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Professor Zulfiqar A Khan has been leading NanoCorr, Energy & Modelling (NCEM) research group within the University Design & Engineering department. NCEM was previously known as Sustainable Design Research Centre (SDRC) and received its Research Excellence Framework (REF – UK national research audit) 14 Panel Unit Feedback as, “Sustainable Design Research Group had the highest proportion of outputs judged to be internationally excellent”. He is championing REF2021 as Unit of Assessment (UoA) 12 (Engineering) Unit Leader.

Professor Khan has developed multidisciplinary research in wear-corrosion synergy, nano-coating incorporating tribo-corrosion issues, thermodynamics and numerical modelling in collaboration with major industrial and academic partners.

He has previously lead Research and Enterprise activity in the then School of Design, Engineering and Computing, as Associate Dean between Nov 2008 ‘til Aug 2010 and the University’s Sustainable Design Research Centre as Director since July 2007...



Professor Khan established NanoCorr, Energy & Modelling (NCEM) research group in 2015 with a significant research portfolio of direct, capital and in-kind funding since 2014. The following are NCEM’s wider Developmental and Exploratory Research activities:

Sustainability (Sustainable methodologies of preventing corrosion and coating failures in large complex interacting systems): This area provides a strategic focus for inter-disciplinary Developmental Research in advanced materials, mechanical and chemical engineering. Research in this area was supported through several projects including; 2 x PGRs match funded by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory DSTL, MoD 1 x PGR match funded by The Tank Museum and 1 x PDRA by Wessex institute of Technology. This area and advanced materials theme are supported by 2 x University Global Visiting Fellowships schemes, both fellows are from Tsinghua University Beijing PR China (THE 1st Asia University, 14th World Reputation and 23rd World University Ranking 2019).

Advanced Materials (Nano composite coatings for tribological applications): Nano composite coatings research for tribological applications has been conducted within NCEM since 2012. This area is funded by ASM Assembly Systems Weymouth Ltd 1 x PhD with equipment/patent support, Schaeffler through 3 x PhD projects, 2 x PhD exchange students from University of Nevada Reno USA and a 4th project is funded by Daido Metal Co Ltd, The European Technical Centre (UK).

Low Carbon Technology (Energy generation, conversion and storage):

This theme is focused on developing zero-carbon energy solutions to meet the UK and global initiatives to reduce carbon foot-print. Energy Conversion Developmental Research was established in 2012 and since has been funded by Future Energy Source Ltd UK. This area has been funded by Future Energy Source Ltd through fully funded 2 x PGRs, 2 x PDRAs, 1 x in-kind support for PGR, 1 x technician support, 1 x admin support, 1 x intellectual proprietary advisor and laboratories support. 1 x PhD exchange from University of Sciences & Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria and led to joint publication with BU and University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain.

Another Developmental Research programme in energy storage system applied to solar collector design and nano coatings subject to Thermofluids lubrication are match funded (2 x PhD) by National University of Sciences & Technology NUST Islamabad Pakistan.

Professor Khan has developed international collaborations to include: NASA Materials Testing and Corrosion Control Branch, US, Analatom, Inc. US, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, University Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain, University of Sciences & Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan and Peoples Education Services Institute of Technology (PES IT) Bangalore, India.

Some examples of current/previous research projects led by Professor Zulfiqar Khan are as follows:

1. Corrosion condition monitoring through micro-sensors within large static and mobile assets (Postdoc )

2. Development of Thermofluids through nano additives for low cost energy applications (Postdoc)

3. Development of in-situ tribo-corrosion condition monitoring for rolling contact applied to nano coatings (visiting PGR – University of Nevada USA)

4. Corrosion performance of nanocomposite coatings in aggressive chemical environment (visiting PGR – University of Nevada USA)

5. Experimental and simulation investigations of stagnation and efficiency of solar thermal flat plat system (visiting PGR – University of Science & Technology Algiers. Algeria)


  • Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2017. Thermodynamic modelling and analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle employing thermofluids. Energy Conversion and Management, 138, 493-510.
  • Khan, Z., Khan, Z. and Tabeshf, K., 2016. Parametric investigations to enhance thermal performance of paraffin through a novel geometrical configuration of shell and tube latent thermal storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 127, 355-365.
  • Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z., 2016. Heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of HFE 7000 based nanorefrigerants. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104 (2017), 318-327.
  • Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Nazir, M.H., 2016. Maximising the interfacial toughness of thin coatings and substrate through optimisation of defined parapmeters. International Journal of Computational Methods & Experimental Measurements, 3 (4), 316-328.
  • Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. A model for cathodic blister growth in coating degradation using mesomechanics approach. Materials and Corrosion, 67 (5), 495-503.
  • Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A., Saeed, A. and Stokes, K., 2016. Modeling the effect of residual and diffusion-induced stresses on corrosion at the interface of coating and substrate. Corrosion, 72 (4), 500-517.
  • Helvaci, H.U. and Khan, Z.A., 2015. Mathematical modelling and simulation of multiphase flow in a flat plate solar energy collector. Energy Conversion and Management, 106, 139-150.
  • Nazir, M.H., Khan, Z.A. and Stokes, K., 2015. A holistic mathematical modelling and simulation for cathodic delamination mechanism - A novel and an efficient approach. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (22), 2475-2513.
  • Wen, B., Khan, Z. and Helvaci, U., 2015. Simulation study of a large scale flat plate solar collector with continuous serpentine tubing configuration for domestic hot water pre-heating and space heating applications. Energy Conversion and Management.
  • Nazir, M., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. Optimisation of Interface Roughness and Coating Thickness to Maximise Coating-Substrate Adhesion - A Failure Prediction and Reliability Assessment Modelling. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (14), 1415-1445.
  • Nazir, H., Khan, Z. and Stokes, K., 2015. A Unified Mathematical Modelling and Simulation for Cathodic Blistering Mechanism incorporating diffusion and fracture mechanics concepts. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 29 (12), 1200-1228.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Affordable and clean energy

"Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all"

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Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Partnership for the Goals

"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"

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