionals/Scientists, 28 Nov 2016). Completed
- Research visit to Tsinghua University Beijing PR China (State Key Laboratory of Tribology Tsinghua University Beijing PR China, 26 Mar 2016). Awarded
- Development of thermally activated self-lubricated ceramic-based polymeric Nano composite coatings for enhanced performance in conventional lubricants under sliding contact (National University of Sciences & Technology, 30 Jan 2016). Awarded
- Ulterius Corrosion Health Monitoring (USHM) using Wireless Sensor Techniques (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, 01 Jan 2016). Awarded
- Modelling and Development of Novel Sustainable Thermofluids (Future Energy Source Ltd, 01 Nov 2015). Awarded
- International Symposium on Advances in Materials (Government of Pakistan Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, 11 Oct 2015). Completed
- Energy Recovery at Thermodynamic Expansion and Thermal Boosting Through Convection in Flat Plate Solar Thermal Systems (FPSTS) (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, 01 Jan 2015). Awarded
- Development of nano composite coatings for enhanced performance in non-conventional lubricants under sliding contact (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, 01 Jan 2015). Awarded
- Polarisation and Coating Data research (Wessex Institute, 01 Aug 2014). Awarded
- An Optimised Tidal Energy Design for Poole Harbour (Balmain Charitable Trust, 06 Jan 2014). Awarded
- Quantitative performance and prediction of commercial potentials of renewable technologies under investigation (Future Energy Source Ltd, 01 Nov 2013). Awarded
- Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of dynamic equilibrium of novel thermo fluids for renewable technology applications (Future Energy Source Ltd, 01 Oct 2013). Awarded
- Surface analysis for defect indentification (Sunseeker, 20 May 2013). Awarded
- Electroplated composite coatings with incorporated nano particles for tribological systems with the focus on water lubrication (Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, 11 Mar 2013). Awarded
- In-situ corrosion health monitoring and prediction in military vehicles (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory - Ministry of Defence, 14 Jan 2013). Awarded
- Research and development in novel alternative renewable energy technology (Future Energy Source Ltd, 15 Oct 2012). Awarded
- The design, simulation and analysis of a revised flood barrier (My Floodmate Limited, 01 Mar 2012). Completed
- Gym Training Kit (Bionic Fighter: IT and Engineering Services Ltd, 22 Aug 2011). Completed
- Sustainable Methodology of Conserving Historic Military Vehicles (The Tank Museum Bovington, 01 Oct 2009). Completed
- Travel Grant Funding to attend the 2008 STLE Annual Meeting (Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), 18 May 2008). Completed
External Responsibilities
- MDPI, Invited Guest Editor (2025),; Corrosion Behaviour and Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials, Second Edition
- MDPI, Special Issue Editor (2024),
- Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI), Egypt International Congress on Fracture (ICF)., Invited Member of the International Advisory Bo (2024),
- 3rd International Conference on Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy, Scientific Board Member (2024-2025),
- Springer, Editor (2024-2025),; Nanocomposite Coatings Applied in Interacting Systems
- Tsinghua University, Visting Professor (2024-2027),
- 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials, Invited Member International Advisory Committee (2024-2026),; 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials for Sustainable Future (ICAMSF-2025)
- TriobIndia, Tribology Society of India (TSI) (affiliated to International Tribology Council) organised by Tribology Laboratory /Mechanical Engineering Department NIT Srinagar, India, Invited International Advisory Committee Member (2023)
- GLOBAL CONGRESS ON MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Invited Organising Committee Member (2023),
- Elsevier, Invited Co-Editor Tribology International (SI) (2023-),; Special issue Sustainable Development through Tribology
- Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), Session Chair Tribotesting II (2022),; 2022 STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition
- MDPI, Special Issue Editor (2022-2023),
- 18th International Conference on Tribology - SERBIATRIB ’23, Invited Scientific Committee member SERBIATRIB 23 (2022-2023),
- Journal of Tribology in Industry, Invited Editorial Board Member (2022-),
- 7th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2022), Hangzhou, China from April 15 to 17, 2022., Invited International Technical Committee Member (2021-2022),
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member Energy Storage Committee (2021-),
- MDPI, Materials (Journal), Editorial Board Member (2021-2023),
- Wessex Institute of Technology, Invited ISAC member (2020-2021),; Materials Characterisation 2021
- MDPI, Invited Guest Editor (2020-2021),; Nanomaterials Special Issue "Development of Nanocomposite Coatings"
- The Ministry of Education and Research, The Romanian National Council for Scientific Research and the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Invited Expert Reviewer (2020-2024),; Exploratory Research Projects – PCE 2020
- 6th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2021), Inivited International Technical Committee Member (2020-2021),; , 6th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2021), Chongqing, China April 8 to 11, 2021
- 2019 International Workshop on Materials and Design (MatDes 2019), Member Technical Committee (2019),
- 4th International Conference on Design and Production Engineering, Invited Organizing Committee Member (2019),
- 2nd International Conference On Materials Science & Engineering, Invited Session Chair on (2019),; Development of novel nanocomposite coatings for industrial applications
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Associate Peer Review College (2019-),
- NIT Srinagar, India & National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia joint international symposium on “Tribology for Sustainability”, Invited International Advisory Committee Member (2019)
- 5th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2020), Invited Committee Member of ACPEE 2017-2020 (2019-2020),; Technical Committee Member ACPEE 2020
- 2020 2nd International Workshop on Materials and Design, Invited member International Technical Committee (2019-2020),
- International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Invited Member International Advisory Board (2019-2020)
- 5th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2020), Invited session Chair (2019-2020),; Jun 4-7 2020
- 3rd Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2018), Invited International Technical Committee Member (2018),
- Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) Cyprus, Invited Peer Review (2018-),
- Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), Co-Chair Surface Engineering Committee (2018-2019),; 74th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 19-23, 2019, Omni Nashville Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
- Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT), Member International Scientific Committee (2018-2019),
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar Pakistan, Member Technical Review Panel (TRP) (2018-),
- University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan, Member Pay Progression & Promotion Committee (2018-)
- 7th Annual International Congress on Chemistry-2017(Chemistry-2017), Invited Chair and Speaker (2017),; Experimental analysis and mathematical modelling of corrosion within automotive exhaust system
- 4th annual International Conference on Information Technology and Applications[ITA2017], Invited Member Technical Programme Committee (2017),; ITM Web of Conferences{ISSN (Electronic Edition):2271-2097}
- 3rd Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering (IWMSE 2017), Member Technical Programme Committee (2017),; Modelling and simulation of thin layered coating mechanical and electrochemical failure mechanisms
- International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Invited Conference Committee Member (2017),; Baltic Conference Series 2017, Sweden
- Baltic Conference Series Stockholm Sweden, Member Conference Organising Committee (2017),; Sensors & Actuators Conference, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Conference
- Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) USA, Member Science and Technology Committee (2017-2020),
- Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) USA, Member European Members' Committee (2017-2020),
- 6th World Tribology Congress Beijing China, Invited Chair Wear & Surface Engineering (2017),; Invited Chair Wear and Surface Engineering Session WTC 2017 Sept 17-22
- Materials — Open Access Materials Science Journal, Invited Guest Editor (2017-2018),; Experimental Methods & Numerical Modelling for Composites and Nanomaterials
- International Journal of Corrosion Special Issue, Invited Lead Guest Editor (2017-2018),; Wear-Corrosion Synergy
- University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, Pakistan, Member Tenure Review Panel (TRP) (2017-),; Member Tenure Review Panel (TRP)
- 3rd International Conference on Design & Production Engineering December 03-04, 2018 Valencia, Spain, Invited member organising committee (2017-2018),; Design & Production Engineering
- World Congress of Advanced Materials-2016 (WCAM-2016), Invited Speaker of Session 10-4: Biodegradable Mat (2016),
- Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2017), Invited Technical Committee Member (2016-2017),
- Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Invited Guest Editor (2016-),; Wear-Corrosion Synergy, Nanocoating and Control of Materials
- Materials — Open Access Materials Science Journal, Invited Guest Editor (2016-2017),; Wear-Corrosion Synergy, Nanocoating and Control of Materials
- Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE), Technical Editor as TLT’s 2015 Editorial Advisory (2015-2016),; STLE’s OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP MAGAZINE Tribology & Lubrication Technology (TLT)
- 3rd International Conference on Defence Sites: Heritage and Future, Member International Scientific Advisory Committee (2015-2016),
- International Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology (MET 2015), Invited Reviewer and Guest Editor (2015),
- 2016 Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering, Invited Technical Committee Member (2015-2016),
- Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT) Organising Committee International Conference on Contact and Surface 2017, Invited member of the Intl Scientific Advisory Com (2015-2017),
- Wessex Institute of Technology, Invited International Scientific Advisory Committe (2014-2015),; Contact and Surface 2015
- Tribology & Lubrication Technology, Systems, Strategies and Research for Lubrication Professionals published by the Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers, Invited Technical Editor, Subject Matter Expert (2014-2016),; TLT
- 17th International Conference on Engineering and product Design Education, Invited Reviewer Scientific Review Committee (2014-2015),; Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research & Enterprise
- International Conference on Advances in Tribology and Engineering Systems (2014), Gujarat Technological University, Ahm, Invited: member international scientific advisory (2013-2014),
- Romanian National Council for Scientific Research, National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation, 2007-2013, PNII, Member Expert Review Panel (2012-2014),
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)/Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) International Joint Tribology Conference, Session Chair Engineered Surfaces I (2012),
- Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Paper solicitation chair, conference track chair, (2012-2014),
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Industrial Advisor to Professional Review Committe (2010-),
Internal Responsibilities
- Member, Steering Group Strategic Investment Area “Sustainability, Low Carbon Technology & Materials Science”
- REF Committee Member, Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021
- Deputy Chair, Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF)
- Member, University Impact Funding Panel
- Member, University Research Ethics Committee
- Member, Faculty representatives on PGR Examiner Approval Committee
- Member, Faculty Research and RKE Committee
- Member, Faculty Research Degree Committee
- Unit of Assessment 12 (Engineering) Leader, Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021
- Member (Technical), BU Environmental Strategy Group (ESG)
- Champion, Faculty champion for the BU Teach@BU Higher Education Academy HEA membership
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- Special Issue: Corrosion and Tribological Behaviour of Materials, Anonymous peer review, 28 May 2024
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Low Cost Clean Energy Solutions for Domestic and Industrial Needs (18 Jun 2018)
- Low cost clean energy solutions for domestic and industrial needs (16 Jun 2018-20 Jun 2018)
- Improving surgical appliance design: showcasing innovation from BU’s students (15 Jul 2015)
- Energy Scarcity and the Role of Renewable Technologies (15 Jun 2014)
- Renewable Energy and Renewable Technology (RERT) (13 Jun 2013)
- One of the founding Directors (01 Jan 2009-01 Jan 2012)
Conference Presentations
- Teaching and Learning Conference 2023: Shaping the future of HE, Education for sustainable development: Cross-disciplinary practices and challenges, 04 Jul 2023, Keele University
- Foundation Programme in Coaching and Mentoring Practice (Bournemouth University, 2014)
- PG Cert in Research Degree Supervision (Bournemouth University, 2008)
- PhD in Rolling Contact Wear of Hybrid Ceramic Bearings (Bournemouth University, 2006)
- MEng in Corrosion Fatigue of 16MnR Pressure Vessel Steel (East China University of Science & Technology Shanghai, PR China, 2000)
- Cert HE in Chinese Language (Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, PR China, 1997)
- BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (NWFP University of Engineering & Technology Pakistan, 1992)
- Distinguished Researcher in Tribology Award: In recognition of Research and Innovation Leadership, Strategy and Vision, Entrepreneurial Research/ Income Diversification/ Industry Engagement, Research Excellence, Successful Partnerships and Collaborations, Future strategic aims and goals for research and relevant research interests. (Venus International Science and Technology Awards – VISTA, 2022)
- Excellence in Education in Sustainable Development (EESD) Award (Bournemouth University, 2022)
- 'Doctoral College Outstanding Contribution Award’ in recognition of exceeding expectations and having a positive impact on postgraduate research at BU! (Doctoral College Bournemouth University, 2021)
- Enriching Society Award - Wider Sustainability Team for supporting sustainability at BU, in our own practices, in the wider community and by preparing students to change the world when they graduate. (Vice Chancellor’s Staff Award, 2021)
- Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (Marquis Who's Who as a leader in the fields of design, engineering, computing and higher education, 2020)
- LIFETIME Achievement, Who’s Who in the World, which is comprised of the top 3% of the professionals in the world. Reservation in their network is honoured to individuals who have demonstrated leadership, excellence and longevity within their respective industries and professions. (Who’s Who in the World, Marquis Who's Who, 2020)
- Nominated for the Excellence Award as a member of the Doctoral College Researcher Development Programme Facilitators for dedication and enthusiasm to providing bespoke support as part of the Doctoral College: Researcher Development Programme in 2019-20 to BU postgraduate researchers. Colleague says “Without the academic citizenship you provide in facilitating researcher development sessions we would be unable to offer the level of research and professional development opportunities to our PGRs" (Bournemouth University Vice Chancellor Staff Award, 2020)
- Nominated for the Excellence Award as a member of the REF UOA Teams, "simply being brilliant!" Nominating colleagues say “you are working extremely hard to tell our best story - you have climbed the highest of data mountains, fought through untamed jungles of ‘REF guidance’ and have almost finished your REF2021 journey." (Bournemouth University Vice Chancellor Staff Award, 2020)
- Highly Qualified Professional Award (President's Programme for Care of Highly Qualified Overseas Pakistanis (PPQP), 2019)
- Vice Chancellor Staff Award in Advancing Knowledge (Bournemouth University, 2018)
- Highly Qualified Professional Award (President's Programme for Care of Highly Qualified Overseas Pakistanis (PPQP), 2017)
- Collaborative research award £15.5K (State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University Beijing PR China, 2016)
- Highly Qualified Professional Award (President's Programme for Care of Highly Qualified Overseas Pakistanis (PPQP), 2015)
- James Clayton Prize - Awarded to a member(s) of the Institution who, contributes most in that year (or over recent years) to modern engineering science – by way of research, invention, experimental work, a paper on a modern engineering subject, originality in engineering design or by service to engineering. (Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2008)
- Award of outstanding student scholarship (Chinese Scholarships Committee (CSC), 2000)
- National Graphene Association, Member (2018),
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member (2015-),
- International Association of Engineers IAENG, Member (2014-),
- The Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow (2014-),
- Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, Member (2008-2016),
- Wessex Region IMechE, Member (2008-),
- Pakistan Engineering Council (PE), Member (1992-),
- Engineering Council UK (CEng), Chartered Engineer,
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), Fellow,
- Professor Robert J Howlett – Smart Sustainable Systems University of Brighton, and Executive Chair: KES International
- Professor Ramesh Chinnakurli - Research & Innovations and Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560064, India
- Professor Muhammad Farooq Wani - Professor & Chairman Centre Research Facility, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, J&K India
- Professor Yonggang Meng – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Global Visiting Fellow
- Professor Li Dangguo - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Global Visiting Fellow
- Professor Farshid Sadeghi – Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
- Professor Keith Stokes – Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL) Ministry of Defence UK
- Professor Robert Wood – Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton
- Professor Yonggang Meng – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- NCEM Visiting Professors/Fellows
Social Media Links
Website Links
- Research Blogs,
- New sensor can prevent defects in major structures reaching costly and dangerous levels.,
- Impact Significance and Reach,
- Google Scholar Profile,
- Energy: Research and Development,
- Collaborative Research with Tank Museum - Impact and Engagement,
External Media and Press
- Ecological and sustainability news: research impact, SKAI TV, Athens, Greece, 15 Feb 2023.
- Sensor Spots Corrosion in Cars, Buildings Before It's Too Late, Thomas Insights, 07 Feb 2023.
- UK Researchers Develop New Corrosion Sensor For Large Infrastructure, Materials Performance, 20 Jan 2023.